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Bad Invisible Teachers

Page 20

by Quelli di ZEd

  Chapter 19.

  Angel had lifted from the couch estranging himself/herself/itself from the stay.

  Nothing was changed, he/she remembered Helen: in that direction there was his/her cameretta, in which slept still surely and it hid his/her treasures.

  It reappeared shortly after: it had I wear a shirt and it brought with itself of the volumes.

  It was still standing when with exuberance it approached her an album of photos. An album that Helen knew to never have seen and that surely it didn't contain memoirs of family.

  The he sat nearby and with hurry it skimmed through him/it up to find the page that wanted.

  The image of a small oblong and flat stone showed her, exposed in a reliquary of glass.

  «Thing you see?» the churches Angel, pointing her/it out the correct.

  On the fragment he distinguished tenuamente the representation of a to be anthropomorphous with a triangular capoccione and a big pair of horns.

  «It seems a man» she stammered, undecided.

  «They call him/it they swarm him/it» procedette him. «It originates from an open cave next to Verona, the Cave of Smoke of it. It is to everything today it is the most ancient existing rocky representation to the world: this painting in ochre has trentacinquemila years, it goes up again to the beginning of the superior paleolitico.»

  «I don't understand what there is of strange: one they swarm it is the more person in sight of the community, a typical subject in the prehistoric representations» it commented Helen.

  «You have looked well at the head?» he/she asked her.

  «Certain: also today the sciamanis are usual to disguise himself/herself/themselves using skins and bones of animals. And it is normal that is represented while they are wearing the ritual hangings.»

  «That is not a disguise» it sentenced Angel. «But a to be real.»

  Helen observed him/it perplexed.

  «Real? Are you saying that trentacinquemila years ago the Minotauro existed?»

  «In a certain sense yes.» You strove to smile her. «You believe that that sketch has been served as a believer that you/he/she has wanted to represent one they swarm as sign of respect. We believe that instead the author both they swarm him/it same, that has wanted to really reproduce what you/he/she has seen.»

  Helen delayed for reflecting us above. Hallucinations: there he/she thought they wanted to conduct her/it the reasonings of his/her/their brother. Which, acknowledged him the confusion of Helen, it continued.

  «I believe you has not understood the importance of this painting: bushels looking at the first testimony directed to rise up in the man of the religious sense.»

  «Religious sense? And from when you deal yourself with religion?»

  Angel immediately didn't answer. It skimmed through the pages of the photographic album, flowing a series of prehistoric paintings, and he/she left that her alone it understood the coherence of it.

  Images drawn by the most famous sites of the world, from Europe in Africa: Chauvet, El Castilo, Trois Frères, Holenstein Stadel, Drakensberg. Thousand of kilometers and thousand of years of distance. But anywhere the Sapiens you/he/she had withdrawn men turned into animals or cross animals among them, that it turns to them they became men. Last among all the sphinx of the plain one of Giza appeared.

  «Teriantropi» he/she explained to that point. «Beings half men and animal half. Or you cross among different animals as the chimera. Represented in every epoch and in every place of the planet. The gods Egyptians human beings from the heads of animals, the gods Greek they were men able to change himself/herself/themselves. This repertoire of images is as closed inside of him and we it activates when we reach has altered of conscience. Theirs to appear represented on the walls of the caverns is the test of the most important discovery of the history of the humanity: the possibility to reach the trance through the assumption of substances psicotrope.»

  «You however you have spoken of religion» Helen remembered him. «It is a deeper concept in comparison to the use of hallucinogenic drugs.»

  «In reality it is the same thing: the discovery of his/her own alterations of conscience as a wide open window on another dimension, have done yes that the man translated those images with the primordial pantheon. For millennia, the religion coincided with real experiences that the single one or the collectivity directly lived. The religion as street toward the supernatural one, were a concrete experience of which the believer was active part. Only political and cultural motivations reduced subsequently the religion to a form impositiva and passive for the man. Rather, beginning from then, the practical sciamanica to come into contact with the spirits was banished and stamped as satanismo. Only few experiences of spontaneous trance of saints and mystical, from holy Teresa to Pious father, as ecstasy was translated and listed as signs of the divine benevolence.»

  «But would not it be very simpler to speak of birth of the art?» he/she still asked Helen, doubtful.

  «You express a concept riduttivo. The art implies a wish of exhibition. In our case, the sketches have been made in almost unattainable environments. To access these finds, it is necessary to channel him in narrow passages and to arrive in the isolated and dark rooms: probably, the same places in which him compievano the rites and where the represented beings manifested him to the participants. You/he/she cannot be art: it is a senseless effort if not finished to the light of a strong religious motivation.»

  «Therefore, the men of the paleolitico crawled as thieves through the most uncomfortable burrows to go be affixed to paint those figures where they went to overdo him of poisonous mushrooms. At least they had the decency to do him/it in set apart places.»

  Angel frowned.

  «Not to be afraid of what I tell you: you don't have to joke as a bambinetta to hide you. It looks now, instead.»

  It opened a cartelletta, to whose inside was picked many colored and eccentric presses. They were a triumph of images sharp pains, that they crossed the one on the atres, rutilanti of lights, shades and garish colors. Only attentively observing her could be enjoyed some details and to understand that, to be represented, were of the hallucinations.

  «The author of these calls Pablo Amaringo. It is they swarm and painter, so much polish in the way of living his/her own experiences to be been able to represent her. The themes, as you can see, they are the same.»

  Helen made to flow the tables.

  Men appeared from the head of crocodile, snakes from the head of man, anthropomorphous monkeys.

  But what caught more her it was that to the center of the image you/they were represented the people that were participating in the rite. And they were serene. The more ones slept, with a smile that anchors it appeared on the surface on the lips. Others talked between them, without becoming upset himself/herself/themselves without changing. Without trace of guilt. They enjoyed some company of their spirits, that as friends reached to visit you give them gigantic tears that opened in the sky.

  «This is the modern man Helen. And that was the man of the caverns. In mean you will find the Egyptian, the Greek, the Roman, the mystical medieval, up to the abducted from the alien ones. And if them interroghi, if you read their memoirs and their experiences, you will always find the same images.»

  «But if also pits, that sense has to torture he/she anchors for stimulating visions? They are unreal phenomenons, useless.»

  «Continuous not to understand the importance of this of which we are speaking» he/she explained her severe. «This is not an accessory of the experience of the man. This is the same essence of the humanity. They are only there two demonstrations of the man that have been never dejected: the religious sense and the need to take drugs himself/herself/themselves. The governments that have tried to defeat have always failed her. They have risen together and they will die together.»

  «Angel, prays you: not to offend my intelligence. They are hallucinations, conditioned of the experience. Every mink is co
ntingent entirely: the men of the caverns painted buffalos as the Peruvian snakes.»

  «Then an impassioned of motion should see him to plough the sky in Harley Davidson. How do you explain yourself that today you will never find anybody to tell to have seen an automobile, a violin, a tennis racket, a sandwich with the salamella? The casuistry of the images, however various, it is extremely limited. And it is constant through the millennia: what saw our ancestor of Smoke it is what they saw ago forty years of it the Beatleses before writing I'm the Walrous.»

  Helen had flowed with patience those images, whose kaleidoscopic beauty had struck her deeply. Table after table, he came upon in one of which a detail immediately jumped to the eyes.

  Smiled conceited, as if it had something to smile her husband that, returning home, it finally found his wife in fault with bleaches him.

  «And these, then?»

  The index of Helen aimed straight at three artificial outlines, three artificial structures that ploughed a sky blue depth framed by an I apparently exult of forms of life human. To the left that seemed a bell, that to the right a suspended oval chandelier who knows where in the sky, over the borders of the sketch. Under both these images, as in a brood, small bodies and smiling faces were wagged. Helen immediately thought about a nest, a nest of small men, or of beings destined to become such however. And if those of right remembered the masks of the Andean culture, those of left had the whole air of bald children, greyish, with the lengthened faces and great black eyes. A nestful of small alien. But the object in mean, a kind of top left free to rotate in the sky, was unequivocally a flying disk.

  «What us ago an Ufo in the imaginary skies of Peru? Do you want to sustain that not even this is not a conditioning of our times?»

  «Sure» it beat sardonic Angel. «The inhabitants of the Andean villages are notoriously devouring of Blockbuster of science fiction.»

  «If it is, what the visions are worth for every man in every place and in every time, find me an Ufo on your prehistoric walls.»

  But they were not so much the words with which his/her brother answered her to upset her/it, how much the absolute serenity with which you/he/she pronounced her.

  «Turns the page, little sister.»

  From how much time Helen didn't feel him/it call her/it this way. Because to delay then? Which self-injuring folly did it push her/it not to trust himself/herself/themselves him?

  The table that held and it put back her/it removed. The photo that followed was not that anymore of a painting. It was a solid image as the rock on which an unknown hand had lined her, thousand of years ago, unconsciously submitting her/it to the eternity.

  The explanation in low it simply recited to the right: Pech Merle. The wounded hand.

  Perhaps it was the suggestion, perhaps the desire to believe, but the figure that he/she saw didn't leave her doubts entrance.

  The lines of the so-called hurt man postponed to the same visas more times, in TV, to the cinema, and hardly first in a picture of one they swarm Peruvian. On I break down him/it, what departed, or it arrived, it was an outline whose artfulness could not reconcile him with the nature of the man of the paleolitico. A cylinder above a disk, with that two moustaches to the base to make the idea of the flight.

  Angel had found her the flying disk in the cave. You/he/she had still won.

  «I could entertain for a long time you. Do I have to read you the abduction of the prophet Ezechiele? The most finished and exhaustive description of a trip lisergico, with so much of teriantropi and red hot flying disks. And he/she minds well, Helen: I am not saying that the alien ones exist. Nobody comes at night in our beds to abduct us to make experiments on us. The unknown one doesn't come from out of us. It is inside of us and you/he/she is trying to speak to us. And we have the duty to listen to him/it.»

  «Thing means inside of us? Do you speak of the soul? Of faculty paranormali? Or is it something that has to whether to do with the old discourse of the brain that we use only to the winds for one hundred of his/her possibilities?»

  In so much confusion, Helen didn't find better anything of whether to grab on to the places common of a pseudo-scientific mysticism from magazines scandalistiche and filmacci of second category.

  It still labored to gather the deep difference between science and life. Among existence and essence.

  Between me and you.

  Since what was not able certain to wait him, was that, of there to few, you/he/she would have seen and recognized the face of his/her/their Father.

  Or also you had forgotten by chance of me?

  «Inside of us, Helen.» It still said Angel. «I speak of the brick fondante our existence, of what it is at the base of our evolution.»

  At the base of everything.

  To the beginning, God created the sky and the earth, a coppietta placed you in trip of wedding and there left them, beautiful and ignorant as in a reality.

  Do I couple me then, do you remember you? But yes, on top of the plant!

  «Among all the figures zoomorfe that our brain creates during the hallucinations, it is particularly one of them that he/she introduces him with greater frequency. In every time and in all the places.»

  Before the times and of the places, I add me.

  And while Helen considered to the forest of outlines in the images of the Peruvian painter, the angel announcer had already turned the pages to reach what he wanted.

  In the image of the dream from the bright shades, as if the light of the truth wanted to stand out himself/herself/themselves on the darkness of the sleep, a to whirl of snakes cangiava forms and dimensions. Snakes from the human face observed the sleepers. Other reptiles composed a female figure, as if this of it was them of it the last demonstration.

  But above all, two cross snakes between them, as in a chain, they formed an unmistakable outline for a scientist.

  Angel you don't even have to point out, not us n'era more need. Also the trembling Helen felt ineluctable the call of house.

  «The Dna.»

  It was her to pronounce those three letters. And I listened to her with the whole sweetness of a father. The whimpers were stopped, at last. You/he/she had recognized me and called for name.

  «Here is the search of the Graal. The wise of all the epoches have answered to a call hidden inside of them. But now we are next only to the understanding of the message. Today we know only at least on where our efforts are goes assembled. We are gathering the spheres of the to know, after the scientific revolution: science and philosophy, mathematics and art. Again all the disciplines are trying together, to trace the street to create the new man.»

  «To create. Do you say to create and doesn't a shiver of fear gather you?» it braked the sweet intimidated young girl. «We are not even still able to mend us and you you resolve the problem changing the product to the origin as a defective toy?»

  But Angel had only voice to explain. He/she knew that the discola learned, even if he/she didn't want to give to see him/it.

  «So much a long time ago, whoever has created the intelligent life it packed her/it and it deposed her/it on the earth. The primate that picked up her/it started to work us above, proceeding gropingly for understanding as the game it worked. It invented the suits, the houses, the burial of the corpses and the medicine. You also convinced to have reached a certain confidence with the gift. Nevertheless he/she never succeeded in understanding its enhanced functions, until not learned to read. Him a world opened him, since that loot of white sheets scribbled of black that was found among the hands to the opening of the package and you/he/she had distractedly set aside not knowing what to do him of it, had of a line taken to have a sense: someone had also put in the package the book of the instructions. And in front of so much hurry, can the evolved primate throw him back and to say" no, thanks, do I prefer to keep on improvising"?»

  «And are you now convinced to succeed in reading him/it?»

  «To read him/it yes. To un
derstand him/it not yet. It will miss a lot, perhaps too much. But our method of job is correct. The same Francis Crick has admitted to have had the intuition of the form of the Dna during a trip lisergico. Through the alteration of conscience we reach a level of superior knowledge. Interroghiamo our spirits and they drive us to them.»

  In other words, as you/he/she had said an illuminated," the Kingdom of the Skies is inside of you."

  Kingdom of the Skies. Here, as I am be liked to have called. The Without Name that him autobattezza, one sultry afternoon of some million of years after the Creation.

  Since then change, but I remain the same. I speak, without proferir verb. They listen to me all, and nobody turns him to look me. Which best hideaway that the most unchangeable of the messengers? Whoever of you, my children, brings engraved a trace a copy of the native message.

  A copy of Me.

  Everything is short-lived, in this world, except me, that am Caduceus.

  Two woven serpents, windingly cuddle up the one to the other. A vital embrace.

  How male and female. How brother and sister.

  The silence was lowered in the great stay of house Sastri.

  Helen lay exhausted among the braccias of Angel. It didn't even have the strength to cry.

  «We don't know how to speak as brothers anymore» it murmured, almost hiding the words on his breast. «We are imprisoned of a greater game of us.»

  "Some evil won't come" you/he/she would have liked to tell her caressing her hair with sweetness. But the walls of the cell held back the sentence.


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