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Claiming the Night

Page 9

by Kathryn Vegas

  What if he doesn’t like me?

  What if this vampire gigolo only seduces beautiful twenty-something women and thinks Adam’s crazy to be with an older woman like me?

  I look fucking ridiculous sitting here with Adam.

  Everyone probably thinks I’m his mom.

  She tried to pull her hand away from Adam but he wouldn’t let go. She imagined the stares from the diners at other tables. The cruel thoughts gave her a familiar tinge of pain deep in her chest.

  God damn it!

  I’m masochist-ing myself.

  Hazel would not approve!

  Sara reined in her self-deprecating thoughts. She refused to put a damper on her evening. She had dreamed of eating at this restaurant for years. She intended to enjoy every damn minute of it. She took a deep breath and reset herself.

  I get to meet a two-hundred-year-old vampire.

  I’m fucking the hot man at my table.

  I’m probably the coolest chick in this pretentious joint.

  There. That’s better.

  Sara smiled straightening in her chair. The restaurant sparkled with the refined elegance of the city’s richest inhabitants. It was one of the hottest spots in town. Sara gawked at the menu when they were first seated. Adam assured her the night was on Raphael. ‘Compound interest,’ he’d reminded her.

  A svelte young waitress approached the table with a calculating expression. Sara was not oblivious to her scrutiny. The server looked back and forth between them. Pointedly taking notice of Adam holding Sara’s hand.

  Sara sighed.

  Get used to that.

  Adam squeezed her hand as if reading her mind. He ordered a bottle of something worth several hundred dollars. He never let go of her hand or gave the waitress more than a glance. Sara watched the waitress arch a brow. A definite puzzlement circled her face.

  “What? Hasn’t she seen a cougar in the wild before?” Sara whispered as the waitress walked away.

  Adam chuckled.

  “Adam!” A boisterous voice echoed through the restaurant.

  Sara turned toward the sound. She was expecting a handsome Italian man but Raphael made her mouth drop open. The man approaching their table had an energy that demanded attention. Everyone in the restaurant looked his way and the women kept their eyes on him as he walked toward their table.

  Raphael’s hair was black as raven feathers and shoulder length. He was tall, not Adam tall, but six feet. His cheek bones sharply sculpted over generous smiling lips.

  His rock star swagger radiated confidence. His lean physic was emphasized by his long swinging arms. He offered little waves toward folks, to whom, he must be acquainted. He was effortlessly adorned in the dirtbag chic style that cost more than Sara’s mortgage payment in one posh outfit.

  Adam wasn’t watching Raphael’s entrance, his gaze was intently focused on Sara’s response. Her wide eyes and open mouth made him shake his head. This was every woman’s reaction to Raph.

  Raphael’s long arms were wide as he closed in on them. Adam stood to greet him and Sara followed suit. In usual Raphael style he didn’t greet Adam first. He swerved toward Sara and gave her his full attention.

  Purposefully oblivious to today’s cultural standards, he wrapped his arms around Sara without hesitation.

  “Ciao! Ciao! You must be the infamous, Sara who has stolen this moose’s heart!” He shot out a fist, hitting Adam on the shoulder. “You look beautiful. Those eyes… Bellissima!”

  Sara giggled like a school girl.

  Adam groaned.

  Raphael released Sara after lingering kisses on both of her cheeks and turned to Adam.

  “Brother! Ciao!” Raphael’s hug was a manly exchange of back pats and a grand finale of loud kisses on both Adam’s cheeks. “Look at you! Ugly as ever.”

  Sara snorted.

  They all took their seats as their server hurriedly approached the table.

  “Mr. Bonavita, it’s so good to see you! We didn’t know you would be here tonight. I could have sat your friends at your favorite table. If they would have told me.” She didn’t conceal the accusatory tone in her voice.

  Adam and Sara exchanged a glance. Both were amused to be reprimanded like children.

  Raphael reached for the woman’s hand and kissed the back of it.

  “Ciao, bella. Lacey, my girl, no worries. I am easy to please.”

  His double entendre was noticed by all.

  Lacey’s cheeks pinkened prettily, “So happy to see you’re back in town.”

  She turned on her heels and sashayed away. Her long blond hair swaying side to side above her ample bottom. The three of them were transfixed by the lovely cheeks as she walked away.

  “Damn,” Sara whispered appreciatively. “I see why you’re a regular.”

  Raphael smiled knowingly at Sara. “I do find the staff rather accommodating. Have you ordered anything?”

  “Only a bottle of wine.” Adam replied.

  “I hope you ordered something good. We need to celebrate!” Raphael exclaimed clasping his hands together.

  He motioned for them to take their seats.

  “Sara, my dear. I’m so happy to meet you. This sad sack was starting to worry me. Now look at him. He’s happy as a clam and I have nothing to worry about. You’ve saved the day.”

  Sara turned to Adam before responding nonchalant, “He’s not the first gorgeous man I’ve pulled from the depths of despair.”

  “She’s funny! I love her already.” Raphael proclaimed to Adam.

  Adam gave his friend an appreciative glance.

  “Tell me everything. How did you meet?” Raphael asked Sara.

  Before Sara could respond, the sommelier arrived. The stark blackness of the man’s immaculate suit coat only interrupted by the whitest of handkerchiefs, expertly folded and starched in his pocket.

  “Good evening, Mr. Bonavita and friends, I’m Max. It is good to see you again. I took the liberty, to grab a charcuterie, intended for another guest, to accompany your fine friend’s wine selection. They can wait on another.” The man said conspiratorially, his voice velvety smooth. “Tonight, we have Bodegas Vegas Sicilia to begin the evening. Mostly Tempranillo, the 2014 is a fantastic vintage of Valbuena, very much like the 2010. A little less punch, but equally elegant. Extremely good choice to start your evening.”

  Sara was all smiles, her eyes excitedly danced between Adam and the skillful wine presentation. Adam spent fifteen years in establishments like this one. Over the years he had taken for granted the extravagance of the service and amenities of such an establishment. Sara was taking it all in, enjoying every second. Raphael approved the wine with flare making Sara’s eyes light up. Adam winked at her.

  The sommelier continued as he poured their glasses, “Might I suggest the chef’s special tasting menu tonight that features beef cheeks bourguignon to pair with this wine. A classically elegant dish you will not regret.”

  “Perfetto!” Raphael proclaimed before turning to Adam and Sara. He asked, “All around?”

  Adam gave a quick nod.

  “Sounds amazing!” Sara beamed.

  “Thank you, Sirs and Madame.” The sommelier bowed and walked away.

  Sara sniffed and sipped the wine carefully.

  She raised her eyebrows at Adam and whispered in his direction, “Compound interest is delightful.”

  Adam laughed, “It sure is.”

  Raphael swirled the wine under his nose seemingly oblivious to the two of them. He savored a mouthful before finally swallowing.

  Raphael sat his glass on the table and gazed intently at Sara.

  “Adam’s explained the virtues of compound interest?”

  Sara was mesmerized by his eye contact. Adam realized he had forgotten to tell Raphael one important detail.


  Well, I can’t be expected to think of everything.

  “She knows about compound interest and how I haven’t had time to acquire much.” Adam stated.

  Raphael didn’t look away from Sara, his eyes intensely studying her, but his question was for Adam, “Lei è la tua compagna di vita?”

  Adam spent months at a time, year after year in Italy with Raphael. Adam may have never gotten a fluent grasp on the language, but he could get around on his own there. Raphael asked him, ‘Is she your lifemate?’

  Raphael was old school and lifemate to him and older vampires alike was a magical connection between souls. Adam never believed in it because Rebecca had called him that from the start. He might have loved her, but soulmate wouldn’t describe their relationship. The statement always rung false to his ears when she described him that way.

  Adam felt something deeply moving that morning weeks ago, but hadn’t tried to dissect the meaning of what he believed were fanciful mid-fuck thoughts. Maybe there was something more profound to be believed if Raphael was right.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you said,” Sara replied.

  “Yes,” Adam answered from the heart.

  Raphael’s face lightened. Sara was confused. Raphael grasped her hand from across the table shaking it several times before letting it go. She was a bit startled, but amused.

  “Fantastico! I’m so happy for you.” Raphael exclaimed.

  “Thank you,” Sara turned to Adam for an explanation.

  He was embarrassed to explain the whole magical lifemate vampire belief to Sara in front of Raphael. He shook his head and smiled hoping to dismiss the topic. Sara shrugged unruffled and took a piece of scrumptious looking cheese from the platter.

  “Tell me everything,” Raphael demanded as he leaned back in his chair and contemplated them.

  Sara was too busy enjoying the cheese to respond, she indicated for Adam to answer which made both men smile.

  “I was lucky enough to be her Uber driver one morning, then she couldn’t get enough of me.” Adam answered.

  Sara snorted into her wine glass.

  “Truth,” she whispered with a smile on her lips.

  “I was ready to give up. I was dating women the age I look, trying to find…” Adam sighed and shook his head. “It was just a nightmare. I was spiraling downward to say the least. The second time I drove Sara, we were laughing and had so much in common. She’d watched all the same movies and knew the same music. I was looking in my rearview mirror at this beautiful woman who got my jokes and it hit me. What was I doing trying to date twenty-year-olds?”

  Sara cocked her head and bit her lip. Her eyes were crystalline blue warmth as she watched Adam.

  “Did you ask her out?” Raphael asked.

  “No, but I might have waited outside her work every morning hoping to see her again for a couple weeks.” Adam admitted. “She never requested another ride.”

  “You did?” Sara asked surprised.

  “I did. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” Adam winked at her.

  “You didn’t request another ride?” Raphael asked Sara. “But you obviously saw each other again…”

  “I didn’t want to make it weird,” Sara explained hesitantly. “I developed quite the crush. I’m thirty-nine and I knew that there was no chance of anything with a young man that looks like Adam. I decided to start putting myself out there and go on dates with men my age. I met a man soon after that asked me out.”

  Raphael’s brows furrowed, “Still not bringing me around to how we are here together now.”

  “Be patient,” Sara pretended to scold him which provoked his grin.

  “I was drowning my sorrows in a glass of scotch one night at a bar. When I heard a familiar sound…” Adam paused for dramatic effect.

  “What?” Sara couldn’t help but ask.

  “I heard your laugh,” Adam stated. “I could recognize that joyful sound anywhere. I was filled with jealousy. Without realizing it, I stood up and zeroed in on you and your date. That’s when you spotted me.”

  “No way,” Sara said in disbelief shaking her head.

  Raphael was enjoying the tale. He pointed a perfectly manicured finger at Adam.

  “Let me get this straight. Sara was on a date with another man?” Raphael asked.

  “Not for long,” Adam said with attitude that made them all laugh.

  “The Universe was on my side that night because my date’s in-laws spotted us and I found out he was married.” Sara explained.

  “I wasn’t going to lose an opportunity to have what I wanted and that was most definitely you.” Adam said cocking his head toward Sara. “So, I swooped in and scooped up my prize.”

  Sara’s adoring eyes locked with Adam’s. He took her hand and squeezed it.

  “Destiny!” Raphael clapped. “It is always this way. The Universe brings together what must be.”

  Sara chewed slowly, savoring the last bite on her plate. She swallowed and sighed heavily. It had been the most amazing meal of her entire life. Every bite was an utter delight. She stared sorrowfully at her empty plate.

  Raphael and Adam noticed her forlorn expression. Adam quickly exchanged her empty plate with his unfinished one. She was surprised to find she had both men’s full attention.

  Sara’s face flushed with embarrassment. She had unknowingly brought too much attention to herself.

  “No, I can’t take your food.” Sara weakly protested.

  “Enjoy it. I can live with or without it.” Adam offered her a coy smile.

  Sara didn’t need to be convinced. She only protested out of common courtesy.

  “You’re so sweet. I’ve never eaten here before. It lives up to its reputation. I’ll be leaving a five-star review, that’s for sure.” Sara babbled before digging in.

  “Just wait for dessert, but don’t expect me to share it with you,” Raphael teased.

  Sara giggled as she chewed a bite of Adam’s donated food. She glanced at the two men at her table, both otherworldly in their beauty. Adam’s peridot eyes were juxtaposed with Raphael’s onyx ones. Both equally mesmerizing. Who would have ever dreamed Sara would be sharing a table with two vampires? She really didn’t know what to do with herself. She had concentrated on eating for the last half hour to take her mind off the absurdity of it all. Sara enjoyed listening to Adam and Raphael talk about their mutual friends, which was insane to think that they were nonchalantly discussing vampires.

  Other diners blatantly eyed their table. The two gorgeous men attracted their attention. Adam casually leaned back in his chair, seemingly oblivious to his powerful presence. He caught Sara’s eye and winked.

  “I love you.” She silently mouthed to him.

  Adam grinned in reply. His straight white teeth gleamed and reminded her of his head bent over her breast. The sting of his sharp teeth piercing her skin. The taboo nature of what they shared sparked the familiar throbbing between her legs. She gave him hungry eyes, which made his grin widen. His eyes shot lustful flames her direction.

  Raphael cleared his throat, “You two are about to light this table on fire.”

  Adam chuckled and drained the rest of his wine.

  Sara tried to refocus by taking the last bite on her plate. The flavor of the dish beyond her expectation.

  Dessert arrived, a decadent dark chocolate confection with blood red fresh raspberry syrup liberally drizzled on top.

  “Wow!” Sara exclaimed.

  “Can I get you anything else?” Asked the young blond server as she placed her hand on Raphael’s shoulder.

  “Have Max surprise us with a wine to finish the evening.” Raphael instructed. “Other than that, I think we are good. Thank you, Lacey.”

  “My pleasure,” Lacey left them to their dessert.

  “Where are you staying while you’re in town?” Sara was proud she finally thought of a question.

  “Adam’s old place.” Raphael answered.

  Adam went rigid.

  “Alone?” Adam asked with a suspiciously nonchalant tone.


  Sara didn’t know what to say to that. Did he mean a house Adam used to sha
re with Rebecca? In this town?

  Rebecca lives in this town?!

  Sara’s heart rate doubled, which caused the men to simultaneously look her way. She didn’t mean to panic, but she had never considered where Rebecca might actually live. Adam talked about a villa in Italy and travelling the world, but not living together in a house, in the very same town Sara called home.

  Did Collette live her too?

  “What it is?” Raphael inquired.

  “Nothing.” Sara lied.

  Raphael cocked his head to the side, studying her, “You lie terribly.”

  Sara glanced to Adam for direction. His expression was pained.

  “I never thought about where… she lived.” Sara stuttered.

  Raphael looked to Adam. “What’s going on?”

  “Rebecca is not particularly happy with me…” Adam hedged.

  Sara didn’t volunteer any more information, even after Raphael pinned her with his stark black gaze.

  “She needs to get over it.” Raphael said slowly. “You’re lifemated. It is over.”

  His statement confused Sara, but she didn’t want to say the wrong thing in response. If Adam wasn’t going to tell him what happened it was for a good reason. She needed to keep her bumbling mouth shut. Sara knew herself, she would easily say too much.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Velvet!” Joe screamed in submission.

  Fuck! Rebecca cringed.

  In all their years together, she never pushed Joe hard enough to use the safe word before. She lapped at the blood trickling from her last bite, savoring the decadent taste of his pure panic.

  Rebecca released the many painful clamps that were secured on his most sensitive skin. She untied the knots securing him in place and took his solid cock in her hand. His head fell forward onto her shoulder. His skin damp from sweat. She cradled him in her arms as she easily transferred the large man to the bed.

  Joe’s breath came in ragged bursts, but the evidence of his hardness in her hand was enough for her to know she hadn’t really damaged him.

  “Look at me.” Rebecca demanded.

  Joe’s expression was broken, yet thankful for her quick response to his needs.

  “You’re alright?” Rebecca asked, but it sounded more like a statement of fact.


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