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Addicted to the Alien

Page 16

by Sabrina Kade

  Not in the damn least.

  I try moving my head to get a better view, but my captor won’t let me turn. I don’t know who or what to trust. This new beast seems to be the alpha, but is this a good or bad thing for me? Should I stay with my captor, or should I take my chances and try to get the attention of this new beast?

  My captor hisses something to him, gently pulling my face away so I can peer up, and the beast’s face hanging above mine wears a deadly sneer. He roars, in anger, and my captor hisses back. They’re arguing, and I can’t even tell what about.

  And then suddenly I’m lifted. The more gigantic beast has pulled me from my captor’s grasp, and though she’s hissing at the top of her lungs, he doesn’t seem concerned. The others hiss and cry out in excitement, and that’s when I’m flying.

  He’s tossed me away.

  A pained cry of surprise bursts through my captor's throat, but I don’t have time to think about it. I’m grateful she didn’t kill me, but I’m not about to be sucking some lizard gorilla tit for the rest of my life. That’s a hard limit even for me.

  As soon as my body heavily crashes against the dirt, I’m on my feet and running.

  That’s when I hear the rest of the beasts give chase.


  I’m not even sure what direction I’m heading, but I don’t give a shit. All my body does is scream at me to run. Keep going. Go hard. Don’t look back. My body still hurts from my captor’s rough treatment, but some part of me is grateful that bruises are my biggest problem.

  At least it is right now. When I hear the beasts roaring behind me, I have a feeling that if I’m somehow captured again, my punishment won’t only be sitting with the mama lizard gorilla. And this gives me incentive to run that much faster.

  I swear to God, I hear my captor wailing and screeching as my feet pound heavily against the earth, but nothing is going to stop me at this point. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’ve got to come across something. Someone. God, how I wish I were back with my girls right now! I’d do anything to have my most significant problem be dealing with Kansas’ overwhelming bitchiness. Or Alaska’s chilly personality. Or Drozass. I swallow hard. If I think of him, I’ll lose focus. And now I should only run. Run, bitch — fucking run.

  After a while, I secretly hope that eventually, the beasts will give up. But that’s not the case. And it’s probably because I’m easy enough to track. I’m in shape, but I’m scared and bruised, and not used to running through dense vegetation. Branches are jutting up from the ground that I need to jump over, and others are hanging low from the trees and scraping at my skin. Some of them need to be pushed aside so I can keep going. But all the while, the beasts crash behind me.

  I’m no longer a person. I’m a possession — a baby for the mama alpha.

  I focus on the humiliation to give me the strength to keep running. I’ve done some horrible shit in my life, but that was the worst. I won’t go back to that. I’d rather die fighting than have to deal with that a second time! This somehow gives me a second wind, and I push. Harder. The sounds behind me finally grow softer. They’re still giving chase, but maybe they’re unsure where to go. Maybe my scent isn’t as strong, so they’re confused. Good. I push harder and harder until I can’t run any longer.

  I need a moment to catch my breath — just a fucking moment.

  Placing my hands on my knees, I pull in a deep breath, noticing the air is chilly and sharp against my lungs. But at least the woods are relatively silent. There are rumblings, but I no longer feel like the beasts are hot on my heels. The anguished cries from my captor fill the skies, but it’s far enough away that a whisper of relief washes through my unsteady nerves.

  I stumble behind a large tree, so my back is to the shrieking and crying, and place a palm against my chest. My skin is cold and sweaty, and I’m still trying to slow my breathing down to normal in case I need to break out into a desperate sprint. But the voices aren’t growing any louder. Not at the moment. I spit quietly into the grass several times, trying to get the taste of gorilla lizard tit out of my mouth, but I’m guessing it’s something I’ll need more than a few days to remove not only from my mouth but my memory.

  I’m still shaken up by. The dehumanization. The humiliation. There’s no comparison. It will be a story I’ll always tell when others ask about my worst experience on an assignment.

  If I somehow make out of this alive.

  I take in another breath. Not if, when. There’s no if about this. I am going to get out of this alive. I’m not going to be weak. I am strong. I will get back to my girls and show them that just because I’m a dumbass sometimes, doesn’t mean I’m not a badass most of the time. The thought makes me smile. No one will ever believe me.

  And then I can see Drozass. Drozass.

  Just picturing his handsome face filled with worry over me makes my heart ache. God, I miss him. I want to be in his arms. I want him to hold me close and take care of me. For once I don’t want to have to worry about handling shit. I want him. I want him in my life forever.

  I’m going to Choose him.

  I will Choose him. And then we can be together like he wanted. Like I wanted, even though I was too afraid to admit until now while running away from my lizard gorilla mama.

  I love Drozass. Drozass has Chosen me.

  And now, when I’m back home, I’m going to Choose him.

  Because after dealing with this shit, I need something good in my life.

  Thinking about finding my way out of this mess gives me strength to keep going, and I straighten. But not before glancing over my shoulder. The woods are oddly quiet now. Maybe the beasts have given up. Maybe they’ve decided I’m not worth it. The thought makes me smile, but as I peek around the trunk of the tree, something furry and substantial grabs my wrist and hauls me forward.

  I can’t even scream out before my body slams into an unfamiliar beast.

  Not the mama.

  Panic takes over my entire being as the new beast looks down at me with crazed, red eyes. He slings me over his shoulder like I’m nothing more than a sack of potatoes and breaks out into a job on all fours… or should I say, sixes?

  “No!” I scream, remembering hopefully not too late that he hasn’t covered my mouth. I can call for help. But if I don’t make these calls count, it will all be for nothing. “Help! Help, please! Anyone!” I roar, pounding on the beasts back. He keeps running. “Put me down! DROZASS!”

  And that’s when a familiar voice hits my ears.

  A voice I never appreciated as much as I should until now.

  It’s deep, but no less frenzied, and both I and my captor stiffen up. The beast stops, darting his attention around as though he knows something is coming to get him. I thud my good fist on his back, fighting through my tears.

  “You’d best put me down, asshole! Or he’s going to be pissed.”

  The beast hesitates, making a shy, wining sound that almost makes me feels sorry for him. But I can’t. I won’t. I keep struggling though every bone in my body is worn out. But I won’t stop fighting. I won’t be weak. I won’t give up my chance to finally be with someone I love!

  The trees part and like something straight out of a movie, my Chosen sexy beast jumps ahead of us, feet slamming into the earth. Only a few yards separate me from my love. Drozass’ eyes widen as he takes in the scene before him, almost as shocked as I was the first time I saw the beasts.

  “Rodur,” he whispers, crouching down.

  Rodur. So that’s the name for the beasts. Not that I’m about to start feeling sorry for them because they have a name.

  “Give her to me,” he says with more authority than I’ve ever heard. “Not yours. MINE.” He holds out his hand. “Give me. Go now.”

  “You better do it,” I gasp, wanting this moment to end. It’s so close. It’s so close to the end.

  And then… I’m in the air. For the second time in a day, a rodur is throwing me. I feel my body hefted off the back of the beast an
d hoisted in the air. Drozass’ face turns to horror, rising to his full height.

  “No!” he barks, but I’m already airborne.

  The woods rustle, and though it happens so quickly, I’m sure the sounds are the beast; the rodur, fleeing for its life. Drozass can’t even chase after him, because he’s too busy trying to catch me.

  Which he does.

  My body falls into his, and he cradles me firmly, wrapping me up with his long muscular arms, and I let out a cry of relief.

  Safe. I’m safe now.

  “Ari,” he says quietly into my hair. “Ari… by the Goddess. You’re all right. You’re all right.”

  “I’m okay,” I say, wincing as he pulls me close. My wrist and ribs are sore, but nothing would stop me from allowing Drozass to hold me close. And though it’s weird to be held like this after what’s happened, I try fighting off the horrific images of being breastfed by a lizard beast. I need to focus. He saved me. He came to save me even when I was so awful to him. “Drozass. I’m okay.”

  “Y-yes.” His voice barely comes out as a whisper, pulling me away from his chest. “But not completely.” He cups my face, eyes flicking over my head as the whining sounds of my captor fill the air. He ignores it and brings his attention back to me. “What happened, my mate?”

  I don’t bother correcting him. How could I? “Chocal—”

  “Yes, I know. But I didn’t expect…” he trails off, lifting his chin toward the spot where the rodur must have run off. “He said—”

  “Those beast things found me,” I say, curling closer into his chest. I want him to surround me.

  “And then…”

  “And then…” I feel my expression crumbling as fresh images come rushing back. Losing any humanity I had left. Feeling so helpless. Being paralyzed with fear. “Can we not talk about it now?”

  Drozass’ eyes widen, but he shushes me and kisses the top of my head. “All right, my mate. You do not need to speak of it. Are you hurt, though? Did Chocal hurt you?” I shake my head. “Did you come across any outsiders?” Another shake. “So you are okay?”

  “Just… hurt my wrist, I think. That one that grabbed me—”

  I stop speaking when I glance up and see the fury written on my man’s features. Scales splay away, and he lifts his chin. “I will find that beast. And I will kill it.” He starts lowering me down to the ground, and I cling to him.

  “N-no,” I say, all but begging. “Please… no more. Can we go home?”

  “It hurt you. I will avenge you—”

  “Your… Chosen mate wants to stand still with you.” My voice sounds shaky in my ears, and I’m not sure if Drozass heard me. “Your Chosen mate wants to go home.”

  Drozass freezes, pulling me tightly against him. Almost like he can’t believe my words. “You… I’m sorry, did you say—”

  “I Choose you, Drozass. If you’ll have me.”

  He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to. When I pull away, noticing the water in his eyes and the way he pulls me gently up against his chest; it’s all the answer I need.

  “I don’t suppose you brought an extra outfit, did you?” I ask, hating to break the moment, but suddenly being all too aware of my naked body.

  Drozass smirks, reaching behind him. In his hand are a pair of shorts and a top.

  Well, damn. My mate. My Chosen mate.

  I’m thankful to be his arms. And for the first time, I’m happy to have him put clothes on me for a change.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “You’re seriously not going to tell us what happened to you?” Kansas asks, hovering over my mate even though I am more than capable of taking care of her myself. Her and Dakota have not left Ari alone since I returned.

  I remember the look of relief on their features, and how they crowded around her. And even now when I want to grow upset and hiss for them to leave me to take care of her, I won’t, but because I know the attention pleases my mate.

  “I don’t think you guys want to know.” Arizona’s voice is steadier, but still not completely back to normal. What happened to her out in the talas with the rodurs was horrific, and I know it took a lot of courage for her to tell me her tale. It’s been almost a hands worth of suns risings and settings, and she still has not told her female companions. I do not blame her for wanting to keep it quiet.

  Kill. I will kill Chocal for ever putting Arizona in a position like that.

  “You guys can seriously stop hovering over me,” Ari says, trying to wave them off from her spot on the bed. Her wrist is bandaged, and she winces when she laughs, but other than that, she is doing well. I can barely control my anger after seeing the bruises on her body, but the pleasant surprise is that Arizona will not let me out of her sight. She keeps me close, and it is everything I have ever wanted. I wish she weren’t injured. She grows stronger each passing, but I am excited to have my headstrong mate back at full strength.

  But I do not mind staying by her side while waiting.

  Kansas steps away from the bed, shooting me a wary expression. “Sorry, Alaska hasn’t stopped by. She’s been busy with—”

  “Taylis,” Arizona says, frowning. “Seriously, what is with that guy? Won’t he even let her come to visit me? Or is this her decision? Has she cut herself off?”

  “More like he’s a man possessed,” Kansas says, confusing both me and my mate.

  “Huh?” She tries to sit up straighter, wincing with effort. “What’s he doing?”

  “Nothing bad,” Dakota squeaks, waving her hands around. “He’s just… I think he’s kind of obsessed—”

  “Don’t worry about that female for now,” I say in a warning tone. I do not care what Arizona’s female companions are saying. All I know is that the taller, yellow-haired human has not stopped by to visit her. And though this bothers Arizona, she is too prideful to say so. But I am confused with their words. Taylis? Obsessed? He isn’t obsessed with anything. Especially not having a mate. So why… I try not to focus on that. Despite Taylis’ off putting behavior, these females are supposed to be her companions. Her family. And while Dakota and Kansas have been a constant presence since I brought her back to the lair, the other female has not even poked her head in to see if she’s alive.

  This also leaves me incredibly angry. I may have to speak with Taylis if this truly is his doing or if the yellow-haired female is ignoring mine for the sheer sake of being difficult.

  “Drozass is right,” Dakota says, relenting. “Don’t worry about Alaska. You know how she always needs to do things on her own time.”

  “She’s probably pissed that you got hurt,” Kansas offers. “She doesn’t know how to handle it. She thinks you’re invincible.”

  “But what did you say about Taylis?”

  “Nothing,” I interrupt. “Do not worry, my mate. I will speak with Taylis.”


  I nod. My mate is invincible. For her, I would do anything. Despite looking so small and fragile on my bed, my female can endure almost anything. I heard her story. I know what she did to survive. My brave, headstrong mate. Mine. She deserves everything she’s ever desired and more. And if she needs me to spar Taylis to see if he is keeping Alaska from my mate, I will happily do so.

  Taylis is long overdue for a spar to the face.

  “Fine. I’ll let it go. For now. But Alaska better let me know something,” Arizona grumps, though I do notice a flash of color hit her cheeks. “You guys can seriously go. I’m all right.”

  “I will watch after her,” I promise, gently escorting the females from my lair. I know these two worry about my mate, but so do I. And I cannot be myself when they are around. I feel they are always watching me. Judging and making sure I am a good enough match for their leader. And while it is pleasant that they care so much, I am the one who should judge them. I should constantly see that they are good enough to hang around her.

  I turn back toward her. “How are feeling today?” I ask in a low voice.

  “The better question is, how are you feeling? Less angry?” A single dark eyebrow quirks up, and it’s just like my mate to be worried about me when she carries so many burdens upon her shoulders. “They’ll find him, Drozass.”

  I snarl, taking a seat beside her on the bed. “If I ever see Chocal… I don’t think I’d want you to see me when I see Chocal.”

  “You plan to get violent?” She reaches out and touches my wrist.

  “I plan to get very violent.” She hums thoughtfully. “Aren’t you going to tell me to calm down? That I should be the larger male or whatnot?”

  She shakes her head. “No. Honestly, it’s a turn on to see you acting like this.”

  My cock stirs. “Is it normally a turn on for human females to see their mates turn violent?”

  “No,” she says, crawling her fingers up my arm. “But it’s a turn on for me to see you being so protective.”

  I grab her hand. “Of course, I am protective. I will do anything for you. To keep you safe.”

  Her fingers stiffen under my hand. It is still hard to believe that this is my reality. I have the female I’ve always wanted. And though it took a long time to get here, we are here just the same, and I wouldn’t change anything so long as I knew the outcome ended the same way.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she says softly. “I promise.”

  “You better not.” I pull her hand to my lips and press my mouth against her soft, but still heeling knuckles. “You are a brave female, Ari. The bravest I have ever known.”

  She all but purrs. “You know what kind words do to me, Drozass. There’s no need. I’m a sure thing.” Carefully, she tries to move from her spot on the bed, but I react quickly and put a hand to her chest. “What?”

  “You’re still recovering, my mate—”

  “Recovering doesn’t mean I’m broken. You can touch me. You know how much I want you to. That’s always been the case. I’ve always welcomed your touch. And now that we’re Chosen mates, I can’t think of anything I want more.”


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