The Hidden Rose

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The Hidden Rose Page 83

by Jayne Amanda Maynes


  I looked back out at the girls sitting at the table eating their breakfast and wondered just who their father was. Who ever he was, he was going to need my help to avoid something that might require a very high price.

  I didn't have any of Samantha's clothes here which meant when I packed to move here I put everything in the boxes I had over at Kathy's. I found an over size tee shirt and stood there just looking at it wondering if maybe just maybe it wouldn't work like a dress. I took off the shirt and pants I was wearing and slipped the tee shirt on hoping it would at least hang to mid thigh. I found one of the neckties I hated so much and tied it around my waist like a belt pulling the waist of the tee shirt in and causing the lower part to look more like a skirt.

  I sat on the bed tears in my eyes wishing that maybe the world would make sense for once. I brushed my hair back off my face and stood again reaching behind my head wondering it my hair was long enough I could do some kind of braid to keep it out of my face.

  “Momma, are you okay?” Kathy asked.

  I turn at the sound of Kathy's voice and saw both girls standing there looking at me a very concerned look on their faces.

  I held out my arms to them and they both came running into them letting me pick them up into my lap.

  “I'm just dreaming sweetheart, dreaming of when we can be a real family,” I said.

  “You look pretty,” Nicole said.

  “Thank you,” I smiled and and set them both back on the floor. “How would you like to meet aunt Kathy? I need to finish getting dressed, and if you didn't get your dishes in the sink you need to do that before we go,” I said.

  They both ran back in the kitchen and put their dishes in the sink. Kathy grabbed the wash cloth I kept near the sink and started wiping the table where they spilled juice making an even bigger mess, but doing the best she could to try helping.

  I slipped on my flip-flops after tying my hair back in a ponytail and headed to the kitchen and offered a little assistance in cleaning up the table so the juice wouldn't dry and be even harder to clean up.

  I looked around the living space and while it wasn't spotless the little cleaning there was could wait. If anyone came by to visit it wouldn't matter since we weren't going to be there anyway.

  Kathy helped Nicole into her car seat and they both sat there waiting for me while I did up the seat belts and slid into the driver seat.

  I noticed the neighbor watching as I put the key in the ignition and started the car. Would they say anything about me having my girls, or turn their back just glad I hadn't picked their children to kidnap, after all I didn't look like anyone they would be familiar with.

  “Sam? Is that really you?” Debra asked.

  “Hello Debra. I guess I look a little different, don't I?” I asked.

  “You sound a little different too. I thought maybe you were someone trying to steal these two girls,” she said.

  “I promise I'd never do something like that. We're going over to my sisters to get some of my things I didn't think I'd need when I moved in,” I said.

  “I hope we get to see more of this side of you, though I'm sure most of the other women in the neighborhood hope their husbands don't, especially if you're single,” she said.

  “I've never been single Debra. As long as I can remember I've always been married to these little girls father,” I said.

  “I thought Irene was... I guess it doesn't really matter. I just hope we see more of this side of you. I know those two little girls are doing much better since you showed up. I guess I'll let you go, I just wanted to make sure you weren't someone up to no good since I hadn't seen you like this before,” she said.

  “I'm glad to know there are neighbors like you Debra. I really was wondering if you would come say something,” I said.

  She took a couple steps back and I started the car getting ready to pull it into reverse to get out of the drive.

  “Sam, what do you know about their father?” she asked.

  “I know he was in special forces just like I was, I'm sure he loves both of these girls very much. Other than that not much. I don't even know his name,” I said.

  “How do you know he's the man of your dreams then?” she asked.

  “Because I know these two are our daughters. Irene may have given birth to them, but I've always been their mother,” I said.

  “You've got me totally lost with that one,” she said.

  “Debra do you know the stories of the White Rose?” I asked.

  “You mean the stories that were in the news during the war, right?” she asked.

  “No, not that White Rose. That White Rose was my special forces unit. The White Rose I mean are children's stories that are hundreds of years old, it's where I got the name of my White Rose unit from,” I said.

  “You named a military unit from children's stories? Wait a minute Sam. All those news stories were about you?” she asked.

  “I guess they were, though from what I've seen of them they don't fit either me or my men, they make us seem almost magical, kind of super human. Maybe we can talk about this when I get back, I really do need to get going in case my sister needs to go somewhere. I did tell her I would be over right after the girls finished their breakfast,” I said.

  She stepped back again and this time I was able to get out of the driveway and onto the street.

  Kathy and Nicole loved going with me in the car, even making up little games to make the trip more fun for them.

  I pulled up in front of Kathy's rather than pulling in the driveway, and was met half way to the door by Kelli running out to give me a hug.

  When I tried introducing Kelli to Kathy and Nicole it was like someone turned on all of their defense shields. Kelli refused to get near Kathy and even shied away from Nicole, while Kathy gave me a look as if to ask why I would bring them into this pit of hell.

  Kathy came out and seemed extremely cautious on seeing both Kathy and Nicole.

  “What's the matter here Kelli? My girls won't bite you,” I said.

  “Why would you bring them here aunt Sam?” Kelli asked.

  “They're my daughters Kelli. What am I supposed to do leave them home alone? Would you like it if your mom left you home alone if your dad wasn't around?” I asked.

  “You promise they won't bite me?” she asked.

  “I promise Kelli,” I said.

  I stood up and looked over at my girls and they both came over to me.

  “Momma I don't want to stay here,” Kathy said.

  “Kathy do you see that lady right there?” I motioned to my sister. “Her name is Kathy just like you. That little girl is her daughter, and I promise if you don't threaten to bite, neither her or I will let anything happen to you or your sister,” I said.

  “But they're witches momma. They could curse us and we wouldn't even know it,” Kathy said.

  “No they can't Kathy, I'm here and I can protect you from any bad witches curses, but only if you promise not to bite,” I said.

  “You promise?” she asked.

  “I promise. Now do you think you could try being friends with Kelli she is family,” I said.

  Kathy walked over to Kelli and said hi. “Momma said your family and if we promise not to bite you'll promise not to curse us.”

  Kelli looked at me and I smiled letting her know these two little girls were my daughters just as she was my niece.

  Kathy (my sister) walked over to me with a smile on her lips, but a little fear in her eyes.

  “What do you think of my daughters?” I asked.

  “I think as little girls they're adorable. Let me guess their first self defense instinct is to bite,” she said.

  “We've been working on that. Kathy I'm still not sold on all this witches and vampires stuff you're into. Kathy and Nicole are just little girls the same as Kelli is just a little girl. They're my daughters the ones I've told you about for so long. The ones from my dreams,” I said.

  “I know
they are Sam. I know you brought them here so I could meet them and probably because you didn't have anyone to watch them while you came to get the boxes you said you needed. I just hope you don't stay long, or that those girls don't bite,” she said.

  “And what about if Kelli bites them Kathy? Those two girls just want to be accepted the same as I do. They just want to be little girls,” I said.

  “You don't think they'll bite then?” Kathy asked.

  “They'll only bite in an attempt to protect themselves. Can you say the same for Kelli?” I asked.

  The girls all ran through the house out into the back yard where the swing and other playground things were. Kathy insisted on keeping a closer eye on them, so we followed them out to the back.

  “I didn't expect to see you dressed this way again,” she said.

  “It's just a tee shirt with a necktie as a belt, it seems all my other clothes are packed in the boxes I have here,” I said.

  “You mean the ones you asked me to get rid of for you?” she asked.

  “You didn't did you?” I asked.

  “No, I didn't get rid of them, but Sarah and mom have been here a few times going through them. Sam you told Sarah she could have anything in them she wanted,” Kathy said.

  “I meant what had been in the closet here, not what I brought over when I moved out of that apartment, and I never said mom could have any of it,” I said.

  “I wasn't sure which box was which. The box that had your rose dress in it they didn't seem interested in and I think that's the one from the apartment isn't it?” she asked.

  “The one with my rose dress in it is the only one I care about. What about my shoes or did they take all the nice ones so I'll need to go get new ones?” I asked.

  “When I saw your rose dress and the box of shoes next to it I move them so mom and Sarah wouldn't go through them anymore. Sam they were looking for the shortest dresses you have. The shortest most revealing dresses were the only ones that seemed to interest either of them. I think they've taken all of them you had, along with the highest narrowest heels you had,” she said.

  “When are they supposed to come over again?” I asked.

  “I don't think they will. After the forth time they came over and went through the boxes I told them I wouldn't let them go through them again. Those dresses are yours Sam, I know you didn't buy them to parade around in front of a lot of perverts in. and I know Gordon wants just that for Sarah and it wouldn't surprise me to find out mom is doing the same for grandpa and uncle Robert,” Kathy said.

  “There's nothing I can do to help mom, she has thrown herself so fully into that life I don't see her ever wanting out. Sarah on the other hand needs to be reminded that if she needs me all she has to do is ask. It's one thing to wear things like that for the man you love, but when a man wants you to do so for his friends he isn't much of a man,” I said.

  “I could call and see if she wants to come over,” Kathy offered.

  “If she's willing to come over without that ass she's married to, or mom I'd love to talk to her. It would probably be best she didn't know I'm here,” I said.

  “I don't think we need to worry about these girls fighting those little vampires of yours are very well behaved” she said.

  Kathy and I went in the house and while I went through the boxes that had been in my apartment I took out my rose dress and the shoes I bought to go with. Of all the dresses I had seen none ever called me the way this dress had done. I stripped off the tee shirt I was wearing along with everything else and gently picked up my rose dress and slid it over my head.

  It slid over each curve of my body settling in place the hem coming just to my knees. I reached around and slid the zipper up and felt it tighten caressing my breasts ever so gently, the skirt filling out my hips making them appear just a little wider than they were.

  I slipped on the blue panties I had in the box that were just for this dress. I sat on a stool and slid my feet in the shoes buckling them, and stood again to find a mirror.

  Kathy came in as I stood to look for a mirror and stuttered something about Sarah being on her way over.

  I saw the mirror hanging on the back of the door and turned to see how I looked. Hoping I had gotten the zipper all the way up.

  “Sam I... every time you dress like this it floors me just how beautiful you are. I know you don't have any makeup on yet, I kind of hope you won't put any on, you really don't need any,” she said.

  “I think I'm getting fat. I don't remember this dress being quite this tight around the waist,” I said.

  “Sam you are anything but fat. I wish I were as fit as you are,” she said.

  “I haven't been able to run like I use to,” I said.

  “What instead of ten miles you only get five now?” she asked.

  “I wish I were running five miles a day. I've only been able to get out and run a couple days a week lately, and even then I only get about half what I should be running. I never realized just how much personal time it takes having someone to take care of I said.”

  “I guess you'll be taking both of those boxes with you?” she asked.

  “I don't know. I know the time is getting close when Samuel won't be any longer, but I'm not sure how much longer. Kathy this last year has been pure hell for me. It's incredible just how much I need this part of me to balance out my life. I think I could live the rest of my life as Samantha and not get the depression I get trying to be Samuel,” I said.

  We heard the front door and by the time we got there Kelli and Kathy had already answered it.

  “Who's your friend Kelli?” Sarah asked.

  “She's not my friend she's my cousin,” Kelli said.

  “Your cousin?” Sarah asked.

  “Kathy is my daughter Sarah. I guess Nicole is still out back on the swing. We need to talk,” I said.

  “S-s-s-Sam?” Sarah stuttered.

  “Come on in Sarah, if you brought the kids they can go out back with Kelli and Kathy,” Kathy said.

  “Kathy this is your aunt Sarah,” I said.

  “Hi. Mommy can I go back out and play now?” Kathy asked.

  “I didn't know you were going to be here Sam,” Sarah said.

  “I'm sure if you had known you wouldn't have come,” I said.

  “If Gordon would have known he wouldn't have let me come,” she said.

  “I have no doubt. I have to ask about the dresses you and Ellen took. The shoes as well,” I said.

  “You said I could have anything I wanted. I knew the dress you're wearing wasn't one I could have though, I kind of guessed that whole box was off limits,” she said.

  “You're right I did say you could have anything you wanted, but I never said Ellen could have anything. When I said that I thought I had made it plan that anything you took should be something you'd want to wear in public not something Gordon wants you to parade around in for his perverted friends. Why do you let him degrade you like that?” I asked.

  “You weren't here Sam. You don't have any idea what it's like trying to say no,” she said.

  “Saying no is easy. All you have to do is let me know and I'll be here to help you. You're the sister of the White Rose. Do you really think I wouldn't be willing to protect you?” I said.

  “I... he's doing to my kids what grandpa and uncle Robert tried to do to us Kathy, only he's doing it to my son too,” Sarah said.

  “Are you asking for my help Sarah?” I asked.

  “Sam there's nothing you can do. He said if I ever told you what he's doing he'd kill me and the kids. Mom was standing right there when he said it,” she said.

  “What about dad? Where was dad when he said it?” I asked.

  “Dad was at work. Sam dad can't help he just doesn't have what it would take. Even if dad would have heard he wouldn't have done anything,” she said.

  “I can do something though Sarah, he doesn't want you to tell me because he knows I could snap him in half without even thinking about it,” I said. />
  Kathy stood there anger showing in her stance. All of a sudden she gasped as Sarah took in a sharp breath.

  “Why Sam? Why on earth would you do something like that?” Kathy asked.

  “What are you talking about Kathy? I didn't do anything,” I said.

  “Sam let me try to deal with this myself, please,” Sarah asked.

  “I'm here if you need me. I'm just a thought away,” I said.

  Kathy looked at Sarah and then back at me and whatever it was she had accused me of seemed to have been something I knew nothing about. As far as I knew I hadn't done anything other than offer Sarah my protection for both her and her kids.

  “I'm sorry Sam I've just never seen anything like what you did before, but it looked like something I have seen and what it looked like isn't something very pleasant,” Kathy said.

  “Kathy I have no idea what you're talking about as usual it's some of that magic stuff that you seem to think I have isn't it?” I asked.

  “If I didn't know your magic is protecting you from doing anything dangerous I would demand you get into training and learn to use all that power you have,” she said.

  “I said something that makes you question who you think I am again didn't I?” I asked.

  “You said we are the sisters of the White Rose,” Kathy said.

  “That was the name of my unit Kathy. I'm not some character of children's stories. I got so use to everyone calling me and my men the White Rose it doesn't really mean anything other than the name of my unit,” I said.

  “It's not your unit anymore Sam,” Kathy said.

  “It will always be my unit Kathy. When they sent me home the White Rose was broken up and the men transferred to other units. There is no White Rose other than my White Rose,” I said.

  “I didn't know that. I'm sorry,” she said.

  “There's nothing to be sorry about. I don't talk about those things because I don't like talking about the things I did in the military,” I said.

  “I think I can understand that,” Kathy said.

  “Sam, I'm sorry about letting mom take some of your dresses. I really wish I hadn't taken most of the ones I took too,” Sarah said.

  “Sarah, I'm not angry with you. From what Kathy said you already took most of the dresses that could be considered slutty, dresses I had intended to wear with leggings and or a jacket. She said you and mom took all my stilettos as well and I really would like some of those back if you still have them, the dresses I really don't care about,” I said.

  “I didn't take the shoes, mom did. Sam you said dresses you never said anything about shoes. I won't take anymore of your clothes, at least not as long as Gordon is still living in my house,” she said.

  “You say that as though you're planning on kicking him out,” I said.

  “I'm thinking about it. As long as it was just me he was showing off to his friends I could live with it. But when Erica and Kurt were playing and both of them were dressed like moms and he made them put on the kind of clothes he wanted me to wear for his friends. Sam it isn't me I'm worried about, it's my kids. Kurt hasn't been allowed to dress like a boy in over two weeks, and Gordon is talking about not letting me register them for school when they're old enough,” Sarah said.

  I felt the blood start to boil in my veins and knew if I didn't calm down something, or someone was going to get hurt. Kathy apparently knew the anger was at breaking point in me and reached out holding my shoulders.

  “I'm alright Kathy you can let go anytime,” I said.

  I looked over and saw she was still standing where she had been the whole time.

  “It wasn't me Sam,” she said.

  “No it was me. I'm sorry if I'm intruding it's just I couldn't help over hearing what was being said, and saw this young ladies anger flair,” some man said standing behind me.

  “You're the first person that has been able to sneak up on me that way in several year,” I said.

  “Yes I'm sure I am Captain Waters, and believe me that wasn't my intent,” he said.

  “I guess I let my anger get away from me,” I said.

  “Is one of you young ladies Katherine Nielsen?” he asked.

  “That would be me. Is there something I can do for you sir,” Kathy asked.

  “I was told you're the coven leader around here, I was hoping perhaps you could help me with a problem I have,” he said.

  “I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just here with my sisters, I don't even know what a coven is,” Kathy said.

  “Do you really want to play that game with me Katherine?” he asked.

  “I don't play games. If you want to explain to me what a coven is perhaps I can help you, but unless it's the womens social group I head I haven't got a clue. If that's what you're calling a coven I think you misunderstand just what it is the group does,” Kathy said.

  “So you aren't a witch?” he asked.

  “I know a few people I'm sure think I am but...” Kathy started.

  “Kathy what's wrong?” I asked as my little Kathy came in looking angry.

  “My aunt isn't a witch, you're a bad man and my mommy will hurt you if you don't leave,” Kathy said.

  “Why would I hurt him Kathy?” I asked.

  “Because he wants to hurt aunt Kathy,” she said.

  “Is that true sir. Is that why you're asking if my sister's a witch?” I demanded.

  “I don't know what this child is talking about Captain Waters,” he said.

  “Why do you keep calling me Captain? I haven't been in the military for over a year,” I said.

  “I... I think it might be best if I leave,” he said.

  “Not without some answers you won't,” I said.

  “Please I... I...” he stuttered.

  “Kathy, the call is yours,” I said.

  “I think I know who he is, but if he is who I think he is I can't believe he would be brave enough to attempt to come here on his own,” Sarah said.

  “What's your name?” I asked.

  “My name?” he said.

  “Who sent you here?” I asked.

  “I... I...” he lost his ability of coherent thought.

  “Don't move.” I started frisking him in hopes of finding some ID or something. I found his wallet in his jacket pocket and looked for his driver license or something that would give some idea of who he was.

  “Let him go Sam, we have all we need to put a stop to this,” Kathy said.


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