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Birthright Page 5

by Ell Leigh Clarke

“We have a room,” John deadpanned. “You're standing in it.”

  Tabitha rolled her eyes. “Very funny, John. Have you ever considered switching to a career as a stand-up comedian?” She dumped the carrots in with the rest. “I can watch Merry while you two have your date night.” She smirked at John. She knew as well as Jean that he didn't want to sit through the Torcellan opera that Jean had been going bananas over for the last month.

  “That would be great!” Jean squeezed John to her. “Go collect Merry, and we can still eat together before we leave for the theater.”

  John narrowed his eyes at Tabitha, who stuck her tongue out at him. “Sure thing, babe. I'll be back soon.”

  Jean let go of John and shooed him toward the door. “Just don't take too long or dinner will be ruined.”

  John returned with Meredith Nicole just as Jean and Tabitha were putting the food on the table. “Hey, Grandma Jean, look who I brought with me.”

  Merry squirmed in his arms. “Let me down, Granddad!” She ran straight past Jean to Tabitha. “Aunt Tabbiiiiiie!”

  Tabitha held out her arms to catch the blond-curled whirlwind and spin her around in a circle. “My Merry! Did my little angel have a good day?”

  Merry scowled. “No! I got in trouble! Stinky Ms. Daniels gave me a timeout. I hate her!”

  Tabitha and Jean looked at John for an explanation.

  John shrugged. “She busted some kid's nose. He’s a Wechselbalg, so it wasn’t too serious an injury.”

  Jean frowned lightly. “Why would you do that, sweetheart?”

  Merry's face was thunderous. “Stupid Kevin. He took Lacey's snack, so he deserved it! Meredith said not to, but it wasn't his snack, and Lacey cried, so I socked him a good one.”

  Tabitha snorted. “You are definitely my niece.”

  Jean gave Tabitha a pointed look, then returned her attention to Merry. “Okay, sweetheart. I get that you didn't like that Kevin upset your friend, but did you need to hurt him?”

  “Of course I did.” Merry broke into a proud grin. “I got Lacey's snack back.”

  John ruffled her curls. “You’re my little hero for standing up for your classmate, but when Meredith tells you not to do something you should listen to her. She’s there to guide you.”

  Merry stuck her tongue out at her grandfather. “I'm not little! I'm…” She counted on her fingers and held up a chubby hand to show them. “Nearly three! I'm a big girl, Granddad. I fighted in Justice!”

  That brought a chuckle from the three adults.

  Jean held out her arms to take Merry from Tabitha. “Come on, my little Justice warrior. Let's get you cleaned up for dinner.”

  Tabitha smiled fondly at Merry’s chatter as Jean carried her off to the bathroom.

  “Grandma? When is Mommy coming?”

  “She has to stay at work tonight, sweetheart,” Jean told her. “You get to stay here with me and Granddad, and Aunt Tabbie.”

  Merry blew a raspberry. “I hate work. Mommy always has to be there. When I grow up, I’m not going to go to work. I'm going to be a Ranger like Aunt Tabbie and do fighting instead...”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah! And if anyone tries to make me, I’ll sock them just like I did to Kevin!”

  Dinner was over, and Jean and John had left for their date an hour ago.

  Merry was bathed and sweet-smelling. Tabitha had helped her into her footie pajamas, and they were playing before bedtime.

  “Ready or not, here I come!” Tabitha wandered through the house on her tiptoes, the seeker to Merry’s hider.

  She heard a giggle from the closet.

  Tabitha opened the closet door and scooped up her niece before she fell off the box she'd pushed over and climbed up on to try to reach Tabitha's gun belt from the hook inside the door. “Oh, no, Merry. Aunt Tabitha's weapons are not for little hands like yours.”

  “Want them. I like the pretty guns. Pew-pew!”

  Tabitha grinned. “That's why Grandma Jean made you your own. Would you like to wear my badge instead?”

  “Yes! Yes! Badge!” Merry waved her tiny hands in a “gimme” motion for the badge.

  Tabitha put Merry down and took her Ranger badge from around her neck. She shortened the chain and slipped it over her niece’s head. “You look just like a Ranger now, Merry!”

  “Can we play Ranger?”

  “Of course we can, nene.”

  Merry’s eyes unfocused for a second while she conferred with her onboard EI. “Hey! I’m not a baby!”

  Tabitha ruffled her curls. “Of course not, sweet thing. You’re Ranger Two; your badge says so.”

  Merry made her best approximation of a scowl. “That’s right! I’m Ranger Two, and you are a naughty Skaine. You better run, ‘cuz I’m gonna get you!”

  Merry grabbed her toy pistols from the toybox, and the two ran around the house some more.

  The child was fast since her natural enhancement gave her better control over her motor functions than an unenhanced human. Tabitha also knew that Merry had some other advantages waiting to be switched on when she was older.

  She would hate to be the bad guy her niece came across once those were fully activated.

  Merry made her pew-pew noises while firing bubbles at Tabitha, who ran and ducked, and dived theatrically to avoid getting hit by the soapy bubbles.

  “You won’t get my treasure!” Merry yelled. She jumped onto the couch and fired two streams of bubbles down the back of it, where Tabitha was hiding.

  “Oh, noooo,” Tabitha moaned. She stood and clutched her chest. “You got me, Ranger Two! No more being a naughty Skaine for me!” She fell onto the couch with another groan, and Merry dived on her. “Mercy, Ranger Two!”

  “Neverrrrr!” Merry yelled, brandishing the tiny bubble-pistols Jean had made her. “I’m Ranger Two, and I always get the baddie!”

  Tabitha grabbed her and tickled her. “Then I’ll have to fight back!”

  Merry giggled. “Aunt Tabitha, stop! Skaines don’t tickle!”

  Tabitha let go of Merry, and she scrambled to her feet. “Silly Tabbie!”

  Tabitha did her best not to choke on the stream of bubbles that hit her in the face. She fell backward with her arms spread wide and played dead.

  Merry laughed. “Ranger Merry! Pew-pew! No escape! I get the baddies just like you, Aunt Tabbie!”

  Tabitha tucked Merry into bed a short time later with a kiss to the forehead. “Sweet dreams, my angel.”

  Merry yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Not an angel. I’m a big scary Ranger.”

  Tabitha smiled as she turned out the light. “Yes, you are, my sweet.”

  Chapter Five

  QBBS Meredith Reynolds, Open Court, Ashley’s Leather Emporium

  Tabitha held up the tiny coat to inspect it. “Tell Tiera that it’s totally perfect. Merry is going to love it. I just hope she doesn’t grow too much before I get to give it to her.”

  Ashley grinned, her curly topknot bobbing as she nodded along with Tabitha. “Is it everything you wanted? Tiera asked me to tell you that she’ll make any alterations you need if it’s not a perfect fit.”

  “Her birthday is soon, so I think we’ll be good. Unless she has another growth spurt.” She stroked the butter-soft leather lovingly. “Tell her I said thanks, though.”

  “Anything for our best customer.” Ashley cooed over the coat. “Merry is going to look just like a mini-Ranger! You are a wonderful aunt, Tabitha.”

  “Thanks to yours and Tiera’s expert work,” Tabitha told her. “Just look at this stitching and the cut! You’re both so talented! I wouldn’t go anywhere else for something this special.”

  Ashley blushed. “You’re too kind.” She sighed. “But I should probably tell you that Tiera won’t be around as much. You might want to find somewhere else soon.”

  “Are you closing the store?” Tabitha’s heart dropped. She got a lot of her work gear from Ashley’s. Some of Peter’s favorite date-night outfits had been made by Ashley and Ti
era, too. He would be disappointed.

  Ashley shook her head. “No, but I know that it’s Tiera’s work that you really love, and I just can’t afford to keep her on full time.”

  “You’re going to fire her?” Tabitha was shocked. “But she has a son to support.”

  Ashley nodded glumly. “I know, which is why I’ve kept her on despite the business’ struggles. She’s already taken on another job to make up for her short hours here. There’s just not much I can do if we aren’t getting the commissions. At least this way she’s been free to find a better-paying job to make up for the loss of income.”

  Tabitha screwed up her nose. “Let me see what I can do to help. In the meantime, I can always use some more pants…ooh, and a coat to match Merry’s exactly. I’d get that just to see her face.”

  Ashley tilted her head. “Sourcing the cowhide for that is going to be expensive. Are you okay with that?”

  “Like it’s not worth it for quality work like this? Besides, bistok leather is nowhere near as supple as this. It’s worth paying extra for the cow.” Tabitha handed little Merry’s birthday gift back to Ashley to be wrapped. “You have my measurements, so you can get started on the coat whenever you like. Just charge my account for materials.”

  Ashley placed the tissue-wrapped coat in a gift bag and wiped a tear away. “Thank you, Tabitha. This means a lot.”

  Tabitha waved her off as she headed for the door. “I know how challenging it can be to run a small business. I’ll help however I can. I have to get going, but I’ll be in touch to give you the rest of my order.”

  Tabitha really felt for Ashley and Tiera. She opened a link to Peter as she left the busy shopping court.

  Hey, you busy?

  Peter came back a split second later. Never too busy for you, babe. What’s up?

  Ashley’s business is struggling. Any ideas on how I can help?

  Ashley who does the amazing leatherwork?

  Uh-huh. She skirted a group of Yollins and broke from the crowd to head for the elevators. I’m concerned for her and Tiera. Remember I told you about her kid, the one who got a place at the Academy two years early?

  Yeah, I think so. He’s great with electronics or something?

  That’s the one. Ashley told me she might have to let her go. I don’t want to interfere, but…

  You really want to interfere, right?

  Totally. But should I? I mean, I’m just a customer, really. We’re not exactly friends.

  I dunno, babe. Do you care about them?

  Well, duh, of course! Otherwise, I wouldn’t be bugging you in the middle of the day to talk about it, would I?

  Peter chuckled. Then go stick that pretty nose of yours in and find out what you can do to help them.

  Aw, you think my nose is pretty?

  I think all of you is pretty, babe. Your nose, your eyes… his inner voice became dreamy, that little heart-shaped birthmark on your sweet, sweet ass…

  Tabitha laughed. Suck-up. What are you after?

  What else could I possibly need when I have you? You know that you—

  Tabitha knew what was coming. Don’t do it, Pete.


  I told you!

  Me. Peter laughed.

  Asshole. You had to ruin the moment. I hate that movie.

  Love you, babe. Good luck helping your friend. I’ll catch you for dinner later if you’re free.

  Love you, too, she grumped. I’ll catch you later. The elevator arrived, and she stepped in.

  “Where to, Ranger Tabitha?” Meredith asked.

  “I’m looking for Tiera McCormack. Do you know where she is right now?”

  “She is at the main APA.”

  Tabitha frowned. “What is she doing there? Never mind, let’s just go.”

  “Of course, Tabitha.”

  “Thanks, Meredith.”

  She left the elevator and headed for the APA.

  Tabitha stopped to read the sign taped to the doors. The APA was closed to the general public for station security training exercises. That explained why Tiera was here; this must be her second job.

  Her supposition was correct.

  Inside, the APA had been reconfigured to mock up the various areas around the Meredith Reynolds where trouble was most likely to occur. She spotted Tiera over in the AGB scenario, where she looked a little out of place and all too uncomfortable in the station security uniform.

  Her group was running barfight drills under the watchful eyes of Rickie Escobar and Matthew Tseng.

  Tiera didn’t see Tabitha, but Rickie did.

  He waved her over, flashing her his trademark stupid grin. “Hey, Tabbie. What are you doing here?”

  Tabitha punched his arm. “That’s Ranger Tabitha to you,” she teased. “I came to find Tiera.” She nodded to the woman, who was currently getting her ass handed to her by another female Tabitha didn’t recognize. “She’s working as station security?”

  “Yeah.” Rickie made a face. “To be honest, I don’t know if she’s the best fit. Her combat skills aren’t the strongest.”

  Tabitha nodded as she watched Tiera get up and square off again. “She’s determined, though.”

  Rickie nodded. “You know that I don’t normally accept unenhanced humans onto the teams unless they just came out of the military, but the woman would not take no for an answer.”

  Tabitha snickered. “What woman worth her salt would?”

  Rickie chuckled. “This one is made from a mountain of the stuff if that’s the case.”

  The drill came to an end, and Rickie returned to the group to move them on to the next scenario. Tabitha stayed to see how Tiera did. The scoreboard that the Guardians usually used to tally their wins and losses had been appropriated to score the individuals in each test.

  Tabitha ran her eyes down the list of names and there was Tiera, three spaces below the red cutoff line. She wasn’t going to make the cut, and Tabitha could tell that she knew it.

  But still, Tiera didn’t give up. She did a little better at spotting the “shoplifters,” and she worked well with her partner, which got her moved up a spot. However, her failure to arrest her target got her bumped down again.


  Yes, Tabitha.

  I want to know why Tiera is so determined to do this job when she’s clearly not suited to it. She lacks the aggression the rest of her group have.

  I would think that was obvious. Station security is one of the higher-paying jobs. It makes sense that she would look for something to supplement the job she loves that does not pay enough to support her and her son.

  Hmmm… There has to be something I can do about that.

  Rickie called a break, and Tabitha made her way over to the hydration station where Tiera sat against the wall to find out from the woman herself.

  Tiera looked up when Tabitha’s shadow fell across her. “Hey, Tabitha! I didn’t expect to see you here. Is there a problem with Merry’s coat?”

  Tabitha grinned. “The coat is perfect. That’s not why I came to find you.”

  Tiera got to her feet. “Oh? Then why?”

  Tabitha didn’t want to offend the woman. “I wanted to know what the hell you were doing here. You’re a seamstress, not a fighter.”

  Tiera bristled slightly. “Not you, too. Did you speak to Ashley or something? Look, I needed another job, and this is a good one.”

  “You couldn’t find something more suited to your skills?”

  Tiera sighed wearily. “I’m sick of having to go hungry whenever Sebastian needs something for school, and I refuse to rely on the kindness of others to provide for him when Ashley can’t give me enough work. With this job plus whatever hours Ashley has for me, I can take care of all of that. Who cares if I don’t enjoy it if it puts food on the table and clothing on my son’s back?”

  Tabitha’s mouth curled down, and she blew her breath out as she considered the situation. “What about if you get hurt and you can’t take care of him at all? What
if you damage your hands? I know you love your art.”

  Tiera shrugged. “That’s a risk I’m just going to have to take. There’s just no option but to work two jobs.”

  “Three jobs.”

  Tiera frowned. “Three? No, just this one, and my work for Ashley.”

  Tabitha smiled. “And being a mother. Especially the kind of mother you are. Look, I want to help if you’ll let me.”

  Tiera shook her head. “No. I’m doing this by myself. I appreciate that you care, but I have to show my son that we can earn our own comfort. If I take every helping hand that’s offered, then what am I teaching him?”

  Tabitha placed a hand on Tiera’s shoulder. “That people who stand together are stronger for it?”

  Tiera shrugged her off. “No. I’m not going to teach Sebastian that we can only get by on handouts from others. Thanks, but no thanks.”

  Tabitha’s hand dropped to her side. “I respect that. Really. But I’m sure we can find a different job that pays as well without risking you, Tiera.”

  “I’m fine with this job! Security personnel are always needed around here. I’ll keep working at my fighting skills until I get them, and we’ll do just fine.

  Tabitha narrowed her eyes at Rickie, who was making a “see?” gesture behind Tiera’s back. She couldn’t and wouldn’t force Tiera to accept her help, but maybe she could do something to help her keep this job and remain intact. An idea occurred. “What if I set you up with some tutoring?”

  Tiera frowned. “Tutoring? In what?”

  Tabitha grinned. “In combat skills, of course. What, you thought I meant accounting or something? In that outfit?” She nodded at Tiera’s flak vest, blue fatigues, and boots. “It wouldn’t be a problem. I know a former Guardian who specializes in this sort of thing.”

  Tiera looked interested for the first time since Tabitha had begun the conversation. “I don’t know. Who is it?”

  Tabitha sent her the details for Pete’s old student, a teacher himself now that he’d retired from active duty. “His name is Maxim. I just sent you the contact. Just promise me you’ll go, for Sebastian’s sake if you won’t do it for yourself.”

  Rickie called the teams in, and Tiera dropped her towel and water bottle by the wall. “I’ll think about it.”


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