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The Lost Queen- Mercury's Heir

Page 12

by Delizhia Jenkins

  “You can what?” Kara demanded.

  “I can find her. You know I am the best tracker here in Mercuria-“

  “That you are Erick.”

  I spin around to face Karrine, flanked by several of her guards. “You know Erick, I knew Kara would be worth more than just her blood on the floor. Tell me, does love really conquer everything?”

  Pure hatred pumps through my veins at the mere sight of Karrine and her smug expression. “Your issue is with me Karrine,” I growl. “Let Kara go.”

  Karrine tilted her head back and laughed. I cringed at her maniacal cackle. She sounded like the cawing buzzard as he circled over his dying prey. “I’m sorry but that I will not do love,” she said, tossing her dark braid over shoulder. “She took the heart that was supposed to be mine so in exchange, I now have her…unless you want to strike a deal?”

  “Name your price Karrine,” I challenge.

  “No! Erick!” Kara cries out.

  Karrine smiles. “Find the heir and bring her to me and then Kara can go free. For as long as you are out tracking the heir, she will remain here safe and unharmed. But the instant your feet touch back on Mercurian soil, the clock is ticking.” She takes a few confident strides until she is but an arm’s distance from me and offers her hand.

  “Do we have a deal?”

  I look at her palm, and then at Kara who is pleading with me not to accept Karrine’s offer.

  “Deal,” I say taking her hand into mine. Instantly, Karrine tightens her grip around my hand and the room around me begins to spin. My heart rate takes a dip and I am instantly brought to my knees, struggling for breath as Karrine drains me of my magic.

  “You forgot to include the part where I let you walk out of here with your power,” Karrine snickered. “You must really love her to make such a sacrifice.”

  My lungs feel like heavy weights in my chest as I struggle to hold on. She siphons my power from me, taking it into herself as if it truly belonged to her. I feel weak and disoriented. The longer she holds my hand the closer I am to death. If I were to die, Kara would die too, and Mercuria’s fate would rest in the hand of a vindictively violent Queen. She releases me instantly, leaving me on all fours, still gasping for breath.

  “Now,” she continued, her gaze as cold as the icy winds outside. “You will go. Find me this heir. Kara’s fate rests in your ability to bring me what I want. I want this female alive. But if you should return to Mercuria without the heir gift wrapped with a bow to me, my darling Eric, Kara will suffer a fate much worse than death.”

  I feel the cool flapping of her gown as she spins around, leaving me to her guards as Kara watched helplessly. I am hoisted up by her men, too ashamed to even look Kara in the eyes as they drag me through the double doors away from her cell.

  “I will bring back the heir Kara,” I vow to her. “I promise…”

  “Erick,” is the last plea I hear from her as I am tossed out into a thicket of rose bushes that surround the palace walls.

  I laid in those bushes until the second sun began to position itself in the sky, still weak from Karrine’s siphon. It took all of my strength to gather myself up and stumble a great distance away from Karrine and her soldiers. But once I made it to the border, the veil that separated Mercuria from the earth realm had just begun to close. I realized then I was not the only one sent out on a mission to find the Lost Queen.

  And here I stood only but a few moments ago with her in my presence. I have to make this right. Karrine has no intention of keeping Destiny alive. I can only hope that Kara has managed to hold on, to still believe in me the way she did when we were together. I hope she remembers my promise. I take my seat right next to the window, perhaps where Summer would have sat and focus my thoughts on what must be done next. What these Loyalists do not understand is once Destiny sets foot in Mercuria, the magic will return, and then everyone will know that their true Queen has arrived. There are only four available portals that will allow Mercurians to travel back and forth between the realms, and because my magic is more closely tied with death, I have to take the long way.

  I refuse to leave Destiny and Summer’s fate to the hands of those whose politics are more important than the people. We suffered enough of that during Mercury’s reign. Besides, war between them and Karrine would be inevitable once she realizes who is in possession of Mercuria’s savior. And no one understands bloodshed like I do. No one.

  Chapter Twenty- Fou r


  Summer grips my hand tightly as we are escorted out of the airport. People are everywhere, scurrying about, still trying to figure out what exactly happened earlier. It’s crazy how my life changed as quickly and as drastically as it did and now, here I am wondering how Summer and I are going to find our way out of this. The Mercurian known as Cecilia who walks beside me, turns to offer me a slight smile. I ignore it. At this point there is nothing I want to hear from her or anyone. My child is terrified. I’m terrified and for the first time since all of this weird shit started happening, I realized that we are truly alone.

  But I have a plan.

  “We are not here to harm you,” Cecilia said softly. “Nor your child.”

  “How can I be so sure of that?” I snap. My nerves are fried as it is, and my tolerance level for excuses are at an all-time low. “You threaten my friend, while leaving me and my daughter without a choice but to come with you.”

  “We need your help-”

  “There are other ways to request one’s help!” The magic in my veins is building again. I’m over this.

  “We do not have time,” the one with the thick locks grumbled. “That low life Cretan that you call ‘friend’ would have sold you to the highest bidder-which would have been Karrine! We-”

  “Are no fucking different,” I say evenly. “At least he had the decency to explain himself. At least he taught me some things about my power and what happened to Mercuria. You people on the other hand have done nothing but harass and stalk me and then expect me to follow behind you willingly as if I really give a damn about you and your cause!”

  They stopped walking and stared at me.


  Cecilia’s command goes ignored as I press forward with Summer’s small hand in my grip. Whatever is going to happen will just happen. I have already lost too much to turn back. My house is in shambles. My car is on its last leg, and the job that has given me quite a bit of financial stability since my move to Los Angeles is no longer an option-at least not with this Queen and her band of bastards stalking me. Footsteps close in behind me and once again we are surrounded. The platinum blonde with the bad attitude and long blade blocks our path, while the tall one with the long hair and menacing glare takes position on my left.

  “I understand you are angry with us,” Cecilia pleaded. “But we need your help. We need you to bring back magic to our people. What you have in your blood is what we need to hold our world together. It is also what stops a certain dark evil from spilling over this world and ours.”

  “And what will happen if I don’t?” I demand, staring her down. The magic in my blood is screaming for release. A part of me just wants to reach out, dig deep into the pits of the blonde’s soul and fill her with white hot energy and then stand aside to watch her implode from the inside out. There is something about her I don’t like. Erick may have been telling the truth about her.

  “If you do not come with us, our world will die. Armies of demons that our world held the veil for will escape and spill over into the human world and cause havoc. Everything and everyone that you know will die.”

  Cecilia’s soft dark eyes continued to plead for my understanding. We stood face to face, her eyes connecting with mine, forcing me to look deeper into her psyche. Images spill into my mind and the urge to resist what she is forcing me to see then intensifies.

  The double sun that provided both warmth and life to those who resided under their dual power crumbled to dust. Mercurians covered the city in a pani
c, desperate to flee across the borders but found themselves defenseless against the shadow like entities that slithered through the weakened veil that was supposed to separate them. Feeble attempts from those who still possessed small fragments of their power to stop those that crossed the barrier resulted in the streets of Mercuria turning red with blood. The Ancestors who watched over from the spiritual world could only weep as their descendants were forced to leave behind the world that Mercury himself built. The essence of magic itself spilled over into the human realm, where witches and those considered “gifted” absorbed some of the energy that once defined Mercuria. The Palace that Mercury himself resided in collapsed, with the current ruler and her court inside.

  And then I saw the sad eyes of Erick’s wife. Long dark hair that flowed to her waist, in a tangled mess as she struggled against her shackles that had her chained to the wall. Her screams echoed throughout the hallways as the ground beneath her lost its foundation. Wood and stone broke away in a collision course that left nothing but a massive graveyard in its wake, taking with it the lives of the Queen, and Erick’s Kara. And just as quickly as I watched the entire palace lose its place as the epicenter of Mercuria, Erick stood off in the distance, unshed tears shimmering in the low light. He grips his blade and plunges it deep into the chest of a slither that crept up from behind. Dark blood oozes from the wound but Erick stares blankly at his fallen entity. The emptiness that glances over at what used to be his home is profound.

  “And that is just the beginning,” Cecilia said releasing me from her psychic hold. “If you care about Erick as you seem to, then you will at least hear us out and help. We can teach you everything you need to know about Mercuria, and what you will need to do as Queen-”

  “Whoa, whoa I’m going to have to stop you there,” I tell her. “I am not about to be anyone’s Queen.”

  “I’m afraid you have no choice,” the one with the locks growled. “You are Mercury’s heir. The moment you step into Mercuria the world will recognize your power.”

  “We humbly request that you Destiny,” Cecilia began as she kneeled down before me. “Honor us by accepting your role as Queen.”

  One by one the band of bastards (as I have mentally dubbed them) slowly kneeled before me. I swallow thickly. Several passerby’s offer curious glances and I cringe. I am nobody’s queen. Summer gently tugs at my hand and looks at me, as worry fills those big brown eyes of hers.

  “Everyone is watching us mom,” she whispers. “I want to go home.”

  “I do too,” I murmur and offer her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Alright guys please get up because you are making a scene.” I say quickly. “I still don’t know about this ‘queen thing’, but I will help- as long as you guarantee my daughter’s safety.”

  “Done,” says the one with the locs.

  All of them quickly rise, with Cecilia being the one offering a warm smile. “Thank you Destiny! Thank you!”

  “Well let’s go,” said the one with the incredibly beautiful hair. “Danger is everywhere, and the Queen’s guard are all on the hunt.”

  I wish that I could explain to my child that even if we escaped, hopped in my car and pushed that baby another thousand or so miles, someone would have found us. Without Erick’s knowledge of all that I am, we are screwed. I know I have power and a lot of it. But there is still so much I don’t know. These people have sworn to protect my daughter and I, so it seems I have little choice as to who my Guardians will be. Erick will just have to meet me in Mercuria, and then we can take it from there.

  Chapter Twenty- Five


  Demetrius frown returned as he glanced over at Mercury’s heir. All this aggravation for what? They were more than likely doomed anyway. The woman had no idea the magic that she possessed. She could literally destroy and recreate Mercuria if she wanted to. He silently scoffed as he studied her closely from behind. Her walk and her gait held no Mercurian pride-she was all human. As if she sensed him staring at her, she quickly turned around and offered him a hard glare. She had no idea the feeling was indeed mutual.

  Cecilia, noticing the tension pulled her in for meaningless conversation as they moved rapidly through the busy airport. Demetrius made note of the men in the dark suits who were scattered off to the side, speaking with security. He knew them. Human reinforcements. The last thing any of them needed was a standoff in a very public human domain. Unfortunately, his magic nor did the magic of his peers allow them the ability to shield them. Except for Destiny… and he seriously doubted that she knew she could do that let alone the rest of her abilities.

  However, his dear sister must have read his mind. She leaned in closer to Destiny whose eyes were now on the men in the black business suits.

  “Use your magic to shield us,” he overheard her whisper to Destiny. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The human guards stared back at their group. Demetrius could see their mouth moving, shouting out furious commands.

  “Just will it and it will be so…” Cecilia said softly.

  Destiny closed her eyes, one hand still tightly wrapped around that of her daughter’s, the other she simply waved in the direction of the men. Demetrius looked over at Thaddeus who gripped the butt of his sword tightly. As they continued with their approach towards the exit, the men in black appeared confused. Demetrius looked on as they scattered, appearing to search frantically for something that was no longer there.

  He almost laughed as the tallest of the bunch slapped a worried palm over his head and shouted out, “Fuck!”

  They moved briskly towards the escalator, heading towards the underground parking structure. At least they will finally be able to go home, Demetrius considered, leaving behind them the humans and all of their societal ills for good. Humans were entering and exiting the airport by the droves as flights were cancelled, delayed and rescheduled thanks to the temporary blackout from earlier.

  “Agatha and I can open the portal here now that we have our magic back,” Thaddeus announced as they stepped off the escalator. “No need to squeeze into that useless machine humans consider a vehicle.”

  “Aww you guys,” Cecilia began with a smile. “It hasn’t been so bad here. I really enjoyed the food-”

  Demetrius slapped a huge palm on his head and sighed. “That was not food, Cecilia. That was garbage.”

  “Demetrius you have always been difficult to please,” Cecilia huffed, tossing a stray lock of her hair over her shoulder. She glanced over at Destiny who kept her eyes focused ahead of her. Demetrius’s scowl returned. If there was a way for them to restore magic to their kingdom without her, he would use every tool and every gift he had at his disposal. He noticed the more he stared at the woman, the more she resembled her father Mercury. Interesting.

  As he examined her closely, he didn’t notice the change in atmosphere, or the sudden glow of Destiny’s palms. What he did notice was the change in her stance as she protectively shielded her daughter with her own body before unleashing a deep blue concentrated energy directly into a WarMen who stepped right out of the ethers directly in front of her. Agatha and Thaddeus took a warrior stance, both of them having drawn their long blades. Demetrius backflipped out of the way just in time to dodge an orb of fire that had been flung in his direction by another WarMen that had emerged from the ether. Cecilia forced both Destiny and Summer to the ground as she opened fire on two additional WarMen that stepped from behind a large diesel.

  “Get them in the car and get out of here!” Agatha shouted as her blade pierced the center of a WarMen’s chest. The entity screamed, its pain shattering the airwaves, bringing Demetrius and his peers to their knees. Destiny however would not be deterred. Demetrius watched her fight to get back on her feet. Straining against the sonic blast from the entity’s screeches, she waved her palm and time stopped. The screams from the Queen’s henchmen ceased, and Destiny, Summer and Cecilia were back on their feet.

  “Head for the car!” Agatha shouted as she sliced off the scre
aming WarMan’s head. “Thaddeus and I will hold them off!”

  Demetrius quickly hopped to his feet and ran behind his sister who had barely reached the vehicle.

  “Get in!” Cecilia shouted at Destiny.

  Destiny yanked the back, passenger door open and ushered her daughter inside and quickly followed behind them.

  “You drive!” Cecilia said as she threw Demetrius the keys.

  Demetrius caught the keys and slid into the driver’s seat. He wished he could stop the car and assist Agatha and Thaddeus continue in the fight with the WarMen, but the two of them seemed to be handling things well enough. The magic wore off and Time had returned to the remaining henchmen and they squared off. Their nine-foot frames appeared to dwarf the two Mercurians; however, Agatha was not to be deterred. She lunged for the one closest to her, hitting the creature with a hard kick to his chest. The WarMen responded with a hard punch that landed her on her back. Thaddeus’s hands ignited with a bright spark. He gripped his long blade and lunged, moving like a flash of lightening towards the second WarMen. The creature braced itself, preparing for the collision. However, Thaddeus thrust his sword into the direction of the creature’s chest, but also sent with it a powerful blast of electricity that caused the Queen’s guard to implode from the inside out.

  Demetrius pressed his foot on the accelerator and evacuated the underground parking structure like a bullet from a gun. From the rearview mirror he could see Destiny gripping her daughter’s hand while the child leaned into her mother’s shoulder, her eyes squeezed shut. More WarMen were on the way, he knew this. Hopefully, they would be able to cross into Mercuria by nightfall.



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