Book Read Free


Page 11

by Dana Archer

  A shuddering moan escapes my mouth. I move my hands to Rick’s head, slipping my fingers through the strands of his hair. My nails scrape his scalp as I tighten my grip on his hair. I kiss him harder, taking control from him. Tempting him. I want him to snap, giving me what I crave.

  Now. I need him now.

  I capture his tongue and suck, hard. His body jerks on a guttural groan.

  My back meets the wall. He breaks our kiss on a curse. His nostrils flare, and he watches me with softly glowing eyes. My breath catches at the hunger displayed in his gaze. The instincts I’d meant to unleash stare back at me. This man I’ve given my trust to is a barely leashed animal, ruled by emotions I have no name for. All I know is he’s beautiful like this. And he’s mine.

  With his gaze still locked on me, he reaches behind him and urges me to release him. I ease my locking grip, letting my feet drop. His hands on my hips center me. I spread my legs, steadying myself, then wait for Rick to act. It’s his move now. I’ve forfeited my turn.

  The corner of Rick’s mouth twitches. He wraps a hand around my throat. His hold doesn’t hurt, but my heart races as if my life is in danger. I keep my arms limp at my sides. Anticipation builds. His thumb strokes my skin, then he tips my head back.

  The first brush of his lips at the base of my throat sends a shiver through my body. The second caress along my collarbone tenses my muscles. I sense his intent. The third openmouthed kiss a hairbreadth away from the bite seared into my shoulder leaves me squirming.

  Rick slides his free hand down my side and across my stomach, leaving heat in his wake, as he touches the tip of his tongue to my skin. The stubble on his cheek brushes the raised entry points of the bite. The scar Todd left on me thumps.

  “Rick, please.” I don’t know what I’m asking for with my plea, for him to stop this or prove to us both he owns my body the same way my breeding partner does.

  With Rick’s breath teasing the bite, making me tremble as need spirals within me, Rick whispers, “I don’t need to force your passion. I already own it, but I promise you, soon you’ll beg me to wrap my lips around your shoulder and bite you, leaving my scent in your body as a permanent claim telling the world who you belong to.”

  Relief sweeps through me, easing me when I didn’t realize I was panicking. This thing between us is happening too fast, yet not fast enough. I’m torn between the wants of my body and the uncertainties of my heart.

  The physical stuff is easier to accept. I don’t have to think. I just need to listen to my body. Right now, it’s perfectly clear what it craves. The heaviness deep inside me leaves me aching, yearning for relief. My body feels strung tight, ready to break apart. I need to come, and I want Rick to send me over the edge.

  I stare into the softly glowing blue eyes I could get lost in. “You sound awfully sure of yourself.”

  “I am.” Rick answers me with a small chuckle.

  “Yeah?” I smile, enjoying this moment. Rick’s confidence is incredibly sexy. “Prove it.”

  Rick uncurls his fingers from around my neck, then kisses my throat before kneeling before me. On a slow heated perusal, he sweeps his gaze over my body. My robe hangs open, giving Rick an unobstructed view of my body. My chest rises with each breath I take.

  With his attention on my chest, he drags the tip of his tongue along his lower lip. I shift from one foot to the other as the tingles skipping along my skin spread to my spine, then lower, settling deep inside me. Rick’s gaze on me is as arousing as when his hands traced my curves.

  My robe slips down my shoulders with my restless movements.

  Rick glances at where the sleeves of my robe rest precariously at my elbows. He grips the edges and tugs. The material falls to the floor, leaving me naked and exposed while Rick remains clothed and his body still a mystery to me.

  “You are the most beautiful female the goddesses ever created.”

  The awe in Rick’s voice adds to this unexpected encounter. Right in this moment, I do feel beautiful, but most of all, I feel wanted for more than the strength of my genetics.

  “Turn around for me.”

  I freeze at Rick’s command. My blood turns cold. The instantaneous reaction is Todd’s fault. The scars he left on my backside might not be raised like his bite on my shoulder, but I hate seeing the scratches, knowing he deliberately disfigured my body for the sole purpose of leaving his scent on me, an act he claimed Wyatt demanded.

  “Mya?” Rick raises his gaze to me. “What did he do to you?”

  “Nothing you can’t fix.” I feel the truth of my words in my soul.

  After a moment, Rick nods, as if he understands my statement completely. I’m not even sure I do. While I trust Rick to fix me, I wouldn’t be able to tell him what was broken if he asked me.

  Many aspects of my life have been destroyed since Todd forced me to be his breeding partner, but I still get up every day. I laugh and smile. I sing in the shower and dance when no one is looking. More importantly, I’m still willing to open my heart to love. If I wasn’t ready to take a chance, Rick wouldn’t be here.

  “You’re right. I’ll fix you.” Rick skims his knuckles over my lower belly. “Just as you’ll fix me.”

  “Are you broken?”

  “Shattered.” Rick leans in and traces the edge of my ribcage with his tongue. His attention doesn’t come close to my chest, but I don’t direct him there or tell him how much I need him to love me. My complete focus is on his wandering fingers mapping a path up my leg.

  “If anything hurts, you tell me.” Rick looks up the length of my body. “Immediately. I would die before I hurt you or the precious babies you’re carrying.”

  He knows I’m pregnant. I should’ve told him. The regret rises, but it doesn’t take hold. Rick’s vow to me wipes it away. He’ll treasure me unconditionally.

  “Females are stronger than men give us credit for. I’ll be fine.” Being pregnant doesn’t automatically make me fragile. I worked until the day I went into labor with Peyton and Rey.

  “I’m holding you to that, Mya.”

  The solemnness in his voice speaks of a soul-deep pain I want to erase. I open my mouth to ask him why he hurts. His finger sliding over my inner thigh stops me. He bends his head and touches me, shocking me. I grasp fistfuls of Rick’s wavy hair and pull him closer. This is what I’ve craved for years, what I’ve refused to ask for.

  As if knowing exactly what I need, Rick fulfills my every fantasy. It’s better than I expected. This connection Rick and I share goes beyond social expectations. It’s instinctual. Primal. A force so powerful, it defies any law the Shifter Council can write or any bond Todd can force upon me. “Rick, please. I need you inside—”

  Rick doesn’t give me the chance to beg him. He focuses on me, loving my body as if pleasuring me is his greatest pastime.

  My legs crumple under me. Rick gathers me to him, holding me close so we’re both kneeling on the floor. He kisses my mouth, slipping his tongue between my lips. I like knowing Rick pleasured me first, giving me an experience I’ll always remember. I want to reward him, worshipping him as completely as he did me.

  “Rick, I want—”

  The sultry sound of a saxophone surrounds us. Rick curses. He eases back and pulls his cell phone from his pocket. The image of the blonde woman from the bar shows on the screen. Jealousy sparks within me. Who is this woman? And why is she calling Rick? I clamp my jaw, biting back the demand Rick tell her to stay away from him. I don’t doubt Rick’s promise to never put another female before me, but the knowledge doesn’t ease my anger.

  Rick glances from the phone to me. He grins. “Ella’s my boss. Nothing more.”

  “Oh.” I glance away. I don’t know what to say to make up for my reaction.

  Rick kisses my neck. “I like knowing you’d fight for me. It’s a good ego boost.”

  I close my eyes, letting Rick’s lips on me soothe me. It helps knowing Rick won’t hold my jealousy against me or exploit it. He probably under
stands my reaction is instinctual.

  The music keeps playing. I motion to the phone. “Aren’t you going to answer?”

  “No.” Rick taps the screen, sending the call to voice mail. “If it’s important, she’ll leave a message. I’m off duty until Monday morning.”

  “And you’re spending the weekend with me?” Do I sound hopeful? Desperate, maybe? I’m not sure, but the need to stay close to Rick is powerful.

  “Yes, every second of it.”

  Biting my lower lip, I fight the smile threatening to break free. “What will we be doing?”

  Rick stands and holds out a hand to me. “A little of everything, but first, there’s someone who wants to meet you.”

  I take Rick’s hand, letting him pull my naked body against his. “Who’s that?”

  “My wolf.”

  I glance at the blinds that are still open. “Let me close the shades first.”

  Rick shakes his head. “Not here. We’re going for a run.”

  Excitement bubbles up within me. I’d been hoping to get out and embrace my shifter instincts for a while. With Rick by my side, I won’t need to worry about who I might run into. The woods behind my apartment building is neutral ground. It’s where people go when they need to hide.

  “A run? As in shifting and running through the woods as wolves?” As soon as the question is out of my mouth, embarrassment tightens my throat. I sound like an idiot. Of course he means running in our wolf forms.

  “Unless you’d like to go out barefoot and run hand in hand. I’m good with either.” Rick smirks. “My wolf, not so much. He wants to rub against you and leave his scent on your skin.”

  My cheeks hurt from smiling so widely. Rick doesn’t snap at me and tell me I’m acting like I’m twelve. His grin widens until his eyes brighten. I stand on my tiptoes and loop my arms around his neck. “Both, please. I know a perfect spot where we can shift, and we can talk on the way.”

  Rick settles his hands on my waist as if holding my naked body while he’s still clothed is the most natural thing in the world to do. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “Todd.” I ease out of Rick’s embrace. “I know it’s not a topic you want to discuss, but the sooner you know everything, the better.”

  I won’t keep secrets from my true mate. Our love isn’t guaranteed. We need to nourish it until it’s the force that binds our souls for eternity. I want that more than anything. Never again do I want to mistake loneliness for affection. Once my soul experiences respect, I’ll instinctively know not to settle for less.



  If I didn’t hate Todd so much, I’d kiss him. By not licking the bite on her shoulder, Todd left the pathway to Mya’s soul open. When I re-bite her, I’ll be able to walk through her soul exactly as Todd did when he turned Mya into his breeding partner.

  Excitement rushes through me, leaving my heart pounding hard in my chest at the possibilities open to us. A shifter can only give away a piece of their soul once in a lifetime. I gave a piece of mine to Anna. Todd gave his to Mya. Mya, however, didn’t forfeit her choice. She can still offer up a piece of her soul.

  To me.

  I can form a bond with Mya. Okay, technically, she can form one with me. I’m not sure how that’ll work, biologically speaking. Would I be able to impregnate her? It’d be a definite bonus, but not necessary. I simply want to wake up to Mya’s green eyes for the remainder of my days.

  Legally, I’m not sure if a bond she initiated would be recognized. Shifter females have few rights. Why would the Shifter Council care if she gave me a piece of her soul? Love means little to them. The emotion isn’t necessary for breeding, and ensuring our kind survives and thrives is all that matters to the elders who lead our species.

  Mya squats and grabs her robe, carefully avoiding showing me her back, then slips her arms into the sleeves and ties the sash before turning away. It doesn’t take a genius to guess why she’s acting strangely. Todd inflicted some kind of wound on her back or maybe her rear and licked it, leaving his scent on her. I didn’t feel any raised scars when I swept my hands over her, but a shallow wound would account for the minimal scent surrounding Mya. I could’ve easily missed a deep scratch.

  Obviously, Mya’s not ready for me to see it. For her, I’ll wait.

  “Give me a minute to get dressed,” Mya calls out over her shoulder.

  She slips into her bedroom, firmly closing the door behind her. I stare at the closed door a moment, fighting the urge to follow her inside. This is the most important first date of my life. I refuse to ruin it with my lust.

  A deep inhale fills my lungs with Mya’s scent, calming me. So simple, so immediate. The stories I’ve been told of true mates don’t come close to the reality. I also know love isn’t always as easy to secure as peace. My time with Anna taught me how to respect a woman, however. I’ll use those lessons on Mya. The love will follow. Of that, I have no doubt.

  The pictures displayed on the bookshelf near the window catch my eye. Two miniature versions of Mya stare back at me.

  “Mya’s daughters.” Yeah, there might be a little bit of excitement in my voice. I don’t care. There’s nobody here to hear me. These two little girls could be mine, if I manage to get their mama to fall in love with me.

  I’ve always had the urge to nurture others. It’s why I ended up in a rock band with Nic Kagan. He needed the escape music offered. I needed to act as the elder, or pseudo alpha which is probably a better description. It’s the curse of a dominant. We want to protect, guide, and cherish. It doesn’t matter if we embrace that drive with a pack, family, group of friends, or something unorthodox. When we don’t, we become unsettled and…

  “Depressed.” I snort at my own realization. After dismantling the band, I’ve had no one to look out for. No wonder I’ve been thinking about the past and the what-ifs of my choices.

  “I’m ready.”

  Mya’s voice draws my gaze to where she’s standing near the frayed, worn couch in the middle of the room. A black turtleneck sweater hides her mate mark and slim jeans hug her long legs. With her wavy hair framing her face and a slight flush to her cheeks, she’s beautiful. No doubt about it, but her appearance isn’t why my shaft’s stirring.

  I go to her and finger the edge of the blankets she’s carrying. “Will we be spending the night in the woods?”

  With a small smile on her face, she looks at the thick, soft blankets. “The place I want to take you is beautiful. I thought we could rest there for a bit and enjoy the scenery.”

  And love each other. She doesn’t voice her intent, but it’s clear in her eyes and in the scent of her need surrounding her. The orgasm I gave her wasn’t enough.

  I tug my hat from my back pocket and yank the beanie over my head. Humans see the hat, and suddenly the fact that I’m wearing a T-shirt in winter is okay. “Let’s go.”

  The moment we reach the first floor of her building, Mya snatches my hand, nearly dropping the blankets, and drags me into the hallway leading to the laundry room. Human voices reach me. Mya presses a finger to my lips. After a moment, the voices are muffled by a slamming door. She peeks down the hall in the direction the humans went, then we rush into the parking lot.

  Once we round the building and head into the woods, she says, “I’m sorry. My neighbor’s working for Todd’s uncle now. I can’t trust that she won’t unintentionally mention seeing me with you.”

  “I thought Todd didn’t care who you slept with.”

  The flush in Mya’s cheeks darkens. Using one hand, she tugs off a sneaker, then the other, tucking them under a bush near the tree line. “Todd doesn’t, but Wyatt does. He hates that I live out here alone too. My place is in Todd’s house, meeting his every need.”

  I place my boots next to hers, then face her. “Then it’s a good thing Wyatt doesn’t control you.”

  Mya glances at me. A solemn look settles over her features. “He does control Todd, though.”

do you mean?”

  Barefoot, she moves deeper into the woods, choosing a path blanketed by fallen leaves. “Todd made me his breeding partner because Wyatt told him to find a strong female after Wyatt’s mate committed suicide. He wants to rebuild his family name. Wyatt thinks their bloodline is powerful enough to rival their alpha’s and shouldn’t die off because he chose a weak woman.”

  I follow behind her, taking a moment to enjoy the rush of energy seeping into the balls of my feet. The simple connection to the earth invigorates me just as it does for all shifters. Right now, I need the distraction my primal side offers. Without it, loathing would fester within me. Mya’s words combined with the hatred displayed in Todd’s eyes as he’d talked about Mya paints a scenario I both understand and abhor.

  Mya hops from rock to rock, crossing the small stream in her path. From the other side, she faces me. “Todd took advantage of my ignorance. He knew I didn’t understand what was happening to me. I was on the verge of maturing and suffering with an onslaught of hormones and primal needs I couldn’t explain.”

  Hands fisted, Mya vibrates with her leashed aggression. She takes a step toward the water. “My human parents didn’t know about shifter reproduction or the male-dominated culture that rules our species. They didn’t know why I was edgy or acting like I was ready to come out of my skin. They were sweet humans who took in the baby my alpha entrusted them with before my pack was wiped out. They knew I’d eventually shift into a red wolf, but they didn’t know when or how it’d happen. So when I met Todd, I was desperate, confused, scared, and…and horny.”

  Mya looks down. Her hair falls forward, partially hiding her expression. “A couple of days before I matured, I was having a really rough time. I was incredibly sensitive and running a fever, but I was also a part-time college student. We had a big test coming up, and I couldn’t miss another lecture. My grades were already suffering that semester because I was so distracted. I was afraid I was going to lose my scholarship. I was right too. I did. I had to drop out and give up my dream of being a PA.”


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