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Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity

Page 24

by Tiffany Carby

  “Long story.” Adam leapt from the chair as they fell. “And I promise to tell you, but I have somewhere I need to be.”

  “You going after your girl?”

  Yeah. But which one?

  Izy and Elle filled his mind. Each fought for prominence until he could no longer tell them apart.

  How do I choose?

  Perhaps there was only one right choice.

  Adam donned his mask and whipped the cloak around his shoulders. “Appreciate the help. I gotta go.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To the palace.” Jaq blocked his path. “What are you doing?”

  “Mate, you can’t go to the palace.”

  “I have to.” He tried to push past, but Jaq held his ground.

  “Are you out of your mind? It’s not a place you’ll ever be welcome — no matter who your friends are.”

  Adam jerked. “What are you saying?”

  Jaq fingered his cloak. “Took me awhile to place her, but I know who Little Red is. That’s who you’re going to see? Right, Wolfy?”

  He flung off Jaq’s hand. “It’s none of your business.”

  “Well, I’m making it my business. Friends, don’t let friends run off headlong into trouble — ” He grinned. “Unless of course they’re invited along for the ride.” Jaq spun on his heel.

  Adam hurried after him. “I can’t let you do that.”

  “Who says you have a choice? Besides, I can get you inside. After that, it’s up to you. So, tell me why are we risking our necks? If there’s a chance I’m going to get my arse kicked tonight, I’d like to at least know why.”

  “Izy’s leaving.”

  “And what? You planning on stopping her?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Why would you — oh — you’ve got a thing for her.”

  “I — maybe.”

  Jaq’s brow creased. “But what about Elle? I thought the two of you were — ”

  “Yeah, we are — or we might — I don’t know.”

  “Man, and I thought one woman messing with my head was bad enough.”

  Adam sighed. “Tell me about it.”

  Laughter bubbled from Jaq’s lips. “When it’s all over, I’ll buy you a drink and you can tell your Uncle Jaq all about it. But right now, let’s get you inside. We have a Ball to crash.”

  Chapter 12


  The sheer opulence of the Ballroom stole Adam’s breath. Kings, queens, fairy princesses, and several swans filled the room, just as Hal predicted. And they all wore delicate masks that only covered their eyes. In his dark cloak and full faced mask, he’d stand out the moment he stepped from the shadows. The chance he’d be exposed ratcheted his heart several gears and quickened his breath.

  The giant clock showed less than twenty minutes till midnight. Panic rolled through Adam. He’d never find her in time.

  A flash of colour caught his eye. Amid the ocean of gold, silver, and white, a hint of red stood out in contrast.


  She stumbled as if she sensed his gaze. Izy’s eyes scanned the crowd, and she gaped as they found him. She cocked her head towards the balcony and disappeared.

  Adam skirted the edge of the room. Head ducked, he scooted across the open floor and onto the balcony.

  Izy smacked his chest. “You’re not supposed to be here.”

  Shivers raced under his skin at Izy’s touch. Not the welcome I was hoping for. “What other choice did I have? You wouldn’t answer my letters.”

  “Because I knew you’d try and talk me out of it. You need to leave.”

  “Izy,” he settled his hands on her arms. “I — I don’t want you to go.”

  She stared straight into his eyes. “This isn’t the life I want. I want to be loved for who I am, not how I look.”

  “You are.”

  “Am I?” Izy tilted her chin. “Then kiss me.”

  Adam blinked. I had to have misheard. “What?”

  “Kiss me. It’s what every eligible guy in Right Side and several ineligible ones have tried to do all night, but I’m asking you, Adam…to kiss me.”

  “I — uh”

  Izy. Elle. Izy. Elle. The images blurred.

  Tears glistened in her eyes. “See. You don’t love me for my looks, but you’ll never fully love me because of them.” She dipped her chin.

  “No, that’s not — ”

  “How about mine?”

  Adam stumbled back, his eyes and mouth agape, as the face that lifted to greet his wasn’t Izy’s… but Elle’s. “What the hell?”

  “Let me explain.”

  He raised his hands between them. “Explain what? That you lied to me? Played with me, my emotions?”

  Izy — Elle shook her head. “No, it’s not like that.”

  He backed away as his eyes darted through the darkness. “Is this some kind of elaborate Halloween trick? Lure the beast amongst those who hate him the most for what? Entertainment value?”

  “Will you shut the hell up.” Her anger halted his tirade. “This is exactly why I had to do this; because you jump to all the wrong conclusions. I tried for months to apologise for what happened, but you shut me out, wouldn’t even give me a chance. But the moment I showed up as Elle, you accepted her. The way she looks doesn’t frighten you. Elle was a way for me to get close to you, to get you to give Izy — give me, a chance to apologise. To prove I’m not like everyone else and it worked.” She refastened the amulet and Izy’s face returned.

  Adam stared wide-eyed at the transformation.

  “But something else happened. Turns out Elle’s the me I wish I could be. I won’t lie, in the beginning, seeing her face in the mirror, I cried, which only proved, you were right about me. But when you, and Jaq, accepted me exactly as I was, I started to as well. And then the more Elle tried to patch things between you and me, the more I found myself asking: why? Elle is everything I’m not, yet want to be.”

  “But you’re the same person, no matter how you look on the outside.”

  Izy shook her head. “I’m not. As Izy, I’m nothing more than a pretty bird, locked in a gilded cage, never free. Elle will never be caged, forced to live a life that she doesn’t want. So, I’ve decided. It’s goodbye Izy, hello Elle…permanently.”

  “I don’t — ”

  People filed through the doors. The fireworks were set to begin.

  Izy lifted her hood and dragged him against the crowd into the ballroom.

  “There’s no time to explain. But please, Adam, kiss me. Give me one last memory of Izy to remember.”

  The giant clock chimed.


  Wet with tears, her eyes begged him, and he saw. Saw the same eyes Elle had looked at him with the night he’d invited her in from the cold. How did I not see this?


  Their images merged and he saw only one face. Adam’s heart soared, he didn’t have to choose. One hand cupped Izy’s face, the other reached for his mask.



  Faces turned as the scream shattered the moment.


  Terror gripped Adam’s throat as Rita lunged at Izy arm raised. He dove between them and Rita’s knife plunged into his chest.


  Screams filled the air as not one, but four bodies hit the ground. Adam, Dain, Andar and Rita.

  Izy sank to her knees. “Adam, no.”


  “I’m — I’m — ” Adam coughed and she lifted his mask.

  “Shh, don’t — ”

  “Sorry I didn’t see before.”


  She shook her head as tears streaked her cheeks. “It’s okay. It’s fine.”

  He reached up and cupped her face. “B
ut I do now. I see — ”


  “ — both of you. Now I understand why — ” he coughed again. “ — why I couldn’t decide — because there was no choice. There was only ever you, Izy.”


  “Actually, it’s Izybelle.”

  Adam smiled. “Two-for-one. I like it.”


  “Sorry, I never — ” Adam’s body jerked violently as he coughed and blood stained his lips.

  “Adam, don’t leave me.”


  “I — I love you, Izybelle.” He gasped for air that wouldn’t come. “All of you.” His eyes closed.

  “Adam? Adam, come back.”

  Darkness surrounded him as Izybelle’s lips brushed his. We love you too.


  The End


  Bahahaha! Oh-em-gee! That was like — the funniest thing ever. You got to ‘The End’ and you were all like “What the?” Eyes bugging out, jaw hanging open. So funny. Well for me anyways.

  Did you fall for it?

  You did?


  Oh, come on. You can’t seriously think I’d end the story like that. What about all those loose ends?

  You weren’t interested in finding out?

  Oh, you were but you aren’t now?

  Well, fine then. Guess some people can’t take a joke. For those of you who didn’t appreciate my trick, you may skip ahead to the credits.

  Yeah, that’s right — over there. See ya. So long. Au revoir. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  (closes the door)

  Sheesh… party poopers. No Halloween spirit whatsoever.

  All right. For those of you who enjoyed my little trick, I have a treat for you… the end of the story. Yay!

  Just turn the page to find out what happened.

  It’s there. I promise.

  (wanders off muttering)

  Geez, you trick them once, and it’s all ‘I don’t believe you’

  (mumble mumble - looks back over shoulder)

  Seriously… turn the page.


  by Izybelle

  Twenty-one and a bit.

  Izybelle brushed her lips over Adam’s. “We love you too.”


  The final stroke of midnight rang out.

  A voice whispered through the great hall. “What was done, let now be undone.”

  Orange smoke rose from beneath the floor. The Haves squealed and abandoned Rita and her sons. Hal appeared as the smoke engulfed those who’d fallen.

  Outside of the smoke, everyone froze, caught between one moment and the next.

  Izybelle teary eyed sought Hal as he crouched by Rita’s side. “What’s going on?”

  Hal shook his head. “Marguerite here has caused an unexpected snafu in breaking the curse.”

  “This is all my fault.” She ripped the amulet from her neck. “I should’ve thrown this thing away the second you gave it to me. Being Elle isn’t a curse. She’s the best version of myself.”

  “Look at your hands.”

  The fingers wrapped around the amulet weren’t the honey coloured ones she expected to see.

  “We broke the curse? But you said — ”

  “You broke your curse, pet. The caveat to break your curse was to convince Adam that you, Izy, weren’t like the rest of the Haves. Part of him never fully believed you’d accepted him. Behind the safety of the garden walls, sure, but out in the real world — ” Hal gave a half shrug. “For two kids who swear looks don’t matter, they certainly managed to keep you apart. It wasn’t until Adam understood you were prepared to give up your entire identity to be Elle that the curse broke. The sad part is we were this close to a two-for-one curse breaking special. Unfortunately, Marguerite got to you before I could stop her. I’m sorry pet.”

  “Adam’s cursed too?”

  Regret and sadness filled Hal’s eyes as he nodded. “One he’s carried since a babe, not that he even knew.”

  Izybelle gaped. “What kind of curse? How was it supposed to break?”

  “I cannot share the details of the curse, but as to breaking it, his caveat was true love’s kiss.”

  “But nothing changed. We — ” Understanding plunged a dagger in Izybelle’s heart and twisted as if she’d been the one to receive Rita’s killing blow. If she had, at least that pain would have ended. The pain of her broken heart would be with her always. “Adam broke my curse, but I didn’t break his. He lied. I’m not his one true love. Elle is, and now they’re both gone.”

  “Don’t give up just yet.”

  Her breath hurt as her throat burned with sobs she couldn’t release. “It’s too late, he’s gone.”

  “If that were true, then time would be back in sync.”

  Izybelle froze. “What are you saying? He’s alive?”

  “He isn’t alive so much as he isn’t dead. Right now, Adam is balanced on the precipice between life and death.”

  She grabbed Hal. “Then do something. Help him.”

  He threw up his hands. “You don’t think if there was anything I could do, I’d do it? It’s up to him, my pet. Everything is up to him.” He ran his hand over Adam’s hair. “It was my magic that did this to him. I may be a demon, but I’m not a monster. Unfortunately, there are rules, unbreakable rules that must be obeyed. When Marguerite forced me to cast that spell, I did everything I could to make her change her mind, but she was blinded by hurt and anger, and I was bound by the power she held over me. For twenty-one years, I’ve done what I could to help him. While I couldn’t openly change Adam’s fate, I had scope for interference. Even sent Gus to him to be my eyes and ears. Anything Adam needed, I whispered in Marguerite’s ear to provide him with. but even that had its limits. Push too hard, ask for too much, and she’d be able to resist.”

  He patted Izybelle’s hand. “You were my trump card. Everything would have been cleared up so much sooner if your parents hadn’t sent you away. Good grief they are set in their ways. No amount of whispering could convince them their only child would be happier and better off here at school with her friends, than that pretentious boarding school you ended up at. My apologies for that.”

  Izybelle managed half a smile. “At least you tried.”

  “When you came to me with your plan for Elle, I knew I’d been right about you all along. You understood Adam better than he did himself. Elle was exactly what he needed to stop feeling sorry for himself, to push back at the hand he’d been dealt.”

  “But now she’s gone and I’m still here.” Tears slid down Izybelle’s cheeks. “He wasn’t supposed to be here. If I’d walked away, then he wouldn’t be fighting for his life. The deadline for my curse would have passed with him none the wiser, and everyone could have lived happily ever after. Whatever curse he’s under, surely living with it is better than this. I stole his chance at true love. How can he ever forgive me?” She pressed her forehead to Adam’s. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Nothing to forgive.”

  Izybelle jerked. “Adam?”

  Hal laughed as Marguerite stirred in his arms. Outside the smoke, time restarted. “Way to go, kid. Knew you had it in you.”

  Adam, Rita, Andar and Dain screamed as they writhed on the floor.

  The crowd watched from a short distance. Hands covered their open mouths, and they stood side on, as if they planned to flee, but couldn’t tear their eyes from the scene. Horrified, yet fascinated at the same time.

  Adam ripped at his mask but he couldn’t tear it free.

  Izybelle started for him, but Hal held her back. “If you interfere, there’s no telling what will happen to them.”

  She narrowed her eyes at Hal and gripped the edges of her cloak. What kind of curse could cause so much agony
? And why did Adam appear to suffer more than the others? Izybelle bit her fist as her screams tried to escape.

  The noise subsided.

  Everyone stood transfixed as the bodies on the floor shimmered and transformed. As the magic faded, a collective gasp echoed around the Ballroom.

  “Move. Move. Get out of the way. What is the meaning of all this — ” the King broke through the crowd and gaped. “Who the hell are you people? How dare you — ”

  “Why Your Majesty, do you not recognise your own subjects? This is Ms Rita, and her sons, Dain and Andar. Do you not recognise her exquisite gold dress? I do believe I heard you compliment her on it earlier this evening.”

  The King’s eyes flicked to Rita and grew wide. “My stars. You stole her dress? Is there nothing you animals — ”


  Hand pressed to his chest, the King jerked. “My stars, another one. Izybelle, come away from that monster.”

  Izybelle glared. “Right now the only monster in the room is you.”

  The King and every Have in the room gasped again. Several may have fainted. “How dare you — ”

  Hal touched the King’s arm. “Let me explain — ”

  “Get your hands off — ”

  “You will let me explain.”

  A wave rippled through the room. Calm settled over every Have, including the King. “Of course, please explain.”

  “Why thank you, your Majesty.’ He cleared his throat and recounted everything that brought them to this night. “But the woman,” he continued. “Had mistakenly tarred all Haves with the sins of one. She believed them all incapable of looking beyond the surface, to the beauty that lay within. What she hadn’t counted on, was the fair Izybelle. When she gazed upon the boy, who had now become a man, she didn’t see his dark skin or pale blue eyes, she saw his kind heart, his generous soul, and she fell in love.

  “Seeing the last twenty-one years about to slip away, the woman tried to kill the fair Izybelle, but our young hero stepped boldly between them, and took the blow meant for his love. And as he lay dying in her arms, the fair Izybelle kissed her true love, and broke the curse.”

  As Hal’s story ended, so did his hold over the crowd. The King shook his head. “Do you honestly expect me to believe — ”


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