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The Pope

Page 3

by Jade Marshall

  I love you more than words can say. Please don’t feel any pressure to honor my last request of you. I only want you to be happy.

  All the love in my heart,


  Chapter Six


  Three weeks. She has been gone for three goddamned weeks sorting out her sister shit. I’m going out of my ever-loving mind with worry. Our last conversation was more of a screaming match and so much unnecessary shit was said. She won’t answer when I fucking call. I need to hear her voice, just to be sure she is okay.

  The only news I have heard about her is second-hand from Hadley. Thank God she has taken pity on me or I wouldn’t have a fucking clue what was going on. But something is wrong, I can feel it in my bones. The fact that Hadley is a terrible liar doesn’t help. She’s hiding something from me and even Wolf can’t seem to pry it from her.

  My guys are wary of me and keep their distance. I’m like a bear with a hurt paw and anyone who gets too close is liable to get their head bitten off. The worst of all is Mad Dog. I constantly catch him watching me. There is pity in his gaze, and I know Kaiya has told him what is going on, but when I ask him, all he does is shake his head and walk away. This has caused us to almost come to blows many times over the last couple of weeks.

  I need Storm to get back to town so we can smooth things over. The need to fix things has become a nagging in my mind, like an itch I just can’t scratch.

  But all that will be resolved today. Storm and Kaiya are on their way back. This isn’t something I was told, but something I overheard Hadley and Luna talking about. And even though it’s driving me up the fucking wall to wait, I am going to. Well, I’m going to at least wait until the sun starts to set before making my way to her apartment.

  Enjoying the peace and quiet for a minute, I drink a cup of coffee and try to get my thoughts in order for tonight’s conversation. Kaiya walks in and takes a seat beside me.



  I turn toward her, looking at her closely. She is a beautiful woman, especially now that she has been away from her brother and his fucked-up club for the past couple of months. Beautiful green eyes and porcelain skin. She changed her hair while they’ve been away, cut it shorter and dyed it a red that’s close to that of a stop sign. Those people put her through the wringer. Raping and beating her for the better part of four years. But she has been with the Gypsy Bastards for a while now and looking a lot better. It helps that she is finally in an environment where she doesn’t constantly fear for her safety.

  Arching an eyebrow, I ask, “What does Mad Dog think of your hair?”

  Raising her hand, she touches it quickly, and pulls her hand away. A serious look falls over her face as she answers me.

  “Bohdi is not my brother, father, or husband. I am a free woman and entitled to make my own decisions. That said, I don’t really give a flying fuck what he thinks.”

  I consider her for a moment, nodding my agreement. Her words aren’t those of the woman I have come to know these past months, but at least she doesn’t look afraid of her own shadow anymore.

  “But that is beside the point.” She stops to take a deep breath and if I didn’t know better, I would think she was gathering the courage to give me the worst news of my life.

  “Storm is still in Baton Rouge. She still hasn’t been able to finalize everything but should be back at the end of the week. She asked me to tell you that she’s fine and she will talk to you as soon as she gets back. She sees all the calls and messages.”

  The words fall from her lips like a waterfall and she doesn’t look at me when she speaks. She’s hiding something and it’s driving me insane.


  I stand from my spot, leaving my coffee on the bar, and head up to my apartment. This shit is starting to grate on my nerves and I am done. We will all be having a club meeting as soon as Storm gets her ass back to Gypsy Falls. Women, children, club ass, hang-arounds, men, everyone. No more fucking secrets in my goddamned club.

  Chapter Seven


  Arriving at my apartment with a kid in tow is a brand-new, really nerve-racking, experience. Although I know that Hadley and Luna have been to my place and fixed up my spare bedroom for Brogan, it’s still scary. We have gotten to know each other these past weeks but always had Irene as a buffer. He’s a nine-year-old boy who acts more like a thirty-year-old. He is way older than his years and I think it has a lot to do with Winter’s disease. It made him grow up a lot faster than he ever should have.

  At least I don’t have to worry about Pope for the time being. I know full and well what I’m doing is wrong. He should have been my first call when I found out about Brogan, but I didn’t call. I needed time to work through everything that happened in such a short period. And then, when I finally had my head wrapped around everything, I just couldn’t do it. I had a conversation with Brogan about what he wanted and the fear on his face tore my heart to shreds. But he does want to meet Pope, he wants to know his dad. He just isn’t ready yet. So we will wait.

  As I walk into his room for the first time, tears fill my eyes. I have the best friends anyone could ask for. The room has gray walls with some framed pictures that Hadley called for. All of them are of Brogan and Winter and some even include a few of Irene. They have a television mounted on the wall with a game station beneath it. A desk for him to study at and a single bed with a nightstand beside it. His bedding is black with lime-green accents as well as gray curtains in front of his windows.

  Clearly, a lot of thought and attention has gone into this room and again I am more thankful than I can express at the moment.

  “Storm, is this my room?” Brogan asks softly from behind me.

  “Yes, buddy. I know it’s not much and if you want to change anything, we can.”

  “I really like the green. It’s cool the way it is.” He walks past me and takes a seat on the bed.

  “Do you want something to eat?”

  “Yeah, I’m a little hungry.”

  “Okay, but this is something we haven’t discussed yet. I have no idea what you like to eat.” I give him a sheepish grin and a smile spreads across his face.

  “I love pasta.”

  Relief fills me at his answer. Pasta is one of my favorite dishes to cook and to eat so we should be just fine. Cooking isn’t really a strong point for me, only cooking the basics because I have to eat to live. But if he had asked me for a triple layer chocolate cake with salted caramel ganache, I would have been more than happy to jump into the kitchen for him. I love baking, creating beautiful desserts. It is my secret passion and few people are aware that I spend hours watching cooking shows, teaching myself every trick and technique there is. But I can’t raise Brogan on only desserts, so I will be adding some new recipes to my arsenal. A boy cannot live off pasta alone.

  “Great, get settled and we can eat in a little while. If you want to clean up after the long drive, there is a bathroom across from your room that you are welcome to use.”

  Brogan nods but gives no other form of reply. I close the door behind me, offering him some privacy as I go to the kitchen to make us something to eat.


  After dinner, Brogan helps me clean the mess I call a kitchen and then heads to bed. I will have to invest in somewhere bigger for us to stay in the long-term. My apartment is way too small and I hate my kitchen. Heading to bed, I think through all of the stuff I need to get done tomorrow, and I need to do it without being spotted by Pope or one of the guys. Luna is picking us up early so Gage and Brogan can try to get to know each other. There’s an age gap but maybe they will bond just by simply being boys.

  Lying in bed, I worry. What if I have made the wrong decision by taking him away from everyone and everything that he has ever known? But Irene assured that it would be fine. After all, kids are resilient. I hope to God that she’s right and that I’m not just another person who is about to fuck up this poor kid’s lif

  I’m mostly worried about Pope. He likes kids just fine as long as he can give them back. What I fear most is that he will simply reject Brogan and walk away. And although that boy is a lot stronger than he should be, I doubt he’d be able to handle that.


  Brogan is enrolled in school and got the laptop he wanted. A welcome present from Luna and Gage. Brogan and Gage seem to have struck up quite the friendship. Gage tells him about everything. From the guys in the club to the best place for ice cream in town and everything in between. Hadley joins us for a while and we have lunch at a local restaurant with a play area, although it goes against every instinct I have.

  After finishing our meal, the boys head outside to play while we drink coffee and Hadley has hot chocolate. My mind whirls with everything that still needs to be done. And I don’t notice him until it’s too late. Pope strides right up to the table, pulls out a chair, and stares at me.

  “Well, look at that. Back from Baton Rouge so soon?”

  Luna and Hadley have the same panicked look on their faces but neither stand to leave. I look behind me, checking for Brogan before I say anything.

  “It’s fine. I’ll catch you outside.”

  Hadley nods but Luna watches me closely. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Pope snorts and we all look at him.

  “You’re treating me like the fucking enemy. I’d love to know when that happened. All of you have been alone with me and nothing has ever happened to you. Besides, I’m not the one lying, am I?

  Luna hangs her head in shame before standing and leaving with Hadley in tow. I haven’t stopped staring at Pope since he sat down. I couldn’t see it before, but the similarities between Brogan and Pope are so clear. The shape of their noses, the tilt of the chin, and those unmistakable eyes. Brogan is definitely his kid if I ever had a doubt.


  Pope has his arms crossed over his chest and the look on his face is about as serious as I have ever seen it.

  “Nothing to explain, Pope. You have your life, and I have mine. I knew the minute I got back to town you were going to corner me and I needed, no I need, time. I just buried my sister and I’m grieving. I’m processing everything.” I’m not lying, I’m just omitting some details. Everything I just told him is the truth.

  “Great. Why didn’t you just fucking say that? Why all the lies and secrecy?”

  “Have you ever considered that I just don’t want to explain myself to you? This conversation is going to end the same way the previous one did, and I don’t feel like doing that again.”

  Pushing my chair back, I walk away from him as tears threaten to spill down my cheeks. I almost make it to one of the side doors before Pope grabs me by the wrist and pulls me into the restroom. Pushing me in ahead of him, he locks the door behind us. I know there’s no getting away from this. I’m either going to have to rip his heart out to get him to leave me alone—and I don’t want to hurt us both like that—or I am going to have to tell him the truth. Hanging my head low, I hold on to the basin as I try to decide.

  Hands envelop my hips from behind. turning me around. My gaze remains downcast, and in a move so gentle I didn’t know he was capable of it, Pope grasps my chin and tilts my face up. He stares into my tear-filled eyes for a moment before crushing his lips to mine. His kiss is possessive as his lips and tongue plunder mine. For a moment, I forget where we are, everything going on outside, and all my problems, and just throw myself into kissing the man I have loved for more than half my life. After a few moments, Pope pulls away and looks down at me.

  “I want to be able to argue about stuff with you. I want a right to have an opinion about your life. Don’t you get it, Storm? Why there isn’t a woman in my life, not even just one I fuck? I love you. I have been in love with you for a very fucking long time.”

  He stares straight at me as he waits for an answer. But all I can do is let the tears roll down my cheeks. My heart feels like it might burst. This is what I have wanted from him since I can remember, but I don’t know if he will ever forgive me for keeping this secret from him.

  “We need to talk.”

  Chapter Eight


  We leave the restaurant and head outside after Storm composes herself. I head to my bike and watch as she goes toward Luna and Hadley. Gage is positioned on a swing and another boy is pushing him. Their laughter rings out across the little playground. I feel twitchy and hyped up. I know Storm feels something for me. But her reaction to me declaring my love for her isn’t what I expected. She wants to talk? Doesn’t she know there are no more frightening words in the English language? All that means is that she is going to tell me something I don’t want to hear.

  What if there is someone else? What if she doesn’t feel the same about me? What if I have read the situation entirely wrong?

  Watching me, Hadley heads to her car and drives off. Luna, Storm, and both kids pile into Luna’s car and start driving. I assume the boy is one of Gage’s friends, although he is a couple of years older. I follow behind and soon realize we are on our way toward Storm’s apartment. As we stop, I shut down my bike and make my way over to Luna’s car and open the door for Storm.

  “I will see you in a little bit. Enjoy your time with Gage. This shouldn’t take too long.” Storm is speaking to the older boy in the car. My mind races as to why she would be reassuring this boy. His gaze drifts to me and for a moment, he stares before looking back at Storm.

  “Okay. I will see you soon, Storm,” he replies.

  Storm gives him a small smile and nods. She gets out of the car and heads toward her apartment.

  “Don’t be too hard on her, Pope. I know you’re pissed at all of us, but she’s doing her best in a shitty situation.” Luna looks at me with pleading eyes.

  I nod as I close the car door and watch her drive away. Climbing the stairs, I formulate everything in my mind. Clearly, Storm is in trouble but that doesn’t matter because I love her and will be with her every step of the way, no matter what.

  Walking into the apartment, I see her sitting, legs outstretched on the floor with her back against the couch. A bottle of tequila is already open and standing between her legs. She looks beaten down and tired, but the thing that nearly breaks me is the fear in her eyes. She’s terrified of whatever she has to tell me. Or is she terrified of me and my reaction?

  “I need you to sit with me, no questions. I need to have a couple more big sips of this tequila to gather my courage, and then I will tell you everything. And then you can decide if you still want to be with me. If not, no hard feelings. I’ll understand. But first, I need to drink.” She nods her head as if agreeing with herself.

  After closing the apartment door, I head toward her coffee table. I remove my gun and place it on the table. Next, I remove my shoes and take a seat beside her on the carpet.

  “I know you said no questions, but are you going to share the tequila? By the look on your face, I might need some too.”

  A sad smile plays on her lips as she hands over the bottle. We spend at least ten minutes on the floor sharing the tequila before she rises and she holds out her hand to me. I rise from the floor and place my hand in hers. She leads me down the hallway to a room and opens the door. After walking inside, she takes a seat on the bed and watches me.

  I stand just inside the doorway and take in the gray room with green accents, TV, and game station. Nothing outwardly remarkable, but then I spot the photos against the wall. Walking closer, I see Winter. She’s older, but it’s her, and she has the boy from Luna’s car with her. My heart starts to race as I carefully look at the photo and things start to fall into place. The kid in the car is Winter’s and he’s now living with Storm. This is what she’s worried about, but I don’t care. I don’t care that she’s suddenly a mother figure. It doesn’t make me love her any less.

  Turning toward her, I’m about to tell her all this when I see her shoulders shake as she cries. I join her on the be
d, pull her into my side, and hold her for a moment. This whole scene is confusing the shit out of me.


  “His name is Brogan.” Her voice is so soft I almost miss it.

  But the name and the fact that he is Winter’s child clicks everything into place. I send up a silent prayer to all that is holy that her next words won’t be what I think they will be.

  “He’s your son,” she whispers as another sob wracks her.

  Of course he is, he has my granddad’s name.

  Chapter Nine


  Watching Pope leave Brogan’s room without saying a word splits my heart wide open and the tears flow faster. I don’t know how I will tell that little boy his father has no intention of getting to know him. With my head in my hands, I sit on Brogan’s bed as I try to figure out what I will do.

  “It’s okay. We’ll figure this out.”

  My head snaps up at the sound of Pope’s voice. In his hand is the half bottle of tequila we left in the lounge.

  “Thank God.” Even to my ears, my voice sounds hoarse. It doesn’t sound like my voice at all.

  Pope watches me closely as he drinks from the bottle. The silence is loud in its emptiness. I have no idea what he’s thinking or what he expects me to say. His face is impassive.

  Slowly, he lowers his gaze to me, but he still doesn’t speak.

  “We need to talk, Storm. Before Brogan gets home.” His voice is even, like he might be discussing the weather.

  “Okay. Let’s head back to the lounge.”

  Following behind Pope, my nerves get the better of me. What if he wants to take Brogan away? I know I’ve only had him in my life for a short time, but I love that boy. Is he mad I kept this from him?


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