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Billionaires Next Door : A Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 27

by J. P. Comeau

  None of my security cameras had caught her car anywhere near my property. Still, I had a distinct feeling that someone was following me. On my last date with Annie, which consisted of dinner and a movie, a black SUV kept showing up. Whenever I looked in the rearview mirror to get a glimpse of the license plate, it quickly sped away.

  I had spotted the same SUV behind me on several other occasions, too. Almost every time that I went to my lawyer's office, the black SUV was nearby. I also saw it near my parent's mansion a few times. Its only distinguishing mark was a large white scratch along the back, which I noticed every time it sped away. On one occasion, I was able to get Z, L, and number six on the license plate.

  Danielle wrote down the information and tried determining who the SUV belonged to, but nothing came up.

  It was my day to spend with Addison, and all I wanted to do was take her out for ice cream. There was a new ice cream parlor called Sprinkles, and I knew that Addison would have so much fun. Her favorite ice cream flavor was cotton candy, and I was aching for a father-daughter moment. I held my breath and called Heather.


  “Good afternoon to you too, Heather.” She let out a sigh, and I could just see her rolling her eyes. “Today’s my day, and I’d like to take Addison out to Sprinkles for ice cream. What time can I pick her up?”

  “I’ve made it clear, Richard, that I am to be with her at all times.” I heard Addison say something, but Heather quickly shushed her.

  “Why are you making this so hard, Heather? You might not like me, but I've done nothing to suggest that I'm a bad father."

  “The judge hasn’t said that I need to let you have one on one time with her yet, so you’re the one who’s making this hard.”

  “You know damn well that I’m a good father, Heather. You only insist on being there to try and put the heat on me. How stupid do you think I am?”

  Our attorneys were still going back and forth over how much I was to pay her. Danielle was doing everything that she could to avoid a large payment plus back child support, and Heather wasn’t backing down.

  “It’s not my fault that you’re cheap,” she hissed into the phone.

  I knew Addison was near Heather, and I didn’t want her to overhear anything that I was saying.

  “All I’m asking is one session without you, Heather. That’s it. You chose to keep her from me all of these years, and then out of the blue, you show up. You’re demanding an excessive amount of money, but let’s keep that between our lawyers, okay? Please. Just one day with Addison.”

  There was a long pause on her end, but I refused to back down. After everything she put me through, she owed me at least one visit with Addison on my own.

  “Not today, Richard. We’ll meet you at Sprinkles at noon.”

  I hung up the phone and then chucked it onto my bed out of anger. I needed to cool off.

  As I got into the shower, I thought about when I should tell Annie about Addison. I had wanted to do so at dinner two weeks before. There were several opportunities that night to do so, and she could sense something was wrong with me. My thoughts kept racing and distracting me from our conversation that night, and every time I looked at her, I had lost the nerve to tell her about my love child. I was worried about how she would take the news.

  Annie had moved forward with her lifestyle brand and had a second virtual meeting with the investor in a few days. Both of us were working incredibly long days. Sometimes she worked longer ones than I did. I was proud of her, though. Whenever both of us had time to spend together, be it dinner at a restaurant or a movie in bed, I didn’t want to put the pressure and stress on her, not knowing when I would see her next. I wanted it to just be about us.

  The legal work over the custody of Addison was getting messier, though. Heather wasn’t making it easy, and I was worried that it’d scare Annie away. My worst nightmare would be Heather confronting Annie and screaming at her. Even after all of it was said and done, Heather would always be in my life because of Addison.

  Annie was a completely different person than Heather, too. Unlike Heather, she was down to earth and wasn't concerned with material possessions. Most of her clothes came from vintage stores, and not the kind that Heather frequented. She didn’t deserve to be around someone so nasty and cynical, yet that would be the case if we stayed together. I could see Heather calling her offensive names, even in front of Addison too.

  I let out a sigh as I dried myself off, then made my way to my clothes closet. As I was buttoning my jeans, Danielle called my cellphone.

  “Did you get the paternity test results yet?" I immediately regretted being so forward since my parents had raised me to be polite.

  “Yes, Richard. They are conclusive. You are the father.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief, even though it was clear that I was Addison’s dad.

  “I’m setting up a meeting with her attorney and Heather for negotiations. I’ll get back to you with the date as soon as I know, okay?”

  “Thank you so much, Danielle.” I hung up the phone and sat down on my bed.

  I wondered whether or not I should tell Heather at the ice cream shop that day, but decided not to. She'd be upset that I was even questioning it, plus that time was for Addison and me.

  Whenever Heather even looked at her, Addison would just roll her eyes and look away, especially when Heather was on her cellphone. That was all she did during those supervised visits, too. She’d just sit there, scrolling through her phone while Addison and I got to know each other. Occasionally Heather would let out a disgusted sigh, and Addison would look right at her.

  She might be young, but she was incredibly intuitive.

  I went downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee, then sat down to read through some legal documents Danielle had sent over. They were options for child support and visitation rights. Money wasn’t an issue, but I would need proof that every penny was going toward Addison.

  There was no way in hell that I’d let any of it go toward Heather’s obvious expensive shopping habits.

  “What a nightmare,” I said to myself, flipping through the pages.

  My head jolted up as soon as I heard a knock at the door.

  As I walked closer, I could tell that it was Annie through the side windows. She was breathtaking as usual, wearing a black tank top and cutoff denim shorts. Her long, black hair looked like satin, and her ruby red lips pulled the whole outfit together.

  “Good morning, handsome.”

  I picked her up and brought her inside, allowing her to wrap her legs around my waist.

  “Well, this is a pleasant surprise,” I said after kissing her on her lips.

  I set her down near the couch, and she quickly took a seat. “I’d say that I was in the neighborhood, but you and I both know that’s not true.”

  She looked so beautiful sitting on the couch, and I instantly knew that I had to tell her about Addison. “Annie, we need to talk.”

  She immediately stopped smiling, which broke my heart, but I carried on.

  “I’m sure you’ve noticed that something’s been a bit off these past few weeks, and it’s time you find out why. Do you remember Heather, my ex-girlfriend?”

  Annie nodded, and all of the colors had drained from her face.

  I put up my hand, knowing exactly what she was thinking. “No, we’re not back together. God, no. It’s just, well, I have a daughter that I just found out about, with her.”

  “Are you serious? Richard, that’s wonderful. But why did she wait so long to tell you? You two broke up years ago."

  I let out a sigh of relief that she wasn't upset but still knew, no matter how hard it would be, I had to cool things off with her. “Who knows, but unfortunately, this does impact our relationship.”

  She tilted her head a bit as I sat down next to her on the couch. “Why would you having a kid affect our relationship?”

  As I ran my hands through her hair, I struggled to find the right words. “Because that’
s not what you signed up for, Annie. You wanted to be with me, not me, and a surprise child.”

  Annie started smiling again. “Did you honestly think this would be a deal-breaker, Richard? I don’t mind that you have a kid. You’ve seen me with Caley, right?”

  I nodded and smiled, too. Annie had been amazing with Caley all of those years, treating her as though she were her own daughter.

  “That’s true. I didn’t think of that part. But still, you’re starting your lifestyle brand. The fact that I’m taking more projects at work, the legal work that’s involved in all of this with Heather, and normal life is a lot. Are you sure that it’s not too much for you?”

  “I’d love nothing more than to meet your daughter, Richard. What’s her name?”

  I spent the next hour telling Annie all about Addison. How old she was, what grade she was in, some of her hobbies, and I also mentioned the boarding school plan from Heather. Annie agreed with me, though. Boarding school wasn’t always the best idea for a young child.

  “And she’s not a fan of her mother, either.”

  “From what I can remember about Heather,” Annie said, “she wasn’t always the nicest person. Kind of snobby, too.”

  I nodded, then told her about the expensive outfit she was wearing along with the rock on her hand.

  “I remember you telling me about how she had scoffed at a gift you once had given her. Didn’t you say the set of earrings were from Tiffany’s, and she made some comment about how there weren’t enough karats.”

  “Yeah, that’s Heather. She’s the same one who wanted me to stop working for my father and branch out on my own.”

  “But you love working for your father,” she said.

  I leaned in and kissed Annie on the cheek. “That’s why I like you so much, Annie. You’d never try to change me, would you?”

  She shook her head, flipping her silky black hair into my face.

  “Not even that sexy grey hair of yours,” she said while running her hands through it.

  "Let me talk to Heather today and see if I can get some alone time with Addison; then you two can meet. Actually, let me show you her picture.” I pulled out my phone and showed her some pictures.

  “Richard, she’s the spitting image of you. Look at her eyes, her thick hair, even her nose! Did you still take a paternity test?”

  I shrugged my shoulders while putting my phone away. “Only because my attorney said that I should, just to be on the safe side.”

  "She was right. But yeah, I could see how you wouldn't have much of a doubt. She's beautiful. She really is."

  "Thanks," I replied, smiling.

  "Well, I just stopped by for a second," she said. "I gotta get to work. Don't let me be part of what stresses you. I'm here. For both of you."

  Annie stood up, and I walked her to the door, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her before she left.

  As I watched her leave my house, I knew that it wasn't Addison who would have a problem with Annie. She would love Annie. It would be Heather.




  As I stood in the mirror, checking my outfit, I still had a hard time believing that Richard had a daughter. It made me feel better about our relationship, though. Ever since that night at dinner, where he kept flowing in and out of our conversation, I suspected that he wanted to break-up.

  Yet, as I admired my pink sundress and wedge sandals, getting ready to meet Richard and Addison, I had never felt so secure in our relationship.

  I got into my car and headed to the lake, which was where Jake and Julianna had spent a romantic evening before meeting us for breakfast the following morning. The property had belonged to their parents and had stunning views of River Valley. I packed a bathing suit just in case we decided to go for a swim, too.

  Even though I wasn’t upset at Richard for keeping Addison a secret from me those past few weeks, I was a bit concerned about Heather. She wouldn't let him have any alone time with Addison, and our day at the lake was the first time she wouldn’t be there to supervise. Heather sounded controlling and narcissistic.

  My pink convertible turned left onto the road that led to the lake, and it couldn’t have been a better day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, birds were chirping all around us, and I could smell charcoal from the grill. After eating protein bars and grilled chicken salads that week, I was looking forward to some hamburgers and hot dogs.

  From what Richard had told me about Addison, she was a stereotypical little girl who loved playing with dolls. So I took it upon myself to pick her up the latest Barbie, complete with a few outfits. It reminded me of how much Caley had loved playing with her Barbies at that age.

  I made my way over to the lake, where Richard was sitting with Addison, and instantly remembered more about Heather from seeing her at a party several years ago. Even though she was the spitting image of her father, Addison resembled her mother a bit as well.

  Richard and Heather never seemed to be a good couple. Despite practically swimming in money, he was always the more down to earth one. Sure, he enjoyed designer clothes and top of the line appliances. But Heather couldn’t be bothered to help other people, whereas Richard was continually donating money to charities.

  Julianna had told me about one fight that stood out to me. Richard had donated fifty-thousand dollars to help a local homeless shelter. The amount of money it was receiving from the county barely covered its bills. As a result, many homeless people often went without having more than one meal per day, if that.

  When Heather found out, she chastised Richard for giving too much money to ‘people who refuse to help themselves.’ She had brought it up over dinner at a restaurant, and he was utterly mortified. Richard told Jake that when they got home, Heather complained that he could have started his own company for that amount of money.

  My biggest concern was Heather confronting me about our relationship, and that she wouldn’t want me anywhere near their daughter. That would be my worst nightmare.

  I watched Richard and Addison playing together, and it was apparent that she had become the center of his world. I would have to be the bigger person when it came to Heather and go out of my way to prove that I could be a better mother figure. There was a good chance that she’d have a problem with me.

  As I got out of my car, I reassured myself that no matter what, Richard would stick up for me.

  “There’s Annie,” Richard said to Addison.

  She stood there, waving and smiling at me with her little crooked front tooth, also wearing a pink sundress.

  “We’re wearing the same color!” Addison ran over to me, and I instinctively bent down to hug her.

  She reminded me so much of Caley at her age. “We sure are, sweetie. How are you?”

  She pulled back and smiled at me, this time only a few inches from my face. There was no mistaking who her father was at such an up-close view.

  “I’m hungry,” she said, “but Daddy says that I can’t eat until lunch. We’re having burgers and hot dogs!”

  I laughed at her enthusiasm as Richard walked over to us.

  “Well, before we eat lunch, do you want to go swimming?”

  She nodded her head, then ran back over to Richard. He lifted her sundress, and underneath she was wearing a pink bathing suit.

  “Can I use the guest house to change?” I asked.

  “Of course.” Richard pointed toward the front door.

  I came out a few minutes later and saw both of them swimming in the lake, splashing the water around. It warmed my heart to see Richard interact with his daughter so much, especially since her mother had no desire to be a parental figure.

  “Annie, come on!” Addison waved her arms wildly, small giggles echoing across the water.

  I smiled and jumped into the lake, creating a huge splash. All three of us swam around for about an hour, taking turns as we helped Addison learn to swim better. It was reasonably shallow, though, so she didn’t need too much
help. Richard got out a few times to check on the hamburgers and hot dogs, which gave Addison and me plenty of time to get to know each other.

  “Are you having fun?”

  Addison smiled at me and nodded enthusiastically.

  “I heard you liked Barbie, so I brought a doll for you.” She jumped toward me and gave me a big hug in the water, and I could already feel us bonding.

  We all sat down to lunch at the picnic table next to his parent's cottage. The food was delicious, and Addison seemed to be having a good time. She played at the table with the Barbie that I brought her, pretending as though the doll was eating too.

  “I wish Mommy were more like Annie,” Addison said to Richard.

  He looked at me and smiled, then hugged Addison. I could tell that he was at a loss for words. Richard didn’t want to acknowledge that Heather was a poor mother, but he knew that he couldn’t deny it either.

  Shortly after eating, while the three of us were playing a game of Uno, Richard's eyes shot up. I turned around to see a black SUV pulling up to his house. When the driver's side door opened, Heather walked out and stormed over to us.

  “You are so typical, Richard.” She stood less than two feet away from us, with her hands on her hips and her face turning beet red. “The one time I allow you to see Addison without me, and you bring this slut!”

  I turned toward Addison, who instinctively pressed her head into Richard’s body.

  “Don’t make a scene, Heather. Especially in front of our daughter.” Richard’s voice was firm as he spoke, careful not to make Addison even more upset.

  “This time was for you and Addison, not her!” Heather practically hissed as she pointed her finger at me. “I know all about you, Annie. You and your little yoga studio. Do you think you can change this man? Or are you just after his money, bending over in those tight yoga pants all of the time?”

  I stood up, but Richard put his hand on top of mine, signaling me to lay low.

  “I knew you were following me,” Richard said through gritted teeth.

  He got up and walked over to Heather, while I went over to console Addison by putting my arms around her.


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