Addicted to the Alien

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Addicted to the Alien Page 3

by Sabrina Kade

  “That again?” He takes that last final step between us, bracing his hands around the curves of my brown shoulders. “Why does it make you uncomfortable that I am younger than you?”

  “It just does.” I stumble back, hating that his chilled palms feel so good on my hot, sweaty skin. “Everything matters.”

  “We’re talking about fucking, Ari.” His voice is so soft and natural that I feel the tingle between my thighs turn violent, nearly causing my knees to buckle. “I’m not asking for forever with you. At least, not right this moment. Not with you looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  He chuckles, and it’s a warm, soft sound that makes another burst of arousal hit me like a punch to the cunt. God, I hate that his voice is so sweet and deep at the same time. “Looking like you’ve got a lot on your mind. Looking like a good fuck will clear your mind. I can help you with that, Ari. If you’ll let me.”

  I stiffen. “If you want to fuck me, then you can. You don’t need to ask my permission.”

  He hisses, expression no longer as soft. “You are a female. Of course, I am going to ask your permission. I am not a beast.”

  “You are my owner until—”

  “I am not.”

  He pulls my body against him, slamming my chest into his, and he looks down at me. I feel like Scarlett O’Hara with Rhett Butler as his impressive height looms over, daring me to kiss him instead. He doesn’t need to ask permission. Like he said, he smells that I’m hot for him. He can taste the need between my legs. And yet, he won’t do anything about it unless I want him to. But he doesn’t get it. This has nothing to do with my needs or wants. It’s all about his. He needs to understand I’m here to serve him, not permit him. Alaska probably does whatever Taylis asks, even if she doesn’t want to. If Alaska even has feelings about such things, which I’m not entirely sure she does.

  “Why can’t you let go of it?” Drozass asks in a low rumbling voice.

  “Let go of what?”

  “Of any of it,” he hisses lowly. “Your title. Your age. Your female companions.”

  “They’re not my companions. They’re my family.”

  “The concept is stupid,” he continues in a low voice. “They want you to be happy. They—”

  “I’m assuming when you say they, you mean Kansas.”

  He stiffens. “She said you care for me. And I care for you. I do not see why you must fight me about so much. The others—”

  “I am not like the others.” Finally, I find the courage to push away from him. And it’s a good thing because the sexual energy surrounding Drozass envelops me like a fog. I can’t see. I can’t think. At least not about anything but fucking. That’s no good. “Some of the other girls may believe promises about happily ever after, but I’m not one of them. I’m a working girl. And you know what? I like being a working girl. I like what I do.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Well, try,” I say, practically snarling. I want to believe my own words because once upon a time, they were real. Most of the time. Maybe they still are. I like being the top working call-girl. I love the power. I like the control. There’s so little control I have in this universe, and I’ve worked far too hard to give it up for some barely legal alien because we have sexual chemistry. “I told you a thousand times, but I guess you need to hear it again. If you want sex from me, take it. I’m a sure thing. You don’t need to wine and dine me, charm and kiss me, love, and miss me. I’m here. You want sex, throw me down and take it.”

  “Don’t tempt me.” His low voice comes out like a growl, eyes flashing with lust. It’s a lot to take in. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been around plenty of sexy, charming aliens, but none that have called to me so much like Drozass. It’s infuriating. “You keep telling me that I should take what I want, and I think you’ll be sorry, Ari. I don’t think you quite understand how much I want you for myself. And only for myself.”

  “You already have me all to yourself,” I remind him. “I’m not fucking anyone else here.”

  “I want more than fucking,” he growls, advancing once again. “But if you don’t stop telling me to take what I want, maybe I’ll do just that.” He cocks his head to the side, resting his large hands on either side of my hips. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? For me to take what I want like everyone else, yes? To fuck you senseless without asking or apologizing. Because then, you could lump me in with everyone else. You want this, yes?”

  My lips grow dry. “I want you to use me as you want. I’m yours.”

  “You are mine, but you—” He stops himself short as though not sure how he wants to finish his statement. He clears his throat and leans back in. “I’m not going to be like the other males, Ari. You can say anything you want, but I’m not fucking you until you admit that you want me to.”

  “I want you to.”

  His eyes widen.

  “Because I know how much you want to fuck me.”

  Another snarl. “You are one maddening female,” he says, shaking his head. “I knew I would have my claws filled when I saw you, but I did not imagine you being so difficult.”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh, yes. It must be difficult having a female who says you can fuck her whenever you want, however you want. Man, all the males must be so pissed off that you have things so tough. Why don’t you tell some of the unmated males about it? Because I’m sure if you won’t take advantage of what I’m offering then one of them will—” The words die in my throat as Drozass silences me with a possessive kiss. I grunt in surprise as his tongue works its way through my lips and tangles with mine. My body grows limp, and Drozass pulls me closer.

  The kiss ends as quickly as it starts.

  “Are you pleased with yourself, now?” he asks in a low voice. “I wanted to claim your mouth, and I did so without permission. Does that make you happy?”

  I’m not exactly sure how to answer his answer. Does this make me happy? I liked the kiss, but I’m not sure I liked that he took it so easily. That he used it to make me fall silent. But this is what I want, right? For him to use me as he sees fit? Whenever he wants? “I don’t know how I feel,” I admit.

  He doesn’t respond, cocking his head to the side once more to look at me. He’s one of the larger males here, even though he’s one of the youngest. Cade and Dash are both supposedly a year or two older than him, but they certainly don’t act that way. There’s a maturity to Drozass that’s always attracted me. His eyes remind me of a black cat’s, intense and yellow, and always judging. Calculating and figuring things out.

  “Are you going to do anything else without permission?” I dare to ask.

  He frowns. “I don’t know.” His answer takes me off-guard, and as though sensing this, he loosens his grip around my hips. “I want to respect you. I know this is important to you females.”

  “I’m not disillusioned.”

  “Maybe I am. I don’t want to end up like Iriel. I don’t want to steal or take pleasure without the female wanting it. It doesn’t seem right. And that’s why I’m here. Because that doesn’t seem right. What was the point of accepting exile if I take a female’s pleasure without her consent?”

  I frown. “Sounds like you already have your answer. Why are you saying you don’t know?”

  He shrugs, and I feel his fingers tighten around my curves. “Because despite all those things, I don’t like that smell on you — that taste. You need to be fucked. By me.” His eyes flicker down to mine, and I look away, choosing to focus on the ever-growing bulge in his shorts. He says I need to be fucked? His cock says the same thing. Why can’t we do it? Why does it matter if I want him to or not? Why has it all changed so suddenly? “I don’t know how long I can control myself.”

  I blink, startled. “Huh?”

  He almost looks ashamed. “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to control myself around you, Ari. I want you. I know you want me.”

  “So, let’s fuck,” I say, tired of fighting. “I want it.”

  “I know you do.”

  “Then let’s fuck! What the hell? Why are you so difficult? Your dick is hard, my pussy’s wet. Sex will solve all our problems.” He shakes his head. “No? Why the hell not?”

  “Because you’re scared.”

  “I’m scared?” I’m genuinely caught off-guard. “Of what?”

  “Of liking it.”

  “Of course, I’ll like it. It’s sex—”

  “Of liking me.”

  That familiar pussy tingle runs through my body again, making me shiver. He can read right through me. And why shouldn’t he be able to? Everyone else can. Alaska. Kansas. Who’s next? Dakota? Phoebe for fuck’s sake? “I’m not afraid of that,” I say in a low voice. I’m not even sure if I have anything else I want to say. Maybe I want to say that repeatedly until my mind and body believes it.

  “You’re afraid you’ll like it. You’ll like me. You’ll have to admit to yourself that there can be other things in this world than your female companions and working. You’ll have to admit that—”

  “Stop it. Just stop.”

  “Fine.” He holds up his hands in surrender, and I guess some motions translate across the universe. But I’m happy he’s quiet now. I don’t want to fight. I need release. I take in a slow, trembling breath and exhale it slowly, still allowing Drozass to keep his hands on my hips. It feels good there. “You’re trembling,” he notes in a low voice, brushing the pads of his thumbs across my sensitive hip bones. “I bet if I touched you down there, you’d be soaking wet.”

  I can’t bring myself to answer him. Even though I’m clothed, I feel utterly bare under his attention. I’m sticky between my thighs. He knows. He doesn’t need to touch me, but he’s always liked to hear me say things. Things he already knows. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s a control thing. Perhaps he wants me to feel as though I’m in control. But I’m not. I never will be. I’m not a girlfriend. I’m not dating, and I’m not looking for a husband. I’m a working girl. And dammit, I’m proud to be a working girl.

  “If you’re not going to answer me, then will you allow me to check?”

  Numbly, I nod, and one of his large hands creeps lower across my soft, brown skin, sneaking beneath the band of my skirt. His fingers are like ice against the sensitive spot above the curls covering my pussy, and I stiffen sharply when his finger brushes against my now swollen clit. “Oh God,” I breath, arching my neck and back, seeing the soft, satisfied expression on Drozass’ face.

  “You are soaked,” he rasps. “Why must you always fight me? Why are you so afraid?”

  “I’m not… I’m not afraid, ffffffuck…” I can barely form a coherent thought as Drozass continues his ministrations around my pussy lips and clit. He even tugs gently on the curls down there, making my body buck against his.

  “Lean on me, Ari,” he whispers. “Don’t be afraid.” Another press against my clit. “In all ways. In any way. I want you to feel comfortable leaning on me.”

  “I… I c-can’t,” I gasp. “Please, Drozass. This isn’t fair.”

  He slumps. “You’re right.” And just like that, his cold hand leaves my heat, and pulls out from my skirt. Without saying anything at first, he sucks the juices right off the tips and then looks at me. “You taste so good. But you’re right. I’m not being fair. I warned you that it’s hard for me to control myself around you. But you did permit me to check. And that’s what I did.”

  I’m breathing hard. I can’t believe this is happening. We were close. We were so close. A few more strokes and touches to my clit and I’m pretty sure I would have reached a climax. Why did I have to open my damn mouth? I could have said what he wanted and got a damn orgasm like I needed! Why couldn’t I lie to him?

  Damnit. Because I wouldn’t be able to. I’d hate myself for it. Drozass has been nothing but honest with me so far, so it would be terrible for me to lie to get a damn orgasm. But still… at this moment, the thought is rather tempting. Standing there above me, he looks as sexy as ever. And as confident as ever, damn him, because he feels how much I want him. But he’s not letting me run away anymore. I think the relationship with Celeste and Glykoran woke him up. He’s not playing around. Even when he turns away, muttering about needing to talk to Hujun, I can’t tell if he’s ashamed for letting things go too far, or annoyed that he couldn’t bring himself to go further. But he’s still leaving for now. And he still wants me for his mate, I’m sure.

  And what do I want?

  I’m not sure.

  Well, other than an orgasm. I’m still positively dying for that.

  Chapter Three


  Angry. What else am I supposed to call this feeling? Pissed off as the females say? Am I annoyed to the point of frustration? Frustrated to the point of annoyance? It is difficult to tell, but I do know I have to get away from Arizona before I lose control. And I feel myself losing control around her more and more lately. My desire for her is too strong. She worries too much about the feelings of others. She says she cannot be with me because I am too young. But it is so much more than that. She worries about those other females. She worries about loving something besides work.

  But I want her to let go.

  The one female, Kansas, thinks I would be suitable for her, even if she says she feels bad for me. The blonde female with long legs seems to be the one who is most important to her, though, and she is always silent. Speaking to my brothers is not helpful. Wixlass, who is the only one the same age me, continuously looks after another younger female with pale-red hair and blue eyes. Cade, Dash, and Taylis are next to useless. And I cannot speak to Iriel because—because he is gone now. Exiled for pestering one too many human females with unwanted affection. I miss him. I wish I could speak to him. He may not have the best advice, but at least I could relate to him.

  As it is, I’m left staggering around the fields observing the happy couples. The ones who have so quickly found what I desperately want. Even Dolan, who I find infuriatingly annoying, has a beautiful, curvy mate and a tiny sprog of his own. And Exer, who finds the company of anyone other than animals stressful, has a tall and slender mate with hair the color of fresh blood.

  My mind shifts back to the female I left in my lair. As much as I want to hold her, I am content to have some space between us. Whenever I smell her need, I want nothing more than to throw her on my bed, mount, and claim her. It would be so easy. Arizona would not fight me. But that’s the problem. I want her to fight. I want her to speak her mind. I don’t want her to assume I will be the same as other males in her life. I don’t want her to deny me, but I want her to admit she wants me. I taste her longing on my tongue and scent her arousal through my nostrils. I even felt it. But she never admits to wanting me. Only that I can have her if I need release. It’s more than release. She knows that and yet she continues to fight me.

  Right before turning back to the lair, I notice Dash and Cade wrestling in the grass. Their mates watch with uninterested expressions but make no move to stop them. Why are they sparring if their mates do not care? What is the point? They have their mates, officially or not, and yet they continue to show off. Maybe they are hoping Hujun or Azan will join. Perhaps they would even be foolish enough to challenge Drazal, though he is no longer built like a male who has not yet entered mandom. I’m sure they’re not interested in sparring with me. They always note I am uptight and rigid and should spend time with another female.

  “Are you thinking about joining them?” a new voice asks, startling me to the point of spinning around and grabbing the throat of the owner.

  “Wixlass,” I gasp when our eyes meet, and I immediately drop my hand. He bends over, coughing. “I am sorry, brother.”

  “It… it’s all right,” he croaks, stretching his neck and looking back over his shoulder. I follow his gaze, and sure enough, the tiny human female with the young face is staring up at both of us with a frightened expression. “It is all right, Taya. I am fine.”

  “He attacked y
ou,” she says timidly.

  My mouth opens, but Wixlass is the first to speak. “He is jumpy. It is all right. His upbringing is different. And as you see, I am fine.”

  She narrows her eyes up at me, as though I have something I should be much upset about, but I can’t help what happened. Wix did startle me. And I did have a different upbringing than so many of the other males here. It is only natural for me to attack when there’s a voice behind me. I shake my head and return the gaze down to the tiny female, and she quickly looks away, shuffling underneath Wix’s arm.

  “Please don’t frighten her,” Wix says, shaking his head. “I know you have your sights set on a strong-willed female, but Taya has been through quite a lot.” He pulls her closer to him, burying his nose into her light red hair before turning back to me. “Now, back to what I was saying. Why don’t you join them? You obviously would like to spar.”

  My gaze returns to Dash and Cade. Two morons. Young like me, yes, but immature, also. They think fighting and shouting and being controlling is the best way to win a mate. Well, that may have worked out for them, but it certainly isn’t working out for me with Arizona.

  But, perhaps sparring Cade or Dash would take some of the edge off.

  They would be easy to defeat. And it would be pleasurable to see their mates’ faces fall when they realize how weak they are compared to uptight, rigid me.

  There are footsteps again, and the scales on the back of my neck immediately splay with the arrival of a second newcomer. I know this scent. I turn, and sure enough, Arizona moves in my direction with someone by her side. And judging by the size, I can easily guess who.

  “Chocal,” I grunt, fighting the urge to lunge forward and seize the arm of my female. “I thought you were outside with the others.”

  “I returned,” he says, shrugging. “I thought I heard crying, so I wanted to check—”

  “I wasn’t crying,” Arizona hisses, shoving his arm. “Shut the hell up.”

  “Apologies,” he says, though it’s obvious he doesn’t mean it.


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