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I.N.E.T 4

Page 11

by Brenda Cothern

  “We’ll see,” Knight replied and took a step closer to the chef.

  His lover smeared his leaking cock over Matt’s lips, but the chef barely waited until they were coated with Knight’s pre-cum before he spoke against the head of Knight’s cock.

  “If fucking my face will keep me out of jail, it will be worth it, officer.”

  Knight barely waited for the last word to be whispered against the head of his dick before he pushed in. The hand that had been holding his briefs down came up and around to grab the back of Matt’s head. His lover thrust forward harshly and the back of Slade’s throat quivered at the memory of how it felt.

  “That’s it. Take it or your ass is going to jail,” Knight’s voice filled the headphones Slade wore along with the slurping sounds Matt made.

  Slade’s eyes never left the monitor where he watched his lover in the best porn he’d ever seen. Matt’s hands never moved from where Knight placed them behind his back to simulate being handcuffed. He didn’t resist the rough treatment of Knight fucking his face, either.

  The twink was a natural submissive, Slade noted as he stroked his cock. He was going to blow before his lover unless he was lucky. Turned out he was when he recognized Knight bracing for his release. Slade timed it perfectly. His lover tensed only a moment before he leaned forward and pulled Matt’s head flush with his groin.

  Slade could practically feel the explosion of his lover’s orgasm against the back of his throat when his orgasm caused him to sit forward in the dining room chair. His cum soaked into his T-shirt and dripped over his fisted hand. He wasn’t sure he’d ever cum so hard before, but knew for sure he wanted to see if he could do it again. Slade had caught his breath by the time Knight pulled Matt off his knees, opened the chef’s pants, and gave the man release.


  Knight held on to Matt as the man caught his breath. He wasn’t concerned with the sticky mess that was being absorbed by his T-shirt. Nope, Matt’s cum that covered him wasn’t even a thought in his mind. He was too busy replaying how they had gotten to this point.

  He had planned on seducing Matt to get and stay closer to him for the op. What he hadn’t planned on was how it all went down. He sure as hell hadn’t planned on a role-playing kink or how much it would turn him on. The last thing Knight would have ever expected was to be so brutally aroused by role-playing a bust.

  “Was that too weird for you?” Matt was almost afraid to ask.

  Matt couldn’t believe he dared to admit his fantasy to Mark. The fact that his coworker went along with it was almost embarrassing. Matt just prayed the guy didn’t think he was a freak or that he wouldn’t have been willing to do anything otherwise. He never admitted his desire to role-play to his two previous boyfriends and definitely never to a hook-up.

  Why he did it with Mark was beyond him. Well, he knew that was a lie. Mark had told him he used to be a cop. That was all it took for his desire to experience one of the hottest fantasies he’d ever had to escape his lips. Still, his trepidation over what Mark might think was so strong that he feared pulling back from the embrace he now found himself enveloped in. The silence that surrounded them seemed to last forever and only made Matt more nervous.

  “First time,” Knight admitted. “But fuck if that wasn’t hot as hell.”

  “Really?” Matt pulled back and knew the shock in his voice and on his face was clear as day.

  “Yeah.” Knight leaned forward and gave Matt a kiss that was almost strangely chaste after what they had just done. “Makes me wonder what other types of role-playing fantasies you have hiding in here.” Knight kissed Matt’s temple.

  He wasn’t blowing smoke up Matt’s ass. Just thinking of what other types of scenarios Matt might want to play out had him wishing he had better recovery time. Of course, it also made him think of Slade. They had never done the role-playing thing. Bondage was their thing even though Slade had taught him flogging. Knight couldn’t see him and Slade role-playing anything, but that didn’t stop him from wondering if his lover would be into it with someone else.

  They never talked about adding a ‘someone else’ to their relationship. Knight wasn’t sure if he wanted just anyone to join them and knew for sure thoughts of Matt between him and Slade was the only reason he was even thinking about it. Regardless, it was something he made a mental note to talk to his lover about once this op was finished.

  Being reminded of the op reminded Knight of the cameras that let Hunt monitor everything that happened in his apartment unless it happened in his bedroom or bathroom. He had to stifle a groan. There was no doubt he’d put on a show for Hunt and his teammate would have to go over the footage. Hunt would likely fast-forward through it because he was sure his teammate wouldn’t have watched it like the role-playing he just engaged in with Matt was live porn. Hunt had more scruples than that.

  “Oh, I have some,” Matt replied embarrassingly.

  Matt’s response to his comment brought Knight’s thoughts back to the present. Just thinking about what other role-playing Matt was interested in made Knight once more wish his recovery time was that of a teenager as opposed to a thirty-five-year-old.

  “I bet you do.” Knight leaned down and gave Matt another soft kiss. “We will just have to explore them.”

  Matt was embarrassed again. He felt like his fantasies to pretend were unnatural, but Mark accepting them so easily was almost like a dream that was too good to be true. A dream that he was hesitant to embrace, but one he decided to take a chance on.


  “Yeah,” Knight confirmed. “What do you say we get cleaned up?”

  Mark’s suggestion made Matt suddenly self-conscious about the mess he’d created between them and he felt his cheeks heat up. He wasn’t embarrassed that he’d gotten off and soaked Mark’s T-shirt. No, he was just embarrassed that he was still clinging to Mark and pressing the sticky mess between them.

  “Do you want to take a shower?” Knight offered and when he felt the minute tensing in Matt’s body, he offered another option. “Or I can just lend you a T-shirt. It will be big on you, but you can bring it back to me at work.”

  Matt couldn’t believe that Mark was being so considerate. It wasn’t that he didn’t actually want to shower with the man. No, he was nervous about the sex that a shower together was sure to lead to. He hadn’t had sex in so long and even though he wanted to have sex, he was still nervous about actually doing the deed.

  The sudden look of panic laced nervousness in Matt’s baby blue eyes made the decision for Knight. Matt was interested, there was no doubt. However, Knight had the impression it had been a long time since Matt had gone to bed with anyone. In fact, Knight wondered if the role-playing was the only reason they done as much as they had.

  “Let me grab you a T-shirt,” Knight offered and stepped away from Matt.

  It didn’t matter as far as Knight was concerned. They made a connection that Knight fully intended to cultivate so he could verify the impression he had of the chef after dinner. Matt was not involved with the drug smuggling and totally clueless about the type of man that employed him.

  For the following week, Mark flirted with him and they’d had coffee at the café two more times. They also made plans to have dinner again on Monday night at Mark’s place. That was how Matt now found himself shopping on Monday morning. He already knew the menu he was going to prepare and was just putting pasta in his cart when Mark and another man rounded the corner of the aisle.

  A broad smile spread Matt’s lips, but it faltered when Mark practically paused the moment he spotted Matt. Matt’s first thought was that the blonde who walked with Mark was Mark’s boyfriend. Mark had never mentioned a boyfriend, but then again, they never discussed it, so Matt had assumed Mark was single by the way he flirted with him at work.

  A slight tightening in his chest made him want to rub the spot. It only got worse when it appeared Mark wasn’t even going to acknowledge him. That sparked a flare of anger which was unexpect
ed. After trusting Mark with his fantasies the previous weekend, Matt decided he’d be damned if he just let the man ignore him.

  Slade and Payne started down the pasta aisle and Slade almost tripped over his own two feet. The last person, absolute last person, he expected him and Payne to run into was the chef from Midnight’s. The guy lived nowhere near this grocery store. If he did, Slade never would have ventured out from his hotel or the house the team set up.

  Shit, shit, shit, the litany of curses filled Slade’s mind.

  There was no way in hell he could pretend to be Knight because his lover’s cover would be blown if the chef mentioned their chance meeting. All Slade could do was pretend he didn’t know the guy and play the brother card. The chef was still sure to mention meeting him and once he did, Knight would lose his shit. However, there wasn’t a damn thing Slade could do about it now.

  “Mark?” The chef asked when they approached.

  “Ah, no,” Slade replied and could easily see the man’s gaze harden. He was sure the guy thought he was Knight and lying because Payne was with him. “I’m Aaron, Mark’s brother.” The hard look that was being directed toward him turned into one of surprise.

  “Oh, I didn’t know he had a brother let alone a twin.”

  Slade just smiled at the guy and continued to pretend he had no idea who the chef was which was hard as hell considering the memories from the previous weekend were playing through his mind like a damn slideshow. He could feel himself start to harden and knew he had to make his escape before the smaller man noticed. Still, he had a role to play.

  “And you are?” Slade asked with enough curiosity to be believable.

  “I’m Matt.” The chef smiled. “I work with Mark at Midnight’s.”

  “We need to get going or were going to be late,” Payne interjected.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you, Matt,” Slade replied to the chef and was grateful for Payne’s intervention.

  “Yeah, you too.” Matt smiled. “Take care.”

  Slade just nodded and stepped around Matt’s cart. He and Payne totally passed by the pasta in silent agreement to get the hell out of the store. Payne didn’t say a word until they were on the road back to the house.

  “Knight is going to kill you,” Payne stated the obvious. “Before he kills the rest of us.”

  “Maybe we will get lucky and he won’t say anything,” Slade replied with no confidence.

  Payne snorted. “Yeah, like that chef isn’t going to mention meeting ‘Mark’s twin’. We’d have better luck winning the lottery without even buying a ticket.”

  “Yeah,” Slade groaned in agreement.

  “We’re going to have to tell the rest of the team.” Payne shot Slade a glance. “Knight’s not the only one who’s going to lose his shit,” Payne grumbled.

  Slade groaned again. Hunt was going to come unglued. Again. He knew he would take the brunt of Hunt’s anger, but Payne wouldn’t totally escape his lover’s fury. All they could do was brace for the shit storm they were about to cause the moment Slade gave his teammates the update.

  Matt arrived at Mark’s apartment carrying the same two thermal bags as he brought the week before. He wasn’t nearly as nervous this time although thinking about what they had done after dinner the last time made his cheeks heat. Matt still couldn’t believe that Mark didn’t think he was some kind of freak even though it was obvious that Mark didn’t. Mark hadn’t treated him at all differently at work over the last week. The man had been as flirtatious as ever.

  “Hey,” Knight greeted and automatically reached for one of the thermal bags.

  “Hi.” Matt smiled and followed Mark inside.

  The man was dressed casually again and looked just as sexy as he did the previous weekend. Matt realized he was staring when Mark turned back to him after placing the bag on the breakfast bar.

  “I won’t ask you about heating anything up this time.” Knight grinned.

  Matt’s mind went straight into the gutter. “Everything is already hot,” Matt replied and felt himself blush.

  “I bet it is.” Knight winked and once more thought Matt’s blush was adorable. “I’ll get the plates.”

  They talked about nothing in particular while Matt plated their food and during dinner. Matt was easy to talk to so Knight didn’t feel as if he had to force their conversation. Their evening was progressing smoother then their date last weekend. That was until Matt dropped a bombshell while they were finishing cleaning up the last of the dishes.

  “So, I met your brother today,” Matt commented casually while drying the last plate. “I didn’t know you had a twin, but it’s not like we’ve really talked about family.”

  Knight tensed for only a moment and thanked God Matt was focused on the plate or the man would’ve noticed. There was only one man who looked enough like him to be mistaken as his brother and that asshole was supposed to be running around Nashville.

  I’m going to fucking kill him, Knight thought and had to use all of his acting skills to hide the fury he felt toward his lover.

  “Yeah,” Knight replied because he had to say something. “Where did you see him?”

  “Across town. We crossed paths while I was shopping for the ingredients for dinner.” Matt smiled. “I actually thought he was you and that… Well, it doesn’t matter.”

  “That what?” Knight forced himself to ask casually and wrapped his arms around Matt’s waist.

  “Um.” Matt looked away and blushed again.

  “You can tell me.” Knight turned Matt’s head and gave him a peck on the lips.

  “Well, he was walking with another guy and when he initially ignored me… Um, I thought he was you and the guy was your boyfriend.”

  Knight’s anger spiked even higher, but he forced himself to keep smiling at Matt. If Slade was walking with someone, then that someone could only be a teammate. Knight knew it couldn’t be Lita or Matt would have recognized him from Midnight’s. He also knew it wouldn’t be Hunt or Payne since they helped him send Slade on the wild goose chase in Nashville. That left Zep or Spider. Now he just needed to find out which one of them he was going to beat the hell out of after he killed his lover.

  “My brother has a lot of friends." Knight forced himself to chuckle. “What did he look like?”

  “About your age, blonde hair and a goatee,” Matt answered easily.

  Fucking Payne, Knight growled out mentally.

  If Payne was with Slade then Hunt had to know his lover was here as well. Knight understood his lover could be persuasive, but Knight hadn’t thought Hunt would change his mind and share the location of the op. His teammate seemed just as determined to keep Slade away as he had.

  “Oh, that’s one of the guys he works with,” Knight replied vaguely.

  “What’s your brother do?” Matt asked with curiosity.

  Shit, I should’ve seen that question coming, Knight mentally cursed himself and sifted quickly through several answers.

  “He’s a private investigator.” Knight continued to smile down at Matt.

  “That’s so cool! Does he carry a gun like a cop?” Matt’s eyes gleamed and Knight was reminded of the role-playing they had done on their first date.

  “Sometimes.” Knight gave Matt another soft peck on the lips before he pulled back and frowned. “Shit.”


  “I totally forgot that I was supposed to get with him tonight,” Knight filled his tone with disappointment and glanced at the clock on the microwave. “I’m supposed to meet him in an hour. I’m sorry I forgot.”

  “Oh, that’s okay.” Matt smiled understandingly. “At least we were able to have dinner.”

  “And a delicious dinner it was, too.” Knight kissed Matt again before he released the man from his embrace.

  Knight walked Matt to the door and gave him another kiss before watching the chef walk down the hall. He only stood in his open doorway, fake smile plastered on his face, long enough to ensure Matt was really gone before
he turned back into his apartment.

  Slade had been watching his lover’s date with the chef. He prayed the guy wouldn’t mention meeting him and thought his prayers were answered when his name didn’t come up during dinner. Of course, he should’ve known better because he just couldn’t be that lucky.

  “Shit,” Slade cursed and glanced toward his teammates in the living room.

  Hunt, Zep, and Payne joined him at the dining room table. Hunt disconnected the headphones Slade was using and Knight’s conversation with the chef spewed from the speakers. The moment his lover mentioned meeting his ‘brother’ tonight, Slade groaned.

  “You are in so much shit,” Zep commented and for once there wasn’t a trace of humor in his tone.

  “Fuck, Slade,” Hunt began. “I knew this would fucking happen if you showed up. How the hell is he going to focus on his damn job if he’s livid you’re here?”

  “He’s pulling off his cover.” Payne nodded at the monitor where Knight appeared relaxed holding the chef. “Maybe he’ll be okay.”

  “He’ll be okay,” Slade said with full confidence in his lover’s undercover abilities. Just watching Knight over the last week confirmed his belief that his lover was skilled enough not to blow his cover just because he was here.

  “He might be, but I’m not so sure about you, Slade.” Zep frowned. “Or the rest of us for that matter.”

  “No shit,” Payne added. “You might get off on your partner’s anger management issues, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us do.” Payne ran his hands over his short blonde hair. He had no doubt that after the shit hit the fan with Slade that he was going to be next on Knight’s shit list.

  “This is your damn fault, Payne,” Hunt spat out and glared at his lover. “If you’d kept your fucking mouth shut, his ass,” Hunt pointed angrily at Slade. “Wouldn’t even be here.”

  Slade wasn’t the only one to cringe at Hunt’s angry words. He clearly saw Zep wince as well. Slade wasn’t sure he ever heard their usually easy going teammate sound so pissed. There was no doubt that Payne would catch hell from Hunt for sharing their location of this op with Slade, but Slade had only expected minimal fallout. Minimal like they’d already experienced with Hunt and Payne to make up over it like they had. Of course, that was before Knight became aware of his presence. Now, that minimal fallout was heading toward maximum damage to his teammates’ private relationship.


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