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Neighbor Nik (Bad Boys We Love Book 1)

Page 3

by Naomi Porter

“Why’s that?”

  “I promised I would leave her alone.”

  “Since when do you make promises, much less keep them?”

  I tensed my jaw. “Beats the hell out of me. I only ever make promises to Nana. She wants me to stay away from Rita. Says I’ll just hurt her.”

  “Fuuuck. That sucks, man. Nana Bea would hand you your ass if you broke your promise.”

  “Exactly.” I respected Derek a little more for understanding my predicament. He knew my struggles with trusting women too. I told him all about it one night over a bottle of tequila. As I said, he was a good guy and not usually such a pig.

  “What’re you gonna do?”

  “Suffer. Which means so will the rest of you, because I’ve got gallons of pent-up sexual frustration coursing through my dick and no chance of relief unless it’s my hand and thoughts of Rita.”

  “Rita… the name slides off the tongue like warm honey. Bet she tastes just as sweet.”

  I was out of my chair with my hands around his neck. “Don’t you ever talk about Rita, think about her, or breathe her name again. You get me?”

  Derek raised his hands in surrender, a cocky curl in the corner of his lip. “Yeah. Never happen again.”

  I released him and paced with my hands on my head. “I shouldn’t have done that.” Fuck. I just attacked my boss. I was losing it.

  “It’s cool. But you better find a way to deal. I can’t have you assaulting my employees or patrons.”

  I stopped and glowered at him.

  “Nik, if Rita’s who you want, go after her. Do right by her. Maybe she’s special and that’s why you can’t get it up for any other woman.”

  He had a point. What was it about Rita that kept me from fucking anything with long legs and big tits? This had never happened to me before.

  “Yeah. I’ll think about it. We done here?” I needed to get out of this small, suffocating room.

  “Sure. Let me know if you need anything.”


  I left Derek’s office feeling like I was going to come out of my skin. Women eyed me, flashing big, beautiful smiles.

  Nothing stirred inside me. All I could see was Rita’s pretty hazel-green eyes. And I kept walking.

  Tomorrow would be different. I’ll talk to Rita, be neighborly… her friend.

  Friend. I shook my head.

  I was totally screwed up. I didn’t have women as friends. But if I wanted to do right by Rita and make Nana happy, I had to try to be a better man—not the manwhore, the one-and-done guy I’d been since high school.

  I needed to be boyfriend material and worthy of Rita Rocha.



  SEVEN DAYS HAD passed since that sunny SoCal day when Nik Tevez moved in across the street and stared at me with his penetrating black eyes at my dinner table. No man had ever affected me quite like Nik. All my senses were at a heightened level. And my emotions? They were so out of this world, they were floating around in orbit near Venus.

  Granny had bugged me about asking Nik to Sunday dinner as if it were a regular thing. She said she enjoyed the company of someone other than me. Of course, I tried not to let her statement hurt my feelings. I knew she missed Bea something awful, so I didn’t dwell on Granny’s words.

  To my relief, Nik and his girlfriend couldn’t make it to dinner. He’d made an excuse about having other plans through a small crack in his door when I’d gone over to ask if they’d be over. It was strange, but I’d accepted his reply and quickly left.

  Granny had refused to accept his reply, but I’d managed to distract her with a trip to Target. She loved to shop. I, on the other hand, hated shopping. But I would do it if it meant not seeing Nik.

  Our shopping trip turned out to be fun. Granny had the best time strolling down every aisle and savored the mocha frappuccino I bought her on the way home.

  Monday, while I mowed the grass, Nik had waltzed out of his house shirtless and mowed his lawn as well. He didn’t acknowledge me as a neighbor would with a wave or nod. But then I didn’t do those things either, so we were even in my book.

  Each time we had faced each other, my heart rumbled louder than the sound of the lawnmower. I felt Nik’s eyes on me, though I couldn’t see them behind his aviator sunglasses.

  We’d finished around the same time and both retreated into our individual homes.

  That night, I had touched myself while thinking of Nik. I came harder than ever before while getting myself off. I’d imagined his lips around my clit, his teeth biting down on it when I pinched my little ball of nerves. It was so phenomenal, I did it again the next morning.

  Wednesday afternoon, I had tested Nik. It was another triple-digit day, perfect for washing my white Ford Fiesta. I put on my shortest pair of shorts and a red bikini top that showed lots of side boob. I’d tied my hair up in a messy bun, brought my wireless Bluetooth speaker out as I always did, and put on my dance playlist—the one full of songs I couldn’t help but shake my ass to.

  I’d barely gotten my bucket filled with water and car soap when Nik’s garage door opened. He tinkered on his Harley while I lathered up my car to the rhythm of The Weeknd’s “Blinding Lights.”

  In the hour it had taken to wash and dry my Fiesta, I’d made sure to bend over frequently. Mrs. Lopez, from next door, had stopped to chat when she got her mail. She was a loud talker and laughed even louder. Making a show of things was her specialty. I’d gone along with it purely to tease Nik and make him want me.

  Again, neither of us had acknowledged the other. It was the strangest thing if you asked me, ignoring your neighbor. But each time Nik was breathing the same air as me, my body started to buzz and hum. And like before, Nik had gone inside his house not long after I had retreated into mine.

  I’d taken an hour-long shower yesterday, letting my mind run wild, imagining what Nik would do to me if he’d joined me.

  Today, a week after Nik moved in, I planned to push him a little more. It was wrong, but that damn Toni bugged me about Nik every day at work. Have you talked to him? Tell him you like him. Just kiss him, he’ll get the idea.

  But I always thought about his girlfriend and how heartbroken she’d be if he cheated on her. I knew I’d be devastated if it were me, just like my mom had been with my dad.

  So I didn’t do anything Toni suggested. But I also couldn’t help myself from doing nothing. Or feeling nothing. Mostly, I just wanted Nik in my life in some form… like a friend.

  From what I could tell, he worked nights. He was usually up and about when I got home from working the breakfast shift at Breakers Diner after 12:00 p.m.

  Julian Thompson had come into the diner ten minutes before my shift was over. This guy had been after me since high school, but clean-cut and preppy wasn’t my type. Julian was what I’d call a pretty boy. Respectful, funny, and the smartest person I knew. After we graduated four years ago, he went to UCLA, majoring in economics.

  I hadn’t seen Julian until last month when he started showing up during my morning shift. He would sit in my section, order stuffed French toast with bacon and coffee, and leave me a ten-dollar tip. He also asked me to dinner… every single time.

  So I thought to myself, Rita, Julian can help you with Nik. I also had a second thought: Why do I need help with Nik?

  Granny would never approve of me dating him. She’d commented about guys riding motorcycles being bad news. I was sure she felt that way because my mother had always been drawn to bikers.

  Even so, if Nik really wanted me, he would have dumped his girlfriend and marched his sexy-abs-of-steel body over and asked me out.

  But he didn’t do any of that.

  And I couldn’t forget about his girlfriend, who was perched on the back of his bike—four out of the last eight nights—when he’d get home from work after two in the morning.

  Well, okay, she hadn’t been over the previous two nights. But still.

  Yeah, I’d been spying on him—on them—from my bedroom window.
Not gonna lie. I had serious issues with Nik. Obsessively so.

  In one week, I had turned into a stalker freak. To quell my curiosity, I invited Julian over to my house. I wanted to see if Nik would do anything. If he ignored me, I would be able to forget about him. Or so I told myself.

  As I pulled into my driveway, Nik was out washing his Harley. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

  Julian parked his expensive new Acura on the street. When he got out and waltzed toward me, Nik raised from his squatting position. I could tell he was checking out Julian in his white button-down shirt and royal-blue striped tie and gray slacks.

  “Do you mind if we sit here?” I pointed at the steps on the porch. “I don’t want to wake Granny.” I wasn’t lying. She usually napped after her eleven o’clock lunch.

  Julian loosened the neck of his shirt. “Sure.”

  It wasn’t as warm today, ninety-two, but in the shade, it was pleasant with the gentle breeze blowing in the air. It swirled around me, making my insides buzz and hum.

  Clearly, a sign that Nik was breathing the same air as me again.

  Julian talked about his trip to London last month. I nodded and smiled, but my gaze rarely left Nik’s. My fuzzy mind had to have been why I said, “I’d love to visit the UK someday.”

  “I’ll take you next spring. I’ve already got another trip lined up.”

  “Oh, uh. We’ll see.” I knew full well I’d never go with Julian anywhere. So why didn’t I just say no? It was Nik across the street getting me all flustered. I was sure of it.

  Julian and I talked about the old days, laughing and having a jolly time. But through it all, Nik didn’t seem to care. Though he had taken an extra-long time washing his bike.

  The man was positively sinful in low-slung jeans and a black muscle shirt. From the porch, I could see the tension in his shoulders. His movements were clipped and rough.

  “Rita?” Julian put his hand on my bare knee, which was bare since I was wearing the Breakers Diner uniform of shorts and a T-shirt. “Did you hear me?”

  The clinking of metal hitting the ground made me stiffen. Nik looked directly at me, or so I thought. Those damn sunglasses were becoming a problem.

  “No, sorry. What did you say?” I straightened when Nik stalked toward my house. The very sight of him made my heart race and my clit throb. The buzzing and humming grew more intense in my core with every wide stride he took.

  Julian took his hand off my knee. “Never mind…”

  “Rita?” Nik’s voice was tight and laced with irritation.

  “Hey. What’s up?” I tried to act casual and unaffected.

  “Nana asked about Lucia. When are you taking her to Palm Vista?” He was talking about the assisted living facility Nana Bea lived at. Nik gripped the back of his neck, showing off his massive bicep. His aviator glasses may have made seeing his eyes difficult, but I sensed his black depths were locked on me.

  It was a strange question, but it seemed genuine. So I gave an equally honest reply. “I work a double shift tomorrow so maybe Saturday afternoon. I’m not sure.”

  “Are you going to introduce us?” Julian’s voice startled me. I had totally forgotten about him.

  “Oh, sorry. Julian Thompson, Nik Tevez. Our grandmas are best friends.”

  “Good to meet you, Nik.” Julian extended his hand, but Nik shoved both his hands into his jean pockets. His frigid attitude was so thick, I’d need a blowtorch to melt all the ice surrounding Nik.

  “I need help making Nana’s favorite, lasagna. Think you can help me later today so I can take it to her tomorrow?”

  I gaped at his request. Nik wanted my help cooking? Shocked didn’t begin to explain how I felt. Why wasn’t his girlfriend helping him?

  “I hoped to take you to dinner.” Julian cut in and put his hand back on my knee.

  “Oh… um…” I wasn’t prepared for this situation—both guys wanting me to do something with them on the same day. I chewed on the corner of my lip, unsure of what to say. I didn’t want to have dinner with Julian, but I also didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Being alone with Nik could be fantastic or a disaster.

  “Rita?” Nik’s commanding tone shot straight into my panties, heating me in ways no man had done before. “You gonna help me or what?” His jaw ticked as if at any moment, he would lose all control.

  I feared, sort of, what he might do if I said no, so I didn’t. “Yeah, sure. What time?”

  He exhaled. Was he relieved?

  “Four. We’ll go to the store to get what we need first. I work tonight…”

  “Okay. Sure.”

  Nik gave me a short nod and left.

  “What about dinner tomorrow night?” Julian asked.

  I rolled my eyes. Nice going, Rita.

  “Sorry, Julian. I’m busy…”

  Nik strode straight into his house and slammed the door.

  Damn. My neighbor was impossible to read.



  I LIED TO Granny and told her I was going out with Toni. Guilt flooded my lungs. I hated lying. But what would she say if she knew I was going to Nik’s?

  “She’s here,” I hollered so Granny could hear me over the telenovela she was watching. She could speak and understand Spanish as if it were her native tongue. Nana Bea had taught her, and in return, Granny taught Bea how to speak Portuguese. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Call if you need anything.”

  She waved me off. “Go on, I can take care of myself.”

  Stubborn old woman. I bet she could, but she was all I had left in the world. I couldn’t risk anything happening to her.

  I ran across the street to Nik’s and knocked on the door. Nervous energy rushed through my veins. I kept looking back at my house, praying Granny didn’t see me. Praying I didn’t make a fool of myself with Nik.

  What was taking him so long? I rang the doorbell a few more times. Hurry up!

  “I’m coming!” He flung the door open. “Jesus, woman, have some patience.”

  “Let me in.” I blew past him. “I don’t want Granny to see me here. I told her I was going out with Toni.” The door slammed behind me. It made me jump, and I whirled around.

  “Who’s Tony?” Nik’s black eyes narrowed and glided up and down my length, searing my skin with his fiery gaze. He looked angrier than a grizzly bear who had been disturbed in the middle of hibernation.

  Somehow I needed to tame this bear.

  “Oh jeez, my best friend, Toni… girlfriend. Who are you, my father?” I shivered with disgust at my choice of words. He couldn’t be my dad—or rather a sperm donor, as I referred to the man who knocked up my mom and destroyed her life and mine. After the dirty thoughts I’d had of Nik each night and morning, and hell, all day long, he definitely wasn’t my kin.

  “First the preppy boy, whatever the fuck his name is, and now you mention a Toni. I’m just trying to figure out what kind of girl you are.”

  I put my hands on my hips and tilted my head. “Obviously not your type. Now show me your kitchen.”

  “What do you mean, not my type?”

  I followed Nik to the back of his house, and I was without words. His kitchen was spotless. Not a spoon, cup, or dish was in the sink. Impressive.

  “I just mean you and I are different.” I shrugged and took in the cleanliness around me. “Your kitchen is the cleanest I’ve ever seen in a dude’s house.”

  “Don’t call me a dude.”

  I snorted at his gritted reply. “Touchy. So what ingredients do you have for lasagna? I’ll make a list of what we need to buy.”

  “I don’t have much. See for yourself.” He jerked his chin toward the fridge. “I only have beer and milk.”

  I opened the door. Only beer and milk. “What do you eat?”

  “I eat at work or grab something while I’m out.”

  “What about your girlfriend?”

  “My what? Oh, oh yeah, girlfriend. She eats before she comes over.”

  What a
weird relationship.

  “Strange. You never eat together?”

  “What’s with all the questions? Mind your own business.”


  “I hope you treat her better than you do me.” Nix that, I didn’t want him treating anyone else better than me. Wishful thinking considering he had a girlfriend.

  “Is that guy your boyfriend?”

  I studied Nik. He was all hard lines and ridges with a square jaw and smelled good. I wanted to ask what cologne he was wearing so I could buy some and douse my pillow with it, but I refrained. That would be weird.

  “Who? Julian?”

  Nik hiked a thick black brow. “That’s his name?”

  “Be nice. Julian didn’t name himself. And no, he’s not my boyfriend. Let’s go.”

  “We’ll take my bike.” He led me to the garage.

  I had hoped he’d say that. I’d never been on a motorcycle before. My dad had always touted that the back of his bike was for his old lady. It was a lie because my mom never got to ride either. Dear old Dad was just a selfish, unfaithful bastard.

  But there was something sexy and dangerous about motorcycles, much like the owner of this Harley.

  I sighed as if indifferent. “If we must.” I didn’t want Nik to think I liked him. Then I’d be the crazy, obsessed neighbor across the street. Maybe I was, but I’d never let him know.

  Nik secured a helmet on my head. I cringed. It was probably the same one his girlfriend wore. Sick. I hoped she didn’t have lice. Or any other diseases. Shit. Anything she had, Nik might have.

  He opened the garage door and straddled the bike.

  “Get on. Keep your feet on those bars.” I looked to where he was pointing. “Try to avoid touching the pipe. It gets hot.”

  “Okay.” It never occurred to me to wear pants on the off chance we took his bike to the store. I mean, it was still hot outside. I internally groaned, climbing on behind Nik, and kept several inches between us. I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands, so I placed them on the tops of my thighs.

  “Scoot closer and put your arms around my waist. You’ll need to hold on. When I lean to the right or left, you follow. Okay?”


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