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Enchantingly Entangled

Page 12

by Flint, Ember

  “That’s not the same.”

  “Is not? Why is it different? The way you tell it, you guys met, couldn’t keep your fucking hands off each other and you started feeling all this… stuff for her. Why can’t things be the same for me and Cora.”

  Aston rolls his eyes. “She’s Chuck’s sister!”

  “Well, I did not know that in that bloody elevator and by the time I found out, there was no pulling back from her. She’s it for me, I told you. I came here to ask for your help, because I cannot see fucking straight when it comes to her, but if you intend to stand in my way you can go fuck yourself, Ast. I bloody fucking mean it! I won’t give her up. Ever. I love Cora. I’ve never loved anything in my life like I love her and she is going to be the future Mrs. Fitzroy and —in breaking with my family long-standing tradition— also the only Mrs. Fitzroy attached to me.”

  I try to calm down, but it’s not easy. My heart is hammering in my chest and my breath is ragged.

  Aston sighs and I see his entire body language change and soften. “Okay, man… alright. Calm down. I’m sorry. Of course I’ll help you set things straight. I was just a bit shocked, is all.”

  I nod, trying to unclench my jaw before I fucking break it. “I love her, Ast. I really do.”

  My friend takes a long look at me and whatever he sees in my eyes must be enough to convince him I’m telling the truth, because he nods and moves closer again.

  “I can see that, Ster. Let’s sit down and talk a bit more about this.”

  I nod and let my body drop on the sofa.

  Aston moves to the minibar and I watch silently as he fills to glasses with a dram of scotch and some ice cubes to water it down.

  He passes me a drink and sits on the sofa, clutching the other.

  I down it in one go and set the glass on the coffee table in front of us with a resounding thud.

  Aston’s lips twitch in a smirk. “Take it is on that, Fitz. It’s Baccarat crystal.”

  Suddenly we both start laughing and I feel the elastic band that was stretched over my heart finally let go some.

  “You know, this has been one hell of a week for all of us. Yesterday at dinner you should have seen Chuck with Lara’s sister. He’s so far gone, I don’t think he’ll ever find his way back, not that he wants too, anyway. He’s so gone for her that if there ever was a moment in time to tell him that you’re sleeping with his sister this would be it.”

  “You’ve got a point there…”

  Aston chuckles. “Last night I told Lara that as far as our small group of friends was concerned lightening had struck twice in the same place, but now I will have to amend that and tell her it struck thrice.”

  I smile. “It sure bloody fucking did, mate. I’m living proof of that.”

  Aston finishes his scotch and puts the glass on the low table. “Getting back to Cora, she’s twenty-one, Fitz! No offense, but you’re still a bastard anyway.”

  I grin, shrugging my shoulders. “Some taken, Stony. So what should I do in your opinion?”

  He shakes his head. “Kidnap her and hide away in England under an assumed name for a year or two waiting for Charles’ bloodthirst to slake on something else? Hey, wait, I’ve got it: you could introduce Jess to Lulu that should keep him busy until your first child is born.”

  I laugh. “You know, as far as half-arsed plans go, that’s not too bad. I might take you up on it and if Charles ever speaks to me again after I spirit his baby sister away it would be my pleasure to tell him it was all under your advice. Do be serious, Ast: what should I do?”

  “Er, I don’t know. Maybe come clean with him and let him kick the shit out of you?”

  I roll my eyes at him. “Any other smart suggestions?”

  He laughs. “No, I don’t keep contingency plans available in case I go nuts and have sex with my best friend’s sister. Sue me.”

  I smack him over the head.

  He sighs. “Really, Ster, bantering aside, there’s not much you can do. Just talk to him, tell him what you told me. He will rant, rave, possibly run you over with his SUV, but then he’ll start to warm up to the idea, I’m sure. I’ll smooth the way as much as I can and I’m sure I can involve Lara and have get her sister on our side… it will be alright.”

  I shake my head. “It won’t, you know it won’t. We both know Charles will play the ‘baby sisters are off limits card’. He will ask me to break things off with her and I can’t do that, Ast. I can’t walk away from this.”

  He pats my back. “Okay, he will probably really tell you these things, but there’s nothing else you can do. Honesty is the best policy and your best option here.”

  I cover my face with both hands and growl. “You’re right. I totally agree with you on this point rationally, but I won’t do it. Not now at least…”

  Aston groans. “Whyever not?”

  “Because if I do, he will pull the age difference shit too and get his parents on my arse and while I have no doubt I could withstand this and so much more for Cora, in the end it would be too painful for her ‘cause they’re her family and she loves them. She told me she won’t let anyone stand between us and I do believe her, I feel the same way after all, but I don’t want for her to suffer because of it.”

  He sighs. “I don’t think you have a choice. She’s going to have to face them sooner or later.”

  “I will come clean with Charles, Ast. I promise, but only after she’s completely mine.”

  My friend frowns. “What do you mean?”

  I smile at him, the cogs starting to turn in my brain. “Don’t ask. Just do me a favor: keep this to yourself for a couple of days, alright?”

  He sighs, shrugging. “Sure, I can do that. Don’t know how that’s going to help, but I will keep a lid on it, but Ster, I’m not going to lie to our friend for you.”

  “I would never ask you to do it. I just think that like you said, he’s pretty busy being all lovey-dovey with Jessica right now, so maybe I can take advantage of this… distraction on his part.”

  Aston looks unconvinced. “To do what? I don’t like this glint in your eye, Fitz.”

  My smile gets bigger and my friend stands up again with a sigh.

  “Fine, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. Charles is busy with Jess and I can’t see myself doing anything but be happily preoccupied with my beautiful Lara myself, so I doubt we’re going to be very social. I don’t plan to come into the office either so at least for a couple of days I won’t be seeing much of our friend, but you better find a solution and tell Chuck the truth soon.”

  “I will.”

  I smile bigger and finally after many torturous days —first because I could not find her and then because I found out who she was— I can breathe easy ‘cause I know exactly what Cora and I need to do.

  Chapter 14


  Last night when he came back after his chat with Aston, Sterling said we needed to talk about our future and the best way to disclose our relationship to Charles and we really did try to have a conversation, but as soon as we were within touching distance from each other we could not resist the impulse and before any more words could pass our lips we were at it.

  Against the wall, on the sofa, over the kitchen island, on the floor and finally on the bed.

  Every time we came up for air we tried to be sensible and talk, but his mouth always ended up on mine, our tongues stroking each other: there was no use.

  The sun had already come up in the sky, the colors of the dawn filtering through the floor-to-ceiling windows and bathing us in light as we writhed on the bed when finally we both crashed out of sheer exhaustion, still entangled in each other.

  I cautiously sit up, my back against the plush headboard, my legs curled up under me.

  If yesterday I was sore, today I’m numb, but I don’t care: I never want any distance to exist between Sterling and I.

  I smile to myself as I hear my stomach grumble, we even
forgot to eat.

  My eyes slide to my man now sprawled in the middle of the bed, one large hand still clutching my thigh.

  I smile: this four-poster is damn huge and yet he makes it look diminutive under his massive frame.

  Should I wake him up?

  What time is it?

  Around noon maybe…

  I can’t get up to grab my phone and check.

  I’ve tried already, but even in his sleep his possessive hold on some part or other of my body never slackens. He’s such a caveman.

  I giggle, last time I attempted to escape the bed, he mumbled my name grumpily and growled in his sleep, both hands tightening on me until I had no choice but settle down again.

  I huff.

  We really need to find a solution to the situation with my brother, can’t keep things this way forever.

  I stroke his back and he sighs in contentment, a little smile on his lips.

  God, how I love him!

  I thought I had been in love with him for the last five years and while it was true, it was nothing to the feelings he has managed to stir in me in five short days.

  “Love, wake up,” I tap on one of his broad shoulders.

  He moans, frowning, the hand clasped around my upper thigh clutching harder.

  “Sterling!” I try again.

  Ugh he sleeps like a log!

  Oh I know…

  I take a hold of the hand gripping me and I remove it from my leg, prying his fingers open.

  He grunts in displeasure, but doesn’t wake up.

  I scoot farther away from him until I’m on the edge of the bed and as soon as one of my feet touches the floor, he’s on me.

  “Don’t go,” he grumbles, his voice heavy with sleep, low and growly.

  I laugh, tickling his sides. “I’m not going anywhere, Sterling, wake up!”

  He flinches away from my wandering fingers, but still keeps me pinned to the bed, his lips on my neck where I can feel the scratch of his stubble and the curve of his stretching smile.

  “Alright, alright, I’m up! Good morning, love.”

  “Morning,” I smile down at him as he moves his mouth to my chest, nuzzling my breasts, his hands coming up to mold around them.

  When I feel his fingers starting to knead the flesh and then a suspicious movement on my leg, I slap his hands away. “Sterling, be good: we still need to talk.”

  He sighs. “Don’t worry. I have everything squared out.”

  My eyebrows rise. “You talked with Charles already?”

  It’s not possible, is it?

  If he had, I’m sure my brother would have been pounding on our door yesterday, Jessica notwithstanding.

  “No and I’m not going to. There’s something we have to do first.”

  I frown down at him, grabbing his chin to tear his mouth away from my nipple.

  “Love, what are you talking about? Why do you want to keep things secret from my brother?” I don’t like this. I don’t like to keep things of this magnitude from Charles and I like even less what my brain is implying right now about why Sterling would want to keep this under wraps.

  “It’s not about me wanting to keep us a secret. I’ll explain it to you soon enough,” he says, kissing the inside of my palm and then he shakes free from my hold on his face and goes back to push his nose in the valley between my breasts.

  I roll my eyes. “No: you’re explaining it to me now, Sterling.”

  “Can’t we fuck real quick first?” he asks, his tone hopeful.

  Okay, I have to be the strong one here, I see.

  “No, we can’t. We need to talk and… and I’m really sore, Sterling,” I feel myself flush pink all over.

  He immediately jumps off of me, rolling us until we are on our sides and I’m cradled in his arms, his hands caressing my lower back and belly comfortingly. “Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry. You should have kicked my arse out of bed last night. I’m such an animal! Why didn’t you say something? Are you okay? Is there something I can do? Do you want me to run you a bath?”

  The rain of questions makes me smile and the slight annoyance I was feeling dissipates. Could he be any sweeter?

  “A bath would be great… especially if you join me in it, but first can you tell me what you meant about us having to do something?”

  I kiss the space where his shoulder and neck meet and I feel his cock rear powerfully between us.

  He glares down at it. “Ignore the bastard, love.”

  I giggle.

  He kisses my temple and rolls off. “Be right back.”

  I sit up again grinning as I watch him stalk stark naked to where our clothes are laying in a pile in front of the door, a massive erection swaying in front of him.

  When he comes back to the bed, he’s holding something dark in one of his hands.

  I see it’s a squared little box and my breath catches in my throat.

  It cannot be a— can it?

  Sterling sits in front of me on the edge of the bed, takes my left hand in his and bends to kiss it, then he opens the box and without saying a single word, calmly slides the emerald-cut, huge solitaire ring on my finger, the ice-clear diamond glittering under the light and flaring rainbow sparkles all-over on our skin and the white sheets.

  I look at the engagement ring and then at him and then back down, mouth hanging open. “You can’t be serious,” I whisper, my voice catching.

  Sterling pulls me in his arms and only when his hands clasp my shoulders I realize I’m trembling all over.

  “Of course I am, Cora. I will tell your brother about us and soon, but only after you’re unequivocally mine. I know you love your family dearly, but I don’t want them to come between us and there’s such a huge gap between our ages that I’m sure they’ll try.”

  “It’s not like they… like they could persuade me to give you up, Sterling,” I assure him, feeling tears pool in my eyes.

  He gives me a brilliant smile. “I know that, my little bombshell. You’re a determinate woman and you go after what you want. It’s not about them actually convincing you, it’s about the endless discussions being no doubt distressing for you. This way, if they’re pissed, they’ll take it out on me mostly and as my wife I won’t let anything painful ever touch you. I love you too much to do anything less.”

  I feel my eyes widen. We have both hinted at our feelings and called each other endearments, but this is the first time he actually gives me the words. “You do?”

  Sterling looks at me as if I’m crazy. “Of course I do. I’ve loved you since the first time I tasted your lips.”

  I take his beloved face in my shaking hands, blinking back tears. “I love you too… so, so much.”

  He hugs me to him, bringing me to sit on his lap. “I know, sweetheart, and this way we’ll always be together and nothing will ever stop us.”

  We simply cling to each other for a while, but then I laugh.

  He pulls back, smiling down at me. “What?”

  “You forgot to propose, love.”

  He scoffs. “Propose? I was never going to propose. A proposal can be turned down and that’s not an option here.”

  I shake my head. “Aw, come on! I wanted this so much, I’ve never even allowed myself to dream about this because it would hurt too much knowing it could never happen and now you won’t propose?”

  Sterling kisses me full on the lips. “I’m sorry, dearest, I’m a complete oaf. Alright, here it goes then, but mind you: if you say no, I’ll just pretend you’re speaking Polish. Cora Spade, I love you. I want you to be my woman, to have my babies, to be my wife. Marry me?”

  “No!” I cry with a smile so big on my lips it almost hurts and then I throw my arms around him. “I love you so much, Sterling, and I’m so, so happy right now. I want you to be my husband and the father of my babies, always.”

  After a long, delicious kiss that makes me completely forget how sore I am, I feel a slap on
my bottom as he slides from under me and stands up. “Get dressed, sweetheart. We’ll swing by Charles so you can pack a bag. We need to get going.”

  Pack a bag?

  Need to get going?

  Get going where?

  I feel my eyes pop out.

  “And where are we going?” I ask, folding my arms over my chest.

  “Vegas, baby,” he laughs.

  “You’re crazy?”

  He nods.

  “You want us to marry right away, like now now?”

  He looks at me like I have grown two heads. “Well, of course now, love.”

  I sigh, picking up his shirt and throwing it on. “Sterling, I can’t just up and leave for Vegas! I have finals in a week!”

  He pulls me in his arms again, kissing my head. “Don’t worry about that. You will be my wife by the end of the week, but I’ll make sure we’re back in time for your finals.”

  “I have to study, Ster…”

  “Then pack your books also. I can’t promise you I’ll be able to stay away from you enough for you to actually open one of them, but I’ll try.”

  “I can’t just disappear. I promised my brother I would meet Jessica tonight.”

  He sighs. “Hmm, that could be a problem, yeah… alright. I’ll tell you what: we’ll leave early tomorrow, instead of tonight, that should give you enough time to meet Jessica and pack your stuff.”

  I sigh, nodding. “I’ll have to stay the night.”

  “I don’t want us to spend the night apart,” he mumbles, scowling down at me.

  I smile. How can he look so fucking handsome when pissed and grumpy?

  “We’re lucky as it is that I could manage to spend the last two night with you, Sterling, and that only because my brother has been at Jess’s all the time and so didn’t know I wasn’t at his place.”

  He pulls me back to him and kiss my temple. “I’ll call my pilot and arrange everything. Just make sure you’re ready to leave by seven a.m. tomorrow.”

  I giggle. “Seven a.m. is not that too—?”

  “You’re right: it’ll be too late. Six a.m.”

  I roll my eyes unseen. “You’re mad.”


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