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Bound by Darkness (The Alliance, Book 3)

Page 4

by Brenda K. Davies

  Everything inside Killean rebelled against the knowledge that he would have no freedom outside of this place, but he gritted his teeth and replied. “Of course.”

  Joseph gestured to the Savages, and they tied a blindfold around his eyes before slipping a sack over his head and pulling the string tight around his neck. Killean didn’t protest that they cut off some of his air supply; he was sure it was done on purpose, and he would not give them the satisfaction of bitching about it.

  The door clanged open and fresh air washed over him. Killean scented the air to try to decipher some clue as to where they were, but all he smelled was grass, the sharper aroma of wild animals, and a nearby fresh water supply. He heard no nearby traffic, but crickets chirruped loudly, and the wings of bats or birds fluttered overhead.

  “This way,” Joseph said.

  Someone grabbed his elbow and guided him forward. Instead of asphalt or stone, grass crunched under his feet as he walked. Wherever they were, it was a rural area, and he suspected it was far from the city. He stopped when his knees bumped against the bumper of a car and someone guided him into the trunk.


  Killean stared at the weak light in the ceiling as he lay motionless with his arm draped across his forehead. He was slipping further down the rabbit hole of Savagery and tonight hadn’t helped him.

  They’d driven for at least an hour before finally stopping. Before removing him from the trunk, they pulled the sack off his head but kept the blindfold on until they stood outside the back door of a small nightclub. Killean never glimpsed a license plate or the name of the club before the door opened and he was led inside.

  He’d been brought to the club to hunt, and with Joseph and two other Savages monitoring his every move, he had to kill. It was what they expected of him; it was why he was here. And if he didn’t kill someone, then they would destroy him, and Simone would be lost.

  Seething with resentment, Killean stalked the fifty or so patrons of the club in search of one who would fit some of the criteria he’d used for his other victims. After an hour, he witnessed a man slip something into a woman’s drink, but unlike his other victims, he knew nothing else about the man. It had to have been a drug the man used; he had to have been planning to rape the woman, but Killean didn’t know for sure.

  However, it wasn’t guilt plaguing him as he swung his legs off the edge of the cot and planted his feet on the floor to sit up; it was his lack of remorse that bothered him. It didn’t help that hunger was beginning to churn in his gut again.

  Killean’s hands gripped the metal edge of the cot as he took a deep breath and shoved himself to his feet. The only furniture in the room was the cot with its pillow and a thin, wool blanket. The room was nothing more than an eight by eight cell with concrete walls that felt like they were closing in on him with every passing minute.

  Reclaiming the jeans he’d tossed on the floor beside the shirt, Killean dressed and opened the heavy, steel door. He poked his head into the hall and glanced up and down the nearly two-hundred-foot-long corridor. About fifty closed doors lined both sides of the hall; Joseph’s cronies filled many of those rooms.

  No one had told him to stay in his room when he was brought there earlier. He saw no reason to remain when he might be able to learn more about this place while everyone else was in their room or elsewhere.

  Stepping into the hall, he closed the door on room number twenty-two before striding down the corridor. Beneath his bare feet, the concrete floor was cold, and he made no sound as he walked. He waited for doors to open or for someone to stop him, but no one did.

  He still had no idea where they were located, but he believed this to be a bomb shelter or bunker of some sort. Whether it was built years ago, or Joseph and his organization recently constructed it, Killean didn’t know.

  In the middle of the corridor, Killean stopped at the open doorway leading into the main hall where the prisoners were chained. He should stay away from Simone until he had a better chance of getting her out of here, but he found himself irresistibly drawn across the threshold and into the hall beyond.

  He glanced down the row of hunters, and his eyes settled on Simone. She had her knees against her chest and her cheek resting on them as her chained hands remained above her on the wall. The man beside her shifted, and his head rose. When his white-blue eyes locked on Killean, his mouth parted.

  Killean wanted to go straight to Simone, but knowing cameras were probably focused on him, he walked over to the first hunter and knelt in front of the man who recoiled as far as he could get. Killean inspected the man before moving onto the next who snapped and lunged at him.

  He made his way slowly down the line, inspecting each hunter as he went. His excitement grew the closer he got to Simone. Most of the hunters cowered from him, a few showed no reaction, and the rest tried to attack him. He kept expecting a Savage to come and pull him away, but no one did. Though, he had a feeling they were monitoring his every move.

  He paused at one of the hunter women before Simone and cupped her cheek. When she turned her head away from him and whimpered, Killean quickly lowered his hand. The woman had endured enough without having to suffer his unwanted touch, but he hadn’t wanted to touch her. He did want to touch Simone though, and he had to set a precedent before he reached her and did so. He touched two more women who lunged at him with their fangs snapping.

  And then, finally, he was in front of her. Anger filled him as he gazed at her slender frame, dirt-streaked countenance, and dirty hair.

  You’ve seen her. She’s fine. Go before someone finds you here.

  He should leave and not look back; instead, he found himself remaining before her as she lifted her head to stare at him. At first, she didn’t seem to see him as her strangely colored eyes remained unfocused. Then she blinked, and those eyes widened on him.

  Pulled irresistibly toward her, Killean rested his fingers against her cheek. Despite the abuse she’d endured and the grime caking her skin, her flesh was softer than a feather against his. Some of his newly reawakened hunger ebbed as the touch of her calmed him in a way he’d never experienced before.

  Never had he wished to hold and protect someone as badly as her.

  Awe filled Simone as Killean caressed her cheek and the red bled from his eyes to reveal their striking gold color. That color was nearly identical to the color of a tiger’s eyes, but she suspected he could destroy someone faster than any tiger; yet, he touched her with unfailing gentleness.

  And the weirdest part of all was she liked it. She should spit in his face, recoil from him, yell at him to go away, or try to attack him. He was the enemy! She should not be turning her cheek into his touch or inhaling the resin scent of his skin.

  Had she been mistaken about this man? Was he here for some reason other than to be a beast who thrived on killing innocents? She had to be wrong as no monster could be so tender toward another, or at least all the ones she’d seen here couldn’t.

  Simone’s eyes closed as his scent enveloped her, but beneath his natural, woodsy aroma, she detected the rot of a Savage.

  No! She inwardly moaned. He was one of them; there was no denying or hiding that smell, yet she still found her lips resting against his palm as tears burned her eyes. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t deny this man made her feel something she’d never felt before him—passion.

  It surprised her to discover she felt it more as a vampire than she had as a mortal hunter. His nearness caused her skin to tingle with electricity as his touch warmed her to the tips of her toes. She was so cold before; now his body heated hers.

  Killean closed his eyes as he leaned forward. He almost cupped the back of her head to draw her close to him, but he didn’t dare. Up until now, he could attribute his actions to curiosity over the turned hunters, but if he kissed her, there would be no denying there was something more between them.

  Killean turned his attention to the thick chains binding her to the wall. By the looks of the
m, they were specially designed to keep a vampire restrained, and not just any vampire, but a hunter turned vampire. Starved, they were weakened, but turned hunters were stronger than a human who became a vampire. Joseph wouldn’t take any chances either; these chains would be strong enough to keep any vamp secured, even a purebred.

  With the essence of life flowing through his veins, Killean was stronger than he’d been before, but he didn’t know if he was strong enough to break these bonds. And he didn’t dare try without being certain; besides, if he could get her free of this place, what would they discover outside?

  For all he knew, they were in the middle of nowhere and could break free only to plunge into an open field with nowhere to run or hide. In which case, with as weak as she was, they would be caught and brought back before they got far. Once recaptured, they would torture and kill him, which would leave Simone forever at their mercy.

  No matter how badly he wanted to free her, he couldn’t risk it until he knew more.

  Simone’s fangs throbbed when she detected the pulse in Killean’s wrist. Her scorched veins felt like they were breaking apart and turning to ash as each beat of his heart teased her with the possibility of nourishment. She didn’t want to hurt him, but his blood smelled so good!

  Only a little taste to make it stop hurting!

  No! No! No! She would not drink his blood! She wouldn’t, couldn’t be one of them!

  But no matter how forcefully she told herself this, her lips skimmed back and her whole body hummed with anticipation of tasting him.

  Before she could sink her fangs into his flesh, his hand dropped and he rose. Startled out of the trance his pulse lured her into, Simone lunged after her food source, but the chains pulled taut and yanked her back. A wail of anguish rose in her throat and strangled there.

  Killean stepped away from Simone when Joseph glided into the hall. He didn’t look at all surprised to see Killean standing there as a smirk curved his cruel mouth. “Killean,” he greeted.

  “Joseph,” he replied.

  Simone’s eyes darted between the two powerful creatures. In here, misery was her ever-constant companion, but the undercurrent of tension between them caused fear to coil in her belly. However, this time, her fear was for Killean and not herself.

  “What brings you here?” Joseph inquired.

  “I was curious about the hunters; how they react to the change, what they’re like, and how far gone these prisoners are in their hunger,” Killean replied.


  “Because it’s a fascinating process, and there is nothing like watching those who believe they are untouchable fall. And the hunters have believed themselves above us for far too many years.” He waved a hand at Simone. “I want her.”

  Joseph glanced at Simone. “Ah, yes, she is a beauty, more so before the chains, of course. She’s a bit too dirty now for my liking, but nothing a shower and some blood won’t fix. I changed her myself.”

  Killean had been striving to remain impassive, but this revelation caused his jaw to clench. If Joseph changed her, then he made sure the experience was horrific for her. She never should have known the agony that came from having her blood drained against her will and the change forced on her, but more than that, she was supposed to have been his to change.

  Or not change, he reminded himself.

  They would never complete the bond, but no other’s blood should have entered her, especially not this bastard’s. Joseph would have made it degrading for her, and Killean knew how it felt to be helpless against the abuse of another. He’d wanted to comfort her before, but now the impulse was almost impossible to withstand, but he did. She deserved better than this, and she would have it once he got her free and returned her to her brethren.

  Joseph’s abuse of Simone was yet another reason Killean would make his death excruciating.

  “What do you want with her?” Joseph asked him.

  The truth of that could never be revealed, so Killean gave Joseph the only answer he knew the asshole would understand. “I want to fuck her.”

  Simone recoiled at Killean’s coarse words. She didn’t know why she was shocked; he was a vampire after all. They were all ruled by their desires, and none of them cared who they trampled to get what they wanted.

  Had she been idiotic enough to believe there might be something more to this beast than bloodlust and carnal pleasure? Yes, she had, and now she had to fend off the disappointment threatening to strangle her. She’d briefly hoped he might be an ally in this place, but he’d just become a bigger threat than anyone else here.

  “Why, Killean,” Joseph purred, “I don’t recall ever seeing you with a woman.”

  Killean shrugged. “Things have changed.”

  “Ah, yes.” Joseph’s gaze raked him from head to toe. “It’s amazing what else awakens in us when the bloodlust is sated. However, these specimens are off limits until they complete their change into something of true beauty.”

  Beauty? Simone wondered. Did this monster actually see himself and his followers as things of beauty?

  “Beauty?” Killean inquired, astonished to hear anyone refer to a Savage in such a way.

  “Don’t you find it a thing of beauty to be yourself finally?” Joseph asked. “Don’t you think it’s wonderful not to have to fight your instincts and true nature anymore? Freedom is beauty, Killean, and we are free.”

  He must be further gone than he’d realized as some of what Joseph said rang true with him. There was beauty in freedom, and for those minutes when he’d given into his darker nature and killed, he’d been free.

  So far, he hadn’t truly given into his Savage nature, but he’d experienced those minutes, and they were wonderful. If he ever gave in completely, it would be the most freeing experience of his life, and he couldn’t deny it sounded amazing. There was also some beauty in death, the eternal slumber, the peaceful oblivion of never suffering again, and he was delivering it to the humans who deserved it.

  If he continued only to kill those who hurt others, then wouldn’t he be doing something good for this world? And if Simone became a Savage too…

  The image of her coated in the blood of those they killed together filled his mind. But instead of tempting him further, the visualization made something within him recoil.

  No, not Simone. She could never return to what she’d been before, but she was too pure to ever become such a monster. The idea of him being the one who led her down such a warped path was unthinkable.

  He could forgive himself for the choices that brought him to this place, but he would never forgive himself if he trapped her here with him. And Killean would never forgive himself if he turned against Ronan and became what Joseph was, but if he kept killing, he probably wouldn’t care about that anymore, and he could be free.

  No! He would not cave; he would not become one of these things. He’d come here for Simone, and he would get her out of this.

  “Freedom is beauty,” Killean murmured because it was what Joseph wanted to hear and because the words were right.

  “Yes,” Joseph said and slapped him on the shoulder. “Come, I’ve plenty of other women I can offer you.”

  Killean didn’t move as the idea of touching anyone other than Simone caused his stomach to turn. “I want this one.”

  Joseph’s eyes narrowed. “Why her in particular?”

  Killean considered how to respond as he may have just given away too much. “I knew her when she was a hunter, and the little bitch thought she was better than vampires. I think it’s time she learns what it’s like to have one between her thighs.”

  Joseph smirked when Simone whimpered. She’d known Killean was revolting, but his words proved he was worse than she believed.

  “It would be a good lesson to learn,” Joseph agreed, “but not yet. When her transformation is complete, you can have at her, but until then, she remains chained and is only allowed short bathroom breaks. Those are the rules.”

  “Rules are meant to be broken
,” Killean said. He wanted to get Simone alone, give her at least a little blood to strengthen her, and assure her he would find a way to free her. He also wanted to learn if Joseph, or any of the other Savages in this place, had violated her. What he would do to them if they had would make what Vlad the Impaler did to his victims look like fun.

  “Not this one,” Joseph stated.

  The glint in Joseph’s eyes told Killean not to push it anymore; he was lucky Joseph had bought the shit he was shoveling. Killean suspected this rule was not one of Joseph’s making. Joseph would happily take the chance of a hunter getting free if it meant he could abuse them further; they were no fun to play with when chained like this. Someone else was pulling the strings here, but who?

  “Come,” Joseph said. “Let’s find you a woman.”

  The appearance of two Savages spared Killean from having to think of an excuse to get out of that hideous possibility.

  “We have company coming,” one of them said.

  Joseph’s shoulders went back as he gave a brisk nod. “Escort Killean to his chamber.”

  Joseph’s abrupt change in demeanor piqued Killean’s curiosity, but he had no choice; in this, he had to obey.

  “I can find the chamber myself,” Killean assured him.

  He didn’t look back at Simone as he turned away; he couldn’t stand to see what his words had caused her to think of him. If he somehow succeeded in getting her out of this mess, they’d both hate him by the time it was over.

  Good. She’s a hunter; I don’t care if she never speaks to me again.

  It was one of the rare times in his life that he’d lied to himself.


  Aside from the hall where the hunters stayed, the corridor where he slept, Joseph’s office, and the large communal bathroom with showers that the Savages took him to after returning from the hunt last night, Killean knew little about this place. He decided to spend the next day trying to learn more about their location and the exits from it.


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