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Star (Beautiful Book 5)

Page 25

by Lilliana Anderson

  My mother didn’t sell the video of Jonathan’s and my reunion. Instead, she burned it onto a DVD and she keeps a copy of it in the same folder as the farewell DVD from Dad. She says it’s her way of showing him I listened to his words of wisdom because she knows that he’d be happy and proud of the openhearted woman I’ve become.

  She’s moved into a small flat that she barely spends any time in. She’s too busy travelling the world doing whichever tour tickles her fancy. But she seems happy, and that’s more than I had hoped for in the aftermath of dad’s death.

  Life without Jonathan was truly miserable for me. Even before I even knew him, I wasn’t happy, and I was trying to live my life as safely as possible so I didn’t get hurt. But he showed me how love, patience and devotion can survive anything, and in turn, I’ve wholeheartedly given him my trust, and I can’t see a future without him in it.

  That’s not to say we’re planning to get married. I still believe celebrities should have a ten-year relationship before even considering marriage. But I have my promise ring and Jonathan and I are unequivocally committed to each other, living together in Jonathan’s Pyrmont apartment where his brothers all enter freely. They’ve accepted me as one of their own, and now that I’m four months pregnant with their nephew, they all fawn all over me like I might crack apart. It’s adorable how close knit they all are.

  When Jonathan travels for various meetings, premieres, and the like, I accompany him as much as I can. Although I trust him implicitly during the times I can’t make it. Our devotion to each other is solid, and I know I’m the only woman for him. Like his mother said, he just needed to find the right one.

  Tonight, we’re in LA. It’s a big deal for Jonathan because we’re attending the Oscars where he’s been nominated for Best Actor.

  “And the Oscar goes to…..”

  I clutch at Jonathan’s hand, my heart thumping in my chest as I wait for the announcer to read his name.

  As all actors do, Jonathan has been saying that it’s an honour just to be nominated for his role in the thriller, A Wanted Man, although I know how much he wants this. He feels it was his best work by far, and after seeing it, I’m inclined to agree.

  After reading the script and then seeing the movie, the transference from script to screen was simply amazing, and Jonathan outdid himself. Before my eyes he had managed to cease being Jonathan and transformed himself into the character so well, that I found myself completely believing he was this tortured man called Cory Dunlop.

  His fingers squeeze mine as his eyes stay glued to the podium, a professional smile fixed upon his face for the sake of the cameras that are watching with the eyes of the world. I squeeze his hand back, knowing how nervous he really is as the pause before the announcement seems to take forever.

  “Jonathan Masters, for A Wanted Man.” She smiles, and the opening theme music pumps through the speakers as everyone cheers and Jonathan just looks at me with his eyes wide open.

  “We won,” he says, like he can’t believe it.

  “You won.” I smile, taking a hold of his face and kissing him in congratulations.

  “I couldn’t have done this without you. You’re the reason I took this role.”

  “It was your talent that got you here. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Go and get your bloody award,” my mother says from beside me, causing us both to laugh as she smiles proudly along with Jonathan’s parents who all stand and hug him before pushing him to go up and accept his award.

  “Holy shit,” he says as soon as he gets in front of the microphone, clapping his hand over his mouth when he realises he swore. “I’m sorry! I’m just so shocked. There are so many fine actors here today, and I really didn’t think it was going to be me. But thank you. Oh wow, thank you.”

  He then goes on to thank all the important people who took part in the film’s creation, before coming to his family. “Thank you to my parents for putting up with me and not getting so embarrassed by my antics that they disowned me. Thank you to Madz, who gave birth to my soulmate and the reason I took this role in the first place, and thank you to my beautiful partner for life, Sandra, who pushed me to push myself and gave me a reason to become a better man than I was before I met her. This is for you, Red,” he says, holding the golden statue in the air as the music plays and he’s guided off the stage.

  “Wow,” my mother says. “That was really something. When are you planning on marrying that boy?”

  “I’m not, Mum. Not every love story needs to end with a wedding, you know.”

  “Isn’t that how you get to your happily ever after?”

  Looking at my mum, I smile, thinking about how happy her own marriage was and how I thought I’d never find a love like she shared with Dad. When I’d made those comments, little did I know that my own epic love story was already unfolding, and that I had already found my great love in the form of a down-to-earth movie star named Jonathan Masters.

  “No, you get to your happy ever after by finding your soulmate. And that’s exactly what I did.”

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  Next in the Beautiful Series - Taste

  Always forward. Never back.

  I’ve lived my life to that mantra. The past should stay in the past, buried along with the discomfort and heartache.

  Always forward.

  I’m at the top of my game, dubbed as Australia’s most popular celebrity chef by Voyeur magazine. I’m the youngest chef to ever get a Michelin Star. I’ve travelled the world, thrown everything I have at my career, and I have zero regrets.

  Never back.

  Then I receive an invite to a reunion. Suddenly that past I’ve buried comes flooding back: the girl I waited for; the girl I protected; the girl I loved with every inch of my soul; the girl who got away...

  The girl who didn’t care.

  The girl who used me then left me for someone else.

  Now I’m going back. Even though I promised myself I’d never think about that heartless bitch again.

  Tensions flare when Brad is faced with his first love and the reality behind her leaving in this emotionally heart wrenching standalone. Taste: Beautiful Series, six. Containing new and extended scenes from A Beautiful Taste in this updated novel.

  Also by Lilliana Anderson



  Lying Game

  Cartwright Brothers

  Fool Me Twice

  Fools Rush In

  Foolish Games

  Fool’s Errand

  Fool’s Paradise

  47 Things

  47 Things

  One More Thing


  In the Wind

  Till There Was You

  Never Again

  Darcy Comes First (Love is a Beach)

  Drawn Series


  Drawn 2 – Obsession

  Drawn 2 – Redemption

  Drawn to Fight

  Zac & Evie

  Hugo & Meg

  Beautiful Series









  Entwined Series

  Our Hearts Entwined

  Our Lives Entwined

  Fire and Lies Series



  Deep Cover

  The Confidante Trilogy

  Confidante: The Brothel

  Confidante: The Escort

  Confidante: The Madame

  For more information on upcoming releases visit

  About the Author

  Bestselling Author of the Beautiful Series,
Drawn and 47 Things, Lilliana has always loved to read and write, considering it the best form of escapism that the world has to offer.

  Australian born and bred, she writes New Adult Romance revolving around her authentically Aussie characters with all the quirks you’d expect from those born Down Under.

  Lilliana feels that the world should see Australia for more than just it's outback and tries to show characters in a city and suburban setting.

  When she isn't writing, she wears the hat of 'wife and mother' to her husband and five children.

  Before Lilliana turned to writing, she worked in a variety of industries and studied humanities and communications before transferring to commerce/law at university.

  Originally from Sydney's Western suburbs, she currently lives a fairly quiet life in suburban Melbourne.

  For more information on Lilliana and her work:

  To join her Facebook reader group and talk books




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