Book Read Free

Praying for Time

Page 19

by Carlene Thompson

  ‘That’s exactly how I felt about you. You’re four years younger than I am. When we started dating, you were seventeen. So many people thought I was taking advantage of a young girl, but you never seemed young to me. You had a sensibility and wisdom that far surpassed mine. That didn’t threaten me. I thought you were the most intriguing person I’d ever met.’

  ‘Wow,’ Vanessa said weakly. ‘I didn’t know that’s what you thought of me.’

  ‘But you knew I loved you.’

  ‘Yes, I did. I thought we’d always be together, that nothing could drive us apart.’

  ‘But something did.’ Vanessa didn’t know what to say. She lay quietly as Christian stroked her hair. ‘Do you know that I never got a hint that my brother was interested in Roxanne? Never. She was just your little sister.’

  ‘She was very beautiful and looked older than fifteen. She managed to be around him every chance she got. I always thought she had a crush on him.’

  ‘He’s almost six years older than she is.’

  ‘That wouldn’t matter to a young girl who’s infatuated with a man.’

  ‘But Brody wasn’t infatuated with her. I would have known if he was. He never flirted with her. He never stared at her, no matter how skimpy her outfit was. I don’t think he paid much attention to her at all. He was interested in Beverly Cowan. They even went out a few times.’

  ‘Beverly Cowan! I’d forgotten all about her.’

  ‘She was what we called a “computer nerd”. She wasn’t especially pretty and certainly not popular, but Brody thought she was fascinating. When he got sick the first time, she disappeared from his life. Three or four years later she married a guy from Texas and moved to Dallas. But my point is that Brody liked girls his own age – not adolescents like your sister.’

  ‘Then why did he fixate on her when he got sick?’

  ‘I have no idea.’ Christian turned on his side to face her. ‘Let’s not talk about Brody anymore.’

  ‘You brought him up.’

  ‘I know. It’s hard for me to get my mind off him.’ He smiled. ‘There’s only one person who can completely wipe him from my thoughts.’

  ‘And who is that?’

  ‘Don’t be coy,’ Christian teased. ‘It’s you, of course.’

  ‘And you tend to wipe everyone and everything from my thoughts, too. What a strange coincidence.’


  Christian leaned down and kissed her forehead, then each cheek, then her chin, and finally her lips. He drew away but she put her hand behind his head and pulled him down again. She kissed him long and deeply, wondering how she could have lived eight years without kissing those warm, soft lips she loved so much. How many times had she kissed them in the past? A hundred? Five hundred? Not enough.

  ‘Are you warm enough?’ Vanessa asked.

  ‘I’ve never felt warmer in my life.’ He kissed her again. ‘How about you?’

  ‘The same as you.’

  ‘Do you think we should shed some of our clothes or would Queenie be too shocked?’

  Vanessa glanced at the dog lying on her side across the full length of the love seat, her eyes closed and snoring softly. ‘I don’t think Queenie even knows we’re alive.’

  Vanessa stood up, took off her coat and pulled her sweater over her head and slipped off her jeans, glad that she’d worn her prettiest bra and panties. Then she slid back under the blue afghan.

  ‘You still have the most beautiful body I’ve ever seen,’ Christian murmured.

  ‘I’m glad the years haven’t taken too much of a toll.’ She grinned. ‘Now you.’

  Christian stripped, got under the cover, and pulled her close to him. Vanessa ran her hand down his side to his thigh. ‘And you still look like someone from Greek mythology.’


  ‘Achilles. He was extremely strong and beautiful.’

  ‘A force to be reckoned with except for the tendon in his heel.’ He was silent for a moment. ‘Brody is my Achilles heel.’

  ‘No, he isn’t. He won’t be the cause of your downfall, Christian. I know it.’

  ‘You have great faith in me. Honestly, I don’t know if my father was lying and even if he was, I wasn’t supporting his lie.’ He looked deeply into her eyes. ‘I have never lied to you, Vanessa, and I never will.’

  ‘Will. That sounds as if you think we have a future.’

  ‘Don’t you?’

  She closed her eyes and pulled his body closer to hers. ‘Yes, Christian. I want to have a future with you. You are my one and only, my other half, and you always have been.’

  They kissed and caressed and murmured endearments, joining their bodies long into the cold and lonely night.


  ‘Are we going to get a Christmas tree today?’ Cara asked.

  Vanessa smiled. ‘We certainly are! Your mom wants to stay with Grace, but Roxanne is coming with Sammy and you and me to pick out the perfect tree. Does that sound like fun?’

  ‘Lots of fun. Is Aunt Roxy really coming with us?’

  ‘I was surprised, too, but she says she wouldn’t miss it. She hasn’t gotten to help select a tree for years.’

  ‘Oh.’ Cara’s beautiful face turned solemn. ‘Is that because the people who captured her wouldn’t let her?’

  ‘Uh, yes.’ The people who captured her. Had Audrey said that? It didn’t sound like her. Cara had heard it somewhere else, maybe in school before the holidays. ‘Anyway, she’s really looking forward to coming with us. When she was a kid, she loved Christmas more than anyone.’

  Cara smiled. ‘Then I’m glad Sammy and I get to be with her for this one. It’s gonna be awesome.’

  Two hours later Vanessa, Roxanne, Cara and Sammy stood in the middle of a big lot filled with evergreen trees. ‘Wow, these are the prettiest Christmas trees I’ve ever seen!’ Cara exclaimed. ‘How about you, Sammy?’

  ‘They’re lots bigger than the trees Dad and I’ve had for a few years.’

  Cara took his hand. ‘Let’s go look at all of them. Is that OK, Aunt Vanessa?’

  ‘As long as you don’t leave the lot.’ Cara took Sammy’s hand and pulled him along, chattering and smiling. Vanessa turned to Roxanne. ‘Does this bring back good memories?’

  Roxanne had been quiet and didn’t look especially happy although she’d asked to come with them. ‘I’m not sure.’

  Vanessa was surprised. ‘Roxy, you loved Christmas. Even Mom stayed on her best behavior.’

  ‘Because we had a lot of visitors at Christmas.’

  ‘I don’t think she cared about the visitors. She was really trying, especially for you.’

  ‘But it was always as if she was never really there.’ For a moment Roxanne seemed forlorn. Then abruptly she shrugged and smiled brightly. ‘Oh well, that’s water under the bridge. I want to forget the bad times and only remember the good.’

  ‘Great. And this is going to be a wonderful Christmas, Roxy. I’m sure of it.’

  A middle-aged man in jeans and a heavy red-and-navy-blue plaid jacket walked up to them, beaming. ‘Looking for a Christmas tree, ladies?’

  ‘Yes. A nice big one. This is a special Christmas for us,’ Vanessa said.

  ‘We’ve got some beauties this year. My name is Jackson. I’ll take you on a tour.’

  Vanessa called for the children who joined them as Mr Jackson led them around the lot, telling them about the various trees. ‘This is a Douglas fir.’ He gestured at a beautiful evergreen almost seven feet tall. ‘It has a full body and you’ll notice the tapered appearance – perfect for a Christmas tree. It also gives off a strong pine scent.’

  They moved on to another one. ‘This is a Nordmann fir. It has very strong branches that will hold heavy Christmas ornaments.’ He grinned at the kids, who grinned back. ‘It lasts longer than a lot of evergreens because the needles have waxy cuticles, but you don’t want to hear about cuticles. As you can see it’s very full. Beautiful.

  ‘And here is a Noble
fir. It has strong branches, and it’s a lovely blue-green color. It also holds the needles for quite a while.’

  ‘It was always my wife’s favorite.’ All five of them turned to see Simon Drake standing behind them. He wore an elegant black cashmere coat with a burgundy scarf rakishly draped behind his neck and left to dangle on either side. His jet-black hair was plastered into perfection. ‘What a delight to see all of you.’ His small, dark eyes shot to Roxanne. ‘Particularly you, my dear. How are you?’

  Vanessa was shocked to see that her sister had turned completely white. Her blue eyes looked huge and her lips trembled slightly. ‘Fine,’ she managed. ‘I’m fine.’

  ‘So glad to hear it. What an ordeal you must have been through.’ Simon shook his head and clicked his tongue. Then he looked at Sammy. ‘Are you Samuel Sherwin?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ Sammy answered in a small voice.

  ‘I know your father. Fine man. I can tell that you’ll be a fine man, too, some day.’

  ‘He already is,’ Cara piped up.

  ‘Oh, is he?’ Simon turned his oily smile on her. ‘I think you have a crush on him, young lady. You’re a lovely girl. Don’t waste all of your beauty on one boy.’

  Cara turned bright red and Vanessa felt like kicking Simon. What an embarrassing, inappropriate remark to aim at the young girl. But then Simon had always enjoyed embarrassing females.

  ‘Daddy! Daddy!’

  Vanessa heard Jane’s voice. She ran up to them, waving a small white bag at her father. ‘I’ve been to the drugstore and picked up your sleeping pills.’ She looked at everyone. ‘You know how it is with the elderly – they have trouble sleeping.’

  It was a perfect moment, and Vanessa almost burst into laughter as dark blood rushed to Simon’s face and his lips tightened before he pried them apart and said, ‘I am not elderly, as my daughter seems to think. I simply have a lot on my mind. Business affairs. I think about them so intensely I sometimes have insomnia.’

  ‘Yes, well, whatever,’ Jane said dismissively, then turned her attention to Roxy. ‘Is this your first day out in the world?’

  Roxanne nodded yes.

  ‘Not a great start, I’d say. But then some people like the whole Christmas experience including picking out a tree to mess up the house,’ Jane continued.

  ‘Sweeping up a few needles is a small price to pay for having a beautiful Christmas tree,’ Vanessa said as Simon tucked the white bag in his coat pocket and began wandering away, using his cellphone. ‘We always went all out at Christmas.’

  ‘Oh, I remember!’ Jane’s voice was loud. ‘Lights everywhere! Music booming through the halls of Everly House! Quite grand. Quite a show.’

  ‘Yes, it was. We won’t be quite as grand this year, but we still intend to have a gorgeous tree.’ Vanessa turned back to Mr Jackson. ‘Excuse us for keeping you waiting. I’m going to let the kids decide which tree they want.’

  Cara clapped while Sammy beamed. ‘Let’s look at them all again before we make up our minds,’ Cara said to Sammy. ‘This is really important.’

  ‘I’ll leave them to make the big decision. Call me when you need me,’ Mr Jackson said, and turned to other customers.

  ‘How’s Grace?’ Jane asked.

  ‘All right. Getting tired of not being able to walk.’

  ‘Oh, yeah, what a drag considering how active she always was.’ Jane looked at Roxy. ‘I think it’s brave of you to come out today considering they didn’t catch Brody last night. Wow, did he do a number on Max! Dislocated jaw, cracked rib, tooth knocked out. Wade should be the first to know if anyone’s seen Brody.’

  So Jane knows I called Christian instead of Wade when Brody was at the window, Vanessa thought. If we still had a town crier, Jane would win the job by a landslide vote.

  ‘Have you come to pick out a tree?’ Roxanne asked suddenly.

  ‘Yes. I don’t really care about it, but Wade wants a tree.’

  ‘Then shouldn’t he be helping you pick out one?’

  Jane laughed. ‘Oh, Vanessa, you know Daddy has better taste than Wade!’

  Suddenly the children appeared, running to Vanessa. ‘Sammy’s mom’s here!’ Cara blurted. ‘She’s here!’

  Sammy turned to stone as Nia Sherwin strode toward them, her blonde hair loose, her slender face intense.

  ‘Sammy? Sammy, don’t run away from Mommy!’

  ‘Oh, do something, Aunt Vanessa,’ Cara begged.

  ‘Let’s be calm, kids. Nothing is going to happen.’

  Sammy didn’t appear to believe that for an instant. He drew closer to Vanessa and looked almost fearfully at his approaching mother.

  ‘Thank heavens I found you!’ she exclaimed to the boy. ‘I’ve been trying to see you for days.’

  ‘He’s been with us,’ Vanessa said. ‘Hello, again. This is my sister Roxanne Everly.’

  Roxanne held out a hand and Nia gave it a quick, limp shake. ‘I knew he’d been staying with you but I didn’t think he was still there. It’s Christmas. He should be at home.’


  ‘I know Derek only thinks about business, but Sammy wouldn’t be alone. He’d be with me.’

  Jane was taking in this exchange almost breathlessly, but Vanessa ignored her. ‘I believe Derek thinks about his son a lot. Sammy wants to stay with us.’

  Nia gave Vanessa a quick, wary glance as if knowing her approach and tone of voice were all wrong to accomplish what she wanted. She relaxed her face, gave Vanessa a smile, and lowered her voice. ‘No wonder he likes staying at Everly House. It’s a beautiful place. And he has his little friend …’

  ‘Cara Willis,’ Cara announced. ‘I’m Sammy’s best friend.’

  ‘How sweet.’ Nia gave Cara a pinched smile then looked back at Vanessa. ‘Since I haven’t seen my son for ages and he’s right here, I’d like to take him for a short walk.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Nia, but I believe Derek wants him to stay close to us.’

  ‘Derek wants—’ She caught herself. ‘I’m his mother, Vanessa.’

  ‘And Derek has custody.’

  Anger flickered in Nia’s large blue eyes but she said in a cajoling voice, ‘I understand that he wants Sammy to be with you so maybe I could go home with you and spend some time with him there. You are going home after you buy a tree, aren’t you?’

  By now Sammy was pressing against Vanessa. She could feel his slight tremble. ‘Yes, we’re taking our tree home, but I’m afraid I can’t invite a guest. My grandmother is very ill.’

  ‘I won’t bother her.’

  ‘Having a stranger in the house will bother her.’

  Nia finally glared. ‘Why are you making this so hard? Because of Audrey?’

  ‘What about Audrey?’

  ‘I’ve heard rumors about Audrey and my husband. He wanted Sammy to stay with you because it gives him an excuse to be near Audrey. I know her type.’

  ‘Oh? What is her type?’

  ‘Really, Vanessa? Are you going to make me say it in front of the children?’

  ‘Look, Nia, I’m sorry but you can’t visit with Sammy now. You’ll have to get permission from Derek—’

  ‘Permission! I’m his mother!’

  Vanessa simply stared at the woman steadily.

  Finally, Nia said, ‘I won’t forget this, Vanessa. And I will see my son, eventually. I’ll probably even take him away from Everly Cliffs.’

  ‘Derek will have something to say about that. And so will the courts. They gave Derek full custody for a reason.’

  Nia looked as if Vanessa had slapped her.

  ‘Now if you’ll excuse us, Nia, we need to buy a Christmas tree.’

  They drove home in silence with a seven-foot Noble fir tied to the top of Vanessa’s SUV. The children had chosen it because Mr Jackson said it was strong enough to hold heavy ornaments and even small wreaths.

  Sammy sat rigid in the backseat with Cara close to him, almost touching. Finally he asked, ‘Do you think we’re strong enough to carry the tre
e inside?’

  ‘Christian and your dad are coming this evening to have an early Christmas dinner with us, then bring in the tree and help us decorate,’ Vanessa said.

  ‘Dad’s coming?’ Sammy’s voice had risen joyfully. ‘Do you know what time?’

  ‘He said he’d trust the dinner service to his manager. He’ll be there at six.’

  ‘Oh, boy! I didn’t think he’d leave the restaurant for anything!’

  ‘He would for you, especially on such a special occasion.’

  ‘And Christian’s coming, too?’ Cara asked. ‘He doesn’t have to do any operations or anything?’

  ‘Well, he’s not a surgeon, so he never does operations, but he’s leaving the hospital promptly at five o’clock. He promised.’

  Vanessa glanced in the rear mirror to see the kids high-five each other. All the fear had left Sammy’s face and Cara looked radiant.

  When they got home, the children entered quietly, thinking Grace might be asleep. Instead, she called from the library, ‘Did you get a tree?’ Vanessa nodded at them and they ran in to tell Grace all about the different kinds of trees they’d seen and why they picked the Noble fir. Vanessa watched from the doorway for a moment as Grace listened to them with what looked like fascination.

  Roxanne went straight up to her room and Vanessa went to the kitchen, which smelled of roasting turkey. Audrey was making pie dough. She looked up and smiled. ‘Mission accomplished?’

  ‘Yes. We got a beautiful tree, but it’s stuck outside until the men help us move it.’

  ‘Don’t let Pete hear that. He’ll try to wrestle the tree into the house by himself to prove he’s a man.’

  ‘He is a man – an injured man. I’ll tell the guys to ask him to supervise, though.’ She peered at the two dough shells Audrey was carefully placing in pie pans. ‘Something happened while we were looking for trees that I think you should know.’

  She told Audrey about Nia Sherwin as Audrey gently shaped the dough. ‘When I said Derek wanted Sammy to stay with us through Christmas, she said it was because of you. She claimed to have heard rumors about you and Derek.’


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