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Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity

Page 5

by Tiffany Carby

  ‘The paper in my valise shows his intentions on his deathbed. Anyone who knew him would testify he hated and despised his nephew, but I would be slain before I had a chance to prove it. He made me leave because he thought his nephew would force me to whore for him and he knew I would refuse and be hurt by him.’

  ‘Stay Girl. I believe you.’ She was no dissembler. Her pride would be her downfall. She opened her mouth before thinking where her words would lead her. He had been like that when he was a mere boy, but James had beaten the impetuousness out of him.

  ‘So, you come with me. Master Danton will find you work in the castle until the ‘hue and cry’ is forgotten and you can visit your nanny safely.’

  ‘She has not much time to live. The consumption takes her.’ Her face clouded. This woman meant much to her. He felt for her. He had lost Marie, the only person who had cared for him, when he was ten.

  ‘I will find out her circumstances and ensure you visit her before the end.’

  ‘Thank you, Blake?’

  ‘Blake De Rire. I was named by Lord Brunskire as I had no family name. James would not tell me my surname and Marie was too scared to tell me anything.’

  ‘Don’t you want to know who your real family are?’ His face shuttered. This was a man who kept his emotions and thoughts hidden from the world. That was how he must have survived living with James.

  ‘I am interested, but now is not the time to pursue such directions. I have a good life in the service of Lord Brunskire. He is a fair master and my future is secure if I am loyal to him and the King.’

  He got up. ‘The matter is settled. You dress and come with me.’ He left her seething. She hated the domineering pig. He might be as handsome as a king and had the manners of a gentle knight, but he treated her with contempt; like a foolish featherhead. She would show him what she was made of when she got to the castle. He would regret the day he treated Alex Deverne like a dimwit.

  The End


  I am Dawn Bolton but write historical novels in the name of Alexie Bolton and crime/romantic suspense novels in the name of Toni Bolton. I write gripping, exciting novels about military or ex-military men and their feisty heroines. The contemporary crime novels are called ‘Men of valour, women of steel’ and the historical novels ‘Dreda’s Men’.

  I studied economic and political history, law and business at university and then taught law and business studies in Higher Education. Many of my books are inspired by the legal and historical cases I read and taught.

  I live in a cottage we are restoring by the canal in Knowle in England with my husband and two feline nutcase Birman’s called Angel and Louie (Lucifer). My interests are animals, yoga, skiing and Zumba. I hope to leave our cottage soon and travel around the world in my caravan or a motor home.


  To Steve who read and formatted this novella without complaint despite being inundated with building work for our old cottage.



  Twitter: @dawnbolton2



  Roux Cantrell

  Chapter One

  Have you ever had one of those days, you know the ones? Your alarm didn’t go off. You forgot to turn the dryer on leaving your clothes wet in the morning causing you to be more than a few minutes late for work. Well, this is one of those days for Trish. Shoving the mass of hair from her face, she fumbled with the bedcovers trying to get out of the bed. Tripping as her foot tangled in the sheet that hung precariously off the mattress. Tumbling to the floor, Trish rolled on to her back slamming her hands onto the wood floor feigning a temper tantrum.

  “It’s going to be that sort of day.” She said out loud. Grumbling a few more words of non-motivation as she got to her feet. Trish rushed into the bathroom where she managed to bump her elbow against the door jamb as she entered. “For the hell of Hagatha!” she yelled grabbing her elbow. “One more thing and I quit.”

  Staring at her disheveled appearance in the mirror Trish wondered when her mother decided on the names for her daughters had she also set their destiny in motion? Her sisters were named after a goddess and a demon. Freya and Lilith were both beautiful and talented. Blowing the hair from her face she snapped into action. She had a meeting in fifteen minutes with a client.


  Later in the day, Trish sat looking at her bubbling cauldron. Last week she tried a spell that was supposed to be just a simple elixir potion from plant extract. Trish somehow turned her self-green. The irony of a witch being green did not make her laugh. She just wanted to not be green before her sisters saw her. Needless to say, her mother told them and if that wasn’t enough her dear ole mom had taken selfies with Trish in the background. Later posting them on her witch blog sharing Trish’s epic fail with everyone on the witchy web.

  Why did she take this job? Oh yes, her sisters had laughed at her and she wanted to prove them wrong. But, how do you prove someone their wrong when their always right? Lowering the fire under her small tabletop cauldron Trish snatched her hand back quickly as the liquid boiled over spilling on the table. Unfortunately, her romance novel was doused with bubbly pink goo. Grabbing the book she knocked the goo from the glossy cover revealing the sexy image of every girl’s dream man. “Shoot, I really liked this cover,” Trish mumbled shaking her hand trying to ease the burning sensation from the goo.

  The potion had hours to brew, deciding that the cauldron wouldn’t brew any faster with her watching it she took a seat on her red comfy couch Trish curled up with her book. Maybe she could knock out a couple chapters while she waited. She heard them before she saw them. Freya and Lilith almost danced down the stairs to her basement kitchen where she did witch work. She couldn’t imagine what would happen if she did both types of cooking in the same area. The mere thought sent shivers up and down her spine.


  “How’s it coming little sister?” The two vixens laughed approaching the table. Knowing they were up to no good, Trish continued reading not giving them the time of day. Oh, damn it how long had she been reading. Hoping up she rushed to the table to look at her potion which now appeared to be a dark magenta, not the bubblegum pink of bubblicious. Setting her book down on the table she stirred the potion to see what would happen. Her sisters howled with laughter looking at he ruined potion. “Maybe you should stick to your romance novels,” said Lilith as she snatched up the book.

  A laughing Freya grabbed it running her red fingernail over the cover. “Maybe she wants to find the man of her dreams.” Freya smiled.

  Lilith grabbed the book back, “is that what you want Trish? A man from a BOOK !!!” Both girls laughed as Freya winked at Lilith.

  A little dream

  A stir or two

  A bright light

  A love for you …

  Trish’s sisters began to chant.

  “STOP!! You two stop with your damn silly spells. I didn’t ask you to come down here and I don’t need your help with my potion or my love life.”

  Trish watched as her sisters shrugged. Lilith tossed the book back on the table causing bottles to spill out, the fire hissed as dried ingredients flew into the flames shooting tiny colorful sparks across the table top. Trish once again risked her flesh grabbing her book. The edges were singed from the small flames and sparks danced between the pages. Looking after her sisters as they all but glided up thestairs she shook her head hearing them laugh. “One of these days they won’t laugh at me.”

  Trish heard the ding of her cell phone. Picking it up she sat down staring at a green-faced image of herself. They would never let it go, she thought. Looking at the time she turned the fire out under her cauldron. The potion was ruined along with her mood, Trish headed back to the sofa under the staircase to read a few more chap
ters until she felt like starting the potion again. It was a tedious process, not one she looked forward to starting over.

  Chapter Two

  Trish stumbled down the last few steps into her basement spilling books on the floor. “Damn, damn, double damn,” she swore. Kneeling down she gathered her potion books grumbling all the way to her bookshelf. Trish stopped short as she caught sight of a guy sitting on her sofa a dumbfounded look on his face and his hand on her partially destroyed romance novel. There’s no way that silly spell worked those two chanted she thought. “Um, who are you?”

  “My names Josh. I think.”

  “What do you mean, you think?”

  “Last thing I remember I was heading to pick up Brie.”

  “Oh good lord this is not happening to me. Where are you from Josh?”

  “Morgan Heights.”

  Trish dropped the books covering her face with her hands she shook her head no. How did these things happen to her? Pacing back and forth she tried thinking what the spell was her two foolish sisters had chanted. Okay she thought, I can fix this. Looking at Josh she decided not to fill him in on the issue. “Josh, right? I’m going to get you home and back to Brie. Just stay here for a minute. I need to grab a few things from upstairs.”

  Scrambling up the stairs she made a list in her head of things to bring back down. Stopping halfway up she stood chewing on her thumbnail thinking what if she made things worse. No, she could do this. When Trish finally came back down with a bag of herbs and other ingredients she found Josh pacing the floor. When he finally saw her, he stopped. He looked at her than at the sofa, and to her surprise at the romance book. Something had her witchy senses tingling. Something was rotten in romance she thought. Putting her bag on the work table she glared at the man in her basement and to her surprise, he stepped back.

  “Don’t turn me into a frog or anything.”


  “This is the deal. You can’t fix the problem, because there isn’t one.”

  “Spill it!” Trish snapped and yes she stomped her foot.

  “Your sisters put me up to this. I know Lilith from years ago. Although I’m not quite sure how she managed to rope me into this.” He shrugged.

  “So, you dated my sister?”

  “Hell, no. She’s nuts!”

  “I know she is, they both are. So, what’s the joke this time?”

  Josh explained he was supposed to make her believe he came out of her romance book. When Trish realized what had happened she would have to call them to fix the problem because she couldn’t or even wouldn’t try. But…

  “But, I decided to try.”


  “Just once I would love to get them back for all the crap they’ve done to me.”

  Josh grinned at the pretty blonde. Would she really want to play with that sort of fire? When she grinned back he couldn’t help but laugh.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  “Your sisters never said you would be fun. They said you were overly cautious and too conservative.”

  “How would they know? All they do is give me grief. We need to come up with something good.”

  Josh walked over and picked up the book. “They brought me out of this book.” He winked “Let’s give them something to worry about.”

  Trish and Josh headed upstairs to hash out their plan. Trish warned him how Lilith and Freya would most likely react when they found out they had been duped he didn’t care. It seemed there was more to Josh than good looks. He was a warlock from a good family and played in a band. They were passing through when he ran into Lilith and Freya. When Trish suggested they turn him into an animal for fun Josh was adamant about not doing that. Seemed he didn’t practice the craft enough to trust his self.


  Trish and Josh made sure to be spotted by her sisters who deliberately sauntered up to them as they grabbed a booth at the back of the bar. Trish sneered at them as Freya and Lilith slid into the booth.

  Who’s this asked Freya? Trish wanted to tell her to shove off, but that wasn’t their plan. Trish went on to explain how Josh had appeared on her sofa after they had chanted the silly spell and trashed her workstation. I needed food to recharge myself.

  Why do you need to recharge? Asked Lilith.

  Well, I’m trying to send him back smiled Trish. He doesn’t belong here and wants to return to his world.

  Are you sure you should be using magic on him?

  He’s a fictional character that magic brought to life what harm could it do?

  Freya shrugged as she looked at Lilith. They would have to tell Trish it was a joke to get Lilith’s friend out of the cauldron. She waited for Lilith to give her a sign when she pushed Freya to get out of the booth Freya was a little concerned. Than Lilith looked at Josh…

  You should come with us, we’re much more fun than Trish. Lilith held out her hand for him to take. He didn’t take it instead he shrugged saying he was fine right where he was. Lilith was not happy being ignored. Josh knew the deal and if he thought to let Trish play witch with his life that was now his problem.

  Lilith what are we going to do? We can’t leave Josh to Trish’s screwed up magic. She could really hurt him or turn him into something and we won’t be able to get him back.

  Freya looked back at a smiling Josh as Lilith huffed off feeling bad for the warlock. He had no idea how messed up Trish’s magic was. She remembered all too well the last potion catastrophe. Trish had to make a potion to help someone with their self-image. Trish tested it on herself. She ended up green. Their mom who was a lot like Lilith had taken selfies with Trish in the background and posted them on her witch website for all her witch friends to see. Freya felt bad for her baby sister. Maybe one day she would tell Trish the secret to their magic. That would be a bad day.

  “Trish looked across the table at Josh, You do know Lilith is a powerful witch?”

  “You have no idea who I am do you, Trish?”

  “No, do I want to know?”

  “Maybe later. Let’s get some food and get to know each other better.” The rest of the afternoon went nicely, Trish thought Josh was cool and a lot of fun. Unfortunately, he seemed to know a lot about her sisters leading her to believe he dated one of the other… could he have dated both of them…at the same time? He had said he hadn’t dated Lilith, but nothing about Freya. The thought made her sick. She could never equal up to her sisters on any level. What was she thinking Josh would never be interested in her on any level. Especially if he dated one or both of her sisters.


  As the day went on Trish learned that Josh actually lived not far from her cozy little town and passed through often. He had been on tour with his band “Mirror Image”. He explained that he would have to head to a sound check later that night at a club called The Dragon’s Den. So, they needed to come up with a believable story of how he managed to get away from her while he went to the sound check and later for the gig that night. Trish suggested that he tell her sisters that he slipped out when she was upstairs after thinking she had failed to send him back. The plan was clever. Josh would tell them he would slip back in later after the gig being there when Trish came down in the morning making her think she had once again failed.

  They spent the day visiting the shops. They managed a pub and grub through town sampling tasty treats as they went along. Fall was everywhere and signs of All Hallows eve graced every storefront and doorway in every direction. She loved the feel of the small town it made her feel settled.

  Josh broke into her thoughts as they walked down the sidewalk. “You know, there’s a Halloween ball held every year in Longview.”

  “I hear Its amazing. It’s the witches ball correct?” she asked.

  “Congratulations, that also pretty cool.”

  “Maybe, if I survive this little trick you would w
ant to come to see us play.”

  Trish smiled nodding in agreement. She tried not to get too excited about the invite. He hadn’t said come with him. He merely extended an invite for her to watch his band perform. She had always wanted to go to that ball. Her sisters went every year. Trish had always stayed away fearing ridicule from some of the other witches.

  “You haven’t said yes yet Trish.”

  “Trish looked at Josh, oh yes I would love to come.”

  “Then it’s a date.”

  Josh opened the door to a little store called “The book and bell” have you noticed every small town has one of these with almost the same name.” he commented as he stepped in allowing the door to close behind them with a ding of the bell.

  “Ssssh, you will offend someone.”

  Please, they know that’s what people are thinking he laughed. That’s why they name it something so similar. That way they don’t have to advertise.”

  Trish shoved him in the shoulder as she laughed walking off. Josh looked after her smiling as she continued laughing softly looking at books and bobbles. When the shop’s owner came from the back room he signaled her not to address him. She winked back understanding his meaning. Josh loved his mom. She knew if he brought a female into her store he wanted her opinion. It had been awhile a very long while since he’d brought someone for his mom to look over.

  “What are you looking at”? he asked stepping up to Trish.

  “Look how cute.”

  Smiling Josh snatched up the book charm heading straight to the register. Funny he thought every time he brought a girl to his moms’ shop she always picked up a charm. One he would always buy and then shortly after they disappeared from his life. Maybe Trish would stick around. So, straight to the checkout counter, he went. If she wanted it, he would get it for her. When he placed the charm on the counter his mom raised an eyebrow whispering interesting. Josh gave her the look, you know the one. It says don’t start mom. We have all been there. Josh turned from the counter holding out a small emerald green bag to Trish.


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