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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

Page 26

by Jennise K

  She stopped, her hesitation clear in her eyes as she stared at my face. I immediately knew what was coming next.

  “How is he?”

  “He’s…fine,” I replied slowly, unsure what kind of effect this might have on her. Issy turned away and looked out of the window at the concrete buildings.

  “He hasn’t…asked about me…has he?”

  Turning to look out the window myself, I watched the streets of London feeling the pain of homesickness.

  “How’s Julia reacting to you moving out?”

  I felt Issy turn towards me at my obvious change of topic, but I continued to look out. Slowly, she turned back to look outside. I heard her take in a shaken breath.

  “She’s fine. She seems more troubled about how she will utilise the extra empty space my bedroom provides now.”

  “Well, she must thank you. She finally gets an extra space to build a studio for her makeup tutorials now,” I said, rolling my eyes at the thought of the walls being painted pink.

  Isabelle let out a very unladylike grunt, and I couldn’t help the chortle that left from my lips.

  “We’re here, Miss,” Johnny, my father’s most trusted driver, announced as we finally drove through the open gates and into the grand driveway of the family estate.

  “Thank you, Johnny.” I smiled warmly at the man as he got out of the car, opening the doors for us. He also opened the boot and grabbed hold of my suitcase, following after Isabelle and me as we quickly rushed inside.

  In the large living room, I paused, my mouth hanging open as I watched the very woman I had come to visit humming to Spice Girls as she dusted the room’s decoration, bits and bobs of dust falling.

  “Finally arrived, Olivia?” Pompy’s cheerful chirp floated around as she continued to dust away, her back to me.

  “Bleeding ’ell!” Isabelle’s whispered cuss mirrored my silent one. Pompy was supposed to be sick! Pompy was supposed to be serious! I—what was going on here?

  “He hasn’t come along I see! Not good! Definitely not good! We’ll need him here.”

  “Ermm…Pompy…you’re freaking me out, yeah? Could you please…just be on with it—” Isabelle stopped instantly as Pompy turned towards us sharply, her amused expression catching us off guard. Isabelle gulped. “Ma’am,” she finished.

  I watched curiously as Pompy’s calm and amused face turned towards me, her eyes twinkling with mirth. “How is Jaydin faring?”

  “Why? What’s wrong with Jay?” Isabelle whispered beside me. I whispered a “Will tell you later” to her before turning back to Pompy. I wasn’t even surprised she knew. She always knew almost about everything.

  “Still unconscious.”

  Pompy nodded, eyeing the white bunny figurine before dusting it again. “As he should be. Your mate’s venom is quite lethal. It will take a while for it to neutralise and adapt to Jaydin’s human blood.”

  I shuffled on my feet, the left side rubbing against the side of the sofa. “No offence, Pompy, but why exactly have you called me here? And that too with a lie?”

  “You should sit, dear. You’ve only just travelled so far.” Pompy ushered Isabelle and me over to the sofa, pushing us down, before taking a lone sofa to herself.

  “Do you want tea, dear?”

  Looking towards an eager-looking Eugena, the head chef, who was waiting on the side, I nodded. “Yes please, Eugena.”

  “Pompy?” I looked at the woman sitting in front of me with a waiting expression, holding my breath as I waited for her response. With her sudden knowledge about the recent events hundreds of miles away, she was freaking me out.

  “You and your soulmate are not safe there for the next few nights. The tides are rolling in, and thoughts are often so volatile during tides. She is growing impatient. Anything could have happened.”

  “But Romanov is still there.” I gasped, my hands clutching onto the softness of the sofa.

  “Ah yes, and she is pleased. But we must get him here. She plans big for the king. Big plans.” Pompy smirked as she put a finger up and wagged it in a warning. I shuddered at the thought of Edika hurting Romanov.

  Pleased? I thought she wanted to chop off brides not the grooms?

  “I’m not sure I understand, Pompy.” I frowned as I looked at the elderly woman, her brown Romani eyes sparkling with knowledge.

  “King Romanov looks just like his great grandfather, Julius Naightuitem.”

  Chapter 21

  I had once seen a man get struck by a lightning bolt. It had been in the country, in my Aunt Melissa’s sixteenth-century home, and it had been one of those stormy days.

  I had been sitting on the back patio, and he had been in the fields in the middle of a storm, trying to herd a cow into the barn.

  At the age of nine, I could never really imagine how the man must have felt those few seconds before his death. But right now, sitting here, with Pompy’s words echoing in my mind, I think I could.

  Romanov looked exactly like his grandfather. He looked exactly like his grandfather, and Edika wanted him.

  “So, she wants him? All to herself?” I heard Issy said from beside me, but I just blinked, watching Pompy’s calm expression while trying to calm the storm that was suddenly raging in me.

  “I’m afraid I’m not sure about that, dear. Whether she wants her husband back, in the form of Romanov, or she wants to seek revenge from her husband through Romanov, that I do not know. But what I do know is that we need to get Romanov here as soon as it is possible.”

  “But he has an important friend coming over from America tonight. I don’t think he—”

  “Child, he will. We must only know to play our cards right. And then both Romanov and this friend will be here at your doorstep.”

  Pompy smiled mysteriously, and I frowned, wondering exactly how that could happen.

  “But how?”

  “Worry not for that at all, dear. I have it all figured out.”

  Pompy had always been one to seem mysterious, but today she seemed a little more out of it. I couldn’t help but frown at her smile, a smile she always wore when she had a secret she was saving for later.


  “Ah, Mr. Monatelly, there you are! We have been wondering when you would arrive.” Pompy jumped out of her seat as she greeted him, an suspiciously large smile smeared all over her face. My frown hardened at the old woman.

  What was she up to?

  “Oh, have you?” Edward smiled as his eyes moved over to Pompy, Isabelle, and then finally me. I gulped when I realised his eyes shone in delight when they reached mine.

  “Olivia! You’re home!” He reached forward and pulled me into a light hug, letting go before I could move away myself. Smiling, he settled back on a sofa beside mine. “What may I assist you ladies with then?”

  I opened my mouth to reply when Pompy cut me off.

  “Oh, dear little Isabelle is writing a play of sorts to show the complexities of relationships.”

  Oh, no. Is this her way of summoning Romanov?

  Beside me, Isabelle’s mouth fell open at the most convincing performance Pompy was playing. Her eyes, however, narrowed as she watched the woman lie about us. Pompy’s eyes caught mine, and she grinned.

  “Could you be a dear and help Isabelle with the lines? She’s having difficulty envisioning her characters you see! And I suggest you and Olivia have a go at it! After all, it’ll help the dear with her grades.”

  “Ahh…I see!” Edward Monatelly drawled out with wide, surprised eyes, and I almost let out a breath of relief when he looked like he was going to refuse. Then he stood up and extended his hand towards me.

  Immediately, I felt Pompy reach for her phone from the periphery of my vision.

  “Where are these lines of yours, Isabelle?” Edward smiled at Isabelle, and I watched as her eyes widened and she began to open her mouth, not knowing what to say. Ugh, I hope this ends now.


  “They are here! Poor girl g
ave me the manuscript and apparently forgot about it,” Pompy butted in and handed the script to Edward. This must how she envisioned her plan to transpire.

  “Ah! Quite normal!” Edward smiled awkwardly, and I pulled myself to my feet.

  I was sort of glad. At least I wasn’t the only one feeling awkward about all this.

  “How about we do a freestyle?” Isabelle quickly chirped up a second before she ripped the paper out of Edward’s hands. I cocked an eyebrow up when she gave the paper the worst sort of stink eye.

  This was horrible! she mouthed when she saw me watching her.

  “Okay, let’s begin!” Pompy shot up, and instantly, I felt Edward move into my personal space. His arms slipped around my waist, and I felt the worst sort of discomfort run through me. All I wanted was Romanov. And suddenly, I wanted to touch him right now.

  Edward’s touch felt so strange like a thousand lizards crawling under my skin. Instead of moving away though, I bit down on my lips and stayed on the spot, letting Edward play his part.

  Pompy was going to have some bad karma for this.

  “Why don’t you ever see it?” Edward’s warm breath hit my cheeks, and I closed my eyes, refusing to look him in the eye while in such close proximity.

  “See what?” I asked out loud, my hand moving to hold his that was placed over my waist. I itched to pull them away, but I couldn’t do that; that could hurt his feelings.

  “My love for you. I am utterly mesmerised by you, Olivia. Ever since I’ve known you, it’s always just been there. You enthral me with your beauty and grace, Livy, and you never even try.” He ran his fingers through his hair frustratingly, and I realised this wasn’t just some act; he was being serious. “Can you give us a chance?”

  My eyes widened, and I shook my head, looking down at my shoes. I couldn’t. Roman.

  “No, Edward. It’s too late now.”

  Instantly, Edward came closer than ever, his hands gripped mine in a strong hold, and I let out an audible gasp. His hands. They were just as warm as I knew Romanov’s hands were. And Dominic’s. Even Abigail’s.

  “Don’t you see? He doesn’t have to matter if you just don’t let him. Please, just one more date! At least just one. Let me prove that I’m better than him, that I can offer you so much more.”

  I thought I saw a gleam of black bloom around his blue eyes, and I tensed. Monatelly wasn’t human. I couldn’t process this. Suddenly everyone around me were—were—weren’t humans!

  “Please.” Edward’s grip on my hand tightened as he tried to beg once more, and my eyes snapped to his. Behind him, Pompy nodded aggressively, and my eyes widened realising what she was telling me to do. My eyes narrowed, and she quickly pointed to the Samsung Galaxy in her hand.

  Standing there, my heart drummed in my chest erratically, and I let out a deep breath to calm myself.

  My eyes found Edward’s, and I sighed again. “Okay, just one.”

  My insides were screaming against the injustice I was doing to this…this…man. But I couldn’t help but wonder. How could he even approach me when he had a soulmate out there?

  Then I thought about Isabelle, and my heart dropped a little. Having a soulmate didn’t guarantee a happily ever after all the time. It should. But it didn’t. Fate played a lot of games. It had with Issy. It could have with Edward too.

  “Thank you!” Edward smiled brightly as he brought my hand up and pressed a kiss on it. My skin itched against his touch, and I snatched my hand away, immediately sending him a smile when he frowned at my action.

  I cussed at my decision to let my hair down today.

  “Well…this went from zero to a hundred really quick,” Isabelle’s blurted out, breaking the silence, taking me back to the present again. My eyes went to find Pompy and saw her triumphant smile. At the same time, I felt a wave of anger, and I couldn’t stop myself from toppling over because of it. Anger. It was Romanov’s anger; I knew that. I also knew that I was weak towards it. He felt things too strongly for me to be able to control myself. Especially this one.

  This was getting out of hand. Immediately, Edward’s hands came around me, and I froze against him.

  “Are you all right, love?”

  “I’m sorry. Just feeling a bit weak.” Suddenly an idea struck me, and I leaped at it. “That was some good performance there. Did you ever consider acting?”

  The disappointment in Edward’s eyes were obvious, and I cringed when he bottled up the hurt and smiled at the very next second.

  I’m so sorry, Edward.

  “I am acting right now.” He smiled as he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and slowly pulled me with him as he stood up. Instantly, two very stunned women moved over and held me, taking me away from him. Edward was saddened by this as indicated by his heavy eyes, but he was quick to recover.

  “I just remembered the conference I had to be in. Apologies. I have to go.”

  That was a lie, but Pompy, Issy, and I watched in silence as the man strode towards and out of the front door.

  “You were a downright savage,” Isabelle said in a loud whisper as she sunk back into her seat. I didn’t even know when she had stood up.

  “No.” I shook my head. “Pompy is the savage. He must be feeling so awful right now.”

  “If it is a burn that teaches, it is a burn that will be endured well.” Pompy smiled her mysterious smile, and the wave of anger floated back in.

  “Your soulmate is angrier than I thought possible, very unlike normal royal alpha limitations. What is he?” Pompy’s eyes widened as she suddenly lost her grip on me, and I let myself slump onto the chair with the help of Isabelle.

  I smiled, closing my eyes to take in a deep breath. I opened my eyes, still smiling tiredly. “He is…more.”

  “Oh wow, that just answered everything.” Isabelle rolled her eyes as she slumped beside me, chuckling at her sarcasm.

  “Pompy, could I have Edward get me all the account files, the transactional receipts, and reports on the businesses. I reckon I need to start setting that as a priority too.”

  “Sometimes, I feel like you have the world on your shoulders, dear. You’re handling everything—your love life, your studies, Lizzy’s baby, the business.”

  “It’s a huge load, I admit, but I suppose it could be worse.” I smiled as I sank deeper into the sofa. “I’m just happy we’ve found the man meddling with the accounts. What was the name of the woman who tipped us off about him?”

  “I believe her name was Diandra. Poor woman really. She’s being investigated on too, I hear.”

  I nodded understandingly and breathed in a slow, steady breath. “It’s customary to do so, Pompy. She might set the man up for her selfish gain or she could be the thief, after all.”

  “But the man has accepted to his fault, dear,” Pompy added in as she smiled.

  “True. But what if she bribed the man into accepting her theft as his own?”

  Pompy lifted a finger and opened her mouth to counter but having found no other angle she could use as an argument, gave up.

  The smirk that settled on my lips was hard to remove because I knew I had won. After that, Pompy kept quiet.


  I stared at my iPhone for the thirtieth time, watching the screen—with zero intentions—for a timed minute before looking away. Still no notifications.

  It had been over six hours ever since Pompy’s little play. Romanov hadn’t even bothered to contact me. At first, I had thought he was on his way, but as time passed by, I realised he may actually be just busy with his American friend to even bother about me.

  The weakness was a comer and goner like the ebb and flow of the ocean tide. It was foolish to even try to discern a pattern; this weakness was an enigma.

  Just like Romanov. My eyes moved to the iPhone again just as I rounded around the edge and towards the stairs. Frowning at the absence of activity on my phone, I began walking down the stairs.


/>   Edward’s sudden calling caught me off guard, and a scream ripped out of my chest as I lost balance.

  As expected of his nature, Edward’s reflexes were quick. His arms were out in a flash, holding me steady, breaking my fall. I groaned as I held onto him, as the pain in my ankle throbbed, letting me know exactly what had occurred. I had twisted my ankle.

  “Ow ow ow!” I gasped as Edward tried to carry me. Immediately, he stopped and carefully sat me on the staircase. Then he dropped to his knees and took off my white socks.

  “It’s all right, Olivia. It’s go—”


  It was a loud, desperate yell that instantly made my eyes snap towards the person who shouted.

  “Move!” the man commanded, his voice booming in the room. He ran towards me in the speed of light and grabbed me, moving aside. Just in time, Romanov flew in a blur of black into the room, pulling Edward down the steps and pinning him to the floor in a matter of seconds.

  “Rome!” I screamed as I stood there still in the man’s arms, the metal of his wedding band cool against my suddenly warm body. The growls emitting from both Romanov and Edward stopped immediately.

  “No!” I yelled again. The walls echoed back my voice in the ensuing silence.

  Romanov lifted his head up at my yell, and his golden eyes found mine immediately. My breath hitched in my throat when he suddenly began changing. His clothes were now shred and fell in tatters to the floor, while his eyes were locked on mine the whole time.

  My eyes widened when I noticed how his fur was almost the darkest shade of midnight blue and not exactly pitch-black.

  Everything took a more serious turn when, underneath him, Edward turned, too. While Rome’s was dark as the night, his was as light as the dawn.

  “Back off,” Edward’s beast form growled, and I watched—my eyes wide—as the two beasts confronted each other. Meanwhile, the stranger’s hands around me tightened its hold.

  What had I done? Why had I even listened to Pompy?

  “Touch my mate next time, and I’ll make sure you don’t exist to ever say back off again, pup.”

  It was a threat. That much was obvious. And Romanov looked like he was ready to kill Edward right now. I couldn’t help it. I butted in.


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