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His Forever (Every Curvy Inch Book 1)

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by Alexa Blue

  I tell him that Brandon was the biggest sweetheart in the beginning until I told him I wasn’t ready to have sex. That’s when he became verbally abusive, and the final straw was him trying to force himself on me. I escaped, but came so close to losing my virginity unwillingly.

  Even as I finish telling Nathan the story about Brandon, I fear for the worst. The look Nathan has in his eyes at my confession is scary, to say the least. It’s a look capable of murder.

  I’m surprised at how relieved I feel. After keeping this to myself all these years, it feels like this confession has lifted a weight off my shoulders. Nathan is the first person that knows my real story with Brandon. Not even Aunt Muriel knows the full story of what really happened with Brandon.

  Nathan clenches his jaws and tightens his fists. He looks away, and a series of cusswords explode out of his mouth. “WHERE IS HE?” Nathan asks through gritted teeth.


  Nathan places his arms on my shoulders. “Sweetness, where does he live! This man is dangerous. He already found a way to break into this house. I would hate to think what would have happened if I was not with you!”

  I take in a sharp breath. “Nathan, what are you going to do to him?”

  “What does it matter!” He barks. “After everything he put you through, you still want to protect him?”

  “Okay, Nathan, but you need to promise I won’t have to visit you in jail?”


  Even as I give Nathan my ex’s address, I fear for the worst. One thing I’m certain about is that Brandon will not dare mess with me again. Not after Nathan is through with him.

  “I won’t be long,” Nathan says and grabs his car keys. “Please don’t open the door for anyone and if you need anything, phone me straight away!” My gaze is fixed on him as the door closes behind Nathan.

  Chapter Ten


  The thought that Brandon was in our home rocks me to my core. My hands clench around the steering wheel, and I breathe through flared nostrils. I cannot imagine what would have happened if that prick found Lexi and I was not around to save her, to protect her—my blood boils at the thought alone.

  Even as I near the address Lexi gave me, my jaw is tightened, and my lips are pressed into a thin line. I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get my hands on Brandon, but I know it will not be pretty. I will make sure he doesn’t dare to mess with my woman ever again!

  Lexi’s words, “promise me I will not have to visit you in jail,” keep playing on in my mind. I'm not sure if that is a promise I can keep because when I find him, I have no idea what I'd be capable of.

  As I arrive outside the door number 21, the apartment on the second floor of a large block of flats, I take in a few sharp breaths to try and bring my temper under control.

  I step forward and rap my knuckles against the door. The knock is aggressive and filled with intention. I wait a few more moments before rapping my knuckles on the door again.

  “What in the damn hell! Wait, damnit!” A voice calls out from inside the apartment. “I heard you the first time!” The voice belongs to a lady. The voice sounds brittle as she speaks, suggesting it belongs to an older lady.

  The door swings open and the short lady stands at the door looking up at me. Judging from her frown lines, I can tell she is not scared of me despite me being twice her size.

  “And who do you think you are? Don't you have any manners, young man!”

  “I…” My voice drops as if I am an 8-year-old readying himself for a scolding. “I’m sorry, but I’m looking for someo—”

  “Young man, I don’t care who you’re looking for, you cannot go around banging people’s door down just because you’re looking for someone!”

  I have never felt so small. All I could muster was a pathetic, “I'm sorry,” in a low voice.

  The woman stared at me curiously, pausing as she took in the sight of the tattoos on my right arm. “Well, don’t just stand there! Are you coming in or are you going to continue breaking my door down?”

  As I walk into the house, I search for signs of Brandon. Before I left the Lexi, I made her show me a picture of the man who would be begging for my mercy.

  “Coffee, or tea, dear?” The woman asks. She reminds me of a nun that looked after me after my father sent my mother to the hospital when I was younger and I had no one else to live with for two weeks. Sister Beth was just as strict as this lady, but she had a heart of gold.

  “I’m sorry ma’am, but I cannot stay. The reason I came here today is because I’m looking for your son, Brandon.”

  “Brandon! You must be a friend of his!”

  “No, but I need to have a word with him.”

  “My dear, Brandon isn’t my son, and they don’t live here anymore. They moved out of this apartment a year ago, but I’m still good friends with his mother.”

  My heart sinks at this news. “Do you have any idea where they live now?”

  “They moved, not far from here actually, down the road. But, from what I last heard, Brandon is in New York City.”

  “New York?” I growl, struggling to contain the anger I feel developing inside me. “What would he be doing in New York?”

  “Oh, quite the romantic story,” she tells me as she pours herself a cup of tea. “Apparently, he set off to try and win back the love of his first true love. Oh, he’s such a sweetheart, I tell you.”

  “What the fuck!” I blurt out and stand to my feet, unable to contain my anger any longer. I ball my hands into fists. “I’m going to fucking kill that piece of shit!”

  “Excuse me!” The lady gets to her feet. “That is no way for a young man to speak!”

  I close my eyes and take in a few sharp breaths. “Ms.…”

  “Haddington,” she offers.

  “Ms Haddington, I need you to help me find Brandon. I'm not sure what image you have of him, but he is a total piece of shit. The girl Brandon is hunting down is my wife to be, and he's threatening her life. I need to find him and put a stop to it before it goes too far.”

  Ms Haddington stares at me suspiciously for a few moments. After a while, she can tell that my intentions are genuine.

  She grabs her house keys. “Let’s take a little trip down the road, young man.”

  Ms Haddington and I stand outside the apartment she brought me to down the road. She gives me a cautious look, one that suggests I had better knock like a civilized person.

  *Knock, knock, knock*

  Chapter Eleven


  With Nathan gone, my mind works in overdrive. I pace around the room, engulfed in negative thoughts; thoughts of how Brandon thought to check my Aunt's house, thoughts of what Nathan would do to Brandon when he finds him. I scan the house, searching for signs, clues of how Brandon managed to break into the house.

  A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts.

  “Took you long enough,” I mutter to myself. Nathan left an hour ago, still, it’s too long. A moment apart feels like a lifetime. I jump from the sofa, and dart towards the door.

  “Took you long enou—” I try taking a step back, but I’m frozen in place. My heart skips a few beats. My stomach twists, and suddenly, it becomes harder to draw air. “Br—Br—Brandon!”

  “Hello, Lexikins. Or would you prefer ‘sweetness?’” His glare is evil and sends shivers down my spine, “that is what he calls you, right?”

  I stare at Brandon for a few seconds that feel like ages—as if time itself had come to a complete standstill. My eyes are large, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Regaining my senses, I step back and push the door closed, but Brandon’s foot stops the door from closing. “I came all the way, Lexi, are you not going to invite me inside?” Brandon asks in a menacing voice that sends shivers down my spine.

  Brandon overpowers me, pushing the door forward as he allows himself inside the house. His beady eyes glaring at me has my muscles tensing up. I try calming my breath and steadying the panic fl
ushing over me. I don’t want him to see the fear in my eyes. I don’t want him to see how he affected my life over the past few years.

  Brandon extends his hands, placing his palms under my chin. “You are one tough lady to find. Do you have any idea how hard I’ve been searching for you, Lexikins?”

  I slap his hand away from my face. “Don’t you dare touch me, you prick! Did it not occur to you that I don’t want you to find me!” Thoughts of what this man had done to me erupts in my head. The fear slips away, quickly replaced with years of built up anger.

  Brandon follows my eyes and his gaze trails to my cell phone. We both reach for my phone, but Brandon takes the phone in his hand first. I try fighting him, but I’m no match for him. He lets out a growl as he overpowers me.

  When he turns around, the look in his eye is pure evil. “Lexi, I have tried to play nice, but you are really trying my patience.”

  Brandon throws my phone on the sofa behind him and places his arms on me. I try fighting him off, but he pushes me down against the couch, those disgusting lips closing in on mine.

  I catch a flurry of movement out of the corner of my eye. It’s like a zip of something blurry, and when I look again, I see that Brandon released his grip on my shoulders and Nathan is on top of him. Nathan drops Brandon to the ground and wraps his hand around his neck. He chokes him as his other hand punches him repeatedly in the face.

  Everything happens so fast, but when I speak again, I beg Nathan to stop.

  “Nathan, stop!”

  It’s as if he doesn’t hear me, because he continues punching Brandon, despite Brandon no longer fighting back. I fear if he continues, Nathan will kill him. “Nathan, please… stop… I’m scared!” I plead.

  Nathan stops, he looks at me with huge eyes. It’s as if he’s released from a trance when he jumps off Brandon and wraps his arms around me. Nathan rubs his hands on my back, “Sweetness, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. But I think we need to call the ambulance!” Nathan follows my eyes and looks down at Brandon. Brandon lies on the ground, unconscious.

  Nathan stands by my side during police questioning. When they ask if I’d like to lay a charge of harassment against Brandon, Nathan cuts in, “yes!”

  For Brandon’s sake, I agree. If Brandon has any plans of staying alive, he should thank his lucky stars Nathan opted to have him imprisoned.

  After today, I doubt Brandon will try coming close to me again.

  Nathan sits with his shoulders hunched forward, deep in thought. It seems Brandon’s still playing on his mind. “What’s wrong, babe?”

  Thick veins bulge out of the sides of his neck. “I’m really pissed off at myself. I shouldn’t have left your side! What if he hurt you?

  This is a side to Nathan I haven’t seen, a side that makes me soft and gooey. “Babe, nothing happened to me, and it’s all thanks to you! If anything, I’m to blame, I shouldn’t have opened the door, like you said. I should have phoned you first.” I pull Nathan into me, “baby, it’s all over now! You saved me. Besides, we have something else to figure out…”

  By the time my Aunt Muriel and Samantha walk into the house, we cleaned up the blood from the floor, and I can tell Nathan is still rooted in thought. He’s concerned about how my aunt will take the news when he declares me his own. One thing I know for sure is that nothing and no one can come between us—even if it kills him, Nathan will fight for our honor.

  I wrap my arms around my Aunt Muriel as she walks through the door. I can barely conceal my delight with her being back, even more so, I’m grateful to her. Without my aunt, and her unexpected vacation, I would have missed out on the best two weeks of my life, not to mention, put a nightmare that has haunted me to rest.

  “So, anything exciting happen while we were gone?” Aunt Muriel asks once they settled in. I let out a shaky breath thinking of all the things Nathan and I have done. I doubt there are any spots we have not used to make love. I choose not to focus on the mind-blowing sex, and instead tell my aunt about Brandon. I notice the beam in her eye when I tell her how Nathan beat him to a pulp, and that he shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

  “Aunt Muriel, I’ve been thinking,” I tell her and shift in closer to Nathan. My aunt’s eyes tighten at Nathan wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

  “Yes, dear?”

  “I hate New York, so I’ve been thinking of moving back to Los Angeles.”

  “Really?” I watch as Aunt Muriel’s face lights up. “I’m so excited you’ll be moving back in with me!”

  For the first time, Nathan speaks up. “Yes, but I want Lexi to move in with me. Now that I met the woman of my dreams, I cannot let her go. Muriel, I’d like to ask your permission to make Lexi mine? To love her and to protect her…”

  My Aunt’s eyes dart from mine to Nathan’s and back on mine. I know my Aunt so well, and I can see the happiness in her eyes, but she tries fighting it, she tries holding a neutral expression on her face. “Oh, really? I’ll be honest, I suspected this would happen.” Aunt Muriel turned to Nathan, closing the distance between them. “I also knew if there is one person that would keep my Lexi safe in my absence, it’s you, Nathan, and for that I thank you.”

  Nathan looks relieved. A playful chuckle escapes him. His laugh is infectious, and soon, I find myself joining in and giggling with joy. But Aunt Muriel cuts our moment of relief short. “Not so soon, Mr!”

  Nathan’s face tightens.

  “If you’re going to be with my Lexi, you must do it right. I’m sure we both know what that means.”

  Nathan slouches his shoulders forward, and his head is down. “Of course, Muriel.”

  “Until you prove your worth, Lexi stays with me.”

  I struggle to hide the redness forming in my cheeks as Nathan smiled over at me. It’s as if Aunt Muriel took the words right out of my mouth. If there’s anyone that knows how much I’ve dreamed of the ultimate proposal that fills me with butterflies, where a man sweeps me off my feet, it’s my Aunt Muriel.

  “Of course, Muriel. Lexi deserves nothing but the best!” Nathan affirms.

  “Glad we’re on the same page.”

  Nathan catches me fighting back a yawn. I don’t want to seem rude, but after the day I’ve had, I’m exhausted!

  “Muriel, Lexi had a long day. I’ll leave you and my mom to settle in. We’re heading off to bed now.”

  Nathan glances at me, and I nod my head with affirmation.

  I glance over at Nathan and couldn’t be prouder.

  He saved me from a terrible man and then stood up to my aunt, claiming me as his own. When he told my aunt his plans to make me his, there wasn’t an inkling of fear in his eyes.

  I’ve never felt more like a princess; a big, beautiful princess living out her wildest dreams.

  Chapter Twelve


  Sweeping her off her feet, I carry Lexi in my arms to her bedroom. She is exhausted, and with everything she has been through today, she needs all the rest she can get. For the first time today, I feel a sense of calm now that I finally have her in my arms. I would lay down my life to protect my woman, and even as I watched the police escort Brandon away, I felt my blood boiling! He should pray that they keep him locked up for a very long time because I cannot guarantee he will live to tell the tale if he tries his shit again!

  From the look in Ms Haddington’s eyes when I told her how Brandon has been harassing my Lexi, I don’t think she would spare him either.

  Lexi has a curvaceous body made for sin. It’s hard not to get a raging boner just by looking at her. But despite my deepest desires to fuck her good, my sweetness has had a long day, and I wouldn't dare disturb her with my hard-on.

  I lay Lexi on the bed and undress her before tucking her in bed. I undress and crawl up behind her; my naked body moulding into hers.

  My dick is stiff and demands relief, but I force myself to ignore my impulses. Even if I must force myself to sleep with a stiffened prick, so be it. Lexi's curves mould pe
rfectly around my body. I try my hardest not to press into her thick ass, to let her sleep. When I pull my hips back, Lexi leans back, pressing her ass against my cock.

  “Babe, if you keep doing that, I cannot promise to keep my hands off you any longer!” I whisper into her ears.

  I hear Lexi giggling, and she presses her ass further against my crotch. “Sweetness,” I begin, but my sentence is cut short when Lexi lifts her leg and my cock brushes against her wetness.

  My cockhead is covered by her wetness, and I thrust forward as my head spreads through her lips. “You leave me no choice, sweetness.”

  “I guess you have no choice but to fuck me, Mr Jones!”

  I wrap my arm around Lexi’s belly and pull her into me as I slip my cock deeper inside her. I start with small thrusts as I stretch her pussy open. I press deeper into her and cover her mouth, blocking the moans that escape her. “We have company tonight sweetness, we cannot make as much noise as normal!”

  I lower my hand down on her clit once I’m balls deep inside her. I growl against her neck as she tightens her pussy around my girth. My fingers rub against her sensitive clit, and I feel Lexi losing more and more control. Fuck, I cannot wait for Lexi to live with me. I’ll get to experience this sweet pussy every night.

  “Nathan!” She cries out as her pussy clenches tight around my cock, and I hear her breathing become erratic.


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