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Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance

Page 3

by Mia Mills

  She raises her hand and gives me a thumbs-up before taking her place on the edge of the mountainside. “Yup! And no jumps! Just pure downward skiing!”

  I nod and trudge beside her.

  “Good!” She says before starting her countdown. “In the count of three, we race! One, two—“

  I am an asshole.

  My arms push my poles back, and I fling myself down to the path before she could even count to three.

  I hear her yell “You fucking cheater!!” so clearly against the sound of the icy winds. Clearly, she shouted so loud at me.

  I’m betting she’s hella pissed right now.

  My legs stay parallel as my core compressed to keep my center of gravity low. My knees are bent, and I traverse the slopes quickly.

  The plates seem to be cooperating as I turned; my legs are completely parallel with each other for more relaxed riding. My poles are sticking well to the snow. Everything seems to be perfect.

  I look behind me quickly to see if she’s following in pursuit. It seems like she’s left in the dust since I can’t see her at all. I returned my concentration to the path in front of me.

  My arms stretch outwards. The way I am squatting dramatically increases my top speed to around 90mph. I can feel the skin on my face start to tremble with the pace.

  I pass by this huge rock that is usually used as a jump ramp. My first marker. I’m getting close to the middle, harder part of the trail.

  Suddenly, I remember the first day my parents taught me how to jump on that thing. Mom would go before me so fast and perform a 360° turn to the right before landing perfectly on the snow below.

  I can’t help but laugh at the memories flashing before me. My eyes fool me for a moment as I see both my father and mother in front of me. “Mom? Dad?”

  I’m so delusional, what the hell is going on?

  They’re not here anymore.

  I shake my head and continue down the path. As I predicted, the middle part of the trail is intense. I make multiple swerves to the left and right, trying to avoid the bumps that would slow me down.

  The sound of another pair of skis reminds me of the other person skiing with me tonight. I yell at her, trying to piss her off again. “Just give up! You’re not beating me tonight!”

  “Don’t be too cocky!” She shouts back to me, and I see her beside me from the corner of my eye.

  “That’s pretty impressive! But you’re still too slow!” I retort back before pushing myself in front of faster, cutting her off.

  She turns to her right to stay away from me and result in a crash. “You idiot!”

  I laugh hard as I pass the marker of the middle area. The worst is probably over.

  Now I just need to make sure I keep a straight path to the finish line. The next jumping pass is just around the corner. I see the images jump one by one.

  I can’t believe I’m even thinking about it. Should I risk the jump or just secure my win?

  The overwhelming need to jump takes over me.

  I press against the snow towards my right to change my course. I squat lower, lining myself to the ramp. The moment my plates skid off the ramp, I outstretch my legs and fly through the air. I can’t help but open my arms to the sides and close my eyes.

  Her voice rings in the air. “Hey! No jumping!!”

  I couldn’t hear her clearly though.

  It was but a few seconds, but the feeling of being unrestricted in the air is so slow and addicting. I do a 360° turn, just to try it.

  To my surprise, the lady was just a few meters or so behind me, picking the straightforward route from below. For a moment, my eyes go wide at how fast she was able to catch up.

  Big mistake.

  She smirks and compresses herself, even more, wishing to pass me completely.

  The distraction fucks up my concentration, and I instantaneously tumble upon landing…in front of her. She screams as she goes down with me.

  We both tumble down so close to the finish line.

  Once we stop, I sit up and look at her. She was giving me this ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ look. It’s super cute. I can’t help but laugh at our predicament.

  “That was fun!” I chime as I get up to help her.

  She groans before taking my hand and using me as an anchor to pull herself up. “Fun? Are you kidding? You almost killed us!”

  “Did I really?” I lean towards her face. I notice her exposed skin get red under the snow mask.

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Well, seeing as we both can’t win now…How about I just invite you to dinner instead. My treat?”

  She looks up at me and gives me a side-smile. “You sure you want to do that? I mean, you don’t have to.”

  “I insist,” I tell her. “Think of it as an apology gift for landing in front of you just now.”

  She laughs at me and nods, finally agreeing. “Fine. That’s fine with me.”

  I squeeze her hand, which we both didn’t notice was still in mine.

  We lead each other towards the end of the trail and to the exit. I can tell I made quite an impression on her.

  “So! Where the hell did you learn to ski like that?” She questions me.

  “It is a bit of a long story. I can tell you about it during dinner though.” I respond.

  I unbind the plates from my ski boots before picking them up. I line them up and combine them into one piece for easier transport.

  She tugs on my arm gently. “Hey, where and what time do I meet you?”

  I think about it and smile. “Meet me in the steak shack in an hour.”

  “Great!” She exclaims.

  She walks away as I smile to myself.

  I have a date.

  Chapter 5


  Oh my God! What just happened—?

  I rush to the bedroom and quickly close the door. Did I just have that moment with this stranger? Did I really just agree to go on a date with him?!

  I cannot even wrap my head around the idea of all this. I legitimately thought I just had my typical ski ride downhill, as always!

  No backing down now, though.

  Dress. I need a dress for this. I immediately walk to my wardrobe and look for an appropriate dress for the night.

  “Crap! I didn’t ask him what kind of dress I need to wear!”

  I think quickly and come up with just wearing this very elegant off-white, lace dress with a sweetheart neckline. The lace extends to a collar, making it sexy but not overly revealing. I pair this off with white high heels.

  I tie my hair in a high ponytail, letting the entire length just flow. A bit of makeup here and there, a small black purse, and I deem myself officially ready for this date.

  Arriving at the restaurant, I am immediately greeted by a familiar face. “Maya! Wow, you look amazing tonight! What’s the occasion?”

  I smile at the man. He’s a waiter here in the restaurant whom I’ve grown to know. “Thanks! I’m going on a date.”

  His face immediately shows interest, and he nudges my arm. “Girl! You have to tell me all about it later, okay?! Is he handsome??”

  “To be honest? I don’t know. I met him at the mountain just an hour ago, and I didn’t get to see his face. I’m clueless.” I respond.

  “Holy shit—that’s kind of scary! Are you sure you even want to go through with it? Isn’t it a little…weird?” He asks.

  “I don’t know, but I am curious about him. He’s an amazing skier. I got interested.” I admit to him.

  He looks at me with concern and sighs. “Fine, just be careful okay? I need to go.”

  I wave at him and smile before stepping inside. I look around the restaurant to see if anyone was waiting. At first, my heart sinks as I don’t notice anyone.

  Out of nowhere, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I gasp and look behind me.

  There’s a tall, handsome man standing there, smiling at me. His hazel eyes piece me as he looks down. He’s wearing a tight, dark brown suit, with matching b
lack Oxfords. His hair is slicked back. A pair of black glasses lined his face; his stubbles frame his jaw.

  “Oh hello…” I mutter. I am over the moon. I look at him and gulp. “I’m not underdressed, am I?”

  He takes my hand and smiles more. “Absolutely not. You look beautiful. Let’s go inside. I reserved a table for us already.”

  He leads me to a table near the window, where we can see an electrifying view of the mountain. Small orbs of light line the trails on the mountain. The sky is clear. Even under the moonlight, you can see the beauty of the hills.

  He sits me down and takes the seat in front of me. Another waiter gives us the menu. Everything seems to be very intimate.

  “Would you like some wine?” He asks me.

  I smile at him and grin. “Would you like to tell me your name first?”

  The face he gives me makes me feel like I should know him.

  “Wait, so you don’t know me?” He asks.

  “No? Should I?” I curiously reply.

  He laughs and nods. “Of course… How silly of me. But how could I forget to introduce myself? My name is Sean. And you are?”

  “Mariah Goodwin. But everyone calls me Maya.” I respond. He’s so weird. “And, yes. I would definitely love some wine right now.”

  Sean calls for the waiter and asks to get some Cabernet Sauvignon. “The finest one.”

  While we wait for the wine to arrive, he leans on the chair and smirks at me. “So, how long have you been working here?”

  “This is my third year if I’m not mistaken. I’ve worked here right off graduating college.” I tell him. The wine comes in and is poured into our wine glasses.

  He takes his glass and holds it out for a toast. “Well done then, Ms. Goodwin. You’re quite the instructor out there. The facility is sure happy to have you.”

  Sean’s such a weirdo. But I actually really like it. “Thank you?” I clink glasses with him. “For a moment there, you sound like you own the place. Not that it’s bad or anything.”

  “Would it be impossible if I were the owner, then?” He asks before sipping his wine.

  I pause for a moment. What if he is?

  “I-I’m sorry, are you—“

  “No! No, of course not!” He laughs. “I’m not the owner. I was just kidding.”

  I sigh in relief. I would be so embarrassed if he were my boss!

  “Thank god!” I sip my wine. “If you’re not the owner, what do you do?”

  Sean’s face looks at me and stays quiet. I find that quite curious. Did I say something wrong?

  Finally, he responds. “I’m can’t really say because it’s quite confidential. But I can say I’m in the area of business.”

  I nod slowly. “I see. Well, that’s fine with me. So long as you’re not a murderer or something.”

  The way he smirks at me makes me shudder. He has such a deep, soul-scorching stare too.

  “W-what?” I stutter.

  “Nothing. You’re just so beautiful.” He replies, and I melt.

  The waiter comes to our table again, and we order some steak, which pairs well with our wine. We talk for another few minutes before the steak arrives. He likes his medium, while I like it well done.

  We consume more wine as we progressed through the night. By now, we’re both very comfortable with each other.

  He’s smiling at me before he calls on the waiter again. “Please, more wine. And a plate of mango crepe.”

  I laugh at him before slapping his arm. “You’re ordering food again??”

  “It’s for dessert, honey.” He grins.

  Fuck, that grin again.

  Now that I’m quite intoxicated, I can feel the heat on my body, especially my cheeks. All sorts of thoughts zoom past my head as I look at this fine human specimen in front of me. His mysteriousness is sexy.

  I want to know him more.

  He probably noticed me staring, as he gently pokes my face and asks, “Hey, you okay?”

  “Y-Yeah!” I reply to him. “I love the great outdoors!”

  I feel like an idiot.

  He gives me this ‘what the fuck’ face before laughing hard. “Uh-huh? Am I really that boring?”

  I gasp and shake my head. “Absolutely not! I just…I blanked out. I was thinking of how handsome you are.”

  My face gets so red. What the fuck, Maya??

  Sean half-smirks and leans in his chair. “You think I’m handsome?”

  “Yes…Very much…” I admit.

  He slowly unbuttons one button on his shirt. “Thank you. I’m very flattered. Coming from a gorgeous woman such as you, I take pride in that.”

  Shit, he said I’m gorgeous. GORGEOUS!!

  I gulp. The heat on my face intensifies. “Thank you…I’m also very flattered.”

  Before long, we make our way out of the restaurant. We’ve been together for three hours now.

  “Will you come and walk with me to my room? We can continue our chat there if you’re interested.” I ask without looking. I feel very embarrassed, but there’s just something about him that makes me want to know him more.

  “Sure, that is totally fine with me, beautiful.” He agrees while teasing.

  For a few minutes, our walk to the room is quiet.

  “Do you know why I’m so good at skiing?” He asks.

  My interest perks and I look at him curiously. “Yes!”

  He flashes those pearly whites again. “Well…My family loves to ski. I started skiing when I was five years old.”

  “That’s amazing!” I exclaim. “No wonder you’re so skilled. Though, I have no idea why you flunked that 360 turn!”

  “Ahh! That’s because I saw an angel skiing with me.” Sean is so nonchalant when he says that as if he’s just stating some fact.

  I hide my face with my hands. “You must really be good with women.”

  “Not exactly. I don’t have a girlfriend. Been in a relationship once or twice.” He states before shrugging. “They say I have issues.”

  Issues, huh?

  I think to myself before looking at the last room to the right. “Well! This is my room.”

  “I see…Well, I guess that’s good night then?” He says before taking my hand and kissing it. “Thank you for the wonderful evening. It has been incredibly interesting. You’ve made my stay here a little more bearable.”

  What exactly did he mean by that?

  I stare as he starts to make his way towards the elevator in the middle of the hall. I begin to panic. My heart wants him to stay.

  What is this connection?!

  I gulp. I shouldn’t but…

  “Wait! Would you like to stay with me tonight?

  Chapter 6


  Did I just ask him to stay?

  The air around me is thin now that I feel anxious to hear his answer. He stops his steps and stays like that for a moment. I am so worried of what he may think of me now.

  A woman asking a man to stay in her room for the night is not exactly…welcomed. Not in the hospitality industry, at least.

  And he’s a guest! Oh man, I shouldn’t have done this. Maybe I can try to talk out of it.

  “Y-You don’t have to…I mean…I’m not forcing you…Oh god, why did I even say that…” I panic and quickly try to open my door. “I-I’m sorry I’ll just—“

  A hand covers my trembling hands and stops me from opening the door. I look up and see Sean looking down on me. Oh no…Does he think poorly of me now?

  “Do you really want me to stay tonight, Mariah?” He asks.

  I could only nod before he leans in to cover and press his soft lips on mine. I let out a small squeak as I feel him push up against me on the door.

  I try to relax, but the idea of all this is making my head light but my body tense. His smell punches my nose, such a sweet and inviting scent.

  Sean’s hands slowly cup my face and thumb my cheeks. I moan low as I feel his chest press against mine, feeling the steady beat of his heart. Those
hands slip down to my neck and over my shoulders. It goes further down, running his fingers on my smooth skin, and landing on my hands.

  Without any hesitation, he lifts my hands over my head. He positions my arms over his shoulders as he licks my lips gently, asking me for permission. I pull him in closer as I open my mouth, giving in.

  Our tongues tangle and dance as he deepens the kiss. I can taste the wine, and it's making me intoxicated. The heat is building up, and I am entirely at his mercy.

  He pulls away a bit to take a breather. “Mind opening the door now?”

  I nod and turn around, trying to open the door. I feel those wet lips land on my neck. I don’t even notice how loud my moans started to become.

  The key doesn’t seem to want to enter its keyhole. My hands are just shaking too much to perform essential motor functions. The skin of my neck gets exposed as I arch my neck to accommodate him fully.

  Finally, I manage to slip the key in and the machine automatically clicks the door open. Sean doesn’t even let us go into the room before he decided to unbutton my collar off, exposing my neck fully and sending the lace cover down.

  Sean gets a direct look at my boobs. I let out a whine as he pushes us inside, his arms still around my waist. I can feel his hard dick on my back as I feel him press harder. He’s kissing the back of my neck now and licking circles over the skin.

  He doesn’t stop kissing my back. I bet he really enjoys how soft it is. I slowly reach behind and palm on his cock. God! That’s so big!

  Sean quickly spins me around and kisses my lips again. My head spins at all the sensations I’m feeling right now. He’s such a great kisser.

  By now, we’ve reached the edge of the bed. He turns me to face the sheets. His hands are pulling down the zipper of my dress inch by inch, kissing the skin as it revealed itself.

  My pussy is so wet with how much attention he’s giving to foreplay. I want him. I want to fuck him so much.

  “H-Hurry…” I whisper.

  He licks my back upwards, before biting my shoulder playfully. “There’s no need to go too fast, baby.”

  This feels amazing.

  It’s so addicting.


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