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Making Her Mine: A Secret Billionaire Romance

Page 9

by Mia Mills

  I barely even notice her walk inside the restaurant, and now she’s tapping my shoulder. I turn to face her. My heart stops beating for a split second.

  Here she goes, looking like a goddess again. She’s sporting a gorgeous V-neck dress. I can tell the material is chiffon. Her slender arms are the star as it is accentuated by the sleeveless. Her three-inch silver heels match her silver dangling earrings.

  I straighten myself as I stand up. “My princess,” I mutter before kissing her hand.

  Maya’s face turns to a rosy color. “Thank you, my prince.” She teases back.

  I pull out a chair for her and just marvel at her beauty. I think she gets conscious of it, as she immediately stammers, “Is there something wrong?”

  My head shakes, and I flash her a genuine smile.

  “It’s nothing. You're hard not to look at.”

  The redness of her face increases and I smirk. She’s so delectable. Honestly, as much I love that dress on her, I would love to take it off right now. But, as a matter of courtesy, I’ll have to wait until dinner is over.

  “What would you like tonight, baby?” I ask.

  She looks through the menu and smiles at me. “I’m craving for some pasta tonight. There’s this Tuna Carbonara I want to try. Is that okay?”

  “Of course! You can have whatever you want.” I reply.

  We order two our meals for the night and a bottle of white wine to start the meal. I smile as I remember something from before.

  “Isn’t this familiar? The two of us just sitting at the same table, enjoying a nice meal and exquisite wine. You, looking like the divine…” I mutter as I sip from my wine glass.

  She laughs at me. Her laugh is like a child’s…innocent and cheerful. But she isn’t that innocent now, is she?

  “I don’t recall it like that. It was more like you looking like an absolute god while I looked like your next meal.” She winks at me.

  A smirk creeps up my face. I down another glass of wine.

  “You’ve been drinking quite a lot. Are you alright?” She asks.

  Not really.

  It didn’t occur to me that this is my third glass now. My eyes look over to my glass, and I frown a bit. “Oh, I didn’t notice. I’m so sorry.”

  She shakes her head and gently pats my hand. “That’s fine. But, if you need to let out anything, don’t hesitate to talk okay? I’m here for you.”

  Sure, like I can tell you that you’ve been fucking your boss this whole time.

  My nerves calm down, and I smile brightly at her. “You’re the best, you know that?”

  “Geez, I’m not all that, you know?” She responds.

  The food arrives faster than I expect. While eating, we start talking about all sorts of things. Skiing, the upcoming Olympics, the facility itself, some of our family matters…Politics is off limits though.

  She’s well versed in everything. She isn’t just some instructor who mastered everything skiing, but she’s well informed and very perceptive. Headstrong and gives great head, great combo.

  Somehow, the conversation ends up with relation to work. I listen to her bonding the guests during the season. She’s so likable that most guests prefer her over anyone. I would normally get bored with this kind of conversation, but right now I’m actually interested in what she had to say.

  “If you could say anything to the owner of this resort, what would you tell him?” I ask.

  She pauses to think before frowning. “First of all, a raise would totally boost everyone’s morale.” She laughs, “That might seem asking for too much. But a change in some of the equipment in the shack would also be great. Maybe add a few more ski’s and boards!”

  Wow, that much problems huh?

  I blink as I listen to her. “O-Oh. Is it really that bad here?”

  “No, I’m just kidding! The place is awesome!” She grins, taking me by surprise. She starts to laugh. “Your face is hilarious!”

  “You made me panic, oh my god!” I exclaim. My heart nearly sank. God damn it!

  She giggles. “Well, you were so serious, so I just had to. Besides, why would you be affected by it? I mean, it’s not like you own the great Royal Peaks, right? You’re some confidential guy.”

  I stare at her. There’s a knot in my throat.

  Should I tell her?

  “And if I told you I was?” I ask, testing the waters.

  Another pause. Fucking great. I’m growing really anxious. Maybe I should just stop for now, just until I find out a way to tell her properly. She might get extremely upset.

  Before she could respond, I catch myself. “I’m kidding too. Well…Seeing as my deal is done anyway, I guess I can let you in a little secret.”


  “I’m an investor. Just for small businesses, mostly local-made textiles. I met with a gentleman here who had connections to the mainstream fashion industry. I wanted proposed a partnership with him.”

  Oh, what have I done?

  She claps in amazement. “Wow!! That’s amazing! You must be really good at reading trends huh?”

  I nod. “Of course. I’ve had the business for a while, so I know the ins and outs of the trade.”

  Maya leans her elbow on the table with her face resting on her palm. She looks at me with her dreamy eyes, “You’re just—“she stops and lets out a short breathe, “You can afford anything and everything you want, but you’re still wise, practical man. You still save or use your money for good. Any other man who has that kind of money would probably spend it on booze, drugs, or gambling.”

  Oh, honey, you don’t know the half of it.

  “You seem to know a lot about it. Had someone like that in your life?” I ask.

  “You can say that. I see it every season, with some of the wealthier guests. But I guess that’s not my business anymore.” She replies before shrugging.

  Maya is so interesting. I can’t wrap my finger around her. She’s just so curious about everything. A little opinionated at times…But that’s not really anything bad.

  I take another gulp of the wine. By now, we’ve finished a bottle and a half. I know her tiny frame is struggling to keep the alcohol under control. I, on the other hand, am still holding my liquor.

  It’s as if the liquor isn’t reaching me because of the things that run in my mind. I’d prefer it if I’m feeling the effects of the alcohol, than this mixture of guilt and anxiety.

  The fireworks display starts. Bright red, yellow, green, and white colors illuminate the sky with their toxic fumes. I look over to Maya and see her eyes are fixated on the skylights. I can’t help but stare at her back.

  “It’s so beautiful!” She happily exclaims.

  I nod, still keeping my eyes on her. “Absolutely.”

  Maya gasps. Her wine reddened face get even brighter with my words. I can’t express how much I want her right now.

  I lean in to kiss her tenderly. “I mean it…”

  “Stop it…You’re making me red.” She whispers to my lips.

  “Red suits you,” I reply as I stroke her cheek gently.

  The way her eyes twinkle makes me smile widely. She is just this bundle of sunshine.

  I will make her feel good tonight.

  “Would you like to stay in my suite tonight?”

  Chapter 17


  Sean’s lips are so close to mine as he holds me close. The balls of colored gunpowder explode in the nightly sky as our background. I shake my head, unable to believe his proposition.

  “Come again?” I ask in astonishment.

  “Would you like to stay in my suite tonight?” He repeats.

  I stare into his eyes. His orbs reflect the light show happening outside our window.

  Did I hear that right? Will I finally get the chance to see where he stays? Maybe he might even reveal more about himself? The thrill of learning more about him makes me jump up, wrapping my slender arms and hugging him tightly.

  “I would love to!” I exclaim.<
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  His supple lips press on my heated head. “Good. Let’s go. It’s a long way up, but we have a private elevator anyway, so that’s fine.”

  Long way up? Private elevator? Somehow things don’t add up. Which room did he rent out exactly?

  We take light steps going to the elevator reserved for the VIP rooms. This particular lift bypasses the other floors that are considered to be the standard areas like the spas or entertainment centers. It requires a specific id card to operate as well.

  The elevator itself is designed much more extravagant than the regular ones. The floor is covered with a more expensive carpet. Even the elevator music is different. It has a glass panel facing the mountain, allowing the passenger to view the slopes and take in the natural scenery as they make their way up the floors.

  It reminds me of the view of the mountains whenever I take the lift to the top. Breathtaking.

  I’ve only been on this elevator twice. The first was during the official tour of the resort when I was nearly hired. The last was when I had to conduct a skiing seminar at one of the VIP conference rooms.

  Sean wraps an arm around my waist as we walk into the lift. I hold onto his arm with my eyes fixated on the scenery outside. I listen to his heartbeat as I lean against his chest. It’s loud and steady, like the beat of a drum.

  This is all just such a surreal moment. I am here with Sean, going towards some of the most expensive rooms in the resort.


  I turn to look at the panel. To my surprise, the LED indicated PH. My jaw drops. We’re at the Penthouse?!

  He’s fucking staying at the Penthouse? Pinch me now.

  He wasn’t kidding about it being a long way up. The Penthouse is located at the highest private floor of the resort. It’s also the most expensive room of the entire rentable area. I look to him as he leads me out of the elevator.

  Unlike other floors, the Penthouse is a floor to itself. The elevator automatically acts as the entrance of the suite.

  Immediately, guests are greeted with the living area and a small cocktail bar. Towards the end of the massive hall are the kitchen and dining areas. There’s a wooden staircase leading to the loft, where I assume Sean’s bed is located.

  Following the almost rustic feel of the resort, the penthouse sports a lot of wood and stone materials. Different variations of brown and red decorate the area in the form of furnishings. The walls are a shade of cream that is light to the eyes. All of these give the Penthouse that cozy feeling while still offering the sense of adventure, thanks to the large glass windows that captures the winter landscape.

  “Make yourself at home. I’ll just get us something to drink. Would you like some champagne?” Sean asks.

  I sit on the couch daintily and smile at him. “Sure! Although, I’m not sure that’s a good idea considering we just had quite a bit of wine downstairs.”

  He chuckles as he walks towards the kitchen. “We’ll be fine.”

  I decide to take a look around the place. There aren’t a lot of personal items in the room aside from the deer head mounts on the walls. I spot a few picture frames and decide to look at them.

  It’s one of a tiny Sean dressed in ski gear, holding with tiny little hands two people whom I assume are his parents. I also believe they were in these same mountains as the landscape behind them shows the old resort upon which the present resort stands.

  Aww, such a cute kid. Then again, who wasn’t? I see another photograph, this time of a much older child Sean. He’s standing between the same two people who are holding up their ski plates, with medals dangling around their necks.

  Taking the frame in my hand, I squint to see which medals they were sporting. Five interconnected rings…The mark of the Olympics. I piece two and two together, finally realizing that Sean’s parents are Olympians. I take a look at Sean as he walks towards me.

  “You didn’t tell me your parents were Olympic medalists,” I say to him.

  He hands me a flute of champagne and chuckles. “You never asked. Besides, I don’t really brag about my parents’ achievements. For some reason, I feel like it undermines my own. Cheers?”

  We clink glasses and drink the bubbly champagne. I feel his arms around my body as I lean towards him. We stay like that for a while, holding each other in a tender embrace in silence. His chuckle takes me by surprise.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing.” He replies to me. “I just find it funny how we’ve come to this. Just a few days ago, you and I hated each other. Look at us now…Holding each other in this lovely winter night.”

  He’s right, though. Just a few days ago, I most likely hated his guts. And now…I can’t take my thoughts away from him. He seriously put some sort of spell on me, making me want him this bad.

  “What have you done to me, Sean?” I ask, teasing.

  He turns me around and takes my hands, slow dancing in the living room. He stretches his hand and clicks on one of the radio buttons on the top shelf of a display case. Mellow music starts playing. Our bodies gently sway around.

  Finally, he responds. “I don’t know what I did. All I know is…I fell for you.”

  “Did you really?” I ask.

  “Do you doubt it?” He turns me around as he asks. He looks disappointed.

  I cup his face and laugh. He looks absolutely adorable with that pouty face. “Of course I don’t doubt you. But please, humor me. Tell me you love me again.”

  “I love you…” He repeats, smiling now.

  I pull his neck closer, standing on my toes to reach him, inching bit by bit. “Again.”

  He smirks, leaning in. “I love you…”


  “Until my death, I love you…” He whispers on my lips as he kisses me sweetly

  My hands tremble as he whispers those words to me. I tear up. I’ve never felt this before. The need to be with someone this badly makes me long for him.

  “You love me even if I’m not as well off as you?” I ask curiously.

  The question takes him back a bit, and he frowns at me. “Does your lack of riches affect who you are and how you treat me? If, for example, you magically got rich — filthy rich — would you change the way to interact with me? Is that why you’re dating me?”

  I can feel his agitation suddenly soar. Somehow, I need to reassure him.

  “Of course not, Sean. I’m not after your money.” I scoff, “Frankly, I don’t care if you’re dirt poor, let alone filthy rich. I just want to love and be loved, that’s all. All these material wealth…They distract from the things that truly matter. Experiences, adventures, a sense of community…Those are the things that matter.” I explain to him.

  I continue as I stroke his cheek gently. “I’ve gone through life without those things. I’m used to it. And, I really enjoy my life. I enjoy being here, being able to ski and see the landscape. I love working with the people. And, to top it off, I now have you to keep me company. That’s really more than enough for me, Sean.”

  I feel him relax as I finish my honest to best explanation. Sean hugs me tightly, albeit quite a bit embarrassed.

  “I’m so sorry, Maya. I didn’t want to make it seem like I didn’t trust you. I just…I just have issues, I guess.” He apologizes.

  I readily accept his apology. “It’s alright. Everyone has their own issues. But, no matter what those are, I’ll be willing to help you through it. I promise.”

  The heat begins to set in as I stare him in the eyes. I feel like I had just connected deeper with him. He starts kissing me deeply as I grab his shirt to pull him closer.

  “You’re an extraordinary woman…”I hear him whisper through his teeth.

  Sean scoops me up in his arms with one fluid motion and makes his way up the stairs, creaking our way towards the bedroom. The queen-sized bed is very inviting, with the soft sheets and everything.

  Sean whispers in my ear.

  “I’ll make you feel good tonight…”

  Chapter 18
/>   Mariah

  My panties are completely drenched. I feel a familiar chill run down my spine as he declares his intentions for me that night.

  Who wouldn’t feel a sudden kick of excitement when someone says to you that they want to make you feel good? I doubt any sane woman would pass that.

  The helm of my dress inches up to my inner thighs as the fabric naturally slips down. Thank you so very much gravity. I can feel the heat of his hands under my knees as we finally made it to the bed.

  It’s spacious and comfortable, with all the pillows and the custom-made sheets to guard against the winter chill. With these sheets, you can sleep completely naked without ever having to worry about getting cold. Of course, a heater or a fireplace helps, which we both have.

  His lips pepper my neck and shoulders with kisses as he lays me down on the immaculate bed. The more he touches, the more it becomes clear to me that I earned this. I was able to attract the most handsome man in the world.

  I pull him above me, spreading my legs wide enough for him to settle in between. I keep the momentum, grabbing his necktie and kissing fiercely. I want him to keep going. I want him all the way.

  Our tongues swish against each other, fighting for dominance. I snake my hand towards his head, pulling tight on his dirty blond hair. His mouth opens as he gasps with the sudden pressure on his head, and I take the opportunity to slip my tongue deeper into his mouth.

  I start to sit up following my conquest. With my hands on his shoulders, I push him down on the bed, straddling his hips and holding up his hands over his head. I’ve effectively turned the tables around.

  I can feel him smirking before returning my kisses. I bet he’s enjoying this. The bulge between his legs is all the confirmation I need.

  “Do you like it when you dominate me, little Miss Mariah?” He teases.

  I smirk and bite his bottom lip, feeling extremely confident. “Of course I like it. I love the fact I can make you squirm in pleasure like this. Do you like it?”

  “Surprisingly, yes I do. It’s very sexy,” he admits.

  There goes my ego, taking off and bursting through the roof and into the stratosphere above. I feel so accomplished having Sean admit to that. I growl as I kiss him hard once again.


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