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Defending Zahrah

Page 19

by Kendra Mei Chailyn

  That one caused Zahrah to scream as brain matter splashed everywhere. She faced Hadeel again and he looked as if he had seen a ghost. Covered in sweat, his face had gone as white as a sheet, but Zahrah had no sympathies for him. He’d sent someone to hurt her, to break her in a way that could have killed her.

  “I’ll go run interference.” Zero headed for the door.

  In that moment, she had no brother. “I can never forgive you for what you’ve done.”

  “I don’t want your forgiveness. What I want is your death.” Hadeel told her.

  “Well, we can’t always get what we want.” Zahrah told him. “Can we? Better luck next time?”

  “We have to go,” Thunder said.

  “I’m ready.” Zahrah told him.

  Together, they brought Hadeel out of the house. Zero was leaning against their vehicle, ankles crossed. Littering the front yard, were the bodies of those who had headed out when Hadeel ordered them to find Zahrah. It seemed Declan had been hard at work.

  They waited until the other vehicle pulled into the yard. Farhad was the first followed by Declan who had a massive rifle resting on his shoulder. He kept his eyes on her, worry filling his gaze. Zahrah lifted her chin and met his eyes

  Farhad backhanded Hadeel so hard across the face, the younger Jaroozi brother hit the ground hard. Darius pressed a palm to Farhad’s chest to stop him but Farhad was angry. He was raging and Zahrah saw it in his eyes.

  “My baby?” Farhad asked Hadeel who tried skidding backward on his ass. “You would dare do these things to my baby? Inshallah, there is a special place in Jahannam for you. And it would be my pleasure to send you there.”

  “Farhad, no.” Zahrah pleaded. “You don’t want his blood on your hands.”

  “I’m sure I would be rewarded in heaven.” Farhad glared at Hadeel. “I want him to suffer like you have. I want him to feel what I felt when I couldn’t run to you. I want him to feel as terrorized as you when you were helpless in Gulzar’s bed—I want him to hurt.”

  “So do I.” Zahrah admitted. “So do I, but we don’t want blood on our hands.”

  “What do you want us to do with him?” Declan asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Zahrah looked down at her brother.

  “I have an idea.” Darius spoke up. “Have you ever heard of 'iinathana?”

  Zahrah shook her head but Farhad nodded.

  “What is that?” Thunder asked.

  “Not what,” Farhad said. “Who.”

  “Okay.” Zero cleared his throat. “Who are they?”

  “A women’s group who put the fear of god into men who believe it’s okay to abuse women.” Darius explained. “They would love to get their hands on these two—where’s Gulzar?”

  “I made sure he wasn’t bleeding to death then tossed him in the trunk.” Zero thumbed over his shoulder.

  Zahrah nodded. “Okay. It’s settled.”

  Hadeel tried scampering away but Declan merely reached down and grabbed him by the neck. He tossed Hadeel back at Zahrah’s feet. He grabbed at her leg.

  “Kill me!” He pleaded. “Please! You can’t leave me with them. That’s a punishment way worse than what I’ve done to you.”

  “Nothing is worse than what you’ve done to me.” She shoved him off. “We leave him with your women’s group, Darius.” Zahrah said. She then helped Farhad back into the vehicle and closed the door.

  “Well,” Zero said. He picked Hadeel up threw him into the trunk. “The lady has spoken.”

  They packed up and left the house with all the bodies strewn about. Zahrah didn’t look back. She held it together even as Declan reached over to hold her hand. She smiled at him then leaned to the side to rest her head on his shoulder.

  “We should get an actual hotel room after this is over,” Zahrah said.

  “As you wish, Kitten.” Declan kissed her head.

  She laughed softly. “I’m exhausted, Declan. I know we have a lot to do, but I’m still so tired.”’

  “I understand. You’re not a soldier and you’ve had to do soldier things today. I’m sorry you had to take a life.”

  She nodded but looked up at him. “It’s not my favorite thing, believe me. Last night as I laid awake worrying about you, I realized I’d have do some bad things to get my world back.”

  Declan said nothing else. He kissed her ear, held her chin to turn her head and kissed her lips. She sighed and melted into his chest.

  “We’re here,” Darius called from behind the wheel.

  “Hold that thought.” Declan’s voice cracked.

  “Stay in the car,” Darius said as he eased from the front seat.

  “Darius Stone,” A female voice called from their right. “It has been a while.”

  Darius kissed both her cheeks. “Ahlan.” He greeted her.

  “Al-salamu alaykum.” She replied.

  She was pretty. From her dark hair to stark green eyes, Zahrah couldn’t help feeling a little out of place. She adjusted her hijab self-consciously and smoothed her palms over her thighs.

  “I come baring gifts,” Darius told her. “But first, meet the others.”

  They all exit the vehicles to meet the woman Darius introduced as Dalilah Rana. When she lifted her eyes, Zahrah took a step closer to Declan’s side.

  “You brought me presents?” Dalilah smiled. “Let me see.”

  Declan and the others laughed, and Thunder and Declan made their way to the backs of the vehicles to get Gulzar and Hadeel. They dropped the men at Dalilah’s feet.

  “Well, well Gulzar.” Her eyes deadly. “I told you I’d see you again.”

  “You know him?” Zero asked.

  “Yes. Gulzar doesn’t think a woman has the right to say no,” Dalilah said.

  “I believe you,” Zahrah said.

  Dalilah shouted toward the massive compound behind her and instantly two armed women exited. She instructed them to take Hadeel and Gulzar inside and lock them up. She would deal with them later.

  When the men were taken away, she smiled at us. “Can you guys stay for drinks?” Dalilah asked.

  “I’m sorry.” Darius told her. “We have a lot to do before we have to leave again. But the next time you’re State side, you look me up.”

  “I promise.”

  Darius kissed her cheeks again. “Ma’a al-ssalamah.”

  She nodded. “And also, with you.”

  Chapter 21

  The group thinned—Zero headed back to CIRO. Thunder returned to Japan and Darius left them to head back to the United States. Cyclops remained in Egypt with Zahrah as she worked things out with Farhad. Between then, he was roped into shopping with her. It wasn’t all that bad for she managed to get a store to open up for her around midnight. There, she gave him little private shows of what she wished to purchase.

  He ached to make love to her again. But ever since the day at Hadeel’s place, Zahrah hadn’t seemed as though she was interested. It had been a week and aside for a few kisses, nothing. Cyclops sat through the shopping experience and helped her carry the bags back to the car then into the house. Once she was in the room, he made his way out to the living room and fell into the chair. After fiddling around with his laptop, Caroline’s face popped onto the screen. She cheered and leaned forward.

  “Hey!” Caroline said. “You’re okay!”

  He laughed. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “When are you heading back this way?”

  “Maybe in a couple of weeks,” he explained. “Want to make sure Zahrah is settled first before I fly out.”

  “Zahrah isn’t coming back with you?” Caroline arched a brow.

  Cyclops found some earbuds in his bag, plugged it into his laptop and sighed before answering her question. “I don’t know. She has nothing to go back for.”

  “Of course, she does! You.”

  He smiled. “I don’t think that’s going to work out.”

  “Why not?” Caroline looked troubled. “I thought you guys were together.”

  “Not—really. And it’s a long story. I’ll explain over a couple of drinks when I get home.”

  Caroline nodded. “Cool. Tex likes you, you know?”

  “He does?”

  “Yup. He thinks you’re good people and to get his seal of approval is huge.”

  Cyclops grinned. “He isn’t too bad himself. I really should send him something for helping us out. We couldn’t have done it without him.”


  Cyclops nodded. “I’ll remember that. Listen, I’m going to run. I’ll let you know when I’m back home and we can get together. I may have a little gathering at my place for you and your guys. They helped me out a lot.”

  “My boys never say no to a party.” She giggled. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  When her face vanished, he tried calling Ronin and Thunder. There was no answer. He called his mother and brace himself for a lecture.

  “Declan!” Mary-Anne’s eyes lit up. “Where have you and Darius been hiding? I thought you were supposed to be home by now?”

  “Darius is stateside but I’m in Alexandria right now.”

  She arched a brow. “What are you doing in Ohio?”

  “No, mom. I’m in Egypt.”

  “Then I’m extra confused.”

  “It’s a long story—one I can’t discuss. But I’m safe and heading home in a couple weeks. When are you coming back?”

  Mary-Anne sighed. “Around that time.”

  “Good. Dinner at my place for the three of us?”

  She beamed. “Yes. I love you, Declan. Tell your brother to check in.”

  “Love you too, mom—mom?”

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “I think I’ve met someone.” He confessed.


  Cyclops nodded.

  “Do I get to meet her?”

  “I hope so. We’re new and I’m not sure what is happening with us.”

  “Aww, baby. I’ll see you soon and maybe I can help you figure it out.”

  “I’d like that. See you, mom.”

  When he was finished, Cyclops entered his room, grabbed a towel and locked himself in the bathroom. He’d been feeling sticky since being out in the heat. As the water drained over his head, he couldn’t help wondering why the change in Zahrah. He’d heard what she said to Hadeel.

  If my body belonged to anyone, it’s Declan Stone.

  Then why the change? If she wanted him, if he was the only man she wanted in her bed, then why was she sleeping in a different room?

  He dragged a hand down his face while trying not to read anything into those words. They were probably to tile her brother, to make him angry she’d been with a man she should never even think of giving herself to. Cyclops figured he was the forbidden thing and that was her way of punishing Hadeel.

  That angered him

  He turned the water to as cold as he could manage it. Even when his body started shivering, he remained under the downpour, head down, mind flying with a million thoughts. Eventually, he turned the tap off and grabbed a towel. After drying his head and chest, he stepped out and wrapped the towel around his hips and stopped to look at his face in the mirror. He’d gotten a good shave from Farhad’s barber earlier that day and his face wasn’t on fire afterward. Still, though his face was clean, Cyclops didn’t feel as good as he shoulder.

  Cyclops sighed, rinsed his mouth and dried his face, knowing he and Zahrah needed to have a talk. It had to happen before he left for America which mean, sooner rather than later. He dressed in a pair of black shorts and a short-sleeved shirt.

  By the time he stepped out of the bathroom, the room was darker. He entered the living space and candles lined the path from there toward Zahrah’s bedroom. Cyclops arched a brow and his curiosity got the better of him. Instead of walking out like he’d planned to—to find food and to clear his head—Cyclops followed the twinkling lights to the room.

  Seeing her, standing by the window with the moonlight streaming over her skin, her dark hair spilling over her shoulders and her nightgown hugging her curves—he took two steps in and slipped to his knees.


  “You’re perfect.” His voice cracked. “I thought…”

  “You thought what?”

  “It’s been a week, Kitten. You haven’t kissed me in over a week. You’re sleeping away from me—I get we can’t make love here but I—I want to hold you. Shit, I’m an idiot.”

  “Um…” Her cheeks pinkened. “I was visited by the red death.”

  “The red death?”

  “Well—once a month, a woman’s body goes through…”

  “I get it.” Cyclops bowed his head feeling like an idiot. She had been on her period. Hence the drought in intimacy.

  “You thought I changed my mind?” Zahrah asked.


  “Well, Cyclops.” Zahrah began. It was the first time she’d called him by his call sign.

  When he looked up, Zahrah had turned her back to him and was swaying her body from side to side, slowly, like a pendulum.

  “You have to stand up, Declan.” Zahrah teased. “If you want me—to build something with me, you’re going to have to learn that I enjoy giving myself to you.”

  Cyclops swallowed the lump in his throat while rising, shakily, to his feet.

  “That I want it from you and only you.”

  Her ass moved against the soft fabric, calling to him, teasing him.

  “That I expect you to be loyal—keep yourself only for me as you would expect of me.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Can you do that?”

  “I don’t share.” Cyclops managed. “And it’s not if, Kitten. I want you—always.”

  “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way.” Zahrah turned, leaned her back to the glass and lifted heated eyes to him. “Show me how much you’ve missed my touch, how much you’ve missed me.”

  Cyclops curled his fingers through her hair and against the back of her neck. He lowered his face to the side of her head an inhaled. She smelled like every delicious thing he would ever want to savour. Weak, Cyclops kissed her. When she tangled her arms around his neck, he growled and deepened the kiss. Everything about her tongue sliding over his aroused him. Everything about her body, her scent, the way she moaned for him, dove Cyclops absolutely crazy.

  Then she snaked her palms under his shirt and pressed them to his abs. “I don’t think.” Cyclops panted. “I’ll ever get used to the way your touch makes me feel.”

  He tugged at the sides of the shirt, sending the buttons sailing. She dragged her palms up his chest to his shoulders and pushed the fabric from his body. She busied herself next with pushing his shorts down, followed by his boxers then stood back to look at his body. “Turn around, Declan.”

  He did as she asked, and she dragged her palm down his back to his ass. “Like what you see, Kitten?”

  “Yes.” She whispered, walking around him, periodically dragging her fingertips over his skin. When she stood in front of him, Zahrah looked up into his eyes. “I would like to try something.”


  She held his hips and slipped to her knees in front of him. Cyclops licked his lips, knowing what she had in mind but not sure she was ready. He stepped back but she merely crawled for ward and gripped his hips. “No running away, Declan.”

  “Kitten—you don’t have to.”

  “I thought men liked this.”

  “We do—I do. But with everything you’ve been through—baby, stand up.”

  She rose and framed his cheeks. “Let’s make a deal.”


  “I won’t bring my past into our bed. You don’t bring my past into our bed.”

  “I can live with that.” Cyclops held his breath.

  “Now.” She moved her hands over his body, trailing her fingers against the muscles of his abs then lower. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and stroke. He moaned while wrapping an arm around her back. When he cl
osed his eyes and tossed his head back, she kissed a wet trail down his body, his hips and the insides of his thighs.

  “You’re so warm.” She gasped.

  Cyclops opened his eyes just as Zahrah licked the head of his cock. He hissed and tangled his fingers in her hair. He thought she’d freak out and stopped. He looked down in time to catch her gaze and instead of backing off, Zahrah licked him again.

  A growl erupted from his throat.


  Zahrah drew him into her mouth, allowing her tongue to slide along the shaft. She gagged on him and pulled away to cough.

  “You must breathe through your nose, darling.” Cyclops told her. “Slowly.”

  She nodded and tried again. He pushed her hair from her face and allowed her to move against him as she pleased. This time was different. Being with this woman was different than any of his other affairs. Though she was timid, unsure, Cyclops found he didn’t care. He wanted to teach her, to learn from her, to feel all the wonderful things they wrote about.

  Slowly, Zahrah took him without trouble. She sucked on him and his he lost control of his body. His eyes rolled back and all he could do, was allow her to take his body. She moved him in supernatural ways, ways that brought me to his knees and he didn’t care who knew.

  “Kitten…” He panted. “You’re going to make me…”

  “Not yet.” Zahrah released him, wiping his lips with the back of her hand. She backed away from him, peeling her nightgown from her body and exposing the perfection of her curves. She picked up a condom packet from the bed and waved it at Cyclops. “I want something…”

  Cyclops smiled and approached the bed. He accepted the packet and pushed her to her back on the bed. She gasped but he spread her legs. Before she could speak, he sank two fingers into her. To his pleasure, Zahrah was wet, ready. Still, he knelt on the floor between her legs and licked at her.

  She gripped the back of his head and writhed her hips upward. She wasn’t shy anymore—something that made him harder. He ate at her, using her cries of passion to turn him on even more than before. When she exploded with his tongue sank deeply in her.

  As she writhed through her orgasm, Cyclops dressed himself in protection and drove into her.


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