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Blackstone Ranger Hero

Page 16

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Aside from doing ranger duties, Cam will be conducting some research on the wildlife here as well,” Damon explained.

  “It’s part of our agreement,” Cam continued. “Although ranger duties don’t seem that hard. I doubt it will get in the way of my scientific pursuits.”

  Daniel could see why the chief chose him to give Dr. Uptight his orientation. That snooty, upper crust attitude would probably get him decked in no time by the other guys around here. “All right,” he said. “Why don’t we start with a tour of HQ, and then maybe you can join me on some trails?”

  Damon looked relieved. “Thank you, Daniel.”

  “Let’s go, Doc—I mean, Cam.”

  “Much obliged.”

  Daniel took him around HQ, giving him an extensive tour that took up most of the morning. Aside from the main building, the entire complex also including a garage for their vehicles, a storage area, holding areas, a dorm for trainees, and several empty cabins they used for different purposes depending on the time of the year. Afterwards, Daniel took him to the nearby trails.

  “How about lunch?” he asked Cam as they were headed back. “Cafeteria’s open, and the views are great.”

  “I’ve brought my own food,” Cam replied. “And besides, I’m eager to set up my office and lab.”

  He shoved his hands into his pockets. “All right then, suit yourself. Just holler if you need me.” And don’t forget to get rid of that stick up your ass.

  “Thank you.” Cam gave him a curt nod and spun on his heels.

  Glad that’s over. Daniel mentally shook his head. A guy like that wasn’t going to last around here, unless he wanted to spend all his time alone.

  Seeing as he had time for lunch before he went on patrol, he made a beeline for the cafeteria. He ate alone, seeing as Gabe wasn’t around anymore and Anders was back on night shift. Grabbing his phone, he meant to text Sarah, but remembered he didn’t have her number on him. Well, gotta take care of that tonight. Maybe he could even convince her to take some selfies with him, so he could at least have pictures of her to look at and put on his phone as his wallpaper.

  He glanced around, as if someone might accidentally look over his shoulder, and tapped on the browser icon on his screen. He searched for his name and pulled up the initial news story about their marriage. There were several pictures of him and Sarah coming out of HQ, including one with his arm around her, and her gorgeous face clearly seen. He zoomed and took a screenshot. I’m one lucky bastard.

  He could stare at her the whole day, but he had a job to do. Reluctantly, he put the phone away, returned his lunch tray, and headed out the door.

  According to the schedule board, his patrol would start in sector 8-F, which was a little farther up the mountain, but would allow him to hike up to the next ranger station in 10-G where he could catch a ride back to HQ when he was done. Transport picked him up and dropped him off at the southeast corner of 8-F.

  He traversed the trails, checking in with HQ via radio every now and then as he kept his eyes and ears open for any signs of trouble. His main job as a Blackstone Ranger was to help out visitors—both human and shifter. Aside from being a private forest reserve, the mountains served as a sanctuary for the shifters who lived in town. Anyone was welcome to come up here and shift into their animal forms, as long as they stayed away from visitors and didn’t cause harm to anyone. There was more than enough space for humans and shifters alike, and the public trails and campsites were only a small part of the vast area the mountains occupied. The shifters knew which places were just for them, as the rangers marked them with special paint that only they could see, carved symbols on the tree trunks, or sprayed a signature scent that could only be detected by their keen noses.

  As he got farther up, he knew there would be less people and shifters, too, as it was quite far to go on foot. This was one of the best parts of the job for him—being outside in nature. He had so many good memories of being up here in grizzly form with Pops, or hiking the trails with his parents and camping out in the woods in the summer. He wondered if Sarah was an outdoorsy person and if she would enjoy coming up here for the weekend with nothing but a tent.

  The buzz of his walkie-talkie knocked him out of his reverie. “Grizzly One, this is Base. Are you there? Over.”

  He pulled out the portable radio from the holster on his waist and clicked the call button. “This is Grizzly One. I hear you loud and clear, Base. Over.”

  “Grizzly One, we have a lost hiker last seen in sector 8-L. Human female, thirteen years old, red hair, last seen wearing khaki shorts and a green T-shirt. Wandered off from her parents. Over.”

  He wasn’t too far from that area, but he doubted a young girl could make it all the way up here. “All right, Base, I’ll keep a lookout for her. Over.”

  “Thanks Grizzly One. Over and out.”

  Once the crackling of his radio faded, he was again surrounded by silence. He tuned his ears carefully, but there was nothing around him except the chirping of birds and a rustle here and there of small creatures scurrying about, so he continued on his patrol.

  His shift seemed so much longer today, and the sun was still high, which meant he had hours to go. As he crossed over to sector 10, he stopped and sat on a rock and unscrewed the top of his water bottle.

  A sudden noise from his left made him freeze, the bottle halfway to his lips. Every single hair on his body rose, and his grizzly stood up on its hind legs, paws raised. Blood roared into his ears as he dropped the bottle, shot to his feet and turned toward the source of the sound. “Who—fuck!”

  An arm grabbed him from behind and then jabbed something in his throat. Goddammit! The dizziness that passed over him told him what was injected into his system. He managed to pull away, his hands clawing at his skin as if that would stop the bloodsbane from doing its work.

  “Finally caught you, animal scum.”

  That voice. It was the same one from the night of the attack. Lord Nox, he recalled. “Wha-what do you want?” He fought the bloodsbane working into his system, but he could feel his muscles start to relax, and his head felt light. His grizzly swayed back and forth, confused as to what was happening.

  Don’t let it get to you! Fight it.

  Injecting bloodsbane had a different effect from digesting it. Being injected into the bloodstream, the drug would take effect much faster. And depending on how much they put into him, it could knock him out cold from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

  “Vermin,” Nox sneered. “We’ll exterminate you soon.” Several people dressed in black slipped in through the trees, and formed a semi-circle around him.

  “Are you going to kill me?” Daniel slurred. “What—”

  A cry cut him off. Swinging his head around, he saw one of Nox’s minions holding something in his arms. Or someone, wearing a green T-shirt and brown shorts. The lost kid! “Goddamn you, let her go! You want me, right? Take me, I won’t fight you. Just leave her alone. What do you want a kid for, you pervert?”

  Nox laid his palm on his chest in a mocking, shocked gesture. “Me, hurt a human child? Never!” A slow smiled spread across his mouth. “You, however … well, we all know shifters have a base animal instinct they can’t control. What’s to say you won’t attack her?”

  “I’d never hurt a kid!” What the fuck was going on here? Daniel lunged at him, but only staggered forward.

  “Maybe not her, but then maybe you’d kill someone to protect her, won’t you, hero?” Nox sneered. “And when the media sees footage of you attacking a poor human trying to defend this girl, and then she ends up dead, well … we’ll let the media decide how to spin the story.”

  “Fuck you!” So that was their game. Frame him for an attack against humans. “You’ll never … never …” He dropped to his knees, the edges of his vision growing dark.

  “I’ll never what?” Nox laughed. “Get away with it? Of course I will. And what sweet revenge this is. In fact, it’s better than our original plan of ass
assinating Baker. The world will finally see what truly vile and disgusting creatures you are. Once you wake up, you better be ready for your close-up, hero. You will fire the first shot that starts the war.”

  War? What—

  But he didn’t have the chance to finish his question as the world blacked out.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sarah couldn’t concentrate while working from the house that day. Everything about the place reminded her of Daniel, and she found herself missing him. It sounded pathetic, but she couldn’t help herself. He’s going to be back tonight, no need to mope.

  “Ugh.” She’d been staring at the same photo for ten minutes and hadn’t done a thing. Burying her face in her hands, she groaned. It would be a couple more hours until he came back. His shift was until nine o’clock, which meant he wouldn’t be home until ten. If only she could contact him. Call him. Hear his low, sexy baritone. They hadn’t even exchanged numbers, so she couldn’t even do any of that.

  Ew, stop acting like a teenager in love.

  Her heart went pitter-patter at the thought. Love? Was she in love with Daniel? Wasn’t it too early? Did he feel the same? Her stomach fluttered excitedly. Whoah, cowgirl! It’s definitely too early to feel this way.

  “Arggh!” She slammed her tablet facedown on top of the kitchen table. “Adam!” she called out to her brother, who was in the living room watching TV. “Get your stuff together! We’re going to Rosie’s!”

  It hadn’t been hard to convince Adam to come with her to Rosie’s. He’d been moaning about the poor reception and lack of high-speed Internet at Daniel’s house all day. So, they packed up the borrowed minivan and headed down to Main Street. Rosie was only too happy to see them and sat them in a booth in the back where she could work on editing her photos and Adam could play on his phone.

  “Here you go.” Rosie placed two pieces of cherry pie on their table. “Enjoy, kiddos,” she said as she sashayed away.

  “I’m starving,” Adam said as he proceeded to devour the slice in front of him.

  “You’re always starving,” she said wryly.

  “I’m a growing boy,” he said through a mouthful of buttery pastry. “Man, I don’t think I’ve had pie this good back in Vegas.”

  “I’m sure we can find something just as good when we get home,” she assured him. A pang in her heart came from nowhere at the thought of going back to Vegas.

  Adam swallowed and washed everything down with a gulp of water. “So,” he began. “Are you and Daniel … I mean, are you like, a thing now? Cuz you guys have been acting like you are.”

  She was about to dig into her slice, but his question made her pause. When Daniel had asked her yesterday if they should act like nothing happened between them in front of Adam, something inside her immediately protested. She told herself it was because she had vowed to never keep anything from Adam so he wouldn’t lose his trust in her again. But now, she wasn’t sure if that was the only reason.


  “Sorry.” She put her fork down. “I don’t want to lie to you, Adam,” she began. “I promise you from now on, I’ll tell you what’s going on. But the truth is … I don’t know.”

  “Oh.” His gaze dropped to the tabletop. “I mean, if you are, I wouldn’t mind. Daniel’s a great guy. And you deserve to be with someone who treats you right. And … and …” He twiddled his fingers together on top of the table. “I want you to know, you don’t have to worry about me and Darcey. We’ll be fine on our own, okay? I know I can get a scholarship when I graduate in two years, just like we always planned. My guidance counselor says my grades might even be good enough for MIT. I just have to keep working hard and enroll in more AP classes.”

  Her throat burned at Adam’s words, and she reached out to cover her hands with his. “Adam, I would never leave—” The sound of the front door crashing as it hit the wall cut her off. “What the—Thoralf?”

  The dragon shifter, dressed in full armor, stood at the entrance, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on her. “Sarah!” He strode over to them. “Is Daniel with you?”

  “Daniel?” A pit began to form in her gut. “No, he’s at work. What’s up?”

  His expression darkened. “I’m afraid … I’m afraid that The Knights may have a plan for him. And my sources say they will act on it today.”

  “A plan?” Blood drained from her face, and the pit in her stomach grew.

  “Sarah?” Adam asked. “What’s he saying? And what the heck are you wearing, Thoralf?”

  “Hey, what’s going on out here?” Gabriel had rushed into the dining room, and stopped short when he saw Thoralf. “Whoa, dude, what’s with the costume? And that sword … careful you don’t cut your leg off with that thing.”

  “It is my armor and weapon—” he began.

  “He thinks Daniel might be in danger,” Sarah interjected.

  “Danger?” Gabriel’s face turned serious. “Okay, hold on. What do you mean, in danger?”

  Thoralf sighed. “I am not Daniel’s friend from college. I am Thoralf, former captain of the Royal Guard of the Northern Isles—”

  “Someone tried to kill Daniel the other night, and Thoralf was there to save us,” Sarah blurted out. “And Jason Lennox and his wife run some kind of secret shifter agency that fights the bad guys. Now, can we get to the part where Daniel’s life is in danger?”

  Gabriel’s blue eyes grew round as he processed the information. “Jason Lennox … agency … what now?”

  Panic made her patience run thin, but if Daniel was in danger, they had to act now. “Please, Gabriel. He’s at work. But I think he’s in trouble.” Something inside her was telling her that something was very wrong. “Can you check on him?”

  “Already on it.” Gabriel had his phone to his ear. “Hey, Damon, can you check on Rogers for me? When did he last call in to base?”

  As each second ticked by, Sarah’s chest contracted. Oh God. What if Daniel was dead? No. Can’t think like that. Daniel was alive. She didn’t know how she knew, but she just did.

  Though she couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation, from the way Gabriel’s brows drew together and his lips pulled back, she knew it wasn’t good news. “Couple hours, huh? Can you—yeah, thanks, man.”

  “What did he say?” Sarah asked as Gabriel tucked his phone back in his pocket.

  “Daniel was out on patrol, but hasn’t checked in with Base for a couple hours now.” Gabriel’s mouth drew back in a tight smile. “I’m sure he’s fine. Maybe he just forgot or got busy with a rescue.”

  “No.” She shook her head vehemently. “There’s something wrong. I know it.”

  He flinched. “Crap.”

  “What’s wrong?” Thoralf asked.

  Gabriel’s expression became inscrutable. “If she says something’s wrong, then Daniel really is in trouble.”

  “You believe me?”

  “Unfortunately, I do.” He massaged his temples with his fingers. “She’s Daniel’s mate.”

  Thoralf’s eyes bugged out. “Fated mates! How glorious. We can all only hope to find that who is the other half of our souls.”

  “M-mates?” she repeated. “What do you mean? We weren’t even engaged. Is that what happens when you get married to a shifter?”

  “No, no.” Gabriel blew out a breath. “See, most shifters have a mate, one that they’re meant to be with. Call it soulmates. When we find our mates, we form a kind of metaphysical bond with them. You and Daniel are mates, and his bear recognized you the moment he saw you.”

  “But Daniel … he never said anything.”

  “We told him to tell you,” Gabriel said.

  “But he didn’t want to,” she finished. Daniel didn’t want to tell her they were soulmates. An ache formed in her chest. Why?

  “Wait, Sarah, it’s not what you—”

  “Apologies,” Thoralf interjected. “But time is running out. If The Knights have him, then we must act quickly.”

  Daniel was in d
anger. Every nerve in her body told her it was true. Her throat burned at the thought that maybe he didn’t want to be with her, but that would have to wait until later. She couldn’t let him die. “We need to go find him.”

  “Stay here, Sarah, and await for word,” Thoralf said. “I will go and scour the mountains for him.” In a flash, Thoralf disappeared.

  “Holy fucking shit!” Adam shouted. “Did you guys see that?”

  “Adam, watch your mouth,” she admonished.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? He just vanished into thin air! What the fuck am I supposed to say?”

  She buried her face in her hands. Daniel, please be okay. What could those evil Knights be doing to him now? Well, I can’t just sit around and do nothing. Squaring her shoulders, she turned to Gabriel. “Will you take me up there? To the mountains?”

  “What?” Gabriel looked at her incredulously. “No way. Daniel’ll kill me if I put you in any danger.”

  “Please, Gabriel.” She was desperate to know what was happening. “I know I won’t be able to go out and help, but I need to know. I need to be there.” She didn’t know why, but her heart was ready to burst out of her chest at any moment. “What if it was Temperance? Please.”

  He hesitated for a moment. “All right. I know where he’s supposed to patrol and we can make most of the way up there in my Jeep. We’ll have to check in with Damon first.”

  “Sarah?” Adam asked in a quiet voice. “Are you really going up there?”

  “I have to,” she said. “I need to.” Despite the looming thought that Daniel didn’t want to be mates with her, she knew she had to see this through. She needed to see him safe, and then … then she’d let him go.

  Adam looked like he wanted to protest but then squeezed her hands. “You stay safe, Sarah.”

  She grabbed her purse and kissed him on the forehead. “I will. See you when I get back.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Daniel didn’t know how long he’d been out. The bloodsbane had knocked him out, but as his body fought its effect, he found himself in some kind of half-dream, half-awake state. He was aware of voices around him and dark shapes, the feeling of being carried and dragged around, but his brain couldn’t make the proper connections to tell him what was going on. As the drug ebbed away in his system, a pounding headache took its place. His grizzly tore up at him, prodding him to get up. A groan tore at his scratchy, dry throat.


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