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Finding Anna (Hidden Duet Book 1)

Page 16

by LM Terry

  He pulls my arms up and wraps them around his neck then lifts me off the ground. I naturally wrap my legs around his waist as he lowers me down onto his throbbing cock. Oh. My. God. He is so fucking amazing. I love it when he is inside of me. I belong to him. Nothing else matters. He slides one arm under my ass and places his other over my neck possessively. He pounds into me gripping my throat tight.

  “Anna, you are so fucking good baby,” he moans into my ear.

  I am helpless. Held up against the wall by Dylan’s large body. My world is dark with the blindfold. Every part of me is on fire ignited by his touch. I climb higher each time he pushes into me.

  “Dylan…yes, oh god yes.”

  I come so hard that I think I may have blacked out. The next thing I know is that I’m on the bed in a cloud of softness.

  “Watch your eyes baby, I’m going to take the blindfold off,” he says.

  He pulls it away. I blink up at him trying to adjust to the sudden burst of light. He smiles and sits me up, untying my wrists, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. He leaves me to go into the bathroom. I hear the water running in the bath. Unbelievably I’m not frightened.

  My entire body is sated. I’m perfectly content lying here on the bed. I lift my head slightly to glance down at the red marks crisscrossing my breasts, stomach and thighs. I lay my head back down and stare at the ceiling confused. He marked my skin. I should be angry shouldn’t I?

  I look down again and run my finger along a welt. I smile. It doesn’t hurt but it does burn a little. When Dylan controls the situation, I like it. I really like it. I don’t understand. Maybe I don’t need to. I’m more alive than I have ever been in my entire life.

  I hear the water shut off. Dylan comes back and scoops me up in his arms carrying me like a sack of potatoes. He smacks my ass. Instantly, heat surges straight down my spine. A lightning bolt that threatens to ignite. He sets me down on my feet in the tub.

  “Go slow baby, it might sting,” he says.

  I slowly sink, my breath hitches as water licks at the little red welts.

  “Lay back Anna. Relax. You did so good tonight. I can’t believe how brave you are with everything I throw at you,” Dylan breathes, pushing me back in the tub. My hands fly up and grip the sides of the tub. It is my natural reaction to being forced backwards towards the water. “It’s okay Anna, I won’t push you under sweetheart.”

  I hesitantly let go of the side and force my hands to rest at my side.

  Dylan sits by the edge running his fingers through the bubbles making tiny circles in the suds. He frowns, his mind seems to be somewhere else. I made him feel bad. I didn’t mean to freak-out. Shit. I need to get the train back on the tracks.

  “You aren’t joining me?” I shyly look at him through my long lashes.

  The trance breaks. He smiles.

  “No. I think I’ve given you enough for one day. If I get in, I won’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

  “You lied.” I slap on a pout.

  “What? No. How did I lie to you?” He looks at me with his scary serious expression.

  “You said you would not kill me.” I try giving him a sexy smile. I’m a little awkward. I’ve never tried to flirt with anyone. I’ve been sporting the tomboy vibe for a long time now.

  It must work because he stands and gets into the tub pulling me to him.

  “I said I wouldn’t kill you. I didn’t say I wouldn’t try.” A slow grin spreads across his face.

  I laugh. “I guess I don’t mind you trying as long as you don’t succeed.” He pulls me down, so I am laying on his chest, water laps up under my chin.

  “But, I think you are trying to kill me as well, Anna Velasquez.”

  I smile into his chest. It is nice to hear my name. Especially when he says it, with his deep sexy voice.


  “Yes, baby?” he replies.

  “Do you think someday we can go home?”

  Chapter Twenty-Three



  This girl. What am I going to do with her? She pulls at my heartstrings like nothing I have ever known. She is unbelievable. She rolls with life, taking everything in stride. When she asked me if someday we could go home, it took my breath away.

  For one, she used the word we, I love that. Secondly, she wants to go home. Home…I have only been able to go back to the estate a handful of times. I want to. My plan was to take Sophia there to let her heal from all the trauma Oliver inflicted. Every time I go it is just too lonely. There are people there so lonely isn’t the correct word, yet it is.

  I hired a large staff to care for the grounds and buildings. Even after the attack many families eagerly applied to come and work for me. Life is not always easy in Mexico. Most were eager to make a decent, fair wage, have a place for their family to live and for their kids to get an education.

  Anna’s mother had a building designated as a school. She filled it with all the supplies and books needed for the children on the estate. I hired a few teachers to replace the ones we lost. I replaced the entire staff, but it’s not the same. If I take Anna there she would fill that void. She is a Velasquez. Maybe she is, Oliver told her that Manuel is her father. I don’t really care either way. She will always be Manuel and Annette Velasquez’s daughter.

  We can’t go home right now. I wish we could. She broke my heart at dinner talking about only seeing this cabin and shit heads new residence. I can help her. We aren’t just going to sit here and wait. We will live a little. She needs to make up for lost time. I want to show her she means more to me than she imagines. Yes, I love her body but…ah I don’t know how to describe it. She grips at something deep inside me. I have never felt this way about anyone.

  I pull her closer. She is sleeping soundly in my arms. I will let her sleep in today while I start on my surprise for her. She deserves excitement and happiness. We aren’t going to wait for it to happen. I’ll make it happen. I kiss her naked shoulder lightly and pull the blanket up over her tucking it in under her soft lithe body.

  When I get downstairs, Liam is up sitting at the breakfast bar with his head in his hands, a cup of coffee in front of him. I open the cupboard to grab a mug and startle him. “Shit, man I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “You didn’t scare me,” he says grumpily.

  I put my hands up. “Okay, okay, geez someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. What are you doing up this early anyhow?” He looks terrible.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped. I didn’t sleep well.” He gets up and pours himself another cup.

  “I’m here if you need to talk Liam.” I grab an apple and a granola bar wanting something quick.

  “I’m okay.” He sits back down and watches me rush around the kitchen. “What’s up Dylan, you’re not making me breakfast?” he asks laughing.

  “Actually, I was going to ask you if you could make sure that Anna eats and if you could keep an eye on her this morning. I need to take a quick trip into town.”

  “Sure, but there is no such thing as a quick trip to town out here,” he says.

  “I know, I hope to be back by early afternoon. I’m planning a big surprise for her. She broke my heart last night Liam. I want to do something fun with her,” I say as I sit down beside him gulping down my coffee.

  He sighs. “She shattered mine too. Fucking bastards why does this world have to be so ugly.”

  “It doesn’t. That is why I’m running to town. So, you are good with staying with her today?” I eye him suspiciously. I have a feeling he and Anna are up to something.

  “Yes, I said I would. I suppose I should start breakfast for her. You know she’ll be nervous that you left her alone with me.” He stands and walks to the cupboard in search of ideas of what to prepare her.

  “I trust you, she will learn to trust you too. Just keep an eye on her for me, make sure she doesn’t lock herself away. If you don’t keep her engaged, she retreats inside herself.” I toss my tras
h and grab a travel mug getting my fill of coffee.

  “We will be fine, you want to let me in on your little surprise?” he says as he cracks a few eggs into a bowl.

  “Shit no, you are terrible at keeping secrets.” I give him a bear hug from behind as he tries to reach around to punch me, both of us laughing.

  “Shh, you’ll wake your girl before you make your get-away,” he teases. I dodge him and grab my cup to head out.

  “Call me if anything comes up,” I say as I close the door.

  It’s still dark out, perfect an early start to the day. I can’t wait to surprise Anna, I’m going to give her the world.



  I wake up to the sun peaking at me thru the curtains. I glance over at the empty bed. Dylan must be up already. What time is it? I grab my phone off the end stand, shit it is almost ten in the morning. Why did he let me sleep so late? I lay there and listen for any noise coming from downstairs, nothing. Hmm, he could be outside working on security.

  I get up tugging on my jeans, a t-shirt and slip my feet into a pair of sneakers. In the bathroom I take a minute to reminisce over a few bathtub memories with Dylan. I’m looking forward to spending the day with him. I can’t remember the last time I looked forward to anything. I stare at myself in the mirror, smiling, it’s nice to see myself. Good morning Anna, I say out loud. So many years wasted, pretending.

  I pull my t-shirt up to study the marks that Dylan made last night. They are lighter today, in a day or two they will be completely gone. I don’t consider this type of “play” typical but then my life has been anything but normal so what do I know. My parents and the Madronos didn’t tie each other up, spank and whip each other. Or did they? What people do in the privacy of their bedroom is really no one else’s business if they enjoy it, who is to judge.

  I run the brush through my hair. I study myself again, ugh I’m such a tomboy. For the first time I wish I had something nice to put on or a touch of makeup. I know little about that sort of thing. I miss my mom. I wish she was alive, so I could ask her all the questions that are ping-ponging around in my brain. I guess Dylan could take me into town to shop, I giggle to myself shaking my head. I never dreamed I would want to impress someone let alone go shopping.

  I jog down the stairs, Liam is sitting at the table looking over file folders. He looks up at me smiling. “Late night?” he smirks. I’m sure I turn a nice shade of pink. I ignore him as I step into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be a smart ass. I made you breakfast it is in the warmer.” He moves around me and opens the oven to pull out a plate with a hot pad. He sets it down on the counter and points to a chair instructing me to sit. Something seems off, my heartrate picks up.

  “Thank you. Um where is Dylan?” I ask nervously and glance behind me.

  “He had to run into town for a few errands, he said he would be back this afternoon,” he says as he sits down at the table picking up a file to study its contents.

  I turn and stare at my plate, the meal looks delicious, but I can’t eat. Dylan is gone. Did Liam send him away? Does he have information that Brian is near? I swallow hard. I try to push down the panic. I think about the tracker pill that he gave me, should I get it? I hid it in the nightstand by my bed.

  My throat tightens as I speculate about Dylan being gone. I don’t want Brian to come for me. I can’t go back. Stop Anna, you must, it is the only way for Liam and Dylan to find him. If there is any hope of taking Oliver out I need to take the risk. I look at Liam. He doesn’t seem as if he is on alert or anything so maybe Dylan did just go to town for errands.

  “What’s wrong Anna, did I make you something you don’t like? I can fix something different. You need to eat.” He comes over to me.

  I shake my head. I open my mouth to tell him that what he made was fine, but a sob escapes instead. I dart around him and head for the stairs. He catches me at the waist as soon as I reach the second step pulling me back against him tightly.

  “Anna, it’s okay, it’s not time. I have gotten no word that anyone is in the states. Please don’t cry.” He rests his chin on top of my head.

  I say nothing, I can’t, fear has gripped its claws in me. I am certain that someone is coming for me today, he is lying. I want to hide.

  “Anna please. I promise you are safe. Dylan will return just calm down.” He holds me as I break down, my crying only gets louder and uglier I am sure. One thing I am not is a pretty crier.

  Liam drags us back and sits down on the steps. He keeps me prisoner in front of him on the step lower than his. “I always envisioned holding Sophia like this, letting her cry while I held her tight.”

  Does he think he is helping? He isn’t. I don’t want to think about Sophia and the hell she endured because of me. Wait. That is why I am doing this. This is why I am working with Liam, to get to Oliver. To take him out. Pull it together Anna. You have no reason not to trust him.

  I quit crying. He lets go of my arms and lets me wipe at my tears, keeping me protectively wrapped between his legs. “I’ve been thinking Anna, we should tell Dylan.”

  “No!” I blurt turning to face him. “No, I’m sorry I…I don’t know, I’m sorry. I’m okay. We can’t tell Dylan he will stop us. You saw how I reacted when I assumed Brian was near, I thought this was it, that it was time. I can’t live like this Liam. I need Oliver to die.” I plead with him and grab at his shirt.

  He looks down at me. “Anna, I’m sorry I can’t do this to Dylan. He is feeling something for you. We can’t do it, we will come up with a different plan. We will talk to him, I can’t do this to my friend, he is like a brother. He is all I have Anna.”

  I listen to what he is saying, did he say Dylan has feelings for me? Now I’m even more confused than before. I let go of his shirt trying to scoot myself away from him. “No, Anna you are not hiding. Dylan gave me specific instructions to see that you eat and that you don’t run off to hide. So far we are zero for zero on those two things.”

  He tips my chin and gazes into my eyes for a minute. His are a gorgeous blue, they are hard but kind all in one. “Please Liam,” I plead.

  He runs his thumb over my cheek. “No, Anna, we can’t do this to him. We both need him too much.”

  I close my eyes to trap the tears. He is right. I do need Dylan, look at me I’m a basket case when he isn’t around. If Liam wasn’t here I would be up hiding under my covers or locked in the bathroom. “Okay. I’m scared. I don’t know what to do.”

  “We will figure it out. It will all work out. Let Dylan and I worry about everything, you’re not alone anymore.” He smiles and my heart melts a little.

  He is so kind, I wish he could have gotten his happily ever after with Sophia. He said I wasn’t alone. It is a nice thought but eventually everyone leaves me. Liam and Dylan will too, it’s just a matter of time. I stand up and back down the stairs running my hand over my hair. I try to pull myself together. Back to business, one foot in front of the other.

  Liam leads me to my breakfast. “Eat, if Dylan finds you half-starved he will tan my hide.” He kisses the top of my head, content with the fact I have come to my senses for the time being.

  “How did you guys learn to cook so well?” I ask after swallowing a mouthful of eggs.

  “Dylan’s mom, she used to scold us saying if you eat, you cook, and you clean.” He laughs at his memory sitting back in his chair. I smile too, picturing them as young boys helping Dylan and Sophia’s mother in the kitchen.

  He pushes his paperwork from him. “Hey how about we take a walk after you finish up? Dylan told me there is a stream nearby.”

  “Yes, it isn’t too far away. That would be nice, thank you. I’m a little apprehensive to walk by myself,” I say.

  I clean my plate as he goes to his room to grab his shoes. I sit at the table in front of the laptop and stare at the boxes showing the feed from all the cameras Dylan installed. I run my fingers over the keys of the keyb
oard thinking about how all of this started. The tears threaten to return when I hear Liam clear his throat behind me.

  “No more tears Anna, seriously I can’t take it. You are killing me.” He smiles to lighten the mood. “I was just reading a story the other day that went viral over social media. It was about a large anonymous donation to the family of my hotel murder victim. I was thinking about it and wondered if you knew anything about that.” He taps me under my chin winking at me.

  I drop my shoulders. He is right, I can’t keep doing this to myself. I didn’t know what was waiting for me, that murderers and rapists were after me. I have tried making amends for my mistakes the best I can that is all I can do.

  I take his hand as we walk outside I inhale a big breath of fresh air. I need to stop looking behind me and look ahead. We walk together silently and stop to view the wild flowers. “Have you been to Colorado before,” I ask him.

  “No, first time for me too. I like it here, it is so different from the rest of the world, huh?”

  “Yes, things move slower out here,” I say as I pick up a daisy bringing it to my nose. “Dylan said nothing about going back to town. Did he have much to do there?”

  “He didn’t say. Relax Anna, I’m not tricking you.”

  “I know.” I sigh and drop the flower. “I guess I am just wondering why he didn’t tell me that’s all.”

  “Maybe it’s a surprise,” he teases as he picks up the daisy I dropped tucking it behind my ear.

  I pull my shoulder up to my cheek. “I hate surprises.”

  “What? Everyone likes surprises.” He pulls me towards the sound of the stream as it comes into view. Suddenly he turns to look at me. “Shit, I’m sorry Anna, I can see why they might not be your cup of tea. Just don’t listen to me, I’m an idiot.”

  I laugh. “No, I don’t think you are an idiot. It’s okay, I’m sure most people do.” I make my way over to my favorite rock and climb up to sit down to look over the stream.


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