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Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity

Page 11

by Tiffany Carby

  “Oh yes please!” Jackie exclaimed, “Thank you for remembering!” Mildred smiled as she waltzed away to work on Jackie’s order. While Jackie waited she pulled out the books that she held so dearly. Ancient spells were handed down from her ancestors. It didn’t get any better than this! She frowned slightly when she realized the words on the cover were written in Latin. Then she remembered that this was often times a concealment spell. All she had to do was read the title three times in a row and it would reveal the words in her language. She considered waiting until she got home but she wasn’t quite ready to enter that lonely dwelling of hers. Even Velvet, her beautiful black cat, couldn’t squelch the loneliness that often engulfed her.

  Jackie leaned over the table and put her face close to the book while she whispered the words three times in a row. A faint glow appeared on the cover and then disappeared in a flash. Then right before her eyes the words were in English. It read: Darkest Secrets of The Ancients. Jackie gasped as she read it. She could not open this book in public. It would be too dangerous. She sat that book aside and did the same with the next one. Again, the faint glow appeared and then was gone with a flash. This title read: Common Spells Every Witch Should Know.

  Relieved that she could open this one in public she delved into it right away. It had all sorts of amazing little spells. Healing remedies of all kinds and recipes for all kinds of delightful things. There was even a spell on how to make your home a self-cleaning one. Jackie would definitely use that one. She hated cleaning. There were a few that would be useful for when she didn’t want to be seen or disturbed. In the beginning there was a few pages on different herbs and spices and what spells they were best used for. Jackie almost squealed with glee. She would be making a trip to the health food store soon. It would be good to stock up on some of these items.

  “Here you go dear. Oh, what’s this?” Mildred looked down at the spell book and smiled as she placed the food and drink on the table, “A spell book I see.”

  “Yes! My grandmother gave them to me. They are very old.” Jackie felt she could trust Mildred with this knowledge, especially since she had not once judged her or ridiculed her for her oddities.

  “How exciting! You must be so proud. What spells do you plan to try?” Mildred prompted as she sat in the booth on the other side of the table.

  “I will definitely work on some of the healing ones and self-care ones. I am very much looking forward to trying out the self-cleaning house one.” Jackie giggled.

  “Well then, you will have to let me know if that one works. I could use that here.” Mildred laughed. The other book caught her attention then, “What is this one?” She reached to grab it.

  “No!” Jackie shrieked as she swatted Mildred’s hand away.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.” Mildred went to leave the table. Jackie placed a gentle hand on hers.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak out on you. It’s just that that book is a bit more dangerous and I would hate for anything bad to happen to you. I dare not open that one in public.” Jackie explained.

  “Goodness me. I would not want that for sure.” Mildred let out a relieved sigh, “Well, I best be back to my work. Enjoy your goods dear. And do be careful with that book.” Mildred pointed to the dark book as if it were going to attack her.

  “I will. Thank you for everything, Mildred.”

  “My pleasure dear.” Mildred scurried off as if a ghost were chasing after her. Jackie shook her head. She really didn’t mean to yell at Mildred. The fear of that book was strong in her. She needed to hurry and get it home where she could keep it in a secure and safe place. She wolfed down the food and gulped down the latte, then grabbed up her things to head home. She left a hefty tip on the table along with the money owed. Mildred deserved a good tip after what she had done for her. She started to wrap the books inside her sweater and head out the door when she had an idea. She walked up to the kitchen door,

  “Hey Mildred, do you have a bag I can use, please?”

  “You mean like a plastic bag? Or more of a book bag sort of thing?”

  “A book bag would be awesome if you have one.” She heard scuffling about as she waited. Mildred popped her head out of the kitchen door and handed Jackie a backpack.

  “This is the best I can do.” She shrugged.

  “Actually, that’s perfect. Thank you!” It would be much easier for Jackie to carry the books in a backpack as she wouldn’t have to fight the wind so much then.

  “Great! You can return it to me when you stop by tomorrow. Have a good evening dear!” Mildred hugged her before disappearing into the kitchen again. The door was just as much of a hassle to get out of as it was to get in. She managed a bit easier this time around however since her hands were free. The door slammed behind her again but this time she didn’t care. She held her sweater and beanie close to her body as she walked the two blocks to get to her home. It definitely saved her money to live in such a small town.

  Jackie stepped up to her front door with her key in hand. As soon as she entered Velvet wrapped himself around her ankles.

  “Did you miss me guy?” Jackie cooed. Velvet purred as she picked him up and closed the door behind her. She went into the kitchen to make sure Velvet had plenty of food and water. He seemed perfectly content so she took him up to her bedroom with her. He lay curled up next to her side as she lay on her stomach with her feet in the air. She had the dark book in front of her and was just staring at it while she twirled her hair. A battle played within her on whether or not she should open the book. Surely her grandmother would not have given it to her if she didn’t think Jackie was ready for it. She ran her fingers across the cover and immediately pulled her hand back. The immense power she felt from the book should have made her put it away and never open it but her curiosity got the best of her and she opened it quickly. The lights flickered and she heard the sound of electricity. Jackie was certain she had allowed some spirits to enter her home just then. She only hoped they were not malicious ones.

  The power that emanated from the book was immense, frightening yet exhilarating. Her heart pounded against her chest and a line of sweat trickled down her face. She quickly put her hair up out of her face and wiped her face dry. Taking a moment to center herself she said a quick prayer before looking upon the spells this dark book contained. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times to focus. The words were written in a rusty brown script. Jackie was certain it had been written in blood. That meant that these were dark secrets handed down from her ancestors and should not be taken lightly. Her heart started to beat to an eerie tempo that must have resonated from the book itself. Common spells were one thing but this book was not something to tinker around with. She closed it quickly, opened the drawer of her nightstand, shut the book inside it.

  The room seemed to lighten and a haze she had not realized was there dissipated. Jackie jumped up and ran to open her window. She needed to clear the air and her mind. She closed her eyes as a gentle breeze blew through her room. This was exactly what she needed. So why didn’t she feel at peace?

  She turned and left her room and headed downstairs to grab a bite to eat in her kitchen. She gasped as she entered. The fridge was wide open, cupboards were slamming open and shut, all while dishes were floating about.

  “Alright spirit, you have made yourself known. Please don’t destroy my kitchen.” Jackie begged. She started to enter the kitchen but stopped dead in her tracks when all of her kitchen knives left the block and hovered inches before her face. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Can we be civil though? Let’s get to know one another.” The knives went back to the block as a willowy form appeared sitting on her counter. It was a young woman with wild red hair and bright green eyes. She wore a tribal looking dress with Celtic symbols etched throughout. Her features were very similar to Jackie’s. “Are you my ancestor?” The woman nodded.

sp; “Aye, that I am. The name is Dolman. I thank ye for settin’ mae free.” The woman replied.

  “You are a druid priestess, aren’t you?” Jackie asked in awe.

  “Thet I aim.” A sadness permeated the room.

  “I am honored by your presence.” Jackie bowed, “May I ask why you were ransacking my kitchen?” Dolman laughed.

  “Truth bae told, I was hungray.” Dolman hopped off of the counter and floated closer to Jackie. It was bizarre to see a ghostly form that almost mirrored her own image.

  “Correct me if I am wrong but I’m not so sure ghosts can eat.” Jackie pointed out with a nervous left.”

  “Aye, tis’ true. I had forgotten what I was at first.” Dolman held her hands out and shrugged. Jackie was fascinated by the deep Irish accent of this ghost. Dolman came face to face with Jackie with a desperately fierce look, “Beware the dark magic, Jackie. It can and will consume ye.” Jackie shivered at the warning.

  “As it did to you?”


  “What happened?” Jackie feared asking but curiosity got the best of her.

  “I did it for loove. Or so I thought I did. Loneliness can cause many a pearson to do odd thangs.”

  “I thing I know what you mean. I often find myself lonely.” Jackie confessed.

  “Bettear to be aloone than ta be damned for etearnity.” Dolman whispered. Jackie had to know what she had done.

  “Please, tell me what you did.” Dolman looked more forlorn as she prepared to tell Jackie her story. A flash of anger made her eyes grow big and bright.

  “That dark book be mien. I wrote avery spell in et. I never thought it would baecome so powerful. Gaeve me a moment as I consult the spirits askain for a clearer tongue.” Dolman became still as she seemed to be conversing with the spirit realm without words.

  “Goddess protect me.” Jackie prayed. Dolman opened her eyes and smiled.

  “I have been granted a clearer tongue so you can better understand me. I hope it is clear enough?”

  “Yes, I understand you perfectly. Your accent is still very beautiful.” Jackie admitted.

  “Thank you.” Dolman laughed, “As I was saying, I wrote that book. I was smitten by a young boy who had no clue I existed. So, I toyed with the idea of a love spell. It was not so easy to accomplish. I had to sacrifice something I loved dearly in order for the spell to work. Tell me, Jackie, would you give up the one thing you love the most just to have a man at your side?” Jackie pondered her words carefully. She honestly had nothing to lose. Her very existence was a lonely one. The idea of having a man at her side was very appealing.

  “I think that I would.” Jackie stated simply.

  “Then you are a bigger fool than I!” Dolman screeched. It sounded like many voices unified with each voice having a different octave. It was ominous and foreboding. Jackie cringed at the sound as she watched her ancestor fade away. Jackie left the kitchen and moseyed into her living room, making her way to her front bay window. She sat in the window and stared aimlessly outside. Dolman’s words rang through her head and it was suddenly all she could think about.

  At that moment a young man stopped in front of her house. He had clearly been jogging and was stopping to stretch his legs a bit. Jackie watched him from her window. He was tall and lean with shaggy brown hair. He had sexy runner’s legs, slim and toned. Jackie was smitten. He was easily the handsomest man she had ever lain eyes on. Almost as if he had heard her thoughts he stood up and looked her way, giving her a large bright smile as he continued on his way jogging.

  “How have I not seen him before?” Jackie mused out loud. Suddenly nothing else mattered than to get this man to fall in love with her. She now knew that she had a spell that could work. She only needed to sacrifice the one thing she loved the most. She thought long and hard as she surveyed her home. What did she love most in this world? A sudden craving for some pumpkin pie was what made her figure it out. As she tussled through her fridge to find the leftover pie she considered what it would be like to never taste anything pumpkin ever again. Could she do it? Was the love of a man worth it? Finding the pie, she also grabbed some whipped cream and headed over to the table to enjoy her snack. As she ate she mulled over and over the different reasons why it was worth giving up her love for pumpkin spiced things. This meant candles and body sprays as well. Anything pumpkin would be eradicated from her life forever. Finishing the last pit of her pie she sighed, “This will be the last thing pumpkin I will ever eat again.”


  Jackie waited patiently for the man to jog by her house. She had watched him for a week now and found he had a daily routine. Like clockwork he jogged by her house at the same time every day. As he came closer Jackie called out, “Hey!” The man stopped and turned her way,

  “Hello.” She saw he had the most beautiful brown eyes. His smile gave her the courage to continue what she had planned.

  “I was wondering if you would be interested in joining me for some coffee.” She offered boldly. The man seemed shocked at her boldness.

  “Well, to be honest, I’m not much of a coffee drinker.” He confessed.

  “Oh, well sorry I bothered you.” Feeling rejected she turned to go back inside.

  “I do like tea.” He called out. Jackie perked up. She had pumpkin spiced tea. This would work perfectly.

  “Yeah?” She turned and asked, “Would you like to come in for a cup of tea then?”

  The man looked at his watch before replying, “You know, why not. I have some time to kill.” He followed her inside. She shut the door behind him, discreetly locking it as he observed her home.

  “Is that a cauldron on your coffee table?” He asked, “Oh my... that looks like blood and feathers. Wow! You really go all out on Halloween, don’t you?” He had a mixed expression of horror and fascination written on his face. Jackie couldn’t help but smile.

  “Is it Halloween? I didn’t even realize it!” She laughed. He looked at her with huge eyes.

  “So, what, you decorate like this normally?”

  “Is that such a bad thing?” She asked. He looked like a trapped animal about to jump out the window. She had to do something quick or he would take off, “Dude! I’m messing with you. Yes, I love to go all out on Halloween.” Her heart hammered in her chest as she waited for him to take the bait.

  “Oh. I see.” He muttered. Jackie walked over and sat on her couch in front of the cauldron. She motioned for the man to sit next to her. Seeming to be in a dreamlike state he sat next to her hesitantly.

  Jackie handed him a cup of tea. He took it without question and started to drink. He hadn’t even noticed that she had conjured them up right there. Jackie then took a small needle, grabbed his hand and pricked his finger. He mumbled incoherently but did not fight her. She pulled his hand over the cauldron and let a few drops of his blood drip into it. She then did the same with her finger. A few drops of blood from the both of them was all that she needed. Taking a spoon, she stirred the contents in the cauldron then chanted the words,

  “Sequor hunc amorem eius et faciam rem diligere. Cum haec commutatio mihi dare et ego in sempiternum et stare iudicio.”

  She took a container of pumpkin spice and dumped the contents into the cauldron to seal the spell. Jackie waited for the spell to take effect. She watched the cauldron closely. It should turn a bright white and there was supposed to be a flash. Then the man at her side would fall hopelessly and madly in love with her. The cauldron instead turned blood red. In fact, blood filled to the brim of the cauldron and splashed over it, covering everything on the table. Jackie new then that something had gone horribly wrong. What had she done though? She had gone over the spell many times. Studying it to make sure it was exactly perfect before she cast it. She had it down to every minute detail. It made no sense to her how any of it could have gone awry. An eerie black glow emanated from the cauldron an
d illuminated the room in darkness. A cackling laugh could be heard throughout the house. Jackie shrank back within herself as she watched her ancestor appear before her, only this time putrid and grotesque.

  “You fool!” Dolman screamed, “I warned you. You thought you could just take love and it would be such a treat didn’t you? No! Instead you have been tricked into believing you had the right to make someone love you.”

  “I don’t understand! I thought it was about sacrifice? I did everything right.” Jackie yelled over the sudden shrill screams surrounding her.

  “You foolish girl!” Was all Dolman would reply.

  “I sacrificed the thing I loved the most, just like you said.” Jackie was angry at Dolman. She felt cheated and wanted to put the blame on her ancestor rather than admit she had done something wrong.

  “No my dear. You didn’t.” Dolman’s eyes were sad even if she appeared angry.

  “What? I don’t understand.” Jackie cried out.

  “What is it that you think you love the most dear?” Dolman asked.

  “Pumpkin Spice of course.” Jackie replied. Dolman shook her head forlornly as her eyes grew wild and fierce.

  “No! That is not what you love the most!” Dolman exclaimed. Jackie was perplexed. She had gone over it all and could not think of anything or anyone who she could possibly love more than pumpkin spice. She looked up at Dolman and cried out,

  “Then what is?” Her heart sank. She had failed but had no clue how or why.

  “Think girl. Who greets you most mornings, afternoons, and evenings? Who is always there for you with a ready smile and your favorite treats? Who treats you good every time you see them?” Dolman asked. A light bulb went on in Jackie’s head as she realized who Dolman was referring to. It broke her heart when she realized that Dolman was right, “Mildred.”

  “Yes! She is like a mother to you! That is what you craved. That is who you love the most.” Dolman exclaimed. Dejected, Jackie closed her eyes,


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