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Fake Marriage (Contemporary Romance Box Set)

Page 68

by Ajme Williams

“Oh my. It must be culture shock to come from such a large city to our humble little town.”

  “Little oasis, you mean.”

  Mrs. Reynolds smiled at that.

  “The truth is, I like the clean air and I don’t see as much of a pest problem,” I said cutting my slice of meat.

  Holly’s brow rose, while Mrs. Reynolds looked at me mid-forkful of salad. “Pest?”

  “Yes. I once saw a rat fighting with a pigeon over a piece of pizza.”

  “No, you didn’t.” Mrs. Reynolds laughed.

  “Swear to God,” I said holding my right hand up. “I knew then it was time to leave the big city.”

  “No doubt. So how did you two meet?”

  My gaze shot to Holly. I figured this was one she should take, but I wasn’t sure she was as good with the storytelling as I was.

  “Teachers conference,” she said. “In…Orlando. Last year.”

  I nodded. “I saw her across the room, and it was zap, just like that, I was in love.” I snapped my fingers.

  Mrs. Reynolds smiled. “I think you’re telling stories, Tucker.”

  “Not at all. The first time I laid eyes on Holly, I knew she was a woman I had to know.” That wasn’t a total lie. That picture she sent solidified what I’d already been thinking from getting to know her in texts.

  “And for you Holly. I imagine it was a relief to have a man so enamored with you. I mean, you’re not a spring chicken.”

  I gaped.

  Holly flinched, but then her eyes heated in irritation. “Actually, I wasn’t sure about Tucker.”

  “Why not? He’s handsome. And he can cook.”

  I can toss you out of this house too, I thought, but instead I drank my wine.

  “Well, like you said, Mrs. Reynolds, he’s a bit untraditional.”

  “Yes, yes, I can see that. That would have given me a pause too.”

  “Thank goodness I won her over,” I said, lifting my glass to drink more wine.

  “When will you be having children?”

  I nearly did a spit take. Seriously? What did all this have to do with getting a donation?

  “Well, Tucker tells me twins run in his family, so we need to wait until we’re sure we could handle two at a time.”

  I winked at her to say, “good call.”

  “Plus, Holly has so many wonderful projects she’s working on right now. Did you know she helped bring back 4-H to the schools? How is it possible in Nebraska that a school didn’t have 4-H?” I worked to bring the conversation to Holly’s skills as a teacher and community leader.

  “It’s a shame, I know. Thank goodness Holly is such a dedicated teacher,” Mrs. Reynolds said.

  “And now with the library. Kids these days aren’t reading like they should, but the library is lacking in all the resources to make sure Nebraskan kids can compete.”

  “Yes. The kids are all about their phones these days, aren’t they?” Mrs. Reynolds said.

  “They really are.” Holly nodded. “We’ve got lots of support from the mayor’s office, and we’ve raised some funds, but we still don’t have enough.”

  “Holly said your husband’s family was instrumental in developing and building Salvation,” I said.

  Holly glared at me for taking the subject away from the library. I gave her my “trust me” smile.

  “Oh yes. There wouldn’t be any Salvation without the Reynolds.”

  “Gosh, imagine you helping with Holly’s project. You’d be continuing the tradition set by your husband’s family.” I wondered if Holly thought I was laying it on a bit thick, but she watched Mrs. Reynolds carefully for her answer.



  I couldn’t decide if Tucker was a dream come true when it came to wooing Meredith into supporting the library project, or if I was annoyed at how taken she was with him. He always seemed to know what to say, not just to her, but to everyone. He didn’t seem nervous and while I saw a flash of annoyance in his eyes when she’d say something sexist, he was able to brush it off and move on in the conversation. Did he learn that from having a therapist mom, or was it just part of his DNA.

  Whatever it was, Meredith was eating it up, and I was feeling hopeful that we’d have the money for the library project.

  “I’ll have you know, young man, that I’ve long carried on the traditions set by my husband's family, have I not, Holly?” Meredith responded to Tucker’s comment about continuing her husband’s family’s legacy.

  “Yes, you have,” I confirmed.

  “I’m a big supporter of the arts, education—”

  Tucker waved his hand in surrender. “I didn’t mean to suggest you weren’t a vital member of the community. Holly has touted all your good deeds.” He gave a sheepish smile. “You’ll have to forgive me for trying so hard to support my wife. I’m so proud of all she’s done as well. The two of you together…well…Salvation is a lucky town.”

  He was a bit over the top, and yet, I could see he was successfully wooing Meredith. I could reach across the table and kiss him. I thought about it. For the ruse of course. Nothing more.

  Meredith patted my hand. “You have such a wonderful husband, Holly. He’s quite handsome. I’d keep him away from any other women, if I were you. They’ll try to snap him up.”

  It was a reminder of why indulging with Tucker would be such a disaster. In a few years, I’d look more my age, while he was still young. He wasn’t shallow, but that didn’t mean younger, more nubile women wouldn’t tempt him when I grew crow’s feet and my breasts sagged.

  “Never will happen,” he said with surety.

  “Devoted too. Just like my Jamison, rest his soul,”

  We finished up dinner and Tucker surprised us with a dessert of strawberry shortcake. I might not want to be in a relationship with him, but I was seriously considering hiring him as my cook and handyman.

  The talk moved away from the library, but Tucker continued to delight Meredith with his stories of teaching, thankfully leaving out the part where his student drew a dick for a science experience.

  Finally, Meredith made a move to leave. She stood and let out a satisfied sigh. “Thank you so much for the lovely dinner, Tucker. You’ve got a quaint little home here. I can see you two are both very happy.”

  Tucker put his arm around me. “Incandescently.”

  I smiled, but I wondered who really ever talked like that? Tucker apparently. And it worked. Meredith giggled. I’d have never thought she was capable of giggling, but Tucker got one out of her.

  “He’s adorable, Holly. And, he’s convinced me that, yes, I need to help you with the library project. In fact, let’s go all out. New building. New media resources. New books. The whole works.”

  My heart did flips of happiness in my chest. Tucker pulled me in and kissed my head and I hugged him from the side, so grateful for the help. He was right. We could pull off fake marriage for a night to help the children and community of Salvation. I wanted to do a happy dance.

  “And I want to be a part of it all,” she finished.

  My heart stalled. What did she mean?

  “I want to work with you both on the planning process through to the building. It will be the Jamison and Meredith Reynolds Library. Such a lovely ring to that, don’t you think?”

  “Beautiful,” Tucker said grinning at me until he realized I wasn’t smiling back. He quirked a brow.

  Meredith clapped her hands in glee. “Oh, I can’t wait. We’ll be seeing a whole lot of each other. I look forward to more of your wonderful cooking, Tucker.”

  We said our goodbyes but when the door shut, I sagged against it, feeling completely deflated.

  I looked up at Tucker. “This is all your fault.”

  He cocked his head and put his hands on his hips. “I think you mean thank you.”

  I let out a frustrated growl. “You’ve made things worse.”

  “What am I missing? The goal was funding for the library. She walked out of here committing funding for
the library.”

  “And she wants to be involved and have more dinners and flirt with you—” Ugh. I pushed away from the door and stalked to the living room. “It’s all over now.”

  “I’m not following,” he said, turning to watch me as I paced.

  I stopped and glared at him. “We’d have to stay faked married.”

  He shrugged. “So? We’re good at it.”

  I gaped. “We’d have to move in together because she’ll drop in and expect you to cook. Building a library will take months. A year. Maybe more.” God, I thought I was going to throw up. “It’s just not feasible.” Then, because I was emotionally wrought, the waterworks started. The last thing I wanted was to cry in front of him, but there was no stopping it. The library had been right here at my fingertips and now it was gone because I couldn’t correct her and tell her I wasn’t married during my visit to her home. God I was such an idiot to think this would work.

  “Jesus, Holly. It’s not that bad.”

  “Not for you, Mr. Charm-the-Pants-of-Old-Ladies.”

  He let out a breath. “I just meant that we can figure something out. Don’t cry. I can handle pissed off, but crying...”

  “I thought you were supposed to be Mr. Sensitive.”

  He stepped to me and put his arms around me. “I can be sensitive, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t break me to see you cry.”

  I was too wrapped up in myself to resist his strength. “What a mess.”

  “Nothing that we can’t work out.” His arms gently rubbed my back and needing the soothing I sank into him. He kissed the top of my head.

  “You sure are optimistic,” I quipped. A part of me wanted to dump his half-glass full out so he could understand what a disaster this was.

  He leaned back to look at me. “And you’re a pessimist. I’m surprised. You weren’t like that when we were texting.”

  Yeah, well, I wasn’t trying to be fake married to a much younger man I had the hots for but shouldn’t while lying to an old woman to get money.

  He brushed away my tears with his thumbs. “Perhaps we can find a happy medium.” He smiled and leaned in giving me a kiss on my lips. It was short. A peck really. But that didn’t stop my hormones from firing up.

  He gave me a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I forgot we were back to friends—”

  I gripped his shirt, pulling him to me and planting a longer, firmer kiss on his mouth. It was instinct. An automatic reaction that totally ignored the rational, safe part of me. That seemed to be a theme in my life; forget smart and practical, go with lies and base urges.

  He groaned, and his arms once again held me close. He slanted his mouth, taking the kiss deeper. I parted my lips, inviting him in, groaning myself when his tongue met mine. I shouldn’t be doing this, a voice in my head warned. But I told it to shut up. My life was a mess. A little sexual satisfaction seemed like the least I could have since I was about to lose my donor when I confessed the truth. I’d lose my self-respect too. I wondered if I’d lose my job. Would Meredith use her influence to get me fired?

  Wanting to let all that go, I turned my focus to Tucker and how good he tasted. How wonderful his hands felt as they caressed my back.

  “If you’re going to stop this, please do it now,” he murmured against my lips. His dick was long and hard as it pressed against my belly. My breasts were sensitive as they brushed against his chest. My pussy was on fire with need. No, I wasn’t going to stop this.

  I pulled at his tie, loosening it and then unbuttoning his shirt until I could splay my hands over his chest. It was warm, his heart beating quickly under my palm. It didn’t make sense to me that such a young virile man would want me, would respond with arousal to me, but right now, I’d go with it.

  He unzipped my dress pulling the sleeves down and then unhooking the clasp of my bra. The minute my breasts were free, his mouth was on one nipple while his fingers pinched the other. I gasped and held his head to me as sensations flooded my body. God he was good at this.

  Our hands were a flurry of activity as we undressed and I tugged him to the couch. I straddled his thighs as he slipped a condom on and then he pulled me over him, noting that this was the first time I was ever going to have sex on the couch. First my dining table and now my couch.

  I sank down, taking him deep inside me. God, he felt perfect. I hated him for it even as I savored it.

  “Yes, Holly…fuck you feel so good,” he said with his face in my breasts.

  I was focused on me and my need to forget how messed up my life was and simply feel this primal base pleasure. With my hands on his shoulders, I rode him, up and down, back and forth, chasing my pleasure. His hands kneaded my breasts as he spoke. His words were sometimes naughty, sometimes encouraging.

  My pussy was hitting peak pressure and I knew my release was near. “Suck my nipples,” I gasped, wanting to get lost in my pleasure.

  He did as I asked. He drew a nipple into his mouth, tugging and sucking hard. My body hit the pinnacle and then launched into ultimate bliss.

  I cried out as my pussy spasmed and a flood of pleasure rippled through my body.

  “Fuck…yeah…come on me…” he said with his mouth against my breasts. He groaned, and his head fell back. His expression looked more like torture than pleasure. It occurred to me that he hadn’t come. I wondered why.

  “Why aren’t you coming?”

  “I will…fuck…give me…” In an instant I was on my back on the couch. He knelt on one knee while his other leg was on the floor. He lifted one of my legs so it was hooked over the back of the couch and the other he draped over his thigh. He tugged my hips to his. “I’m going to come so hard.”



  What was it about her that had me mad with orgasmic need? I’d been trying my damnedest to abide by her friend-only rule, and then she was kissing me in a not so friendly manner. What was a man to do but to kiss back? Once I was kissing her, my dick had to get involved. And before I knew it, she was riding my dick and, holy fuck, did it feel so good. Too good to let it end so quickly. So, I fought the orgasm that teetered on the edge, which wasn’t easy because when she came, per pussy was like a fucking vice on my dick.

  But now I had the control. She was on her back, her legs open, her pussy wet with her come. I gripped her hips, and plunged in, watching as her tits bounced each time that I pounded into her.

  She gasped, and put her hands over her head gripping the arm of the couch. She reminded me of a renaissance painting with her round tits, pink hard nipples, and supple curves of her body. Her hair was strewn out all around her head in shiny curls. She was magnificent.

  I withdrew and plunged again, watching as she gasped and arched like she was reaching for her pleasure again.

  “Do you like that, Holly?” I managed to ask.


  “You like my dick. My hard dick in your pussy?”

  She moaned when I thrust in and ground against her hitting her clit. “Yes.”

  “Tell me. Tell me that you like my dick.” I don’t know why that was important, but it was. For all her effort to push me away, she was pretty quick to get us here, naked and fucking on her couch. I was happy to be here. Ecstatic actually, but I needed to hear her acknowledge this. This is what she wanted. She wanted me to fuck her.

  She tilted her pelvis, rocking to match my thrusts. “I like your dick.”

  I licked my thumb. “Come on it again. Come on it and take me with you.” I rubbed her clit as I let go and pounded away my need, thrusting and plunging until my orgasm blasted through me. Her pussy clamped down, and together we fucked until my lungs were burning from the effort.

  As I came down, I adjusted my body so that I could lay over her on the couch. I kissed her temple. She was quiet for a moment. I held my breath as I got ready for her to push me away again, even as I hoped this was a turning point. Wouldn’t it be awesome if she finally just let us be us and not deny what was so clearly between us? She caught me
by surprise by laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” For a moment, I felt self-conscious. Was she laughing at me?

  “I have the worst luck.” She shook her head. Her eyes were closed like she was hiding from the world.

  Huh? That wasn’t the sort of thing a man wanted to hear after having the fuck of his life.

  “I get left at the altar on my wedding day and then I get caught in a lie that will ruin my reputation. I just can’t seem to win.”

  I shifted our bodies so that she was on top of me. “You’re wrong.”

  She looked down at me. “This is a situation that even you can’t charm your way out of.”

  “It’s a piece of cake.” I gently rubbed her back, wishing I could caress the certainty I felt about this plan, about us, into her. “It’s a simple arrangement. I’ll move in here and keep up the ruse for Mrs. Reynolds. She’ll likely get bored of the project before too long or we’ll convince her that she’s provided all the input needed and she’ll fork over the money and move on.”

  I tried not to be offended when she gaped at me.

  “In the meantime, we keep pretending to be married. Look at the bright side, we can carpool to work.” I decided to leave out the part where we could sleep together as I wasn’t sure how she was feeling about it.

  She laughed at my carpool remark, but was shaking her head. “You can’t be serious about this.”

  “Why not? We pulled it off with ease tonight.”

  “We’re supposed to be friends.” Then as if she realized the craziness of her statement because she was laying naked on top of me, she rose, picked up her dress and put it back on. “We seem unable to be around each other and keep things platonic.”

  “I was doing a pretty good job until you kissed me.” How annoying that she seemed to blame me for what just happened.

  She huffed out a breath. “The point is, Tucker, this ruse wouldn’t work. Not for the long time we’d have to do it. One dinner, sure that’s easy. But for months, maybe a year or more as the new library goes up? We can’t do that.”


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