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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

Page 20

by Jennise K

“Thank you, Aby. Take care of her. If something comes up, let me know, please,” I told her, leaning down to press a light kiss on Lolette’s forehead.

  I didn’t exactly feel like letting Letty go, but I knew that if she were in the same room as Romanov and me tonight, she was sure to wake up. I had a lot of arguing to do.

  “I will.” Abigail smiled and winked my way. She then turned around and walked back to the guest room.

  I stayed by the door for a minute before slowly closing it shut and locking it out of habit.

  I turned around to go back to my bed, but I almost froze in my steps when I realised Romanov was now standing just a few feet away from me, the outline of his lean body lit by the decorative lights.

  He took a step forward. Then another. And another. Another.

  Soon enough, we stood a step away from each other, and my breath hitched when his eyes stared into mine. His hands found the waistband of knickers, pulling me towards him.

  “Why did it have to be you?” he asked.

  I froze against his whisper, my frowning face turned up towards his.

  “Why couldn’t it have been someone I could actually re…”

  He frowned, stopping mid-sentence as his right hand found my cheek. He sighed.

  He could actually what? Reject?

  “You want to reject me? Now?” I tried to take a step back, my eyes suddenly wide with fury.

  “Olivia,” Romanov whispered, a sigh leaving his lips as he tried and failed to say something else.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. Dominic’s tale came back into my mind, and I flinched. It was true then—soulmates barely meant anything nowadays. Fighting for it? Clearly a waste.

  “Do it. Reject me. Just go ahead,” I spoke out loud, my firm voice ringing around the dark room. Somewhere in the house, I heard as something tumble to the floor. I sighed. Abigail.

  “I’m not rejecting you, Olivia,” Romanov suddenly snarled, his tone just as loud but deadlier than mine.

  I turned away. I was so tired of his games already.

  “Do it. You might as well just do it. I mean, you’d rather keep ignoring this—” I motioned between us “—than fight a dead crazy woman. Besides, you did want to—ahh!”

  A loud yelp left my lips as he suddenly bent down and scooped me up into his arms. Storming his way to the bed, he dropped me down on it. I shut my eyes close as I bounced on the bed. Immediately, his warm large form pressed against me.

  “Does this tell you I want to reject you?” he whispered.

  Looking up into his eyes in the dim light, my breath hitched in my throat as his eyes glowed—golden and magnificent. I looked away. “No, but it does tell me that you want to scare me.”

  Instantly, a shudder ran down my spine as he grinned, flashing the intimidating set of his sharp canines.

  “Oh yeah?” He leaned forward and brushed his lips against my cheek. “How about this? Does this tell you I want to reject you?”

  “No, that just tells me you like touching me.”

  Undeterred by my cold replies, his grin widened, much to my disappointment. Then he hid his face against my neck, slowly nipping at the sensitive spot just under my earlobe. “I touch you, Olivia, because you’re mine. Trust me when I say I wouldn’t have marked you if I’m just going to reject you.”

  “I would have died if you didn’t mark me, Rome. You only did it to save my life.”

  Above me Romanov froze. Turning his golden eyes to my brown ones, he frowned.

  “What?” I asked, frowning at the sudden change of his expression.

  “You called me Rome.”

  My eyes widened, and I sighed. “Well, I guess I did.”

  Romanov suddenly let out a small smile, and I felt my heart skip a beat. “I like it.”

  I frowned, immediately realizing that he had actually changed the topic quite expertly.

  “Oh, and Olivia?” My eyes snapped to his, his serious expression catching me off guard. “I’d mark you right now if you’d let me. The proper way.”

  My breath hitched in my throat, and I almost choked on my saliva. I knew exactly what he meant by “the proper way.” I had read a chapter about markings in royals vs. weres only just a week ago. I felt my face heat at his implication, and I quickly looked away, making Romanov chuckle, amused at my reaction.

  “Sometimes, you make me want to hate you so much,” I admitted, huffing out the words as I turned away from him, tired of us just dancing around in circles.

  Romanov moved off me and placed himself on the other side of the bed, quickly wrapping his arm around me and pulling me against him. I felt his chest move against my cheeks as he let out a sigh. “And do you now?”

  This time, I sighed.

  “No, and that’s what I hate the most—that I can’t hate you at all.”


  The absence of Romanov’s heavy and warm arms around me was the first thing that registered into my mind when morning broke.

  I was a little disappointed, but I hadn’t really expected him to stay. Leaving before I actually woke up was so like Romanov.

  I then went about my morning routine of getting out of bed, tidying it up, taking a shower, and freshening up. My mind, however, kept replaying to last night, almost to a point where I was overanalysing things.

  Sighing, I went down to the kitchen, quickly settling onto a high chair by the kitchen island as I watched a smiling Isabelle slide a tray of cookie dough into the oven.

  “Morning!” Isabelle chirped, her brown wavy hair pulled up into a messy French twist. The bright yellow sundress she had decided to wear today blended perfectly with Prue’s kitchen theme.

  “Morning. Up so early?” I asked, regretting it instantly because I already knew the answer.

  Isabelle looked up from the chicken breasts she was now preparing to grill and smiled. “It’s become a habit, you know that? Waking up and making breakfast for Juliana and Mumma has sort of transitioned from being a chore to becoming a habit. And it doesn’t hurt that I love baking and cooking, too. It’s not so bad anymore.”

  Hearing the two names Isabelle and I had spent years muttering bitterly over, I immediately had a sour look on my face, and I placed my hand over Issy’s. “Why don’t you move out, Issy? You’re twenty for god’s sake! It’s about time.”

  Isabelle sighed as she slipped her hand from under mine. “I’m going to do just that, but, first, I need to find an apartment to rent in.”

  I rolled my eyes and leaned forward, grabbing an apple from the island. “You can always rent like the one I’m renting right now. Think about it!”

  The look of surprise on Isabelle’s face made me smile. “Think about it!” Taking a bite of the apple, I turned around back towards the kitchen entryway. “I’ll just go and check up on Letty, okay? Thanks for making breakfast, Issy.”

  My smile turned into a grin when, upon reaching the stairs, a yell came from the kitchen. “No problem, the scones will be out in a bit!”

  Scones had always been Isabelle’s favourite.

  Reaching the top of the stairs, I turned just in time to see Abigail with a sheepish smile plastered on her face, walking out of her room, a quiet Letty in her arms.

  “Good morning.” She winked at me, grinning as she reached me and let Letty into my arms.

  I cocked an eyebrow up as I watched my best friend walk beside me, looking like a Cheshire cat with her all-knowing smile.

  The doorbell dinged downstairs, and Abigail grinned at me. Seeing an exit, she quickened her pace and speeded downstairs, yelling “I’ll get it!” before she fled.

  “Good morning, Wendy,” I greeted and smiled at the nineteen-year-old first year journalism student in our university who also happened to be our neighbour right across the street. “Are you sure you’re up to babysitting Letty today? Nowhere to be? No classes?”

  The tall girl with strawberry blonde hair in front of me smiled as she shook her head. At once, she walked towards me and took Letty from my arms. �
�Nope, I am completely free today.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Well, okay. You’re welcome to have breakfast with us, by the way.”

  “Oh, I’m fine. I already had one at ours. Thank you,” Wendy replied.

  “Oh, okay. So, we’ll be gone for the day. Aby and I have a shift at the boutique, and then we’ll take my other best friend, Isabelle, around the city.” At her questioning gaze, I answered, “She’s from back home. You can order pizza if you want, since we might not be back until six. Call me if something’s wrong, okay?”

  Wendy nodded politely before she began taking Letty upstairs, I watched the two as Wendy continued to walk up the stairs, my gaze never leaving the two of them.

  “I don’t trust nannies one bit, especially the young ones,” Abigail whispered and scoffed when Wendy was beyond earshot.

  “You watch crime shows a little too much, Abs.” I sighed as we walked into the kitchen, moaning as the aroma of grilled chicken, biscuits, salad, and baked scones and cookies wafted through noses.

  “If I were a guy, I’d marry you.” Abigail sighed dreamily as she took a seat beside me, and Issy giggled in response.

  Soon enough, all conversations ceased momentarily as all three of us tucked in. It was the homiest breakfast I had in a while. Mum had taught Isabella how to cook and bake, after all.


  “Berlin is so historically rich and beautiful!” Isabelle sighed for the hundredth time as we put all the shopping bags into the boot of my car and got in.

  “You’ve said that countless times already, Issy,” Abigail groaned as she got into the back of the car. Isabelle decided to take the front passenger’s seat.

  “Hey, Liv, how’s your journal coming along?” Abigail suddenly asked, and I heard myself groan, suddenly realizing that the laptop that held the journal was nowhere with me.

  “Damn it. It’s in the castle,” I grumbled and immediately both my best friends straightened in their seats, looking at me eagerly. I began shaking my head adamantly, my eyes on the time displayed in the car. There was no way I was going to that castle at this hour. It was almost six thirty; we were late, and Wendy had to go home.

  “Sorry, guys. We’re already late. Driving there would take almost thirty minutes. And back, an hour. We have to get home now.”

  “How about you tell one of the boys to bring it over?” Isabelle suddenly suggested, and I immediately knew who she secretly wanted to come over.

  My eyes found hers in the review mirror, and she quickly looked away.

  “Okay,” I agreed slowly. Isabelle was feeling the mate bond, and I was sure that if I tried, I could help Dominic and Isabelle a little bit. I then grabbed my phone and dialled his number.

  He picked up on the second ring. His voice on the other line was deep and gruff, slightly guarded, and as if he was almost tired.


  “Hey,” I greeted him softly.

  “Is everything all right?” Dom asked, sounding slightly concerned. His deep voice rang around the car, and all three of us listened intently.

  I sighed, sensing Isabelle listening with fervour beside me.

  “Erm…actually, Dom I need a huge favour,” I mumbled slowly, waiting for him to respond.

  There was a soft rustling sound from the other side of the line, and I blinked, waiting for Dom to reply. The jiggle of what seemed like keys came through the line before Dom spoke again.

  “I’ve got my car keys in my hand. What’s up?”

  I almost reached through the line and hugged the sweet man. “Could you get me my laptop please? It has my project journal, and I can’t come over because the nanny is waiting for us to come back but we’re late.”

  “Sure, no worries, Olli. I’ll see you in about thirty-five,” he replied, his voice now a little lighter.

  “Thanks! You’re amazing you know that?”

  A deep chuckle rang around the car, and Abigail swooned in the back seat. I rolled my eyes at her mischievousness.

  “I know I’m amazing, amongst other things.”

  My eyes widened when Isabelle scoffed and muttered in a low voice, “Narcissist.”

  “What was that?” Dom asked, his voice serious again.

  “Nothing! I’ll see you in thirty-four then! Thanks again, Dom!” I quickly chirped up, sounding as excited as I could while throwing Isabelle a glare.

  Disconnecting the call, I turned to Isabelle with a serious look on my face.

  “What was that about?” I demanded.

  Isabelle just shrugged, looking away. “I just think he is not as nice with everyone else as he is with you.”

  “Girl, you jealous?” Abigail butted in, and I looked at Isabelle, trying to see if it was really that.

  Isabelle shook her head as she sighed and finally slumped in her seat. “No. It’s just that I don’t know what it is, but that day when you guys came to pick me up, I felt drawn to him. I feel drawn to him. And he didn’t even acknowledge my existence. It’s just an unrequited crush, I guess.”

  “Or they’re mates.” Jiminy scoffed, and I almost nodded.

  “Let’s just get home, okay?” I said softly as I started the ignition and began driving out of the parking lot.


  “Thanks for doing this, Dom,” I said, putting the laptop bag onto the table and smiling at the man standing in front of me.

  Isabelle sat on the sofa just a few steps to the left with Letty in her arms, pretending to watch the TV.

  Abigail was sitting just in front of her, looking from Isabelle to Dominic and rolling her eyes.

  “It’s all right,” Dominic replied and turned towards Isabelle. I watched as she stilled in her seat. Turning towards me with sad eyes, Dom pushed out a small smile. “I guess I should be going now.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car,” I offered, walking behind him as he started to walk out into the night air.

  The door closed behind us, and I reached out to grab Dom’s hand, stopping him in his steps.

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked him. His hand hardened under mine, and I knew he knew what I was talking about.

  “She looks like Emily,” he finally admitted.

  “So? You do know that you’re soulmates, don’t you?”

  Sighing, Dominic turned towards me, and my breath hitched in my throat when his dark, golden eyes shone back at me.

  “Do you really think I don’t know that? I know that! She feels like my soulmate—but Olivia! —I had a soulmate! And she looks exactly like her! She looks like Emily. She sounds like Emily. Even her hair is like Emily’s! Every single time I look at her, I see Emily. It’s like she’s her doppelgänger! Olli, if I do accept her, all she’ll ever be is a reflection. Emily’s shadow.”


  The loud crash of glass smashing on the ground caught both Dominic and me off guard. Both our head snapped towards the source of the noise, and I gasped as I watched a wide-eyed, tearing Isabelle standing outside.

  “Issy—” I called out to her desperately, walking towards her, but then she turned around and ran right back into the house.

  I immediately turned back to Dominic, who still stood there, his blank eyes on the door. I gasped when I realized what he had just done.

  “You knew, didn’t you? You knew she was listening!”

  At least he was ashamed of himself not to look me in the eye then.

  “How could you, Dom? How could you just do this to her?” I screamed as I marched towards him, pounding my fists into his chest.

  His hand grabbed both my hands, and he pulled me against him, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

  “I had to,” he whispered slowly, and I immediately paused. The sadness in his voice seemed almost paralyzing. “I can’t let her live the rest of her life thinking she’s just a second pick, that she looks like a girl who I wanted. How do you think is that fair on anyone? How do you think anything can survive on that? I’ve given her a chance to live her life, Olli. It’s for the best. You
’ll see.”

  He let go of me then and bid me farewell.

  I watched as the red Lamborghini reversed out of the driveway and instantly drove away into the night. My thoughts went back to what had just happened, shaking my head.

  “I had to…”

  “Or maybe you’re just afraid, Dom. Or maybe you’re just afraid.”

  Chapter 17

  It was one of those days. The skies were bleak and dark, and with the slow, lingering breeze, a brown, almost golden, leaf would fall into the open arms of earth.

  It was one of those days when it seemed the weather matched my emotions.

  I looked up at the grey sky and let out a slow sigh as I felt the spray of rain on me, which gradually began to pour furiously. With the wind also gathering its strength, the brown leaves of the trees still twirled down, spiralling to the damp grass.

  Letting out another slow sigh, I slowly got off Prue’s back porch’s floor and turned towards the door, inhaling the smell of rain for a final time before hesitantly heading into the house.

  Last night had not been the best of nights. Dominic had not been the nicest, and I could still not come to terms with Isabelle looking exactly like Emily. It was strange, but I could understand both of them. Dominic was clearly confused, and Isabelle was hurt. So much.

  Her room had stayed locked all night. All attempts of asking her to come out or to letting Abigail or me in—were ignored. I understand her though. It wasn’t easy finding out you had a soulmate who would always view you as a reflection of someone else, someone else who clearly meant something to him.

  Looking at the wooden door in front of me, I hesitated for a second before bringing my hand up. I held the door knob and turned it—halfway hoping it would be unlocked, halfway dreading it wouldn’t.

  The clicking sound of the lock giving away drifted to my ears and a breath of relief slipped out from my mouth. I pushed the door open and stepped in, taking the whole room in.

  Everything seemed quiet—too quiet. The rapid beating of my heart suddenly began to plague my mind with negative thoughts.

  What if she’s done something?

  Cringing from the thought, I quickly shut my Jiminy away and took a long stride into the room.


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