Addicted to the Alien

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Addicted to the Alien Page 2

by Sabrina Kade

  “Not only her, but Drozass caught the tail end of our interaction.” I try to keep anxiety from creeping into my voice as Alaska’s cold blue eyes take in my frame, but there’s probably no point. Alaska senses everything. She probably knows I’m struggling with my feelings toward Drozass. And Kansas. And the State Girl family I’ve built in general. Alaska’s been with me almost as long as Washington until… I let that thought go.

  “So what?” Unlike me, Alaska doesn’t have to try and sound bored. She is. And as much as I want to reach out and shake some feelings into her, I don’t bother because this is the best way for her to work. I should follow her example, but I can’t let go of how I feel for Drozass. And how transparent my feelings for him have become.

  Drozass, the smartass alien who I’m pretty sure is at least ten years younger than me, if not more so. If Alaska were to figure out I have actual feelings for him, I’m sure she’d laugh at me. Or worse, shake her head in disappointment. Deep down, I like to think she looks up to me, but I haven’t been much of a leader lately.

  Even now, sitting in Taylis’ lair, I’ve got Drozass on the brain. I’m thinking about his expression last night when Kansas stormed away after declaring she feels sorry for him. The way he looked at me. Like he knew she was right. And that fucking stung. I hate that I care so much about what either of them thinks. I shouldn’t care about smartass Kansas, and I should care even less about my young sexier than sex on a cool night in a warm cabin, client, Drozass. I try to focus on Kansas. “She’s getting more and more… difficult,” I say in an uneasy tone.

  “Yeah, no shit,” she says in return, rolling her blue eyes. She lifts a tanned, toned arm to run her fingers through her impossibly thick sandy-blonde hair. With her height and frame, she already looks like a Hollywood actress, but she not only has a beautiful, soft face to match, but a raspy voice that seems more like it should be singing back up for Amy Winehouse, not pleasing grumpy idiots like Taylis. “I told you that one would be trouble, didn’t I?”

  “You did.” I frown, lowering my head, still remembering the day I broke the news to her that Kyla (now Kansas) would be the last member of my family. Alaska rarely gets worked up about anything, but I remember the look of disgust on her face. Washington grumped but didn’t fight, and I don’t think Dakota will ever have the guts to stand up to me about anything. But Alaska was livid.

  Maybe she had reason to be.

  “I told you repeatedly that she would be nothing but trouble. She falls for clients easily. She upsets easily. She pisses around and doesn’t give a fuck about anything. You said she had spunk. I said she’s just a fussy bitch. Well, I guess we know who’s in the wrong, don’t we?”

  “Don’t talk to me like that.” My voice comes out with a hiss and Alaska sniffs. She still backs down, though. “That’s not even what bothers me, though. You should have seen Drozass’ face—”

  “You worry too much about him.” Alaska waves me off, almost as a reminder to watch myself. Watch how deeply I care for clients and their opinions.

  I don’t usually care. I still don’t for the most part.

  But Drozass has been working his way in and lately; it’s been kind of difficult to stop him.

  “I told you taking him on as a client was also a bad idea if you don’t mind me pointing that out.” Her voice is softer, more submissive this time. Good. “I saw the way he looked at you and knew from the get-go that he wasn’t looking for an easy fuck. And all the girls here falling for clients? That gives him hope. You gave him hope the moment you accepted him as a permanent client.” She shakes her head, tossing her blonde hair around like Veronica Lake from Sullivan’s Travels. I want to tell her to mind her tone with me again, but I don’t have the strength.

  Because she’s not wrong, I have let in Drozass. In my legs. In my life. And now, he’s even starting to find his way into my heart. And this assignment doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon. Each time I see a new baby born on Hethdiss, I lose confidence that this assignment will eventually come to an end. There are happy couples, proud papas, and exposed, breastfeeding tits everywhere. Sidyths are known for their cruelty, but surely, they don’t plan to take this all away from not only us but themselves? The girls look happy. The aliens, too. Babies and families were never a part of the equation before. Maybe babies. Maybe families. But never at the same time.

  Alaska breathes out loudly through her nose, catching my attention. “You’re only going to hurt yourself thinking about either of them. But if you want to screw yourself over, fine. If you want Kansas’ respect, have a baby with Drozass.”

  I snort. “Don’t be stupid. It’s not about that.”

  “Isn’t it? You think I don’t know that she’s pushing for all of us to stay here? You know she has a thing for that dominant asshole, Dash. She thinks if you Choose a mate first, we’ll all follow your example. It wouldn’t surprise me if she were talking to Drozass and they were conspiring about all of this.”

  I close my eyes. I can’t think about it. I won’t. Kansas working behind my back with Drozass? All to make the same mistakes she did when I first met her? No. I won’t believe it. “I don’t think it’s as complicated as all that.”

  “Whatever you need to tell yourself.” She rises from the bed and crosses to the front of Taylis’ lair. “I’m going outside. It’s getting stuffy in here.” She bobs her head once, actually having the nerve to ask me to leave.

  I rise, hating that despite being the leader, Alaska is almost a half a foot taller than I am. She lowers her nose, looking down at me through her perfectly curled blonde, lashes, not even needing to sneer. “Fine. I should be heading back to Drozass’ lair. He’s probably wondering where I’m at.”

  “I’m not going to look for Taylis, if that’s what you’re insinuating, Ari.”

  I storm past. “I’m not insinuating anything.”

  Stomping across the dark hallway toward Drozass’ lair, my mind is a mess. I wanted to talk to Alaska to clear my mind, or at least bitch about Kansas, but my closest friend couldn’t even allow me that much. She knows. Of course, she knows everything. If she’s seen the way Drozass looks at me, then, of course, she’s seen how I look back. And if she’s this aware of what Kansas is up to, then I’m sure she’s not keeping quiet about it. I just wish it weren’t so complicated when it came to Drozass. Why can’t we fuck for fucking’s sake? The sex is good, but it’s always temporary.

  And it’s not like he can Choose me. Even if this assignment doesn’t end for most of the girls, it’s going to end for me. There’s no way Prince Korben’s daddy has enough clout to keep the top working Intergalactic Call-Girl on a remote planet. It doesn’t make sense. And if I must go, I’m sure my girls are going to come with me. At least Alaska and Dakota will. Kansas will probably try to stay. She wants to make the same mistakes. She wants to fall and trust an alien’s lies. Well, not me. I can’t risk it. I’m not some random Intergalactic Call-Girl. I’m the Intergalactic Call-Girl.

  I shouldn’t get so worked up over another Sidyth client. I’ve worked with Sidyths before. Young ones. Old ones. Rich ones. Wealthy ones. Drozass isn’t any of those things. Well, he’s young. Really young. And while in the back of my mind, he’s younger than me, he’s no boy. He’s all man — one of the sexiest aliens I’ve ever seen, if not the top of the damn list. I don’t know what he did back on his homeworld, but whatever it was, it’s given him the best body on Hethdiss. There’s confidence lined on his face that lets me know he’s aware of how sexy and enticing I find him.

  Frowning, I poke my head out of the second lair opening to see how things are going outside. I don’t have any plans to head over to the central lair where all the happy families and couples are, but I am curious if any of them are out in the fields. Deep down, I don’t mind seeing the babies. Cross-species babies are like bi-racial babies times a thousand. They’re that cute —especially Ellis’ gigantic powerhouse Junis. Drozass isn’t small, either. If we ever had a baby—stop that rig
ht now, Arizona. I resist the urge to slap myself across the face. That kind of life isn’t meant for me because we have a connection. Just because he’s the hottest male I’ve ever seen in a long time. It doesn’t mean anything.

  Kansas will see it as her winning.

  Alaska will shake her head, embarrassed that I’ve become so weak.

  And Washington. After everything that happened to her… if she’s even still alive… how would she feel knowing I settled down with an alien now, when I should have settled before—fuck. I need to stop teasing myself. There will be nothing with Drozass and I. No relationship. No Choosing. No family. Just another assignment. Even if everyone else gets to stay on Hethdiss, there’s no way I’ll be allowed. I’m not getting out of my contract until the day I die. Or get old and shriveled. I’m too good at what I do. Too valuable.

  It doesn’t matter that Drozass and I had great sex when I first arrived on Hethdiss. I was still in a foul mood about having to fuck the brains out of that Todas to protect Phoebe’s stupidity. He’s easy on the eyes, so when he wanted me for the night, I agreed without hesitation. And the sex was good. Damn good. So good I saw stars. I had five or six orgasms within the first few hours of meeting him, and he didn’t even make me feel like a whore. He spooned me. We snuggled. He kissed my neck and back and massaged my feet. I have a weakness for males who do that kind of thing. His hands were so large and calloused – they still are – but that night, something felt different. Off. I liked the client. I didn’t fuck him just because he wanted me to. I fucked him because I wanted to.

  And he looked at me like—

  I shake my head when I notice a few of the girls from the central lair coming out into the fields. The weather’s decent, so it’s not surprising that they want to sit under the sun. Not surprisingly, Layla’s mate is the first to tear off his shorts, setting his cock free like a sail in the wind. He takes her hand, and the two of them settle in the grass with little Dyela settled between them. Sloane and her mate follow carefully behind with the twins, and even that bitch Lacey is out and about with the newest arrival, Chocal, a male who’s so big it’s scary, but she doesn’t seem to mind, staying close to his hip, even when moving away from the group. Chocal’s massive head turns, and I feel his golden eyes on me. Our eyes meet, and I’m the first to look away, not liking the expression on his shockingly attractive features.

  What is with him? This isn’t the first time I’ve felt the newcomer paying close attention to me, but I can’t figure out why. He’s obviously interested in Lacey, and he’s never talked to me, but he’s still always watching me. Like he’s appraising me. But why?

  I shake it off for the time being, sneaking a look through my lashes, and thankfully, he and Lacey are still moving away from everyone else. The crowd continues to grow outside; York and Azan with their baby, Yazrik. Phoebe, and her starry eyes look up at her mate, Drazal. Even Celeste and the older guy, Glykoran are there, but still hanging around the opening. They’re a pretty new pairing, and though I don’t see a hint of a baby bump. Knowing how fertile these guys are, I suppose it won’t be long before she’s carrying a cross-species baby of her own.

  Sigh. I’ve never given it so much thought before, but now I’m noticing just how much younger these girls are than me. Blythe and Ellis are in their mid-twenties, but other than that, most of the girls would barely be legal to drink. Phoebe is only eighteen or nineteen if I remember correctly. And she’s pregnant. She’ll be a young mom. A ditzy, clueless mom, but still a mom. A mom before me. For some reason, the thought stings. I pinch my eyes shut, trying to picture Alaska’s disappointment for even thinking about it, but I can’t help myself. I’ll be thirty-two soon. And if anyone has a right to feel the baby itch, it’s me. I’m surrounded by them. And though I’m not old by any means, I know I’m not exactly going to end up on a reality show about being eighteen and pregnant.

  I bite back a sigh and turn away from the jovial scene, hating how much I want to be a part of it. My life isn’t supposed to be about babies. It’s supposed to be about servicing the clients. Fucking them and sucking them. Keeping them happy and therefore, keeping myself alive for another day. For all I know, this could end tomorrow. Maybe Prince Korben’s lying like Alaska says. For a while, I think she believed the hype, but that’s gone now. Taylis keeps her on her toes, and though part of me wants to hate him for that, I guess I must be grateful. Lately, it seems like she’s the only one who hasn’t fallen for the Sidyth’s sex appeal and charm. Taking in a shuddering sigh, I try to remember that whatever is going on at the central lair isn’t meant for me.

  I can spend time with Drozass.

  Hell, I can enjoy my time with Drozass.

  But families and romance? That’s not meant for me.

  I head back to Drozass’ lair, remembering who I am and what I’m supposed to be about. I don’t need to get caught up in Kansas’ crazy ideas or the happy couples. I can fuck my sexy male until this assignment ends and—

  I stop short after pushing aside the curtain to Drozass’ lair. He must have just bathed. He must not have bothered to dry himself off because he’s standing in the middle of his room, nude and dripping wet. I nearly stumble outside of his room but immediately right myself. When the hell did I become a person who almost faints at the sight of a naked alien? Me? Arizona? Top working Intergalactic Call-Girl?

  But it’s hard not to be that person because no one’s ever pulled me in like Drozass. He’s smoking hot. Like, shouldn’t be real, hot. Even now, dripping wet, I find myself jealous of the water droplets clinging to his blue, scaled muscles. He’s in profile right now, so I can see the delightful swell of his meaty ass, and I love a man with a bubble butt. Those muscles flex as he turns to see what all the noise is. A look of surprise crosses his features, and I can’t help taking in what I’ve been having for the past few months like I’m looking at it for the first time. And he’s so handsome it’s always like the first time. There’s a sprinkling of scales across each muscular pec, and though he keeps the hair on his head cropped short, there’s a trail leading down between the abs of his stomach down to my favorite part of Drozass.

  That dick.

  That. Motherfucking. Dick.

  I wet my lips, hating that just looking makes me needy. How can I turn away? As soon as my eyes land on it, it springs to attention as though screaming suck me, please! Let me go inside you! It’s embarrassing, but I still can’t look away. His dick is a piece of art, and as the lights from the sun rayers perched around the corners of his room reflect off the scales, it’s like something straight out of a Lisa Frank collection – for cocks. Rainbowy, colorful, and oh-so pleasing to the eye.

  “How long are you planning to stare at me?”

  My eyes lift, and for some reason, the room feels hotter than usual. His golden eyes are searing as he meets my gaze and rubs his upper arm as though trying to knead one of those mighty muscles in his biceps.

  “You weren’t here, so I wanted to lay naked.” He cocks an eyebrow at me. “Is that going to be a problem?” He smiles at me as though he knows his question is entirely bullshit, and he should because it is.

  Of course, I don’t mind that he’s naked. This is his room, not mine. And if he wants to be naked in front of me, of course, he can because it’s not like we’re lovers. He’s my client. I’m his whore. He can do whatever he likes because of this, but when I say so, his carefree expression drops into something darker.

  “I’ll put my shorts on.” Without another word, he turns toward his drawers and pulls out a single pair of tiny black shorts. My lips part to tell him he doesn’t need to bother, but I can tell that my words earlier bothered him.

  He hates when I call myself a whore.

  When I call him my client.

  Hates the whole thing.

  But hating it doesn’t change it.

  He tugs the shorts up his athletic legs, glimpsing at me once over his shoulder and then finishes the task. I’m not exactly sure what he wants me
to do. Taylis, Dash, and Cade all seem to get off on barking orders at my girls, but Drozass isn’t always up for that. If I wanted to turn and leave, he would let me without saying a word. But after that little peep show, spending time with the girls is the last thing I want.

  And I hate myself for it.

  “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  I shoot my head up, and not surprisingly, Drozass stands there with that same calm, confident expression. I shake my head hard. Dammit, I have become way too transparent for my own good. “No. No thanks. Unless you want to fuck me, then, of course, I’ll give you exactly what you want.”

  He shakes his head. “I always want to fuck you. I just noticed that you looked and smelled like you wanted pleasure.” His long, scaled tongue flashes from between his lips. “You don’t want me to fuck you. You need me to fuck you, Ari.” He keeps his distance, but he’s close enough now that if he wanted to, he could sweep me into his arms. I hate how easily he can smell the need that burns through my skin and into his nostrils. I can’t hide anything from him.

  I shouldn’t have come back here, but it’s not like I had anywhere else to go.

  “You shouldn’t talk to me like that,” I try, hoping he’ll back off a little. I need to be the confident woman I was before him. The woman I am with every other male in the universe besides him.

  “Why not?” he cocks an eyebrow, reaching down to stroke the impressive length between his legs. God, even with those shorts on I can see the outline of his cock. The large, capped head, and veiny length. My mouth goes dry, and Drozass’ full mouth quirks up into that smile that both infuriates me and turns me on.

  “B-because… you don’t need to ask. Fuck me if you want.”


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