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Hating the Bratva

Page 7

by K. D Clark

  “You’re having them install the hot tub?” she asks, her eyes coming back up to meet mine.

  “I want it installed before it gets too cold for them to pour the concrete. The hot tubs are easy. In a few days, it should be done.”

  She took another drag of her cigarette. “Where are they now?”

  “A day off. I want the house to be done as fast as possible, and I paid extra, so my contractor could hire more people, but they still need at least one day off.”

  She smirks. “Very kind of you.”

  She reaches her hand up as if to take another drag of her cigarette, but I pluck it from between her fingers and throw it to the ground.

  “What the-”

  “Come on. We should go.”

  Her eyes narrow at me, but I turn my back on her to head back inside. I grab the keys from a locked drawer in the kitchen, deciding to go with the BMW.

  “You lock up your keys?” she asks.

  “Yeah, there’s a lot of people coming in and out of the house right now. It would be idiotic on their part to try to steal from me, but I like to lock them up anyways.”

  I wave her ahead of me and walk outside.

  “Where to?” I ask once we’re on the road.

  “The children’s hospital.”

  I glance over at her. “I thought you didn’t like kids.”

  She looks taken back by my comment. “Just because I don’t want kids doesn’t mean I don’t like them. I want to work with kids. They’re the best patients. Even though it’s heartbreaking to see some of them so sick, the hospital does some cool stuff for the long-term patients.”

  I nod. I guess that makes sense.

  “I’m required to work at the regular hospital too for my schooling, but I try to get in as many shifts at the children’s hospital as I’m allowed.”

  I don’t bring up what she said last night. I don’t want to be the one to remind her that her future dick-head husband won’t allow her to work in a few months. I’m not going to let that happen. I can’t let her throw her entire life away for that man. I just don’t know how to prevent it yet. I pull up to the front of the hospital, and she reaches for the door handle.

  “Call me when you’re done. I’ll pick you up, or I’ll send someone to get you.”

  She nods before getting out and walking inside.


  “Joshua seems to be doing better. He’s been in a good mood the last couple of days, which is good because everyone in the house is getting tired of his nasty attitude.”

  I blow out smoke from my mouth before laughing. “Well, that’s good.”

  Robin signed up for the same clinical as me today, and after a long day of observing other nurses and taking down notes, we’re finally done. I’m in a two-year program, and it’s crazy to think it’s already half-way over. Next year is when I get to be more hands-on.

  “Yeah, it is. So anything new with you? I mean, besides everything you’ve told me.”

  I grimace. I don’t want to talk about my date with Ivan. If anything, I just want to pretend it never happened. “No, nothing really.”

  Her lips twist to one side as if to say, I know your lying. Luckily we’re interrupted by the sound of a quiet meow.

  “Did you hear that?” I ask before stomping out my cigarette.

  The wooded area behind the hospital is deserted besides a couple of dumpsters and back up EMT vans. Meow.

  “Why would there be a cat back here?” Robin asks.

  I follow the now constant meowing to the other side of the blue dumpster. I peer around to see a small cardboard box that looks like it might have held fruit at some point. Inside is a tiny black kitten with its mouth wide open as it meows.

  “It’s a kitten,” I call over my shoulder, and a few seconds later, Robin is behind me.

  “A kitten?”

  I bend down to look at the small thing. I’ve never seen a kitten so little, but its eyes are open, so that’s a good sign...I think. I scoop it up and cradle it in my hands. The meowing stops, and it looks up at me with curiosity. Probably the same way I’m looking at it.

  “You should take it to the animal hospital or a shelter,” Robin says.

  I nod. “Yeah.”

  My phone vibrates, and I take it out to see that Alek texted me to say he’s out front.

  “I’ve got to go.”

  “You’re taking the cat?” she asks.

  “Yeah, I can’t leave it here. Who would just leave this small thing next to a dumpster?”

  “A piece of shit.”

  I nod in agreement. “I’ll see you around.”

  I round the building with the small kitten in my hands. I walk slowly, making sure not to scare the poor thing. Alek’s range rover’s windows are tinted dark, so I can’t see inside, but he must see me because he pushes the door open as I come around to the passenger side.

  “What you got there, Bunny?” he asks, his face a mix of interest and confusion.

  “Um... a dumpster cat.”

  “A what?”

  I switch the kitten to one hand so I can climb into the car, and she meows again. I look over at Alek once I’m fully inside with the door shut. He looks down at the small black ball in my hand.

  “What are you planning to do with that?”

  I shrug. “I found her behind the dumpster while I was waiting for you. I think some asshole just left her there. Can you take me to the animal hospital so we can get her checked out?”

  He looks hesitant. “And then what are you going to do with it?”

  I look back down at the kitten. She’s so small. She’s found comfort in one of my hands and has curled into a ball. I can feel her purr against me. I’ve already decided that the cat is a female.

  He sighs. “You want to bring a cat into my house?”

  I blink my eyelashes at him, trying to appear innocent. Alek’s house is as good as any, and maybe the kitten could keep me company.

  He says something in Russian under her breath before driving off.

  “She looks to be perfectly healthy. Hungry, yes. But it doesn’t look like she’s been on the streets long. She’s been separated from her mother too early,” the blonde-haired vet says as she hands the small cat back to me. Alek sits by my side. Besides telling me he’ll take care of the bill, he’s stayed quiet the entire time, allowing me to talk with the vet and soothe the kitten.

  “Being separated from her mother too early, what does that mean?”

  The vet removes her gloves and drops them in a trash can. “She’s about two weeks old, so you’ll need to bottle feed her for at least a couple more weeks. Our receptionist can get you everything you need at the counter. Do you have any more questions?”

  A ton, I want to say. I’ve never had a pet. My mother would never allow one at home. She always claimed that pets ruin furniture and make the entire house smell.

  “Here,” the vet says, holding a pamphlet out to me. “There’s a shopping list and some care instructions in there and numbers you can call if you need anything.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Good luck. The receptionist can check you out.”

  She leaves, and I stand to my feet, cradling the kitten close to my chest.

  “I never thought there’d be a cat in my house,” Alek says as he opens the door to the waiting room for me.

  I smile at him. “Then I guess it’s like a dream come true.”

  He shakes his head, and we walk to the receptionist desk. A woman who looks to be only a few years older than me with curly hair sits at the desk.

  She smiles at me. “You need to bottle feed, right?”


  “Great,” she types something on the keyboard. Alek comes from behind me and leans against the counter. The receptionist looks up from her screen, and her eyes roam over Alek. Jealousy twists in my stomach. Unlike Ivan, Alek doesn’t need to hide his fascination with other women from me. I have no hold on him. He’s free to date whoever he wants, bu
t still, I wouldn’t say I like the way she was ogling him.

  I clear my throat. “Do you have the bottle?” I say, my voice coming out harsh. The women looked taken back by my tone but quickly recovered.

  “Um...yes.” She reaches under the desk and gathers all the stuff I need. I turn to see Alek look up from his phone with a cocky smile on his face like he knows why I’m suddenly so snapping. Bastard.

  The receptionist talks me through how to use everything before reading off my total. Alek slides his card to her, and her cheeks turn a rosy color as she takes it. I roll my eyes and head out to the car while Alek finishes paying. I don’t want to stay here and watch her drool over him. It’s started to rain a little while we were in the animal hospital, and I wait under the overhang. The kitten digs her claws into me, not hard enough for it to hurt but to tell me that she isn’t a fan of the water falling from the sky even at this age. A moment later, Alek walks out with that cocky grin still on his face. I want to slap it off.

  “Don’t,” I warn.

  “You jealous, Bunny?” he teases.

  “Can we just go?”

  He wraps her arms around my shoulder and pulls me into his side. His spicy cologne surrounds me, and the warmth of his body sends goosebumps over my skin. My mind goes back to the question I asked him the other night, more like begged him. Bratva women were supposed to be virgins when they got married, but losing my virginity to Ivan would be a nightmare. I want Alek, I’ve always wanted Alek.


  “Where are you going now?” Delaney asks. She stands in the doorway of my bedroom as I put my watch on. She has the small cat cradled in her arms. She’s barely put the thing down since we came home with it a couple of days ago.

  “You ask a lot of questions.”

  She narrows her gaze, and I chuckle.

  “I’m running to one of our clubs. I have a few things to take care of.” I grab a tie from out of my drawer and fasten it around my neck.

  “I want to go with you.”

  “You’re nineteen.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Okay it’s not like you can’t get me in. Do you even go through the front door?”

  No. None of the Vory went through the front door of our clubs. We all parked in the alleyway and went through the back. It’s less obvious that way.

  “Come on, I’ve been cooped up in this house with nothing to do.”

  “I have a meeting-”

  “I won’t bother you. I’ll just hang out.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. Delaney’s dark hair is down just the way I like it. It flows over her exposed shoulders and her back in long silky waves. The small shorts and tank top she wears around the house leaves my dick hard every time I look at her. I’m starting to think she’s doing this shit on purpose, prancing around my house in these small outfits. Every night I’m left standing in the shower with my dick in my hand as thoughts of her run through my head. She’s every man’s wet dream. And soon, she’ll be my reality.

  “Alek...” she says, bringing my attention from my daydream.

  “Fine get dressed.”

  She smiles and turns to walk down the hall to the guest room. My eyes zoom in on her ass as it swayed. My dick strains against the fabric of my pants. If I had more time, I’d probably jump in the shower again just to rub one out. There’s no way I’m going to be able to focus on my meeting, knowing that she’s close. I’m not concerned about her safety. Our nightclubs are Bratva hangouts. They’re crawling with Vory, and they’d keep an eye out for her. I shut off the light in my bedroom and walk down the steps to wait for Delaney in the kitchen. Twenty minutes later, she comes down in a dress that’s way too fucking short.

  “No fucking way.”

  She glares at me. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. There’s no way you’re going out dressed like that.”

  “And who are you, my father?”

  My phone vibrates in my pocket before I can respond. It’s a text from Mikhail.

  You running late?

  Shit. I am because I had to wait for Delaney. It doesn’t look good for me to be late for my own damn meeting. I send a text back.

  Leaving the house now.

  I tuck my phone back in my pants. Delaney’s still looking at me with irritation written on her face.

  “Come on. We don’t have time for you to change now.” I stand from the stool and walk towards the door.

  As I pass her, I realize she’s put on just a bit of makeup, and not only is the dress short, it also gives me a perfect view of her tits. Is she trying to fucking get me killed? When word makes it back to Ivan that I took Delaney to a club dressed like this, I’m going to get an earful. I shouldn’t care, considering I’m still pissed at Gavril for going behind my back. He betrayed me. The brotherhood betrayed me when they gave Delaney away. She pushes her shoulders back and lifts her chin before walking in front of me out the door.

  The club is packed. It’s a Saturday night, so there’s no surprise there. The line out front damn near wraps around the building. I open the back door and wave Delaney inside. The back door leads to an empty hallway that then leads out to the dance floor. I open the next door for her as well, and the crowded dance floor greets us. The music is so loud it feels like the walls are vibrating. I glance down at my watch. Fuck, I’m never late for meetings.

  “Here,” I grab Delaney’s hand and shove a credit card into it. I’ve meant to give it to her, but I keep getting distracted. “I’ll be upstairs.”

  I leave before she can argue with me. I take the stairs up to the top floor VIP area. The music is still loud up here but not nearly as loud as the other two floors. There’s a balcony up here where I can look down at the dance floor below if needed. The only people in the room are my men. I follow the sound of Mikhail’s laugh around the corner. He sits at a table with a glass of Vodka clutched in his hand. There’s a bottle in the middle of the table, and each of the men has a glass. The spot at the head of the table is left empty for me. These five men work directly with me. Although we all answer to Gavril, we’re part of the security group, and I’m at the head. Security and intelligence is our top priority. I take my seat.

  Xavier sits next to Mikhail at the table. Sergey, Maksim, and Dima are spread out in different spots. Mikhail’s laughter quiets down.

  “What’d I miss?” I ask him.

  “Nothing much we’ve been waiting for you to start.”

  “Good.” I run through the few things I have in my head that I think everyone should know. I then go around the table, getting updates on everyone’s assignments and dishing out more work where needed. Keeping on top of information isn’t an easy job. It involves frequent meetings with not only different parts of our own brotherhood, which includes; drugs, guns, prostitutes, and heists as needed, but also meeting with other brotherhoods. We try to build strong relationships with other brotherhoods, some better than others.

  “I’m assuming everything settled with Motown?” I ask Xavier.

  He rubs his hand over the back of his neck. “Yeah, about that-”

  “Why the fuck not?” I ask, trying hard to keep my anger under control, but my hand instantly starts to shake.

  “I’m working on it.”

  All my self-control goes flying out the window. “Why the fuck is this so goddamn hard for you to understand? We don’t leave witnesses, you mudak! I should hang you by the balls. It’s been over a week. You’re thinking with your dick!”

  I wait for him to deny it, but he doesn’t. Unfuckingbelieveable.

  I slam my fist down on the table, making the glasses shake. One falls to the floor with a crash. “How about this? If you don’t kill that bitch, I’ll kill you.”

  All the warmth is sucked out of the air as I stare Xavier down. My threats aren’t to be taken lightly. When I give an order, I expect it to be followed. I’m not Pakhan yet, but I rank high enough that men know to respect me. At least everyone except for Xavier, apparently.

  I w
ave my hand up in the air. “Everyone out. Meeting over.”

  My men can’t get out of the room fast enough. I need a minute to calm down. Xavier is my best man. He’s basically a skilled hitman, and he’s damn good at what he does. That’s why I can’t understand what is taking so long.

  I run a hand over my face before pouring myself a glass of Vodka. It’s not the best, but it will do. I miss the Vodka back home. I have a few bottles I keep in my house, but getting it into the club and distributing it is a whole different ball game. One that we don’t have time for. The clubs are here to clean money, and that’s it. One specific person doesn’t own them; they’re owned under a corporation created by the Bratva. That way, we can assign someone to manage the club and the money that comes into it as a job. It isn’t an easy job, but those in the position usually enjoyed it. I get out of the chair and tuck my hands in my pants pockets. I walk over to the balcony and look down at the dance floor below. The colorful club lights vibrate with the music. The DJ in the corner is the best in town, and he pumps the crowd up. I’ve never been a huge fan of clubs, even when I was younger. Now that I’m damn near thirty, my desire to be in one is even less so.

  A flash of dark hair catches my eye. I shouldn’t be able to make her out in the crowd of people, but it’s like my eyes are drawn to her. In the middle of the dance floor, I watch as Delaney holds a drink up in the air and moves her hips to the music. What the hell is she doing? Then I spot the culprit. Jessica dances beside her with a matching pink drink in her hand as well. Jessica is married to Sergey, and from what I’ve heard is they have an understanding. She does what she wants, and he does what he wants. Their entire marriage is for show. He doesn’t give a damn that she spends most weekends at the club getting drunk, shaking her ass, and taking men to the apartment she lives at separately from him.

  This is the kind of shit that happens when arranged marriages are forced upon people. They end up living their own separate lives anyway. They looked like the perfect couple at charity events or public appearances, but everyone in the Bratva knows the truth. Rumor has it that she’s even hooked up with other Bratva men, a sin that would typically be punished by death. I watch Delaney dance for a while. I should have known she’d find a way to get drunk. Everyone who comes in has been ID’d by the bouncer, so there’s no reason for them to ID once inside. She rebels every chance she gets, and I get the feeling it’s because of the strict Bratva rules she’s been meant to follow her whole life.


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