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When Love Sneaks In (The Montgomery Family & Friends Book 2)

Page 8

by Vikki Vaught

  After they finished their meal, they made their way to the stables. Ginny was in the last stall on the right. Helen pulled an apple from her pocket and fed it to her. “Hey, girl. I’ve brought you your special treat.” She rubbed her mare’s silky nose.

  His horse was in the stall across from Ginny’s, and as he opened it, Apollo pawed the ground. “He knows it’s time for our morning ride, and he’s anxious. He’s a great brute, but he listens to everything I say.” He patted his horse’s side. “I’ve had him for six years, and there isn’t a better mount alive. My father gave him to me for my twenty-first birthday, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. How long have you had Ginny?”

  Helen ran her fingers through Ginny’s mane. “She was my eighteenth birthday present from my late brother. When I lost my father and Nelson only weeks apart, she helped me deal with the pain.”

  They led their mounts from the stable. “I’m glad you had her to help you with your grief.”

  After he helped her into her sidesaddle, they made their way down the path. When they reached the sand, Helen stopped and gazed upon the ocean. She gasped and turned to him with a beatific smile gracing her face, and all the air left his lungs.

  Once he could breathe again, he instructed her, “Take your time getting used to riding on the sand. Your horse’s hooves will sink into it, but when we reach the edge of the water, it’s firmer. I suggest we walk them first until you get used to how it feels.”

  The beach ran in both directions as far as the eye could see, and they turned east. At first, he set a slow pace, and when his wife was ready for more, he urged Apollo into a gallop. He glanced at her as the wind blew her hat loose, and it fell down her back. The shorter strands of her hair blew around her face, and her countenance glowed with excitement.

  She pulled back on the reins. “Oh, I’m in love. I never imagined it would be so invigorating.”

  Matthew grinned. “I told you it was an exhilarating experience, did I not? Here, let me help you down.”

  Once she’d dismounted, he watched her eyes widen as she became immersed in the wonder of the sea, breathing in the tang of the salt water and sand. The amazement on her beautiful face touched his soul, and he felt a deep kinship to this exuberant woman.

  “It’s amazing.” She reached down and filled her hand with sand, letting it trickle through her fingers. “Can we walk a bit? I’ve never experienced anything like this before. May I take off my boots and stockings? I want to feel this glorious sand between my toes.”

  Matthew knelt and took her half boots off, one at a time. While gazing up at her, he untied her garters and slowly rolled down her stockings. Her bare legs were as soft and smooth as the finest silk. Looking at her long, slender legs, let alone actually touching them, had his shaft hardening.

  Helen wiggled her pretty toes in the cool damp sand and giggled as he removed his boots and stockings as well and rolled up his trousers. She held the skirt of her habit up as they began their stroll along the shore.

  She looked adorable as she laughed with abandonment. “I want to swim. It looks private enough. If I leave my shift on, I should be fine. May I?”

  God, I love her free spirit. “A girl after my own heart.” She rushed to remove her riding habit, the excitement of a child gleaming in her bright eyes. Matthew stripped to his small clothes. He glanced over at Helen standing before him in her thin shift, a vision of beauty.

  Grabbing her hand, he pulled her into the water before she could see his arousal. As she splashed in the waves washing in and out, he reveled in the joy and wonder on her face as the ebb and flow of the sea splashed and covered her to her knees, then to her waist.

  Thunderstruck, he stood motionless…he was falling in love with his wife. He never dreamed he’d feel that emotion, but he recognized it in an instant: he could love this delightfully carefree woman. He could not tell her. She had insisted she did not want a love match. He would have an almost insurmountable wall to overcome to earn her heart.

  His loins tightened as he watched her in her wet shift. Her nipples were twin peaks, and he wanted to suckle them, to nip them with his teeth. His desire surged, and he pulled her close, then kissed her. Her response was all that he could hope for, and he devoured her lips. Unable to resist, he cupped her breast.

  Helen gasped as he squeezed her taut nipple. Lowering his head, he suckled her other breast through her wet shift. Matthew slipped his shaking hand under her chemise and slid his fingers through her curls. Her immediate response to his touch sent waves of sensations straight to his shaft.

  He probed her tight sheath, then slid a finger in and out. Her muscles tightened, while he flicked her secret spot with his thumb, and his cock jerked as he began to lose control. Back and forth, in and out, he moved his fingers. At last, he heard a blissful sound as she keened low in her throat and came apart in his arms for the first time.

  Her lovely face glowed from her release. Slowly, he removed his hand and held her in his arms as she returned to earth. This was the first time he’d pleasured a female without seeking his own. With Helen, it was different. He found he could feel pleasure from watching her lost in ecstasy.

  As he held her, he kissed the nape of her neck. “I didn’t mean to get carried away, but you’ve set a fire in my blood that’s very difficult to control. When I saw you in all your glory, I had to touch you. You seem to enjoy my touches, do you not?”

  Matthew watched the play of emotions flash across her face. “That was incredible. T-thank you.” Shivering, she gasped, “I’m c-cold. We’ll need to go to the house before we visit your t-tenants. I forgot what we had planned for the rest of the day.” She blushed a lovely shade of rose. “I can be impulsive at times.”

  “You’re not alone,” he murmured. “I should have remembered. I promise to keep my passions in check in the future. When you decide to fully be my wife, I want you to do it because you’re ready, not because I pushed you too soon.”

  He clasped her hand and led her to her clothes. After they were dressed, they returned to the house. As they entered, he told her, “Go change. I’ll meet you out front in twenty minutes, then we’ll visit my tenants.”

  * * * *

  Helen hurried to her room. Their interlude this morning was the most incredible experience of her life. While she’d gazed upon the sea, the magnificence had overwhelmed her senses. She’d relished the feel of sand between her toes. She would never want to live anywhere else.

  Of course, that was not the only thing she liked. When he’d touched her so intimately, sensation after sensation had swept her away on a cloud of pleasure. That must be what Melody meant when she said physical love was beautiful.

  While she still needed to know him better, she had enjoyed his touches. Grateful for his patience—which was most unusual, she was sure—she hoped she would be ready soon. She agreed with Matthew; she did want to desire him completely before they made love. Glancing at the Ormolu clock, more time had passed than she’d realized, and she rushed to meet her husband.

  Matthew had the gig harnessed for them, and after he helped take her seat, they were off. Since there were too many tenants to see a day, they visited the closest farms, and Helen enjoyed meeting everyone. They stopped for lunch at two. The basket of cheese, chicken, and dark bread emptied quickly.

  After they finished their repast, they laid upon the blanket and stared at the cloudless sky. Helen admired the beautiful summer day and enjoyed the peaceful surroundings. He reached over and clasped her hand. She rolled onto her side to see his face. Leaning forward, he kissed her gently and smiled. Her heart took flight as she enjoyed the closeness for a moment before she drifted off to sleep under the warm sun.

  When they awoke an hour later, they returned home to find a carriage under the portico. She watched a young girl step out and tuck a lock of her curly, dark blonde hair behind her ear, then look around. Her bright green eyes landed on Helen before she spied Matthew. Letting out an unladylike whoop, she threw herse
lf into his arms. Her husband’s laughter rang out as he swung her around, and she shrieked for joy.

  Obviously, his sister had arrived. She wondered how her arrival would affect their household. From what Matthew had shared, there would be quite a bit of upheaval. She hoped they could become friends. He counted on her to help the young girl. With an arm around his sister, he grinned at her. “Margaret, my wife, Helen.”

  Margaret dropped into an elegant curtsey. “Pleased to meet you. I wish I could have attended the wedding.”

  Except for her momentary lapse upon seeing her brother, the young lady showed pretty manners, so perhaps she had matured. “I wish you could have attended too. We had a small country affair. Since we’re now sisters-in-law, you may call me Helen.”

  Matthew gazed at Margaret with fondness glowing in his eyes. “Let us get you settled in. It’s almost time for tea.”

  Helen spent the next few days with his sister. Her husband had not exaggerated. Margaret could not stay in one spot for more than five minutes. She was like a whirlwind—she never stopped moving. Of course, the twins loved every minute of it. Obviously, she was spoiled and very used to getting her way. She had her brother wrapped around her little finger.

  Every day brought a crisis in her sister-in-law’s mind. If it rained, it drove her crazy, because she could not go outside. If it was a sunny day, it was too hot. She was cheerful and pleasant when she had her own way. If she did not, she became irritable.

  By the end of the week, Helen was exhausted from trying to keep up with her. Matthew was no help because he would go off to his study. The highlight of her day was her morning ride with her husband. Fortunately, Margaret was not an early riser, so that gave her a little peace each day.

  During their morning ride, the following day, Matthew told her, “I’m pleased to see you and Margaret are getting along. I realize she can be a bit much at times. Thank you for befriending her.”

  Helen shifted in her saddle and readjusted her leg around the pommel. “I’m trying to, but she’s somewhat of a trial. Never fear though, I shan’t give up.”

  “I appreciate the effort you’re making.” For several minutes, they rode along in companionable silence, then he asked, “What was it like growing up as a duke’s daughter?”

  “More a hindrance than a help,” she explained. “When I arrived in London for my first season, some of the other girls who made their come-out with me were not very nice at first. Once they realized I was nothing like my parents, I made friends with several.”

  “I never thought of that.” His green eyes filled with concern. “You must have had a lonely childhood. I know many of the ton allow servants to raise their children. I was fortunate. Both my parents took an active role in my formative years.”

  “It wasn’t that lonely,” she protested. “Nelson made sure we had plenty of affection and love. Kathryn and I are very close, even though we’re four years apart. Henry’s a good brother as well. Even though I followed him around everywhere, he never grew impatient with me, no matter how much I annoyed him.”

  “I’m glad you had your brothers and sister. Since there’s such an age difference between me and my brother and sister, we weren’t close. Until my father died, I never spent much time with them.”

  “That’s so sad. I can’t imagine not being close to mine.” Helen retied the ribbons on her shako hat. “What was it like for you growing up?”

  “I was an only child for the first nine years,” he told her. “I remember how delighted my mother was when she had Gregory. I was very jealous of the time she spent with him in the beginning. My brother was a handful even as an infant, and he kept my mother busy. I found out she still made time for me, so I moved beyond my jealousy eventually.”

  “I’m a bit envious,” she wistfully replied. “My mother has always been aloof. I imagine yours was overjoyed when she had Margaret.”

  A shadow of pain flashed in his eyes. “My mother died a few days after giving birth.”

  “I’m sorry,” Concern reflected in her voice. “I didn’t realize that was how you lost your mother. It must have been awful for you and your father.”

  “It was,” he replied. “My father had loved her deeply, so his grief overwhelmed him. Up to that point, he’d taken an active role in parenting me, and I thought the world of him. It was difficult to see him so overcome by my mother’s death. Shortly after she died, I went away to school.”

  Helen wanted to wrap her arms around her husband, but that would be too forward. “You must have hated leaving so soon after her death. Where did you go to school?”

  “Eton, and while I was a good student, I didn’t care for my studies. My only real friend was Bradley. We were both misfits, so we stuck together. I went through a wild stage and got into some trouble at Oxford, nothing awful though.” His face grew flushed. “I’m embarrassed to admit it. I was something of a rake.”

  She laughed. “Remember when we first met at Lady Molson’s ball? I saw you talking to Lady Helton before you came over, and I thought you were probably a rake because of the way you looked me over. Why did your father force marriage on you at such a young age?”

  “When I ran into trouble at school, Father decided marriage would settle me down. I hated him for it. I was far too immature, but he would not listen. I made a very bad husband.” Remorse colored his tone. “I wasn’t a faithful husband, and my wife knew of my indiscretion. When she died, I suffered a great deal of guilt for treating her in such a reprehensible manner.”

  Taken aback, she retorted, “Your youth was no excuse for the way you treated her. It wasn’t her fault your father forced you to marry her. Let me make this perfectly clear, I will not tolerate an unfaithful husband. Although many society couples have illicit affairs, I will stand by my vows, and I expect the same.”

  Matthew met her gaze. “I promise to be faithful. I was too young and stupid when I married Belinda to realize how much pain I caused her. I will always live with that regret. I respect you far too much to ever betray you.”

  He sounded sincere; only time would tell. She’d assumed he would stay true to his vows. That was naïve of her. “I’m relieved we have that cleared up. I understand it’s difficult for you to wait, but I’m glad you’re willing to give me time to adjust before we become intimate.”

  “While I want you badly, take as long as you need to feel comfortable.” He pulled his pocket watch out. “We need to return to the house. I’m meeting with Wilcox in thirty minutes.”


  When they returned to the house, everything was in an uproar. Gregory had arrived ahead of schedule, and he’d brought three friends along. The housekeeper had already prepared rooms for their guests. Matthew went to look for his brother and find out who he had brought with him.

  Helen went to visit Christina and Catherine. When she entered the nursery, the children were practicing their letters. Miss Wilson had accomplished a great deal in such a short time, and the girls appeared to enjoy their studies. They glanced her way, and obviously, they were not pleased to see her. She overlooked their mutinous glares. “What are you reading?”

  Christina jumped to her feet. “I don’t want you here. Go away.”

  “We don’t need a mother,” Catherine chimed in.

  Although she wanted to reprimand them for their rudeness, she refrained this time. “I understand that, but since I’m new here, I’m lonely. Would you please consider becoming my new friends?”

  The girls looked warily at her, then glanced at each other and nodded slowly. At least it was a start. She turned to Miss Wilson. “I would like to take the girls for a walk. Would it disturb their studies terribly?”

  “We’re almost finished,” the governess stated. “They will enjoy a walk since they’ve worked diligently this morning. I’m very pleased with their progress, so they deserve a treat.”

  Helen took the little girls to the garden, and while they were not overly friendly, they were not rude either. They spen
t a pleasant hour, and she hoped she had made a step in the right direction.

  She hurried to the drawing room so she could join the gentlemen already gathered waiting for their tea. They stood when she’d entered, and Matthew introduced her. “Helen, this is Gregory, and these gentlemen are his friends from school.”

  His brother looked very much like Matthew. His hair was a shade lighter, but he had the same piercing green eyes. While he was not as muscular or as tall as her husband, he was nonetheless a handsome young man. “It’s very nice to meet you. Your brother has told me quite a bit about you.”

  He swaggered forward. “Nothing good, I wager. These are my friends Harold Gooding, Melvin Austin, and Peter Boling. They’ll be staying for a few weeks. I hope that isn’t an inconvenience?”

  “Not at all.” She smiled at her brother-in-law’s friends. “You may stay as long as you like. Any friend of Gregory’s is always welcome.”

  He took a step back, clearly to get a better look. “You’re beautiful. What do you see in my stiff-necked brother?”

  She stared at him and could see why Matthew worried. “We met in London and decided we would suit. I hope we can spend time getting acquainted. After all, you’re my brother now.”

  Helen filled plates and tea cups and had the servants pass them to their guests. The young men devoured the sandwiches, and she had to order more from the kitchen. As she sat listening, Margaret attempted to flirt with the young men. She did not know how to go about it though. She looked ridiculous as she batted her lashes and giggled. The young men baited her. She watched Margaret’s face grow red, and she sensed the girl was going to throw a temper tantrum.

  Helen tried to divert it. “Where did you get your lovely gown? It’s very attractive on you, and the color goes well with your eyes. I’ve always wanted to wear that shade of green, but it doesn’t do anything for me.”


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