The Hidden Rose

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The Hidden Rose Page 16

by Jayne Amanda Maynes


  That didn't seem right, mom never smiled and she never called me her little angel or even dear for that matter. If anything mom would gladly throw a pitcher of ice water on me to get me out of bed.

  “Are you alright Captain?” An Airman stood there holding me as though he had caught me to stop me from falling.

  “I'm fine Airman, just a little dizzy from sitting so long. There isn't much room to stretch on one of those and a trans pacific flight is a long time to sit in one position,” I replied.

  “Yes sir, I imagine you're tired as well,” he said.

  “I've got my balance now Airman, thank you for your help,” I said.

  This dream bothered me because nothing about it seemed right. Mom wasn't the bitter woman I remembered and I wasn't a little girl, or was I? This dream didn't seem right on many levels and trying to even grasp it was beyond my ability at the moment.

  I looked around and saw everyone looking at me. Something had changed from the time I got on that plane other than just the exhaustion of a long flight. If I'd been on the cargo plane I planned on taking I would have been able to sleep if I was tired, but since Walter didn't know how to fly I had to take the controls the whole way. I could have stopped in Hawaii for fuel, but when we came within range I was still feeling at my best and the dream hadn't happened yet.

  Walter followed me down the ladder and looked very worried when he reached me.

  “Sir, it seems the thing you need most is sleep, I'm sure my wife will understand if you would rather get a room until time to catch your flight home,” he said.

  “Walter I promised to meet your family and I never back out on a promise, you should know that by now. You've seen what I can do and I just need to stretch and go a little slower after having been cooped up so long. Maybe I should have accepted the offer from Honolulu about refueling on the ground rather than in flight, I just wanted to get you here as quick as possible, and that to me meant in flight refueling,” I said.

  “You're sure you're all right. I know you have to be tired,” he said.

  “I am a little tired, but I have a couple more hours in the air before I get home and I won't be the one flying this time, someone else gets to have the controls,” I said giving him a smile.

  “If you're sure sir,” he said.

  We stepped off the ladder together and headed for the hanger being met by what had to be the biggest car I had ever seen.

  “Are one of you Captain Waters?” A Private called out after stopping in the way of where we were walking.

  “That depends on how much you value your life Private,” I said trying to make sure I didn't raise my voice and kept a command aura about myself, “if you think blocking our path is a healthy way of finding out, I have no doubt you won't last long as a driver and I just might see if perhaps I have enough pull to get you transferred where you can learn to respect someone else.”

  He hopped back in the car moving it so we didn't need to alter our path and as soon as we were passed I stopped and waited for him to ask his question again.

  “I'm sorry sir I didn't mean no disrespect. I was told I'd be taking you to the airport when you're ready,” the Private said.

  “Private how much education do you have?” I asked.

  “I got through high school sir,” he replied.

  “I'm surprised listening to how you're butchering the language. Unless you have General Long in that car you're more than welcome to join us so you can keep track of me until it's time to go to the airport. If General Long is in there take him where ever it is he's going and I'll have Lieutenant Strong let you know where you can pick me up when it is time to head to the airport,” I said.

  “The General has another car to take him around sir,” he said.

  “Then I suggest you take those stars off that car since I'm only a Captain,” I said.

  “Yes sir, right away sir,” he replied.

  I caught back up with Walter and entered the hanger where he was met by a very beautiful woman holding a baby in each arm.

  “Traci I want you to meet the man most responsible for making sure I could be here. Captain Waters this is my wife Traci,” Walter said.

  “It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Strong. I think your husband gives me more credit than I deserve, he made it possible for those men to get home too. I couldn't have managed without his help,” I said.

  “Captain I want to thank you for bringing him home in one piece. From what the news was reporting it didn't sound like he was ever going to get to see our sons. When he called me and told me what happened I just knew God sent an angel to rescue him and the others,” she said.

  “I've been called many thing ma'am but I don't believe an angel was ever among them. I was just doing my job and like I said without your husbands help we wouldn't have made it. Ma'am I hope you won't press him very hard for details. A lot of it is still classified and not very pleasant. Just be glad he's home safe,” I said.

  She was crying just as I knew when Major Jacobs finally showed up again I would cry.


  “Sam your the White Rose fully now. I know you didn't choose this, but it has always been your destiny,” Chris said.

  “Bull shit Chris. You did this to me. You made me into this freak. It's all your fault. Why couldn't you have loved me for who I was?” I asked.

  “Sam you were dying. The doctors couldn't fix the problem. If I hadn't...”

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