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Doctor Lucky Charms: A Holiday Romance (Kilts and Kisses)

Page 17

by K. C. Crowne

  “Nothing,” I said. “Just thinking about how you’re literally sweeping me off my feet.”

  He chuckled, his sexy smile spread across his face as he leaned in to kiss me once more. I was hopeless to resist him. The taste of his mouth, the feel of his tongue, the way his five o’clock shadow rubbed gently against my cheek – it was all heaven. I could feel his solid stiffness through his slacks. If there was any doubt that he wanted me as much as I wanted him, that dispelled it.

  I had already soaked through my panties. The feeling of his cock against me brought to mind what I wanted him to do with it, how much I needed him to plunge himself inside of me, to fill me like I craved.

  In fact, the more we kissed, the more I wanted him right then and there. My hands went to his chest, opening one button then another then another, each one undone exposing more and more of his sculpted upper body.

  “Now, hold on,” he said, placing his big hand on mine. “We don’t want to get carried away with ourselves.”

  “Not into sex on the beach?”

  He cocked his head to the side, a knowing glimmer in his eye. “You ever done it before?”

  “Can’t say that I have.”

  “It’s overrated. You end up getting sand in places where sand has no business being. Not to mention, it’s bloody near freezing out here.”

  “Then what do you suggest?” I asked him.

  “Why don’t we go back to your place? It’s closer than mine.”

  It was going to be hard to wait the ten minutes it’d take to return to the house.

  “Deal. On one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We leave right now.”


  He leaned in and kissed me one more time before buttoning up his shirt, the two of us hurrying toward our shoes and getting them on as quickly as we could. Before too long we were back in the car, making out with one another like crazy, the passion so much that I considered suggesting that we simply get it on in the backseat right then and there.

  Suddenly, the doors opened to the pub, a group of people coming out and loudly carrying on, the light from the interior casting onto us.

  “Back to the house,” he said, taking his lips from mine and placing his hands on the steering wheel.

  “Drive fast.”

  He gunned the engine and pulled out of his spot. Moments later we were back on the road, the night dark all around us he drove. I couldn’t help myself – my hand fell onto his cock, my fingertips tracing the outline of his length. I couldn’t wait to get it out in the open and see it in all it’s glory. I could already tell he was huge, and it made my mouth water and my thighs clench together all on their own.

  Ronan let out a growl of pleasure as he drove. “Decided to be distracting, did we?”

  “Hard to resist,” I said. “So you’d better get us there quick before I hop onto your lap while you’re driving.”

  “Don’t threaten me with a good time.” He flashed me a stupidly sexy smile as he drove.

  It didn’t take much longer to get home, thank God. We pulled into the driveway behind my rental car and hurried to the front door without saying a word. I pulled the door open and once we were inside, the lights not even on yet, we were all over one another.

  We kissed like mad, our hands moving all each other’s bodies, my fingers tracing the outlines of his pecs as he rubbed my breasts through my dress, my nipples going stiff. His lips on mine, our tongues tangling in a delicious dance, Ronan took the straps of my dress down, peeling the fabric over my body and exposing the black bra and matching black thong I wore underneath. Once the dress was at my feet, I stepped out of it. Ronan moved back a bit, his eyes outlining my curves.

  “God,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” It was all I could think to say; I was too turned on for deeper vocabulary. He placed his big hands on my hips and lifted me off the ground. I kicked off my shoes as he carried me over to the couch and laid me down on my back.

  Once I was down, he opened up his shirt and pulled it off, putting on display his sculpted, perfect body, just enough red hair on his chest to be sexy. He pounced on me like a wild animal, his lips falling on mine and his hand starting on my stomach and moving down, down until he was between my legs. I was so hot and wet down below that the moment he placed his fingertips on my pussy through my panties I knew it wouldn’t take long for me to come.

  He kissed me, his lips on my neck as he moved up toward my jaw, his fingers working me through my panties and touching my clit just how I wanted. I bucked my hips against him, hot waves spreading from where he teased me. When he finally put his lips on mine once more the orgasm broke loose, my back arching underneath him as he kept touching me.

  When the climax faded, I wanted more. My hands shot to his belt buckle, frantically opening it up and pulling his pants down his thick, powerful legs. I helped him the rest of the way, hooking my thumbs under the waistband of his black boxer-briefs and taking them down, his cock springing out to greet me.

  I didn’t waste a moment before wrapping my fingers around him and stroking his length slowly, Ronan growling in my ear in a way that turned me on even more than I already was.

  “God, it feels so good when you touch me.” His voice was rich as butter, but his body solid as stone.

  “Same,” I said. “You know just what I want without me telling you.”

  He grinned, my hand still working his long, thick shaft.

  “Then I don’t need to bother telling you what I’m going to do next.”

  Ronan reached down and pulled off my panties, his cock grazing against the trimmed patch of hair above my pussy. Once I was nearly naked, I guided his prick between my legs, placing him right at my entrance.

  He pushed into me slowly, my walls stretching to accommodate every last one of his many, many inches. The more he pushed into me, the better it felt. Just like in my fantasy, he was the perfect fit for me.

  Once he’d sheathed himself fully, I wrapped my legs around him and held his body close. Ronan reached around me and undid my bra, and I pulled it off the rest of the way. His mouth went to my breasts as he moved inside of me, his tongue making circles around my nipples and sending more pleasure through me.

  I arched my back, opening my eyes to watch as he moved inside of me, his length going in and out, in and out, all of my senses bringing me closer to yet another orgasm. I tried to hold back but there was no way I could – I came again, and this climax made the previous seem like nothing in comparison.

  He watched me come, his gorgeous green eyes on me as the orgasm crested and fell back. When it was gone, I only wanted more. His lips wen to mine and we kissed, the only though it my head just how perfect, how right it all was.

  Chapter 22


  It took all the restraint I had to hold back. The sight of Joann underneath me, her pussy filled with my erection, her body squirming and writhing as she came again and again – I was lucky that I’d always had good stamina.

  She opened her eyes with a sexy, almost sleepy expression, her hands falling onto my back.

  “Sit down,” she said, her voice thick with lust.

  Together, we moved our bodies until I was sitting and she was on top of me. Joann spread her legs, mounting me and giving a full view of her perfect, petite body. I’d seen her breasts before, but that was in a more clinical context. There in her home, my cock buried in her perfect pussy, the sight of her figure was on another level.

  She crooked her legs and positioned herself over top of me, my cock vanished between her legs as her muscles clenched and released with each rolling of her hips over my body. Her breasts bouncing up and down to the rhythm of our lovemaking.

  We kissed as she rode me, her petite body alternating between grinding on top of me and bouncing on my cock, each movement, each penetration bringing me closer to the point of no return.

; “I want…,” she moaned, her eyes closed as she moved on top of me. “I want you to come for me, Ronan.”

  I reached back and placed my hands on her full, round ass, her flesh soft and warm.

  “Aye, and so do I. But you’re going to come for me one more first, you understand?”

  She smiled slightly, as if amused by the way I was setting the terms. She leaned forward, wrapped her arms around my neck as she moaned into my ear. The sounds of her pleasure, her hot breath against my skin, took the delight to another level.

  I’d meant what I’d said – I wasn’t going to come until she did.

  Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long. Her back went straight, her eyes opening wide, her mouth letting out a silent scream. Her pussy gripped me hard, warm wetness surrounding my length as she came on my cock. I let myself go, pleasure pulsing through me as my cock throbbed inside of her, my seed shooting deep into her tight walls.

  I groaned hard as I squeezed her ass, her tits still bouncing in front of me and providing the perfect accompaniment to my pleasure. Joann’s orgasm faded and so did mine, and when we were done, all she could do was rest her head on my shoulder as our chests rose and fell.

  After several moments had passed, I finally had the ability to speak once more.

  “That was incredible.”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  I chuckled, then took her chin into my hand and placed a kiss on her lips.

  She looked up at me from under her lashes. “I think those beers are starting to catch up with me. Want to go upstairs?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  We stood from the couch and grabbed our clothes, heading up the stairs. The house was just as cozy and quaint as I remembered, and I felt even more confident about my decision to keep it the way it was – that is, assuming she ended up wanting to sell it to me.

  That was a scenario far, far from certain.

  We reached the master bedroom. Once there, Joann stepped into her panties before fishing a big T-shirt out of one of the dresser drawers. She unfolded it and held it above her body, the shirt dropping gracefully onto her slender figure. The fabric was just long enough to cover her body past her hips, her shapely legs on full display, her black panties hinted at.

  I stood there like an idiot the whole time, my mouth slacked open. The woman was so sexy I could hardly stand it. Part of me wanted to scoop her off her feet and take her into bed for another go-round.

  “You want something to wear?” she asked, glancing back over her shoulder.

  “Nah,” I said as I put on my boxers. “Usually sleep like this.”

  She smiled as she stepped over to the bed and pulled the covers down. We got in together, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as she put her head on my chest. It felt good laying there with her, Joann’s body soft and warm against mine.

  As I drifted off to sleep, the strangest thing happened. Faint images of her and I together flashed in front of my eyes; images of us living in a house together, a family there with us. It was a hell of a shock, almost enough to pull me out of my near slumber.

  However, instead of being scared of the images, I let them wrap around me as surely as Joann and the blankets on top of us. A smile on my face, I drifted off to a deep, deep sleep.

  Chapter 23


  Just like every night I’d spent at Grandma’s house, I woke up feeling totally refreshed. Even the two beers and two shots I’d had last night didn’t dampen my mood. I felt good, a smile spreading across my face as I opened my eyes and took in the warm sunlight that streamed in.

  When I remembered that there was an unspeakably gorgeous man next to me, that only made my mood even cheerier.

  Ronan was stunning, a man like I’d ever seen before. He slept soundly on his stomach, his arm draped over my pillow and his pale, sculpted back rising up and down steadily with each breath he took. The deep red of his hair starkly contrasting with the white of the pillowcase.

  Part of me waned to wake him up, my pussy clenching at the memory of what he and I had gotten up to last night. All I’d have to do was reach under the sheets and take hold of his thick cock, stroke it slowly until he went hard in my hand, and then wait for his sleepy lids to open and reveal the gorgeous greens underneath…

  I shook my head, snapping myself back to the moment. I was wet, my mini fantasy turning me on like wild.

  I think I’ll let him sleep in, I considered as I watched him. The poor guy’s probably one of those workaholics who doesn’t let himself sleep in past six. I reached over and checked my phone, seeing that it was a bit after seven. We’d had a wild night, but we’d ended up going to bed surprisingly early.

  I pulled the white sheet over his body, though it felt like a crime to cover up such perfection. Once he was covered, I slowly got up out of bed, placing my feet on the floor and stepping into my slippers. From there, I hurried to the bathroom and took care of the necessaries, washing my face and putting my hair up into a messy bun when I was done.

  I grabbed my robe on the way out, throwing it on over my T-shirt and underwear and hurrying quietly out of the bedroom.

  Once the door to the bedroom was shut, a giddiness overtook me. I’d had so much fun last night, made such an amazing connection, that it almost seemed unreal.

  Keep your expectations measured, Jo, I told myself as I went down the stairs. Just because you had fun one night doesn’t mean anything amazing is going to happen long-term. Hell, is that even what you want? You’re here in Ireland for a month and a half to take care of business. You really want to add a relationship on top of that?

  I reached the kitchen by the time my internal monologue was done, feeling a little more rational about the whole thing. Last night with Ronan had been great – no doubt about it. Hell, it’d been even more than that. It’d been fun, passionate, sexy, unforgettable, but that didn’t mean it would last any longer than one night. For all I knew, I might hear the front door open and close, Ronan leaving without saying a word.

  Measured expectations – that’s what I needed. I had a laugh, thinking of Grandma reading her Dickens like she always did, a book on her lap with the title “Measured Expectations.” As I stepped into the kitchen, thoughts of Grandma on my mind, I remembered a delicious breakfast that she used to make for Jolene and me on Saturday mornings, these little Irish pancakes that were paper-thin and covered with an orange, sugary glaze.

  My belly grumbled at the mere thought of them. I went through the cupboards and pulled out stuff for the batter and sugar, but as I tried to remember how she made the pancakes I came up short.

  Well, I might not know how to make the amazing ones that Grandma could put together, but I do know how to make regular, old-fashioned American pancakes.

  I grabbed milk and eggs and syrup from the fridge, a big smile spreading across my face when I laid eyes on the bacon that they Byrnes had brought over. I pulled that out too, already tasting the deliciousness on my tongue.

  But first – coffee. I’d been using the single-cup pour-over filter that I’d brought with me from home. That worked fine for one person, but with a guest -something I hadn’t anticipated having- I’d need something a little bigger. Luckily, there was French press in the cupboard above the fridge. I pulled it out and filled it with a few scoops of coffee grounds before putting a kettle on the stove.

  It wasn’t long before the sounds and smells of a delicious breakfast-in-progress filled the kitchen. The coffee was brewing, the bacon sizzling on the pan. I tested the batter by making a tiny pancake, dipping it in syrup and popping it into my mouth.

  It was, of course, delicious. Pancakes had been my go-to treat back when I was in law school, the thing I’d always make myself to start my weekend off right whenever I’d had a crazy week of classes. So, I had the batter down to a science. Once that was ready to go, I grabbed my cup of coffee and took one more sip as I gazed out onto the back stretch of property.

  As I did, I was taken with a vision – that was
the only word I could think to describe it. It was of and Ronan and me and two kids. One of them looked to be around five, the other was closer to two. The vision was blurry and vague, so much so that I couldn’t make out whether or not the kids were boys or girls. They were dressed in corduroy pants and thick, Irish wool sweaters, the older one with dark, curly hair that bounced as they rain, the other with auburn hair and a bright smile. They were screaming like mad, in the crazy way kids did when they were having the time of their lives.

  It was…perfect. Just Ronan and me and our children, enjoying the gorgeous Irish countryside, green grass and blue skies and endless time spread out before us. As I watched them play, all I could think was this is all that I’ve ever wanted.

  Then the vision vanished, and I was back in the kitchen. It took me a moment to reorganize myself, remembering what was reality and what was a dreamlike fantasy. The birds chirped outside, a wind picking up. It was almost as if nature itself was coaxing me back into the real world.

  It took some serious effort to tear myself away from the window. Only the sizzle of the bacon on the stovetop, and the promise of it being burnt if I didn’t give it it’s due attention, pulled me back into what I was doing.

  As I attended to the food on the stove, the fantasy played in my mind once more.

  I couldn’t help but smile when I thought of those two kids, their peals of laughter drifting through the air.

  Standing there at the stove, the image fresh in my mind…it was the happiest I’d bene in a long time.

  Maybe ever.

  Chapter 24


  I was a bit disappointed when I woke up and no one was there next to me, but as the scent of cooking bacon drifted up from the kitchen, I decided that I’d get over it. If Joann wasn’t going to be in bed with me, her being downstairs making breakfast was the next best thing.


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