Legends Lost Tesnayr
Page 90
Chapter XVI
Five Lords
Two weeks had passed since the siege of Drynelle. King Edrei paced in front of the gnarled trees away from everyone. He did not wish to be overheard and felt the seclusion in the woods was best for the meeting he had in mind. With the castle overrun by people celebrating the great victory, he knew there was no chance of having the discussion he wished in private.
A sound attracted his attention. King Nalim walked up. He gave a cursory nod in Edrei’s direction before leaning on his ever present axe.
Kings Telinin and Slyamal arrived as well.
“You wished to speak with us,” said King Shealayr as he melted away from the surrounding trees. Leave it to an elf to always approach silently.
“Yes, I did,” replied King Edrei. He figured it best to get down to business. “I wanted to discuss what happens now.”
“What happens now?” questioned King Telinin. “What do you mean?”
“Surely it has come to your attention that now that the five lands are free from the danger of the orcs, we must decide what we wish to do next. My point, gentlemen, is we need to end our constant war with each other.
“We formed a temporary alliance out of convenience. Now I propose that we make that alliance permanent.”
“Permanent?” said King Nalim.
“Yes,” replied King Edrei, “Permanent. I tire of war. My people have suffered enough. And after this latest mess, all I want is to salvage what is left. Continue your disputes if you wish, but the people of Hemίl are going back to the mountains.”
“We need more than just an alliance,” said King Shealayr.
“What are you suggesting?” asked King Telinin.
“A High King,” replied the elf, “Someone who will mediate our disputes.”
“MurDair will never surrender its sovereignty,” grumbled King Nalim. “Nor will it be governed by anyone but its king.”
“You misunderstand me,” said King Shealayr. “Each of the five lands will retain their own independence. However, in matters that affect all of us, we will adhere to the authority of the High King.”
“But what is to keep this High King from overstepping his bounds?” asked King Telinin.
“The dwarves have a council,” said King Nalim. “Whenever the king of MurDair wishes to negotiate a treaty or go to war he must acquire the consent of the council.”
“And each one of us may chose whom we send to sit on the council,” said King Edrei.
“So the king’s authority will be tempered by us,” added King Nalim.
“But who will be the High King?” asked King Telinin.
“Tesnayr,” said King Slyamal, ending his silence.
The others noticed him for the first time.
“Strange that you would choose him,” said King Nalim. “I thought you didn’t like the man.”
“Like has nothing to do with it,” replied King Slyamal. “Tesnayr bows down before none of us. He has no loyalty to any one of the five lands. But he does genuinely care for their people. He has demonstrated that time and again.
“It is because of him that the orcs have fled. The people cheer his name in the streets. He is the proper choice if he chooses to accept it.”
“That is a big if,” said King Shealayr. “I am certain he wishes to return home. As we all do.”
“Then I suggest we ask him,” said King Edrei.
“Ask me what?” Tesnayr stepped from the shadows. He looked at each of the five kings in turn.
“What are you doing here?” asked King Edrei.
“Turyn caught wind of your summons and he told me about it,” replied Tesnayr. Turyn shrank behind him wrapping his tail around his paws.
“Tesnayr,” said King Edrei, “We wish to do something that has never been done before. We want to not only end our disputes, but name you High King of the five lands. We would adhere to your authority so long as we retain governance of our own kingdoms. A formal treaty will need to be written and signed, but this is the gist of our plan.
“Do you accept our offer?”
Tesnayr fingered the hilt of his sword. Its magic flowed through him. He only wanted to return home. But since that day he found the dead orc on the beach with Nigilin, Tesnayr knew he would never have a quiet life. “Yes,” he said.
“Excellent,” exclaimed Max, appearing from nowhere.
“Is nothing sacred?” said King Edrei with frustration.
“I might have accidently told the wizard,” squeaked Turyn.
“However, a treaty such as this will have to be done in front of witnesses,” said Max, “And, I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I am going to need Ernayn’s help.” Max cringed at the thought of needing the sorceress. He shuddered a moment before returning to his regal self.
The next morning the five kings gathered in an isolated chamber of the castle. Joining them was Tesnayr, Max, and Ernayn. The talks started off civil, but portions of it became heated as time progressed. They spent an entire month debating the amount of independence the five lands would retain as well as the amount of authority the High King would have. They had nearly finished their drafted document until Max almost put an end to it.
“The king needs an advisor and who would be better than a wizard?” asked King Edrei. “Besides, some oaths must be sealed by magic.”
“I’ll not live in a stone cage,” said Max.
The kings and Max stared at one another for a long while until Ernayn broke the stillness. “What if you only have to be present when the king needs you,” she said.
Max crossed his arms before grunting in agreement.
“Very well,” said King Shealayr, “We are in agreement.” He picked up the document from one of the elven scribes. Quickly, the elf king looked it over before handing it back to the scribe.
“Are we ready to sign?” asked King Edrei.
Each of the kings signed their name to the document. Tesnayr signed his next followed by Max and Ernayn. Afterward, a golden light swept up and down the parchment sealing it.
Max picked it up. “There you are,” he said, “Here is your new beginning. The coronation ceremony will be within the week in the town of Norlyk.”
“Why Norlyk?” asked King Telinin.
“Because I like it there,” retorted Max.