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Rotten Apple (Royal Bastards MC: NYC Book 1)

Page 3

by B. B. Blaque

  “Hey, what do I do with this?” She was takin’ off the helmet and tryin’ to undo her hair.

  I grabbed it from her and hung it off the handlebar. “No one’s gonna fuck with it. The bouncers keep an eye on our shit and there are cameras everywhere.”

  Nixx was barely payin’ attention as she fished around in her backpack for what turned out to be lipstick. Will wonders never cease? She really is sexy. I got a good one this time!

  “Just stick by me when we get in. Get the lay of the land, ya know, check it all out. You’ll see the waitresses . . . actually waiting on the customers. It’s not what you think, promise.”

  She fumbled for a cigarette, fluffed up her hair, and took a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s do this thing.”

  “Girl, don’t even sweat it. You sound like you’re walkin’ in to have a tooth pulled or somethin’. It’ll be fun! Way more fun than that ol’ diner.”

  When we walked in, Nixx blinked her eyes at all the lights and seemed drawn to the glowing bottles. Rattler didn’t even get off his stool at the back end of the bar. Another Vicious clone was sittin’ on his lap, a redhead this time, but same tired-ass bimbo. When we walked over, he looked Nixx up and down like he did the night in the diner and a big smile broke across his face.

  “Well, fuck me! This is our ball bustin’ waitress? The one you said was gawky?”

  Prick move!

  Nixx shot me a look that coulda laid me right the fuck out. She didn’t know it was all a game between Rattler and me. I won this round and he was lettin’ me know, loud and clear.

  “Yeah, this is Nixx. Amazing how new boots and make-up can turn an ordinary girl extraordinary! I saw it at the diner, but you, my brother, have no vision.”

  The barmaid came over and I ordered five Jagerbombs. Nixx looked at me like I had fifteen eyes in my head. “What the hell is that? I hope you don’t think I’m drinkin’ that much.”

  I squeezed her shoulder, nudged her to the stool, and then hollered over to Cassie behind the bar, “Hey, baby, can you make that six?”

  The evil eyes were bein’ thrown my direction, I could feel those fuckers. I couldn’t help laughin’ and it was crystal clear she was not amused with me. “FOCUS, you are a real piece of work ya know that?”

  I snickered and Cassie sat the cups on the table and filled them with Jager and whatever energy drink we were usin’ at the time. “Yeah, I’m a piece of work . . . some would say it’s art.”

  Yep, bein’ a Royal Bastard is a work of art if ya do it right.


  He’s tryin’ to get me drunk. Lord, help me survive this crazy Irish biker tonight.

  “I don’t drink too often. That stuff, whatever it is, will put me under the table.” I looked at the crazy colored cups. The barmaid had poured shots in the center of each one and then the little trough things were filled with something else. “Ya know, I have to be able to hold on until we get back to Queens.”

  FOCUS and Rattler started laughing at me. FOCUS patted my hand and stepped closer toward my ear. “Don’t worry, silly girl, only two of ‘em are yours. You shoulda just left it alone . . . four woulda been mine and you’d be havin’ one.”

  Rattler jumped in and looked serious before he spoke. “Just lettin’ ya know . . . it’d be a sign of complete disrespect to turn down a drink. It’s just not done . . . drink up. Worse comes to worse you could sleep on the stage.”

  Is he actually serious? Sleep on a stage?

  Up to that point, I hadn’t even glanced at the stage. Turned out there were three—two small and one big one with two girls dancin’ on it. The idea of sleepin’ all sprawled out in the middle made my stomach flip. I tried not to stare too long. Thankfully, FOCUS elbowed me and laughed.

  “If we gotta bungee cord ya to the bike, I’ve got the ability. I’m just like a regular dang boy scout . . . I come prepared.”

  Of course you do.

  “Let’s get this over then.” I lifted the cup, stared FOCUS down, and prayed my hand wasn’t shakin’ like my insides were. “Is it gonna taste awful? Once in high school I had a shot of Jager and puked all over my friend’s shoes. Not pretty.”

  FOCUS snapped his fingers and waved Cassie the bartender over. “Hey, doll, can you get me a beer bucket . . . just in case this one here doesn’t appreciate your hard work?”

  I stood my ground, looked over to Rattler, and did my best New York bitch voice. “You said I had to accept the drink, but you didn’t say anything about havin’ to keep it down. I make no guarantees.”

  They both laughed and FOCUS lifted his cup. “That’s my girl! Let’s drink to your new job. If ya don’t get sick, you work for us. If you do, well, you’ll just have to practice a little harder.”

  That doesn’t sound like much of a choice.

  “One step at a time, but I’ll drink to it.” I tossed back the shot and waited to see what happened. It didn’t taste bad. I sorta liked it.

  Rattler was lookin’ at me like a snake ready to strike. “Well, one down, one to go. Do it up!”

  FOCUS pushed the second drink toward me and raised his. “Don’t lemme down, girl. I didn’t peg you for a chickenshit. You can hang, I know it.”

  My brass knock-offs are working. Got you fooled.

  “Let you down? Ha!” Lookin’ back, I can’t imagine what possessed me, maybe the first drink, but I pulled one of FOCUS’ drinks over to me. “Whatcha think about that?”

  He grabbed both sides of my head—oh Lord, no—and kissed the top. “Oh, girl, you just bought yourself another one. You touch it, you drink it.”

  For the second time in one day, I was wonderin’ what I’d gotten myself into. After the second drink, the third went down nice and smooth.

  They’re really not bad.

  I started to lose track of how many I’d had, but I think it was a lot. I had to get up to pee and used FOCUS’ shoulders to push myself up.

  “Hey, you gotta be careful, girl. You’re not used to those shoes . . . or the drinks.”

  Maybe I was a little wobbly. It was the shoes. I hadn’t had that much to drink. Lie. The next thing I remember was fallin’ into FOCUS and him pullin’ me close. I landed on his lap and big tattooed arms wrapped around me.

  Oh. My. God.

  Is that his dick?

  Oh, shit!

  “Before you go gettin’ up, lemme feel that cute ass.”

  His big hands grabbed my hips harder than that morning and started to move them in the same figure eight pattern I’d been doin’ in my room. He was grindin’ up into me. Who’s givin’ who a dance? FOCUS grabbed my hand, lifted, and twirled me around. When he pinned me against the bar, his body was pushin’ up against me. “Now, lemme feel those lips . . . they’re damn near pillows.”

  I was done. He had me with that one kiss. It was deep, soft, and full of passion—not what I would’ve expected. When we finally broke apart, I smiled, grabbed my backpack, and tried to stand by myself. “I think I kinda like you, your highn-ass . . . gotta see . . . maybe all those funny little drinks.”

  He held my arms until I was steady enough to walk and leaned up to whisper. “I guarantee you like me. Not even just kinda. I already told you that.”

  Someone motioned over one of the waitresses to help me to the ladies’ room. My vision was blurry, but she was wearing clothes and a top. It looked like a corset with a g-string. Oh, for Heaven’s sake.

  “Brandi, make sure Nixx gets to the dressing room okay.” The girl smiled and FOCUS continued. “She’s gonna be waitressin’ here for us soon, be nice.”

  That’s odd. Why wouldn’t she be nice?

  The dressin’ room was a disaster of duffle bags and backpacks. It looked like a make-up truck had thrown up all over the place, and I quickly learned what it would smell like if you mixed fifty kinds of perfume together. There were lockers in the back, even though everything possible seemed to be littered all over the floors.

  I’m in a stripper dressing room. So, this is what it
’s like.

  Lots of unexpected things.

  I teetered and tottered over to the bathroom part, bouncin’ off a locker, and grabbin’ the door to swing myself into the stall. Before I was done doin’ my thing, I heard a few voices coming through the door. I tried to pay attention in my drunken stupor.

  “Oh, my God! Did you see the new girl with FOCUS?” One girl’s voice was askin’.

  I tried hard to concentrate on their conversation.

  Another responded, “Yeah, she’s gorgeous, but poor thing won’t know what hit her!”

  “Girl, you know he’s gonna flip her world totally on its head!” It was a new voice, really bubbly like she was from California or something.

  I heard the door to the dressing room being opened and gave it a second before poppin’ my head out. That’s when I saw three glitter-covered, perfectly made-up strippers in crazy high heels. They were standin’ just outside the toilet area and tried to look nonchalant when they saw me. No one said a word. The girls just looked at me almost like they were scared. Then another voice, with a strong New York accent, came from out of sight. “Damn, I fuckin’ hope he’s nicer to this one. You know how he can be when he wants somethin’.”

  The three original girls started walkin’ to the door as I came into view of the mirror. No one moved as I wobbled out on the new shoes.

  “Well, what does he want from me?”

  They shook their heads and walked away. The California one called back, “Oh, girl, you’ll find out. Trust me when I tell ya.”

  Piece by piece, Nicolette was goin’ away. The diner was gettin’ hazier by the hour and I learned how dead on the money those girls were.

  I didn’t know what hit me when FOCUS spun my world outta control. He can be a heartless prick when he wants somethin’ and he wanted me. Thanks to those girls runnin’ their mouths, at least I saw it comin’.

  Still, it was not what I expected.


  Before Nixx even got back to me, I knew what’d happened with the four big mouth bitches. They were payin’ enough attention to us to have a fuckin’ opinion on shit, but not enough to see her walk away to the dressing room. She looked almost straight as a string when she walked back to the bar.

  “I think I wanna go home. You don’t have to take me. I can get a cab.”

  She was shook, no two ways around it. I couldn’t blame her or imagine what those dingbats had said. They’d all been sent home early and still had to pay their full house fees. Rattler and I would have a talk, but they’d probably be suspended for at least a week dependin’ on how much damage control was required to get Nixx back where I’d had her.

  “For the life of me, I can’t figure out what got into them girls. Probably jealous, you know how it can be.” I watched her face and she was tryin’ to look at me. When I put my hand out to tip her chin, she jerked back a little but not out of reach. This is salvageable. “I used to date one of their friends . . . those bitches are still pissed about it. Then, look at you, girl. You’re gonna give ‘em a run for their money even with your clothes on. They can’t compete.”

  I waved Cassie over with some drinks and guided Nixx to the stool. She grabbed the first drink that was put down, slammed it back, and lit a cigarette.

  “What did those girls mean when they said you’d flip my world on its head?” She did another shot almost right on top of the first and started talkin’ with her hands, makin’ faces to mimic the bitches.“They said I wouldn’t know what hit me.”

  Damage control.

  “Well . . . do you know what hit you?” I pulled her into my chest, squeezed, and let go. “Haven’t I flipped your world in ways you didn’t see comin’?” None of it was a lie. I had, and it was only the start. She couldn’t deny any of it. “Well . . . ain’t it all the God’s honest? Look at me. How do you feel when you’re with me?”

  She grabbed another one of the shots and I’ll be dipped in batter and deep-fried if she didn’t down it in a snap. Her eyes were softenin’ and she wasn’t as tense as she’d been when she first walked back.

  “I don’t know, FOCUS. I honestly don’t know how I feel around you.” Her eyes scanned around the bar, but she clearly wasn’t seein’ any of it. I picked her legs up and draped them around my waist and stepped in closer.

  “Stop avoidin’ eye contact with me. Focus, girl, focus. How do I make you feel right now? I’m all up in your shit, your legs around me, my knee up against your . . .” My knee pushed directly into the center of her jeans. “You can be as confused about it as ya want but, girl, I feel how hot your pussy is right through that denim. You’re feelin’ some kinda way. That’s for fuck sure.”

  I snapped and Cassie brought us a couple more Jagerbombs and Nixx slammed another before sayin’ a word.

  “One of the girls said somethin’ about how you are when you want somethin’ . . . what did she mean by that?”

  I knew dang well that’d come from Roxxy—bitch is always talkin’ about how I get what I want. It’s true, but Nixx was not the one and it wasn’t the time for her to start sayin’ that shit.

  “I’m relentless . . . I don’t give up.” By any means necessary. Ruthless. “I become hyper-focused. Ya know, livin’ up to my name.”

  She didn’t get a chance to answer before I had her off the barstool with her legs still wrapped, and was walkin’ toward the back room with her.

  “I want you. That’s how I feel right now.” I squeezed her ass and pushed her up over my shoulder. “I’ll take ya like a damned caveman. I get what I want. You should already know that.”

  We had an empty champagne room in the back and I didn’t put her down until we were inside behind the closed curtain. She looked messy, drunk, sexy—perfect. Those lips were pouting and inviting. The black light made her eyes look more amazin’ than usual.

  “What are you doin’, FOCUS?” There was a giggle. She tried to look around. I’d laid her on the couch and she couldn’t see without flippin’ over and sittin’ up on her elbows.

  Mercy! That ass is like a snack!

  “Holy shit! We’re in a champagne room! That big neon sign says so. Right. Over. There. I can’t believe you . . . This is not a gentleman’s club, because you are not bein’ a gentleman, your hiney-ass. That sounds funny, doesn’t it?” She was drunk and ramblin’ on like a little kid in an amusement part. What this? Are we gonna ride that, Daddy? It was cute. It was also annoyin’ the shit outta me. “Oh, my God. We’re in a real live champagne room, aren’t we? Hey, is this supposed to be called a titty bar?”

  I crawled down over her back and rubbed against that ass. Nixx started to wiggle and I slid an arm under her stomach and arched her back to me.

  “We can call it anything you want, sweet girl . . . but since you’re in one, you need to show me whatcha got.”

  It was like bein’ on a buckin’ bronco as she moved around to roll herself over. Drunken, icy eyes looked up at me and that sexy mouth widened in a smile.

  “I like titty bar. It sounds dirtier. Doesn’t it? Titty bar.” Her hands were on the tank top I’d gotten her. She was rubbin’ the small tits under it. “Do you like my titties? See, that sounds so dirty.”

  My mind was bein’ blown. Alcohol can open legs, no question about that, but it was like her inner slut was bouncin’ and ready to come to the party. The straps of the top were bein’ pulled down and I stopped her before I saw them.

  “Nope. I told you. Titty bar . . . you gotta dance for me. I know dang right well you can wiggle. Let’s see it, girl.”

  I coulda easily yanked the jeans right off those long legs, even one leg, and sunk myself balls deep. She seemed to have somethin’ to show me and far be it for me to throw up a big ole stop sign, but I wanted the whole shootin’ match.

  “Yep. That’s right. I wanna see you up and dancin’ that cute lil’ ass off.” The bottom lip stuck out and her eyes scrunched up. “Trust me, you’ll survive. Your inner dancer is tryin’ to wiggle its way out.�

  She was grumblin’ away as she slid out from under me. “Just so you know . . . FYI and stuff. If I dance for you . . . in a titty, titty, titty bar. It doesn’t mean I’m gonna be a dancer. Just so ya know. Oh . . . and . . . I need a good song. A sexy song.”

  I rolled my eyes. Girls are always so picky with some of that shit, but it wasn’t somethin’ new. I ruffled her hair and laughed. “Alright, just so you don’t go passin’ out on me, I’ll take you up to the DJ booth and you can tell him what you want.”

  Her eyes got really big and she tried to pull the tank up as she stood. “You mean I can really pick the song? Like, will all the girls have to dance to the song I pick?”

  I grabbed her hand and started to lead her to the DJ. “Yes. Everyone out there will dance to the song you pick. Do you like that?”

  She nodded. “Does he have “Porn Star Dancing”? That’s the one I want. I practiced.”

  You practiced, huh?

  Nixx had so much shit comin’ at her all night that she hadn’t heard the song bein’ played a couple times already. The girls would just do their thing. They didn’t have a choice. It was for me, the club, and for Nixx’s future career path with us. Doc, the DJ, told me he’d put the song in quick rotation. It gave me enough time to tell Cassie to bring more drinks and to get back to the champagne room with the surprising Miss Nicolette.

  “Okay, baby. Your song is comin’ on. Show me how sexy you can be.”

  She started slow, pulled the tank top down, and let it sit around her waist. The white glowed in the black light and added to her beauty. Her tits were small, but really perfect on her body. No need to change them. When she got to the belt, she fumbled a bit so I reached to help with it and her zipper. The jeans were another obstacle she wasn’t prepared for, but of course, bein’ the gentleman I am, I gave her some pointers.


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