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Grumpy Jake

Page 4

by Melissa Blue

  “Believe me, I know, but I so appreciate the help after today. I was pretty sure half the class would fall sick.”

  “Do you know why?”

  “As far as I, the school nurse and the initial kid’s mother can figure, Lily had a stomachache since last night. She got into a bag of candy. The rest just had weak stomachs. I’m hoping. I don’t think I can take this again tomorrow.”

  He rubbed her back, thoughtless, and then dropped his hand right when he’d realized what he’d done. He gestured to the door. “You know the way.” He turned to Jayden. “We’re going in. Let’s put the ball up.”

  Jayden bounded over. “I like the toys. You have so many.”

  “I have so many nieces. They hate being cooped up inside, though I do have a toy room for them in the second bedroom.”

  His son’s eyes widened. “I love your house.”

  She laughed and the enthusiasm felt contagious. “So do I.”

  Jayden was the first one in after she unlocked the door and Jake only shook his head. “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine,” she said to him, but to Jayden she added, “Let me show you to the room, and then ice cream for dinner. I have vanilla, cookies and cream—”

  “Cookies and cream, please.”

  “A boy after my own heart.”

  Jake followed the obvious path to the kitchen as their voices filtered through her home. Her home was filled with family photos, kid creations, fluffy throw pillows on the couch and soothing blue paint. Like father, like son he loved her place. He wanted to settle in for more than ice cream even if it was as simple as watching something on TV. His mouth lifted into a smile at the thought of watching movies with Bailey. She would totally throw popcorn at her TV if something annoyed her or a pillow if something scared her.

  He lingered much longer in the living room as his imagination played, but once in the kitchen, he hunted down some bowls, spoons and an ice cream scooper. By the time she came in, he had two helpings in the first bowl.

  “I would protest about you being a guest, but I don’t have it in me.”

  “Have a seat then.”

  “There’s chocolate syrup and whipped cream in the fridge.”

  He brought everything to her and then settled into the chair next to her. Even with the promise of ice cream, Jake was sure his son would want to do an inventory of toys first. He and Bailey would have time to talk, face-to-face for the first time since the elevator incident. Talking to each other in passing or in texts wasn’t enough. He—

  “Oh, my God,” her voice was husky after taking her first bite of ice cream. She closed her eyes and moaned.

  Of course she did. The sound wasn’t meant for him, but his fists clenched on top of the table. He was a breath away from ripping the spoon from her hand to feed her himself. Maybe then she’d make the sound again, her gaze on his. And after that his lips could replace the spoon.

  Her mouth slid across the ice cream coated metal leaving a remnant of chocolate on her top lip. She opened her eyes just as her tongue traced over the dessert. It wasn’t until she put a hand up to cover her lips did he realize she was looking at him now.

  Without a word, he pushed from the table to make a bowl for himself and Jayden. They’d likely melt by the time either of them got around to eating it. He just needed a reason to get away from the table, her and that searching, hungry gaze.

  “Jake, look at me.”

  He forced an exhale before he did. Her eyes were wide. Her chest rose and fell like he’d caught her mid-run. He grabbed hold to the first words that came to mind. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable in your own house.”

  Her tongue flicked out again, wetting her top lip. “That’s the thing…”

  His existence waited for her to finish that sentence. Instead of telling him the rest, she stood, moving into his space, placing a hand on his chest. The tension in the moment doubled. When she balled a hand in his shirt, he stopped trying to fight the inevitable. He bent to brush his mouth along hers. She tasted of chocolate, so fucking sweet and tempting.

  This time when she moaned, it was definitely for him, because of him. He crushed his mouth to hers. She threw her other arm over his shoulder, her fingers closing on his nape. The only sweet thing about the kiss was the taste, because she licked into his mouth next.

  He grabbed her waist to pull her closer. Her breasts flattened against his chest. God they were soft, but there were too many clothes between their skin for him to know. It was too much and all he could do was yearn to know if her nipples were already stiff and needy, wanting his hands or his mouth. Fuck that. Both.

  Jake tugged her from the ground and wrapped his arms to keep them sex to sex. He wanted the kiss to last forever. To have her nails damn near biting into his skin as he sucked on her bottom lip, the tip of her tongue.

  Eventually, she pulled back, her gaze on his. He slid her down to her feet and had to bite back a groan as her stomach rubbed against his dick. She stepped back, putting a hand to her kiss-swollen lips.

  The thud of running shoes was the only thing that snapped them back to reality. Bailey recovered first, grabbing her half-empty bowl and moving to the sink. Jayden burst in and only noticed the chocolate syrup and can of whipped cream on the table. Bless him.

  “Dad,” his tone was serious.

  Out of the corner of his eye he could see Bailey suck in a breath.

  “Yeah?” Jake asked.

  “I’m going to need a lot of chocolate syrup.”

  Bailey’s laugh whipped out and he glanced at her, a smile forming. “Well, you heard him,” she said.

  Jayden and he ate their ice cream while Bailey fussed in the kitchen. She cleaned up their bowls, making small talk, but she made sure to keep distance between them even when she waved them off at the door.

  It was like the kiss hadn’t happened.

  But it had, and he was rocked by it.

  Chapter Seven

  Bailey was trying her best to fall asleep hours later and was failing horribly when her phone vibrated. She had hoped he wouldn’t text her. She had so hoped he would. Holding her breath, she picked up her phone.

  Jake: Are we going to talk about it?

  Bailey: The kiss or Jayden almost catching us?

  Jake: Both.

  Bailey: We kissed. Jayden almost caught us. We officially talked about it. So…

  Her phone rang. She sighed then answered. “What needs to be said?”

  “Tomorrow’s Friday night. I can get my babysitter to watch Jayden if I let her know in the morning. We can kiss again without fear of interruption.”

  Every inch of her body wanted to. She could already feel the press and heat of his lips, his body…his dick. She hadn’t been on a date in a while and it was a little longer since someone else had given her a toe-curling orgasm. She hadn’t been hard up until he’d brushed his mouth along hers.

  But how could she not worry it would lead to disaster? Wasn’t it a statistical certainty she’d be sitting in the teacher’s lounge, shit-talking about Jake the Rake?


  She kicked at her covers, the only sign of her frustration. “I heard you. I’m torn.”

  “If you don’t want to, I understand.”

  “Stop being reasonable.” She sounded legitimately pissed.

  He coughed to hide an obvious laugh. “I’m sorry?”

  Bailey both wanted to cuss and smile. “I wanted to be friends.”

  “You didn’t kiss me like you wanted me to be a friend.”

  She fucking knew that, but it wasn’t entirely her fault. She had been sitting there enjoying the shit out of her ice cream after a long day. When she’d opened her eyes, Jake had looked like he was one muscle twitch away from bending her over the kitchen table. Her pussy did a really good impression of a river.

  It hadn’t helped he had come to the rescue earlier. Or that he and Jayden had looked so adorable in matching yellow rubber gloves. Or that more than once her gaze had g
one to him as he wiped something down and his forearms had flexed. His ass had hugged the jeans. Who knew a man cleaning could be as effective as porn?

  And she couldn’t lie to herself and say if they kept it to the bedroom, her heart would be safe. What about her pride?

  She sighed into the phone. “Okay.”

  “You don’t sound happy about going on a date with me.”

  “Our situation is so complicated.”

  “No. It’s simple. I’ve met a smart, smart-ass who makes me laugh and can kiss my fucking face off any time she gets struck with the mood. I’m asking her out because I think we’ll have a good time.” He paused, and she could practically hear the smile in his voice. “And if I’m lucky, the night will end with her kissing my fucking face off.”

  She pressed a hand to her suddenly heated cheeks. “I guess when you put it like that, we’ll have fun.”

  “Would you be more comfortable if we went somewhere outside the city limits?”

  At the suggestion she sat up. “Yeah, actually. You don’t mind?”

  “I get it. I do. I’ve only dated someone from work maybe once, three years ago.”

  She hadn’t thought to ask him about that and now she wanted even less details. “Then we agree, if things go beyond one date, it’ll be like a separation of church and state?”

  “I respect your boundaries. I will only look at you with longing while you’re at work.”


  He laughed again and it was such a good sound to hear from him. “Tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at 7:30 p.m. I have the perfect place in mind. It’s somewhere between laid back and fancy.”

  “Night, Jake.”

  “Have naughty dreams about me.”

  Then he hung up before she could reply. She glanced at the pillow beside her. “Seems this will become a regular thing.”

  She placed it over her face and screamed.


  At 7:29 p.m. a knock came at her door. She didn’t have shoes on and had only managed to find one earring. Yet she raced to answer. Her heart skipped at the sight of him. All the times she’d seen Jake he’d worn jeans, t-shirts or his scrubs. He had a body to look good in anything but Jake in a suit…

  “Holy shit,” she muttered.

  He grinned. “Let me guess. I clean up nice?”

  The slacks were navy blue and made his legs look long and lean. The jacket in the same shade gave his broad shoulders the spotlight they deserved. He left the first few buttons open on his pristine white shirt, teasing her with a collarbone she wanted to sink her teeth into. His tattoos peeking out and on full display over his knuckles…

  “Shit,” is all she could say again.

  He glanced down. “You have very cute toes, but I’m going to guess you need a few more minutes.”

  “Come on in. Have a seat.”

  Thankfully, she had to go back upstairs to finish. It would give her time to slow her road. Her brain had bungee jumped right into lust-ville. She breathed, told her vagina to cool it and finished getting dressed.

  By the time she came back downstairs, Jake had relaxed on the couch, one arm spread along the back. The photo album she kept on her coffee table was propped on his lap, and he flipped through with his other hand.

  He looked at her, heat simmering in his gaze. “Shit,” he said. “Very nice heels.”

  Since she’d gone for a standard little black dress with a flirty skirt, she’d decided her heels would do the rest of the work of pulling her outfit together. They were red, leather with a lot of straps that gave her more than a few inches.

  “I’m ready.”

  He escorted her out to his car, opening her door first. The whole ride he made small talk and acted the gentleman. It was a bit odd to see Jake in date mode. He didn’t smile more, a shame, but he was so comfortable in his own skin.

  But as always, he was perceptive as hell. He parked in front of the valet station at the restaurant and pinned her with a stare. “What is it?”

  She chewed on the question and he waited. “I think I expected you to remain gruff with me. I mean, you’re telling me about work and being…”

  He raised his brows. “Charming?”

  She gasped. “Yes. I couldn’t put my finger on it.”

  “Only you would be bothered by that.”

  Before she could reply, the valet opened her door then offered her a hand to get out. After a quiet thank you, she glanced up at the building. By no means was their city small, but Laughton, a beach town, was filled to the brim with people who had expendable cash. The black sign bearing the restaurant’s name was both understated and elegant.

  Jake strolled to her side and offered his arm. “You have questions, I see.”

  “You said this place would be between laid back and fancy. You undersold it.”

  “Did I? A friend owns this place so that could be it. I’ll get a table even if I’m wearing jeans.”

  “A friend? I’m guessing a male one, given it’s you.”

  “Any charm I have is snubbed so you’re getting gruff again. Come on.”

  Once inside, he nodded to the server. The older woman led them through the main dining room to a private alcove near the back. The lighting was dim, the music barely a hint and the whole place smelled like good but expensive food.

  Despite his threat, he held out a chair for her then settled in the seat right next to her. Their legs brushed under the table.

  She pushed out a breath then asked, “Tell me more about this friend.”

  “We use the same babysitter.”

  “He’s also a single dad?”

  “Widower. One day we got to talking about baseball and hit it off.”

  “Just the owner or a chef?”

  “Owner, but he can cook. His wife was the chef.” He put up his hands. “I’m going to give you fair warning. I tend to eat and drink whatever they bring me. It’s always good. Do you have any allergies?”

  “I do not, and that’s fine with me if we eat what they bring.”

  A young and white server appeared with a bottle of red wine and glasses. The boy’s face brightened when he saw Jake, but his pale cheeks colored as he said, “Sir, would you like to try the wine?”

  Jake snorted. “Really, Kevin? Sir?” He glanced at her. “Kevin is my friend’s nephew. This is Bailey.”

  Kevin let out a relieved breath then slouched. “Uncle Shayne sent me over and told me this would be my table for however long you stayed.”

  Jake shook his head and let out a small laugh. “I appreciate you trying for professionalism, but ‘sir’?”

  Kevin grinned then poured them both a glass. “You had company.”

  Amused by the exchange, she waved at the kid. “It’s nice to meet you, Kevin.”

  It was good to see the playful side of Jake as he caught up with the boy. She sipped her wine. Ripened plums, grapes and a hint of citrus blossomed over her tastebuds. The tart and sweet flavor was incredible.

  “I better head into the kitchen. I’ll be back with the appetizers. I think mom is probably going to give you guys the chive blini. She’s been wanting to try it with quail eggs.”

  Her brows went up. “Your mom’s the chef?”

  He pointed to his outfit. “The only person on earth who could bribe me to dress like this on a Friday.”

  She liked him. Her gaze went to Jake after Kevin left. He’d been watching her. She said, “So it’s a family restaurant?”

  “Yeah. Everyone kind of chipped in to help Shayne.”

  Maybe it was just her, but he sounded wistful. “It’s good to see you have people, though.”

  “Friends, which isn’t the same as family.”

  “They can be. Sometimes they are all you might have.”

  He considered that with a nod. “True. But what I want to know is how did you survive braces in middle school?”

  She cringed. “I forgot about that picture and that you might see it.”

  “You would have ripped it
out of the album before I showed up?”

  “Yes,” but she laughed. “I had a gap and a few crooked teeth. I was teased, of course, so I begged and begged my parents for braces. I wish they would have ignored me.”

  “You were still cute.”

  “Bless your kindness.”

  And that was their night. It was easy, fun and filled with incredible wine and food. She didn’t want it to end. It’s why after he parked in front of her home, she invited him in for coffee.

  As soon as she crossed the threshold, she ditched the heels, telling him to sit on the couch again. He tossed the suit jacket on the arm of the couch. She hesitated then walked over to the photo album to pull out the braces picture. He just smirked at her as he settled into the cushions.

  When she came back in with two cups, he did indeed have the album open on the table.

  “That was the only picture in there where I cringe.”

  He sat back. “I noticed. There’s just a void of you and your family until high school.”

  “Sophomore year to be exact.” She handed him the cup then put hers on the table to cool off. “By then I grew boobs, got a bit of style and no longer wore braces.” She bit her lip for a moment.

  “What is it?”

  “I think it’s only fair you show me an embarrassing photo.”

  He put his cup down on the table. “For the record, I don’t cringe at any of my old photos.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “I was born handsome.”

  She cackled. “Lies.”

  He didn’t smile but there was a light in his eyes. “You’ve caught me. I was ugly as shit until fifteen, and then there were some questionable style choices for me.” He scrolled through his phone, stopped to look at her then shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m about to show you this.” He hesitated. “No. I absolutely cannot show you this.”

  Red blossomed on his cheeks. Grumpy Jake was blushing. “I have to see this picture now.”

  He glanced at his phone then shook his head. She put her hand out. He pulled the phone just out of her reach. “I can’t do it.”


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