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Fae Magic

Page 4

by Jen Pretty

  "Well, holy shit," Armond said, "I didn't think you could do it." He was looking at me, but I was sure all I did was scream. As I started to calm down, I realized I must have slowed time. Apparently screaming is the magic button.

  "Magic button," I murmured out loud and started giggling. Oh shit. They were all looking at me weird, but I couldn't stop myself. Then I looked down and realized the bodies on the ground had fangs. Literal fangs. My laughter turned into a panic attack fast, and I couldn't slow my breathing. Those were real freaking vampires. They were trying to kill us, and the hunters killed them. Right here in the freaking parking lot.

  I started to see black spots again. Oh god. I was going to pass out again! Then suddenly there was an arm around me, and I was being carried. I decided I was probably fine and let the black take over. To hell with it.

  This time when I woke up, there were no nightmares. I opened my eyes and had a look around like an average person. Zero punching of old guys. Absolutely no screaming.

  A definite improvement.

  When I turned my head, I realized there was a man beside me. His green eyes were close to mine. As soon as he noticed my eyes open, he popped back quickly like he had been warned about my dramatic wake-up.

  I cleared my throat “uh hello.”

  Crap, his eyes were so green.

  “Hi.” He said with a tentative smile “My name is Luke. I wasn’t doing anything pervy. I’m a dreamer. I was just trying to help you with your problem.”

  "My nightmare problem you mean? How did you help me?" I asked. I didn't care about the details. As long as I never woke up screaming again, I was happy.

  When he smiled, it was the best smile I’d ever seen. He was sunshine and happiness. “I can blank out someone’s dreams or change them. I’m still learning though so sometimes it doesn’t always work the best. Evan told me last time you woke up swinging so I assume my magic worked?” He questioned looking like a child hoping for praise.

  “Uh. Ya, I didn’t dream at all. It’s probably the first time I’ve woken up without a nightmare in 6 months. Thank you, Luke." As I spoke his smile got bigger and brighter until it seemed the room was blazing with mid-day sunshine in the middle of summer.

  "I knew you could do it, Luke," Evan praised from the far corner of the room. "You will have to help out Lex while we train her to use her magic. Hopefully someday soon she won't have such terrible nightmares and will be free from her demons." Evan looked at me then like he had some knowledge of the demons that chase me. I suppose if you live 900 years you might pile up some of your own demons.

  "The hunters have gone off to do what hunters do, but Victor and Margot have stayed behind with us to assist in your training. It's good to have people around who will slow if you slow time. We will start as soon as you have had breakfast. Margot left some clothes for you in your bathroom," he pointed to a door across from the bed. "Hurry now. No time to waste!"

  Luke gave me another warm smile as he and Evan filed out and closed the door behind them. I slipped off the giant bed and into the bathroom which had a huge shower and tub. Perfect. I turned the hot water to full in the shower and discovered some shampoo on the shelf. It smelled like fruit. Once I was clean and in the new outfit Margot left me – yoga pants and a tank top- I exited the room in search of the food. I didn't have to look hard. The bedroom door led directly to the open-concept kitchen/dining/living room. I noticed a few other doors around the spacious main room walls and figured they must be other bedrooms. The design was intriguing and definitely handy. As soon as I walked out, Margot dropped her spatula and ran at me. She caught me in a huge hug, nearly lifting me off the floor.

  "You saved my life. Thank you so much, Lex! I thought I was going to be eaten for sure!" she was squeezing me quite tightly so I couldn't reply except for a squeak "Oh my goodness" she fussed "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to squish you. I'm just so glad you are ok and so relieved to be home in one piece. Vampires are vicious, evil creatures!"

  Once I got a lung full of air again, I looked her in the eye. "You don't have to thank me. I don't even know what I was doing. I'm glad you are ok though." She sniffled and wiped the tears from her face.

  “You are going to be the one to save us” she gushed.

  Ya….no pressure.

  "Ok," I said. Margot turned around dragging me along with her to a chair, and she sat me down before picking up her spatula and going back to the counter to rinse it before stirring something on the stove. Victor, Luke and Evan were already seated and eating their breakfast. A few minutes later Margot sat a plate in front of me piled with bacon and scrambled eggs and pancakes plus a mug of delicious coffee. Yes.

  “So. Are we in the Homeland? Like where fae live?” I asked nobody in particular.

  Victor was the first to respond from where he sat at the far end of the table going over files as usual. “This is Homeland. It is your home too, even though you’ve never been here. Most young are raised on earth and then brought here at their 21st birthday. The world itself is very similar to your earth, but only those with magic can get here.”

  “Why would people raise their children in a place so dangerous? I mean wouldn’t it make more sense to raise children where they are safe?”

  Victor raised an eyebrow. "We used to be safe on earth too. And because of our long lives, we don't have children very often. Most families have two children close in age and raise them on earth to be near human children, so they have friends and go to school," he said leaning back in his chair, "but now all the children who remain are here. There are only eight that survived and made it to safety with their families of the 100 plus children who were on earth a year ago when the vampires started the slaughter. Some families thought they were well enough hidden and assumed falsely that the vampires would be dealt with swiftly. It was a devastating blow to all fae. Our children are precious."

  Holy crap. All those children killed. I didn't have anything to say, and the depth of the pain I could feel from Victor, Margot, Evan and even Luke made me stop asking questions and eat quietly. As soon as I was done though, Evan handed me a coat and boots, and we headed out of the large circular shaped house. I had no idea it was shaped that way until we walked out the door into the forest and I looked back. Ok. So not quite like earth. The trees were enormous like some I'd seen on TV a long time ago while watching a special on the rainforest. The trees were as wide as the house and as tall as skyscrapers in the big cities.

  Evan, Luke and I were marching through the trees until we came upon a large clearing. The grass here was knee high and mixed with wildflowers. The birds were the only sound, and the light breeze seemed to push away any negative thoughts. It was like the clearing was magic itself.

  "This will be where we practise," Evan explained "so we don't have to worry about changing time for anyone else while you are learning to control your magic. Luke will be your test subject. You can change time for him, and you will know if you are using your magic correctly."

  “Ok, so how do I control my magic? Because so far it seems to have a mind of its own."

  "We start very small. I will sit here on this tree stump," Evan plopped down, "and Luke will drop a leaf for you. Each time it falls you will attempt to slow it. It takes practise and concentration."

  Luke picked up a leaf and dropped it. It fell to the ground. "Oh. I wasn't ready." As if being prepared was going to make this work. "Ok," I said. Luke looked pleased and picked up another leaf and dropped it. It fell to the ground. Huh. He picked up another. Maybe I should stare at it. Huh. Perhaps I should concentrate on it. Nope. This went on for a while before I noticed Evan was curled up on his stump and lightly snoring. Well. I did not impress him with my ability to watch a leaf fall. Luke didn't seem put out. He just kept picking up a leaf and dropping it.

  “I’m not very good at this.” I unnecessarily explained to Luke.

  He just smiled kindly at me "it takes practice. I was terrible when I first started training with my magic."

  “How old are you Luke?” I asked to distract myself from my repeated failure to slow a leaf.

  He grinned again, and I stopped feeling bad about myself. His smile was crazy contagious too. "I'm 24. I've been studying with Evan since my 21st birthday, but I had to leave earth a year ago when Evan worried that I might be found and killed by the vampires.

  I frowned. The loss of my family bit deeply as I considered all the other families that were lost too. “Where is your family?” I asked him

  "They disappeared five years ago. No one knows what happened to them, but we suspect they were taken by the vampires. I miss my little sister most of all," He said with a frown.

  "I'm so sorry, that's horrible."

  "It was a long time ago. I'm sorry you had to go through what you did, but I'm glad I can help you with your nightmares. It's what I was born to do. The elders say we meet certain fae for a reason, to help and support each other when needed."

  "I can believe it because I can definitely use your kind of help." Luke had this light about him that I couldn't quite explain. He was gentle and kind, and I knew that he was no fighter. He had probably never even raised his voice.

  “I don’t see any leaves being slowed” Evan called from his place curled up on his stump with his eyes still closed. “You children aren’t working very hard

  "Sorry Evan," we answered in unison, and both giggled before getting back to work. Though it didn't seem like this method of training was working.

  By lunchtime, I was mentally exhausted. I had tried about a million times to use my magic. I didn't feel magical and was quite bored actually. Luke didn't complain, but I was pretty sure he was finding it tedious too.

  Finally, Evan got up from his tree stump, and we headed back towards the house for lunch.

  Luke and I walked ahead of Evan on the path. We had formed a bond over our monotonous task, and neither of us seemed to want to let that go. I was definitely out of place here, but I'd felt out of place for the last six months with no family left. It was nice to feel a connection or comradery now. V had never filled that void left by my sister and mother and father. She had her own life. She tried to include me and was always there for me, but it wasn't like this connection I felt with Luke. Then it occurred to me I might not be so alone here.

  I looked behind me to Evan “Do I have family here? I mean, if my family were from this place do I have aunts and uncles and cousins?”

  Evan laughed. “Can’t you feel it?”

  “Feel what?” I asked. Nearly tripping over a root before Luke caught my arm. Warmth rushed through me. Like a hug. Like home.

  "Fae have the ability to feel the presence of family. Most families live in the same areas and get together as much as possible. Sometimes married couples will have two homes so they can spend time with each family, except for when children are young of course. But once the children come into their magic, they usually return allowing extended family members to remain close in tight-knit communities," he smiled like he had a secret.

  I looked at him then looked at Luke. “Are you part of my family Luke?”

  “So you do feel it, child,” Evan stated. It wasn’t a question. So I just stared at him.

  "Evan wondered if you would know," Luke said, "we weren't sure if you would recognize me since you had no idea you were even fae and your powers are still so new to you."

  "How are we related?" I asked sincerely curious now.

  “I’m your cousin from your mother’s side.” He said glowing with a brilliant smile that lit his whole face.

  This was amazing. I thought I was alone, but I did have some family. No wonder I felt such a powerful connection to him. I nodded, unable to form words for fear I'd start crying.

  We walked the rest of the way in comfortable silence. Maybe this day wasn’t a complete waste after all.

  Chapter four

  The next day we tried running to get my heart rate up before attempting to slow time. That didn't work, but the exercise felt great. I wished they had a punching bag so I could do some kickboxing too.

  The third day, Luke had the brilliant idea to try climbing trees. Apparently, that scared him enough, since I had to help him down, but I wasn't particularly afraid of heights. It was a fun day but no magic.

  As we walked back to the cottage, I turned to Evan "Do you have a suggestion? You are the teacher, after all."

  He pointed his finger at me "tomorrow we will take a break. Your magic will come to you when the moment is right and not before, “An utterly cryptic Evan type answer.

  Luke and I lay around on the 4th day. I read a bit of history on the fae though there wasn’t much written down. Luke explained that the elders preferred storytelling to keep the history of the fae among the people instead of allowing it to slip into the hands of our enemies. I knew our enemies were the vampires.

  On the 5th day, I woke up to loud voices coming from just outside my door. I climbed out of bed and got dressed quickly. When I walked out, I found Evan and Armond in the middle of a heated argument. Well, Armond was heated, Evan was as calm and composed as ever.

  “She needs more time Armond. It won’t do to rush her,” Evan argued.

  Armond threw his mug, and it broke on the far wall "We don't have time Master Evan! We need to get back there and get to work before it's too late. They are killing so many of us now."

  I cleared my throat, and both men turned to look at me. "I'm sorry," I said in a soft voice. I was letting down the whole world. I needed to do this magic thing and do it now, but I had no idea how to do it.

  Armond turned back to Evan "I can't fight them alone. I've lost two more hunters. We aren't strong enough without a timekeeper. I don't know why her parents didn't start training her long ago." He turned and headed out the door but left it open and sat down on the step.

  I walked forward and sat beside him on the porch step. "I don't know what I'm doing. I can't do it. I've been trying for five days, but nothing is helping. I don't know how to help you."

  He sighed, "you have to go figure it out. And fast. We don't have time to hold your hand through this." He hissed before getting up and heading into the forest.

  Ugh. People were dying because I couldn't do what I was supposed to be able to do. Luke came out and sat next to me. He had been successfully keeping my nightmares away and patiently tried all kinds of things to help me for the last five days. Why couldn't I do this?

  I walked back into the house where Evan was still standing. “He is young still and impatient. Your magic will come when the time is right.”

  I gave Evan a tight smile. Since I was up, I decided to get started. Maybe I just needed more incentive to slow time.

  I had Luke bring a kitchen knife this time. Maybe he could threaten me with it, and I'd slow time. Life-threatening might be the key. We walked our usual path. I knew the way now but still walked beside Luke. His presence seemed to calm me and keep me grounded. It felt like being with my family. My family and I were always together. Some people thought it was strange that we spent so much time together but I remember how lonely I would get if we were apart for any length of time. I always thought it was a bit weird too, but I was glad to feel good again, now that I was around Luke.

  As we walked into the clearing, I told Luke my plan. "So, you come at me with the knife, and we will see if I can slow you down."

  “I’m not exactly a fighter, Lex,” he muttered shyly “I don’t know if I’ll make a believable attacker.”

  I laughed. Luke was probably right "Well let's give this a try anyway. I'm desperate."

  "Ok. We can try it." He walked across the clearing before turning and running at me with the knife. I put my hands up and tried to stop him, but he kept coming. He was just a couple feet from me and finally stopped. "Wow, would you have let me stab you, Lex?"

  "Shit," I sighed "let's try again. Maybe make a mean face or something."

  He laughed and walked back across the clearing before charging again and yelling like a wil
d man.

  That was unsuccessful because I laughed and couldn't focus. So I sent him back. This time as he turned and started running at me someone grabbed me from behind and held a knife to my throat. Immediately my heart rate shot up, I tried to get away but I was trapped, and then I saw Luke running toward me in slow motion, and I went in to fight mode.

  I grabbed the wrist of the person holding me and spun around bringing their hand behind their back and up towards their head nearly dislocating their elbow before they dropped the knife and I unleashed a series of blows on the attacker until he was down and groaning in the grass. I could tell I still had time slowed down since Luke was in slow motion. Evan walked over and gave my attacker a nudge with his boot so he rolled over and I saw for the first time it was freaking Armond.

  “You asshole! You fucking fairy,” I shouted at him “what the hell is your problem?” My adrenaline was still pumping. I thought about giving him another kick but held back.

  "Deep breath, child. You need to reset time, or poor Luke will never get here," Evan pointed out.

  I took a really deep, cleansing breath without taking my eyes off Armond. Then suddenly Luke was beside me staring at Armond too.

  “I didn’t know ….you could fight,” Armond groaned while still gasping for breath.

  Evan snickered “I made that mistake once too.”

  "But it worked," Luke pointed out. “Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but we found a trigger.”

  “That was a horrible thing to do. Holy crap. I thought you were a god damn vampire.” I yelled at Armond before turning and stomping out of the clearing.

  I was still shaking when I made it back to the house. Margot was in the kitchen making sandwiches when I slammed through the door. She took one look at me, and the smile fell off her face. "Oh no. What's happened?" She asked looking genuinely concerned. I felt bad immediately. Margot was so gracious; I shouldn't come storming in here like this. I took another deep breath and sat at the counter.


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