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Birthright Page 6

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  Tabitha nodded. “That’s all I ask. I know we don’t know each other all that well, but I hate to see you going through this by yourself.”

  “Well, we wouldn’t have had to if my asshole husband hadn’t run away with that young thing. I hope she gave him super space crabs.”

  Tabitha cracked up. “You’ll have to tell me about that sometime. Dude pissed you off that much, I can always have a bounty put out on him. You want him back?”

  Tiera snorted. “Hell, no!”

  Tabitha raised an eyebrow. “How about I have him sent back in a body bag?” Tiera burst out laughing. “What? I’m just sayin,’ I can make it happen.” She grinned and winked.

  Tiera’s laughter subsided into snickers. “You say the funniest things, Tabitha. I better get back.” She turned and jogged over to her group, who all started questioning her about why she’d had a visit from a Ranger.

  Tabitha shrugged as she left the APA. I don’t know what’s so funny. Anyone who would leave a family like that behind to chase tail deserves everything they get.

  You’re not really going to have the husband who absconded killed, are you?

  Tabitha tsked. Of course not. It wouldn’t be very Rangerly of me to murder a man just because he can only think with his trouser-brain, would it? If I did that there’d be a total shortage of men, and then where would the human race be?

  Heaven forbid.

  Achronyx, you’re very snarky today. Did I do something to upset you?

  I’m bored. We have been here for months now. When will you take another mission?

  As soon as Barnabas has something for us.

  Can’t you make him have something?

  You want me to make a crime happen just so you can get off the Meredith Reynolds?

  When you put it that way…

  I am putting it that way. Cheer up. We won’t be here long. There’s always some asshole out there who needs correction.

  I suppose so.

  You’re just going to have to keep yourself entertained aboard the station for now. I thought you would be glad of some time with ADAM?

  Do you know how slowly time runs for me?

  Tabitha shrugged. I just assumed you hibernated when things get boring. She checked the time, and it was getting close to dinner o’clock. I need to speak to Maxim before I meet up with Pete. Don’t want Tiera to show up and he has no clue she is coming.

  Achronyx huffed. So you get a life, and I get to hibernate? Seems fair. I want a body.

  Tabitha snorted. Don’t we all? Oh, you mean like Eve?

  No. A real body.

  Really? Now I know you’ve been spending too much time with ADAM.

  I won’t bother to share if you’re just going to be rude about it.

  I definitely don’t want to share your body, Achronyx. This one suits me just fine.

  If you’re not going to take me seriously, I’m not going to talk to you.

  Tabitha winced as he left her mind with the mental equivalent of a slammed door. “Oops.” Sorry, Achronyx.


  Will you at least tell me where Maxim is?

  More silence. Tabitha rolled her eyes. Moody EIs were no fun. “Meredith?”

  “Yes, Tabitha?”

  Meredith sounded a little cooler than usual, but Tabitha knew better than to piss off the EI who controlled everything on the station. She did not want her shower to be cold that night, and neither did she want to get “stuck” in an elevator—again. “Can you tell me where Maxim is, please?”

  “He is in the Guardian’s rec room.”

  “Thank you, Meredith.”

  She made her way to the Guardian’s rec room and went inside to search out Maxim. She found him at the weight bench spotting a Yollin she didn’t know. She leaned against the wall and waited for them to finish the set.

  Maxim looked up when she cleared her throat and tapped the Yollin’s shoulder. “Hang fire a minute, Drk, we’ve got company.”

  Drk racked his weights, and he and Maxim came over.

  Maxim gave her a charming smile. “What can we do for you, Ranger Tabitha?”

  Tabitha returned his smile. “You can drop the formality, for a start. I have a favor to ask. There’s a woman I know, standard unenhanced human. She needs training.”

  “Oh, yeah? For anything in particular, or just in general?”

  “So she doesn’t get killed on the job.” Tabitha frowned. “She’s taken a security position, but her combat skills are below standard. She has a kid, and I’m worried she’s going to leave him orphaned if I don’t get her some training.”

  Maxim’s eyebrows went up. “Really? I’m a little surprised Rickie allowed her on the team if that’s the case.”

  Tabitha smirked. “She’s got balls. She didn’t really give him a choice.”

  The Yollin, Drk, laughed and elbowed Maxim in the ribs. “I know a few women like that. Your wife, for one.”

  “Don’t I know it,” Maxim agreed fondly. He turned to Tabitha. “I can fit her in. Just send her over.”

  Tabitha winked at him. “I knew you would. I already gave her your contact info, and she’ll be in touch.” She checked the time again. “Dammit, I’m late. I have to run. Thanks, guys.”

  QBBS Meredith Reynolds, NS Squared

  Tabitha slipped into the dim booth on the far left and Peter pushed a glass of warm, rapidly flattening beer over to her.

  She looked at the beer skeptically. “I’m not that late.”

  “You’re late enough that your beer went warm.” Peter drained his beer and picked desultorily at the platter of nachos in the middle of the table.

  She kind of wished she hadn’t outgrown kicking him under the table, but he would have just moved anyway. “I went to see Maxim about Tiera.”

  Peter was confused. “What does Maxim have to do with Tiera?”

  “Nothing just yet, but she’s going to train with him so she doesn’t lose her job.”

  She took sips from her glass and stole nachos from his plate while she told him what she’d turned up when she’d found the seamstress earlier that day. “When you said dinner, I imagined candles and something actually cooked.”

  Peter shrugged. “I just wanted to come here.”

  Tabitha knew that look. “Tough day?”

  “New recruits.”

  She put her hands over his. “You miss him.”

  Peter nodded, looking down at their clasped hands on the table. “Uh-huh.”

  She didn’t need him to explain further. New recruits were something he and Todd had always taken care of together. “Give me a minute.”

  She went over to the bar. She was about to order a couple of shots but thought better of it and just pointed at the bottles on the mirrored back wall.

  The bartender was new. He gave her a look, and she jerked a thumb over her shoulder toward Peter. “My man has had the worst day. Find me something that will get a Pricolici and a vampire drunk and give me two clean glasses.”

  The bartender’s hand hovered over the rows of bottles as he searched for something that would fit the bill. He selected a dusty, dark bottle with a toxic warning on the label. “Hmmmm. There’s this from Bad Company? There are instructions for it. Oh, they’re from Pearl…” He blew the dust away and squinted to read the handwritten warning in the low light. “180 Proof. Emergencies only. Not for human consumption.”

  Tabitha grinned and held her hand out for the bottle. “Sounds like exactly what I need.”

  The bartender looked at the Joneses at the other end of the bar for permission. The Weres looked at Tabitha, who tilted her head toward the booth where Peter sat with a long face. They nodded to the bartender.

  She took the bottle and the glasses from the bartender. “Can you fix us up with something real to eat? The nachos aren’t gonna cut it if we’re drinking this.”

  The bartender nodded, and she took her haul back to the booth and plonked it all on the table.

  Peter snapped out of his brooding
. “What’s that?”

  Tabitha poured them both a short measure and grinned when the fumes stung her eyes. “No idea. Let’s find out while you get today off your chest.”

  They touched glasses and nervously knocked the mystery drink back. It had the desired effect since Peter was too busy choking to think about his grief for the moment.

  Tabitha’s eyes nearly burst out of her skull, and she wheezed along with Peter. “Whooooo!”

  “Fuuuck!” he exclaimed throatily. “What’s in that?”

  Tabitha wiped away the tears that flowed freely down her face. “I dunno,” she gasped. “It’s effective, though.”

  Peter grabbed the bottle. “Shit. Toxic to humans?”

  “That’s what nanos are for,” she told him as she poured them another. “Drink up, and spill.”

  “If I survive another I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

  Tabitha smirked. “Bottoms up!”

  Peter laughed. “What, here?”

  This time she did kick him under the table.

  “What was that for?”

  Tabitha winked. “Call it foreplay.”

  They went through another minute of coughing and spluttering as the alcohol burned its way into their systems.

  When they were done and Peter looked a little more relaxed, she sat back and gave him a searching look. “Now, what happened today?”

  Peter’s sadness returned from just beneath the surface, where it had simmered since Todd’s death. “It was just… We always broke the recruits in together, you know? I kept turning to make our usual jokes, and he wasn’t there.” He shrugged. “I don’t know how to get past it. I think I’ve dealt with his loss, and then some random occurrence reminds me of him, and it’s all fresh again.”

  Tabitha held out her glass and Peter topped her off before refilling his own with a slightly shaky hand.

  “Don’t spill it, Pete. It’s too good to waste.” She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten this drunk, and they’d barely made a dent in the bottle. “Truth? I don’t know how to get over it, except to live as hard and as well as we can. To honor him and Shin, we carry on fighting the good fight in their memory.”

  The bartender came over with a fresh platter, this one stacked with a Pricolici-sized mixed grill. “You two are still alive. Good. Ruben sent this over.”

  They thanked him, and he returned to the bar while they got stuck in.

  Tabitha snagged a chop from the top of the pile and dipped it into the accompanying gravy before tearing off a bite. She could have kissed the bar’s chef, only she didn’t actually trust her legs to carry her to the kitchen until her nanocytes had processed some of the alcohol in her system. “Mffff… Pete, you have to try this.” She held it out so he could take a bite, and immediately regretted it when he demolished two-thirds of it with a single chomp.


  Peter grinned and dug out another chop for her from the mountain of meat on the plate. “Sorry, babe.”

  She took the peace offering and bit down delicately. “As long as you replaced it,” she told him through her mouthful as she pointed with her fork. “There’s a nice bit of steak there. You can have that.”

  Chapter Six

  High Tortuga, Northern Continent, Space Fleet Base, Guest Quarters

  Nickie awoke from a night of fractured dreams with her mind made up. Tiera’s story had cut way too close to the bone, and Sebastian’s even more so. She hadn’t ever considered that her mom worked so much because she had to. All she’d seen was that she wasn’t there.

  Nickie felt raw inside. She grabbed her gear and left the bedroom, sending Barnabas a message as she walked. She kept her head down as she passed through the communal area to the shower, avoiding eye contact and any conversation she came across on her way.

  The shower helped her feel halfway human again, and by the time she joined the others at the breakfast table the cup of coffee she’d gulped had dragged her the rest of the way.

  Grim was first to test the waters. “Morning, boss. How did the visit with your uncle go?”

  “It wasn’t exactly a normal family reunion,” John cut in before Nickie could answer.

  “How would you know how my family operates?” Nickie shot back. “It went okay,” she told Grim. “We have a mission.”

  “You’re going to do it?” John asked in disbelief.

  Nickie ignored him. “We have not one, but six planets to save. Grim, I need you in fighter mode for this one. It could be tricky.”

  Grim chuckled. “You know I’m more of a lover than a fighter, but whatever you need.”

  John wasn’t going to be ignored forever. “I’m coming with you,” he announced.

  Nickie fixed him with a stare. “Why the fuck would you want to do that? I thought you had to save your own planet?”

  Adelaide was instantly concerned. “Zuifra’s in trouble? Is Themis okay?”

  “As far as I know,” he told her. “There’s a nasty spaceborne fungus going around the quadrant, but all of Themis’s agriculture is inside the biomes, so it should be unaffected.” He hesitated for a moment. “I’m coming with you. I have time; a few more days isn’t going to make a difference. Besides, I want to know more about this system.”

  “What about your dad?” Nickie pressed. “Doesn’t he need you?”

  John shook his head. “Docs say he’ll be fine until I get there. You could use me on this, don’t deny it.”

  Nickie sighed. She probably could, since he would know how to deal with royals without pissing them off too much. “Ugh, whatever. Just don’t get in the way if things get messy.”

  She received a message from Barnabas apologizing for his absence and instructing her to take her crew to be briefed. “Breakfast is over, and we have a briefing in fifteen minutes.” She stood up from the table and grabbed her coffee mug to refill it for the walk over to the meeting room.

  There was a familiar face waiting for them in the meeting room. It was the Guardian who had hailed the Granddaughter when they’d arrived in-system. He grinned and indicated the empty chairs around the table. “If it isn’t the Last Ranger.” He chuckled as the rest of the crew and John shuffled in behind Nickie. “They don't really fit my recollection of the Tontos, though.”

  Nickie glared at the Guardian. “My crew is just fine, thanks.”

  He held his hands up and smiled disarmingly. “I don’t disagree. Let’s get on with the briefing.” He pressed a button on his wrist holo, and they all received an information packet. “This is from Barnabas. He told me it contains everything you need to get started. He also asked me to provide you with cover IDs.” He smirked while he typed. “You are now the…Silver Line Trading Company.”

  “Why do we need a cover?” Adelaide asked.

  The Guardian looked up from his holo. “The details are in the packet, but you’re going to use the trader cover to access the palace. We’re going to provide some attractive tech that will ensure you get in to meet with the targets. The meetings will give you the opportunity to assess the situation and act accordingly; and the cover will make it possible to get the meetings in the first place.”

  Nickie snorted. “You mean it will help the Federation avoid the backlash if it all goes tits-up.”

  The Guardian gave her a double finger-gun salute. “Got it in one.” He stood to leave. “I have to run, but if you need any help getting to requisitions then just call for the base EI, CEREBRO. I wish you all luck with this.”

  Nickie watched the door until the Guardian left, then turned to the others. “Read your packets. We don’t have to take this assignment,” she told them. “We can walk away right now if we’re not all comfortable with the orders.”

  “I’m not comfortable with the orders,” John grumped.

  Nickie gave him a bright smile. “You’re free to leave whenever you like. I was offering my crew a choice. Speaking of which, Meredith, send everything my uncle gave us over to Durq. He gets a choice, too.” />
  Already done, Meredith replied. And well done. I knew you would make the right decision.

  High Tortuga, Northern Continent, Space Fleet Base, Requisitions

  Nickie had finally found something to be impressed with.

  She led the crew into the requisitions warehouse, which stretched back farther than Nickie could see. It was broken up into long vision-distorting rows by floor-to-ceiling racks filled with crates, boxes, and weapons cases.

  Nickie recognized the stamp on many of the crates. She was too caught up in what cool shit of her Grandma Jean’s she was going to scam out of the armory to see who was manning the desk.

  Quartermaster Sofia Gutierrez was over the moon to see Nickie. “Nickie, let me see you, child!” She rushed around her desk to take Nickie by the shoulders and inspect her. “You are looking healthy!” she declared. “If your grandma was here to see you she would be happy.”

  Nickie’s face burned with embarrassment, but she allowed her old babysitter to turn her from side to side. “How did you end up here, Sofia?”

  “I came out here to work with Jean on some stuff.” Sofia released her and took a step back to cast an eye over the others. “You’re lucky you caught me before I left. Jean’s away at the moment with Bethany Anne and the others, so I’m taking the opportunity to do a full inventory on the base while it’s quiet.”

  Nickie felt her heart constrict in her chest. “It’s really good to see you, Sofia.” She didn’t care if the others saw her admit it or what they thought when she hugged Sofia back. Sofia had always been good to her, and up until she’d hit rock bottom, she had been careful to show respect to the woman who had been there with a sandwich and a shoulder whenever Nickie needed it.

  Sofia peered around Nickie’s hug. “Who are your friends? And what can I help you with?”

  Nickie didn’t blame Sofia for her slightly mistrustful tone. “Not just my friends, my crew.” She showed Sofia the requisitions list from Barnabas. “See, we’re legit…ish.”

  Sofia looked it over and smiled. “This is beyond good to know.” Her eyes shone a little as she spoke. “I was worried about you every day, Nickie. I’m so happy you are on the right path again.” She turned toward the aisles. “Let’s get you geared up in style, shall we?”


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