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Highlander's Moonlight Seduction (Scottish Medieval Historical Romance)

Page 9

by Adamina Young

  Clyde shrugged. “Most of the furniture looks rotted. It’ll be trashed.”

  “Aye, but Moira wants to clean it herself, and I willnae have her moving the furniture. Stop questioning me and help already,” Connor grumbled as he glanced around the cottage. “And help me check for holes. The wind is getting in when it should not. I willnae have my wife catching her death!”

  “Ye know where ’tis not windy?” Nathair countered. “The keep, and yer bed, where yer wife is supposed to be.”

  Connor’s head pounded. If one more person told him where his wife was supposed to be, the night patrol would double in size.

  The roof turned out to be in better shape than he’d first anticipated, and they’d gotten most of the work done that night. By the time he returned, he found both dinner and a bath drawn in his chambers.

  Moira perched on his bed with one of the ledgers in her lap. Looking up at him, she gave him a shy smile. “Hello. I was told that ye usually bathe before dinner, but ’tis late, and I feared that ye might be hungry. I can have the dinner reheated if ye would like to bathe first or the water reheated if ye’d like to eat.”

  He’d walked in tired, cranky, and sore, but the moment he laid eyes on Moira, all of that melted away. His gaze on hers, he stripped off his filthy shirt. “I believe I shall bathe first, but I am hungry. Would ye feed me while I bathe?”

  “Feed ye?” Her eyes narrowed until his hand went to the buttons of his tartan, and then he saw something in her face. “Ye are late because ye were working on my cottage, so I suppose that is a fair trade.”

  Blushing just a little, she turned to the pot of stew on the table. Naked, he stepped into the tub and submerged himself while she spooned out the stew. Dragging the table and chair over to him, she sat and held out the bowl.

  He eyed it. “I believe I said to feed me.”

  “Ye are not a child. Ye can feed yerself while ye soak in the tub.”

  Smirking, he took the bowl. “Then ye will help me wash when I am finished. To save time.”

  He didn’t miss the flush or the fact that she didn’t say no. Oh, he loved that Moira was so eager to play.

  “So Helena is a formidable woman,” she said as she settled back with her own bowl of stew in her hand. “I doonae believe that she likes me vera much.”

  She wasn’t wrong. The older woman was used to doing things her way, and she didn’t like change. “I will have a word with her.”

  “Not necessary. I believe she was warming up to me some. The only way we will work well together is if there is some respect between us, and there will be no respect if my husband fights my battles for me.”

  “All right,” he said softly as he watched her. Suddenly, he wasn’t as worried as he was before. She would find her place in his clan just fine because she was a fighter, and she would go after what she wanted.

  His own wife was a formidable woman. He hoped that she understood that.

  “Did Grace spend the day with ye?”

  “Aye. And Ainsley. She wants to be helpful while she is here. I believe she needs it, so she wanted to see if there was some duty that she could undertake.”

  “’Tis not necessary,” Connor said absently. Did Moira know how enticing she looked as she broke off a piece of biscuit and popped it in her mouth? “May I have a bite? I don’t want the biscuit to crumble in my bath.”

  After contemplating for a moment, she broke off a piece of the biscuit and leaned over. Gripping her wrist, he slid his mouth over her fingers, using his tongue to caress them as she gasped softly and released the biscuit in his mouth.

  Satisfied, he released her and sat back into the water. “Thank ye.”

  Clearing her throat, she returned to her stew. “I have been thinking about refurnishing the cottage. I do have some coin with me, and if ye will give me the name of a talented carpenter, I will pay them to build me some furniture.”

  “Save yer coin,” Connor said instantly. He already had someone in mind to help with the new furniture, and he would not have her spending her coin. “I already planned to speak to Mungo in the morning. He has some pieces already that I believe will work well, and he enjoys the work, so he’ll love to make the rest.”

  “Vera well. Then I would like to commission yer seamstress to make some new dresses for myself and Ainsley. We are currently sharing Grace’s wardrobe.”

  “Commission the dresses. I will pay.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she frowned. “Connor…”

  “Yer money is not to be spent on things ye need, lass. I am yer husband, and I can provide for ye. Spend yer money on trinkets and gifts, but not on necessity.” He would not let it be said that he could not provide for his wife.

  Things were tense for a moment, but she relaxed. “All right.”

  “The lady who lives next to the cottage, Lorna, has a wish to meet ye and speak with Grace. She has invited ye to break yer fast with her in the morrow.”

  Her eyes lit up with delight. “I would like that vera much.”

  Connor watched her closely. She was so beautiful when that smile reached her eyes. Her whole face glowed. He wished there was something he could do to put that smile on her face.

  “I doonae know that Grace will feel the same way,” he said after a moment. “I doonae wish for Ainsley to feel left out, but she was not part of the invitation.”

  “She mentioned going riding in the morning, but we will do something with her afterward. She will understand.”

  Just like Moira understood. Here she was, the new wife to a husband who had exiled her, forced to live with the sister who hadn’t had her back, and shelter the friend who’d witnessed everything. He’d never met anyone quite as strong as her.

  So strong that she’d built a wall around her, and he had no idea how to break that wall down. How to make her see how truly sorry he was. How much he still cared for her.

  How much he wished he could love her.

  “Water is still warm,” he said suddenly. “Join me.”

  Pausing, she stared, eyes wide. Then, slowly, she sat her food down and stood. Undoing the sash around her dress and the buttons, she loosened the shoulders until it slipped to the floor. Dressed only in her simple white shift, she picked up the skirts and stepped in on the opposite side, sitting on the lip.

  “Is that as far as I can get ye to come?”

  “Aye. If I get in with ye, the water will slosh over the edge and make a mess,” she pointed out. “But my feet were aching and the warmth feels nice on them.”

  Leaning forward, he deliberately splashed some water on her dress and tried not to stare as the fabric along her thighs grew transparent and plastered to her skin. Connor took her ankle and straightened her leg as he leaned back. She watched in confusion until he pushed his thumb along her arch.

  Moira’s mouth dropped open, and she moaned a little. “Connor,” she whispered. “That feels wonderful.”

  “Tell me about yer day,” he urged her, loving the way her breath caught as she spoke. “Tell me what ye think of my keep.”

  Using his other hand, he applied more pressure to her ankle as he rotated her foot. Moira sucked in her lower lip and shimmied just a little closer.

  “I believe that Helena has done a good job. Yer servants respect her and the job they do. I daresay some of them enjoy it quite a bit. Yer keep is clean and well-run.”

  “Warm and welcoming?” he asked and frowned when she tried to tug her foot back. The question had upset her, but he didn’t understand why. “Moira?”

  “Aye, I believe yer guests will find it warm and welcoming. Truth is that ’tis not changed much.”

  There was a slight warble in her voice, and he ran his fingers in a circle on the balls of her feet to bring her back to the present before he lost her in the past. Maybe at one time, she’d found the keep warm and welcoming, but now, it clearly only reminded her of when she was there before.

  No wonder she was so desperate to leave.

  “Ye are the mist
ress here now. Ye may make any changes that ye see fit.”

  “’Tis yer home,” Moira reminded him softly. “I wouldnae change yer home.”

  The conversation was taking a turn that Connor didn’t like. Quickly, he reached forward and squeezed her hips. Before she could jerk away, he pulled and easily slid her into the tub. As she squealed, water did indeed splash over the edge of the tub, but he didn’t care. All he wanted was to feel her body against his.

  Feel as though she wasn’t pulling away.

  “Connor!’ she gasped. “What are ye doing?”

  “Wanted ye closer,” he grunted as he tugged her up until she straddled him. “Are ye telling me that ye werenae teasing me?”

  “Of course I was teasing ye, but I wanted ye to get out of the tub. I didnae want to be in the tub with ye,” she said in frustration.

  Smiling, he cupped the water with his hand and lifted it until he could drizzle it along the bodice of her shift. Growing transparent, it outlined her breast, and her mouth dropped open in desire.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered. “I rather think I like ye in the tub, and I believe that before we are done, ye will like it as well.”

  With a strangled moan, she gripped the edge of the tub and shifted over him. He grew even harder, nestled between her thighs. “Honestly, Connor, I doonae think this is right.”

  “We are married, my love. Ye can have me any way that ye want me.”

  Her eyes widened just a little, but she settled more firmly against him. It was all he could do not to smile in satisfaction. “Happy that ye decided to marry?”

  “This part is enjoyable,” she admitted. “I feel as though I have the control right now.”

  “Aye.” Gripping her hips, he lifted her up slightly and shifted her. “When ye are ready, Moira, I am yers.” He latched his mouth on her nipple, tonguing her through the fabric until she was gasping and moaning, and when she finally lowered herself on him, he pulled her head down for a kiss.

  The woman’s body was the very definition of paradise, and he so desperately wanted to lose himself in her. Like this, the past was gone, and it was only the two of them and the promise of what could be.

  Water waved and splashed as they moved, and her shift became plastered against her skin. He’d never seen anything more erotic, and it wasn’t long before they were both finding their pleasure in each other.

  “Moira,” he whispered as he held her tight. She was still shuddering, and the water was chilling around them. “Moira.”

  “It scares me,” she murmured as she buried her face in his shoulder.

  “What scares ye, Moira?”

  “This. Wanting this. Desiring ye.”

  “Ye have nothing to fear, Moira. Believe me when I tell ye that I want ye just as badly. Ye are safe with me, Moira. Doonae hold yourself back from me. Ever.”

  She didn’t say anything, and he held her until the shudders subsided. He knew that he could have her all over again when they were dry, warm, and under the covers.


  The next morning, Moira was having a hard time focusing on Lorna as she served them breakfast. Next to her, Grace fidgeted. Just as she and Connor had predicted, Grace was not happy. After being in the keep all day yesterday, she obviously wanted to be out, but she was trying hard to be supportive of Moira.

  Grace’s constantly tapping fingers were the only thing that kept bringing Moira back to the present. Her mind continued to wander to the head of Connor’s arms last night and again this morning. The man was insatiable.

  So, she discovered, was she.

  “Miriam used to complain something fierce about the two of ye and yer friends when ye were younger,” Lorna chuckled as she sat down to join them. “I had to remind her that she wasn’t the most well-behaved when she was younger either.”

  “I admit that we were a menace to Connor and Alec, but I doonae remember Miriam,” Moira mused. “I hope we didnae cause her too much grief.”

  Snorting, Lorna waved her hand. “Please. That woman complained about everything. ’Tis nice that ye are back, Moira, and I am pleased that someone will be inhabiting Miriam’s cottage, but I doonae understand why.”

  Would she have to explain her reasoning over and over again? “I have not been too far out to explore, but I believe most of the clan didnae approve of Connor’s decision to marry me. I believe that by residing outside the Sinclair keep, I can appease them.”

  “Ye are a terrible liar,” Lorna laughed. “But I appreciate the diplomatic answer. In hindsight, I asked a vera personal question.”

  “’Tis a question that I imagine people will ask quite a bit. Do ye think Miriam will mind?”

  “Not at all. Miriam was all about being unconventional. She could speak to spirits, ye know.”

  Moira sipped at her tea and exchanged an inconspicuous look with Grace. “Well, I hope those spirits have moved on now that Miriam is gone.”

  “Oh, no. They are lonely with Miriam gone, so they have been speaking with me. They are most interested in ye moving in. Perhaps they will start speaking to ye as well.”

  Grace started laughing, which she quickly covered with a cough. Moira shot her a dirty look. “I would ask that they stay away. I doonae know how I would feel about spirits speaking with me.”

  “They willnae hurt ye, lass. No need to worry about that. Grace, do ye have a plan to marry now that ye are no longer in charge of the keep?”

  A panicked look crossed Grace’s face, but Moira did nothing to help her. Instead, she raised her eyebrows. “Aye, Grace? Is marriage in yer future?”

  “Not my immediate future,” Grace said with an open glare. “I am happy to pass the keep duties to Moira. In fact, if ye have any suggestions, ye should share them with Moira. She is most eager to implement some changes.”

  Moira gasped, and Lorna chuckled. “All right, ladies. Truth is that I am putting ye on. Grace, ye will marry one day, when ye find the right one. Ye are lucky in that Connor will not care whether ye marry or not. I was lucky in that my parents chose sweet Alistair as my husband. Oh, we couldnae stand each other for the first few months, but then we fell deeply in love.”

  Moira felt a sudden pull in her chest, and she slowly lowered her cup. “How wonderful for ye.” She’d given up on love years ago, but here was a woman decades older than her still very much in love. Lorna was right. She was a lucky woman.

  But so was Moira. She married a man who was giving. It was far more than she’d ever thought she’d have for herself.

  “Ye have only been married a few short days,” Lorna laughed as if reading her thoughts. “Love may still bloom between ye. There is certainly affection. Anyone can tell from the rough on yer cheeks and the lights dancing in yer eyes that ye are finding yer nights pleasurable.”

  “Oh!” Moira nearly dropped the teacup and flushed bright red. “I amnae hoping for love. Simply respect, and so far, we have that.”

  “Grace?” Lorna asked. “Do ye think yer brother will come to love his wife?”

  “Aye. He can be quite thickheaded, but I believe that he will come round.” Grace’s eyes sparkled. “Our friend Ainsley believes wholeheartedly in their romance. It gives her hope.”

  “Love is in yer future, Moira. Ye simply need to prepare yerself. In the meantime, I have something for ye. Give me just a moment.”

  After she left the room, Moira turned and glared at Grace. “Why are ye encouraging her?”

  “I could ask the same of ye.” They stared at each other for a moment before chuckling. A loud dragging sound distracted them, and when Lorna grunted Moira and Grace immediately got up to help her.

  “I am so sorry,” Lorna gasped. “I forgot how heavy it was or I would have gotten Connor to move it for me yesterday when he was finished. I suppose when I see him or one of the other strapping lads, I will ask them to move it for me. This was Miriam's. I rescued it not long after her death because I didnae want someone else to take it. It belongs with the cottage, so it belongs to ye now,

  It was a lovely chest with a polished dark finish. The brass lock and handles gleamed. It had been taken care of, and from the sound it was making, was full of something.

  “’Tis beautiful,” Grace whispered as she ran her hands over it.

  “Aye. What is inside?”

  Lorna shook her head. “No idea. I never could find what unlocks it. As ye can see, ’tis no normal keyhole.”

  No, it wasn’t. The hole was round with a particular shape to the edge. Unique and strange. Moira immediately fell in love with it.

  “Something about the chest seems so familiar,” Grace mused. “Perhaps I spent more time in Miriam’s cottage than I remember.”

  Moira didn’t know about familiar, but there was something about the chest that called to her. Whether it was the chest itself or something inside of it, Moira wanted to take the rest of the day and examine it.

  Once again, Lorna seemed to read her mind. “Once ye are a resident of the cottage, it will be all yers,” she announced.

  The message was clear. Hands off until then. Slightly disappointed, Moira stood and smiled. “’Tis a wonderful gift. Thank ye.”

  “And I appreciate ye ladies joining me for breakfast, but I can see that Grace is anxious to get back to her day. Moira, I look forward to speaking with ye more once ye are settled.”

  “I would love that vera much.”

  Grace thanked her as well, and they walked down the narrow path to Miriam’s cottage. “Connor got quite a bit done last night,” Moira mused as she looked up at the roof. “I will be able to move in soon.”

  “Moira.” Grace reached out and took her hand. “Are ye certain that ye want to do this? Lorna is right. Ye are destined for love, but I am worried what will happen if ye extricate yerself from the marriage now.”

  Looking down, Moira picked at her dress. “I amnae extricating myself. I will still perform my duties as his wife. We will spend plenty of time together, but there is no chance of love between us. Connor has made it clear, and I feel the same. Doonae worry yerself. I am happy with the marriage.”


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