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Skeletons In My Closet

Page 17

by Dynah Zale

  “That day you called on our Father a volcano had erupted in Tanzania.” Kiel added. “There were millions of people crying out for him to save them, but the moment He heard your call He turned to see what you needed.

  God elaborated, “Afterwards, you said nothing. I didn’t hear you ask for any help or call just to say hello. It was like the line went dead.”

  “I wanted to talk to you, but I was unsure of what to say. That’s why I got up from off of my knees.

  “No need to be afraid.” God assured him. “I’m always listening and never judgmental.”


  Garrett tried to turn over to lie on his stomach, but something was holding him down. He couldn’t move. A supernatural force invisible to the naked eye held Garrett down. He fought by swinging his arms and kicking his legs, but he couldn’t budge. He panicked. His eyes rolled to the left. Mecca slept soundly, unaware of what he was going through. He called out for help, but his vocal cords weren’t working. He lost all ability to talk and strained to utter a single word; nothing resonated except tiny, short grunting sounds.

  Ready to throw a temper tantrum Garrett screamed inside his head. His eyes darted around the room. Then a dark shadowy figure stepped out of the dark corner of the room. It laughed at him. Garrett’s eyes grew huge and round. He couldn’t believe this was happening to him.

  “What do you want?” Garrett screamed in his mind.

  He was surprised when the demon responded back by saying, “You.”

  Garrett saw a black cloud of smoke drift up towards the ceiling, releasing him from the tight grasp clamping his body. A light breeze caressed his cheek.


  “I always believed that night wasn’t real.” Garrett had never confided in anyone about what had happened that night. “I had never experienced anything like that before.”

  “If Satan feels as though you could be a huge adversary for the Lord he can and usually does reveal himself to you.” Kiel explained. “Satan knew God had big plans for you because every time he wanted to harm you God’s angels were there to protect you. “So the intention of his visit was to scare you. They wanted you so frightened that you would think their visit was a dream.

  “But don’t underestimate the demons of the underworld. They are not to be played with. When it comes to claiming unsaved souls they are ruthless and will stop at nothing until that person is destined to live out eternity in the belly of beast.”

  Kiel sounded so scary Garrett was afraid to speak.


  His eyes opened wide. Frightened, he jumped back. Blair was standing over him.

  “What are you doing in here?” Garrett angrily shouted.

  “I was watching you sleep.” Blair said.

  He looked down at the boys closed fists and felt a bit scared. Realizing, Blair could have done anything to him while he was sleep, he verbally lashed out at him.

  “Don’t you ever come in this room again without asking?” Garrett screamed so loudly that he woke Mecca. “Do you understand me?” Garrett pushed Blair so hard that he fell to the floor. “Do you understand me?”

  Blair looked up at him with tears in his eyes. “Yes.” He solemnly replied before leaving the room.

  A weird feeling came over Garrett for some reason he felt unsafe in his own home.

  Chapter 43

  Dr. French stepped into the lobby of her office juggling a cream cheese bagel from Dunkin Donuts and a huge cup of coffee. Her stomached growled at the thought of her delicious breakfast. She quickly stepped towards the elevators, but stopped in her tracks when she saw Garrett rushing towards her dragging Blair behind him like a rag doll.

  “We need an intervention.” Garrett looked like a raging storm that was about to take vengeance against the world. Disheveled, he stared at her through blood shot eyes.

  “Good Morning Councilman. Good Morning Blair.” Neither greeted her back so she pushed the elevator button.

  “Something serious happened last night and you HAVE to do something about it.” Garrett insisted.

  She stepped into the elevator followed by them. “Do you have an appointment this morning?” She pushed the fourth floor button. “I don’t believe I saw your name in my appointment book.”

  “I don’t have an appointment, but I’m telling you that what happened last night is a matter of life or death.”

  “Councilman, you can have ten minutes,” Dr. French let him know upfront.

  “That’s all I need.” They entered the waiting room of her office.

  “Blair you sit right here while I go talk with the doctor.” Blair sat back and folded his arms as if he were mad or upset.

  The moment Garrett stepped into Dr. French’s office he expressed his concerns. “That boy hates me.” Garrett hissed.

  Dr. French laughed at the way he said it. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to laugh at you, but what would make you think your nephew hates you. Did things not get any better after our last meeting?”

  “They did for a moment, but then—” Garrett took a deep breath. “I awoke in the middle of the night to find Blair standing over me as I slept, and there was hatred in his eyes.”

  “Hatred?” Dr. French repeated.

  “Yes, I know what it looks like when somebody despises you. His aura gave off such a negative vibe that it woke me out my sleep. If I had not awakened, who knows what that kid could have done? He may have beaten me to death with a blunt object or strangled me in my sleep.”

  “What did you do to him?” Dr. French was well aware that people’s actions were usually perpetrated in response as a reaction from an attack against them.

  “I didn’t do anything.” Garrett didn’t think it was necessary to tell her about how he mistreated Blair the night before and forced him to run outside in the middle of the night until he lost one pound. “But I’ll tell you this; I will not have a disrespectful child living underneath my roof or eating my food.”

  “Why don’t you calm down because we’re not sure if hate is what you really saw?” Dr. French set down her cup of morning Joe. She had fallen for Garrett’s life or death act once before. She knew Garrett was probably overreacting over nothing, but she couldn’t stand saying no to anyone in need. “Please allow me to speak with him before we draw any conclusions.”

  Garrett looked like a mad man; his eyes bulged out his head and sweat covered his nose like a raging bull. He was so mad and upset that he didn’t know what to do. He left without putting up a fight. Then Blair strolled in and took a seat in one of the plush leather chairs across from Dr. French.

  She wasn’t sure where to begin, so she figured the best approach would be to get as much information from Blair as possible. “Blair, why do you think your uncle is so angry with you?”

  “He doesn’t love me.” Blair sobbed. “No matter what I do or say, he hates me.”

  “Honey, I don’t think that’s true; you two are still getting to know one another.”

  “You haven’t seen the way he looks at me.”

  Blair was emotionally damaged and the prognosis seemed irreversible. Garrett’s neglect combined with Blair’s perceptions of Garrett made her concerned. “Why were you in your uncle and aunt’s bedroom tonight?” Blair shrugged his shoulders. “Come on Blair I know you have to have some idea why you did what you did?”

  “I don’t know. I just wanted to do something to make him love me. I want him to love me the same way he loves Imani and ‘Lil Garrett. I just want him to love me.”

  “What were you going to do?”

  “Why?” Blair sounded evil. “Does it matter what I was going to do to him? He doesn’t care what he does to me.”

  Dr. French recognized when a child’s actions were really cries for help. “Are you hungry?” She held out her bagel to him. He grabbed it and took a bite. “I’ll be right back.” She got up and went into the waiting room to speak with Garrett.

  “What happened?” Her receptionist still hadn’t arrived and they were still alone
in the office.

  “Blair needs help. Since our initial meeting he has gotten emotionally worse.” Dr. French sighed. “I think the combination of his mother’s passing and abandonment issues by his aunt and father have contributed to Blair not caring what he does any more. He feels as though he might as well go ahead and hurt others because he’s been hurt himself.”

  “I told you there was something wrong with him.” Garrett said triumphantly.

  “His female tendencies may have something to do with all the emotional problems I suspect he is having.”

  Garrett was in shock.

  “For the safety of you and your family I’m going to arrange for Blair to be taken out of the home and placed in a home for boys.” Dr. French searched through her contacts app on her iPhone. Then she picked up the phone to make a call. Garrett rushed over to her and snatched the receiver out her hand.

  “You can’t do that. I’m running for mayor. How would I explain me allowing my nephew to go live in a boys’ home?”

  “I really don’t think it’s safe for Blair to remain in your home. Although I don’t believe Blair would hurt your wife or children because he cares about them deeply, but I wouldn’t chance it.”

  “There has to be another way?” Garrett said.

  “There is one other option, but I want you to understand that I usually only do this as a last resort and it’s costly.”

  “I don’t care what it costs.” Garrett was anxious to hear what her recommendation was.

  “It’s extreme.” She warned.

  “Well, what is it?”

  “We can commit him to a psychiatric hospital?” Traci was now trying to sell him on the idea. “We can admit him under complete anonymity. No one outside the hospital will know he’s there, except for the two of us. He’ll only have to stay for about six weeks.”

  “Why a crazy hospital?” Garrett looked a bit confused.

  “An asylum is the only place I can legally conduct shock therapy.”

  “Shock therapy?”

  “I usually don’t condone shock therapy but I can’t deny its results. I’ve seen homosexuals or men who acted a bit feminine convert over to being very manly.”

  “Why didn’t you suggest this from the start?” Garrett sounded happy for the first time that morning.

  “Because, like I said before, it’s costly and it is extreme.” Traci reminded him.

  “Go ahead make the necessary arrangements. How soon can we get him in there?” Garrett seemed anxious.

  “I can have a room ready for him by this afternoon.” Dr. French picked up the phone and made a call to the hospital.

  Chapter 44

  Archibald Hills Psychiatric Center was listed as one of the best mental institutions on the east coast. As Garrett drove up the winding road that led to Archibald Hills he couldn’t help but be relieved to see acres of lavish green grass. He watched patients playing tennis on modern and well-kept tennis courts or relaxing outside on lawn chairs reading books and sipping on lemonade. This place was more like a resort then an asylum.

  When Dr. French suggested they admit Blair into a psychiatric hospital for treatment a barbaric image formed in Garrett’s mind. Mental health facilities still held a severe stigma of being places made to keep the mentally insane away from the sane. He thought he would see huge tall barbwire fences and bars on every window. This place was quite the opposite.

  It looked like a newly remodeled facility with lots of architectural detail and stunning landscape.

  Dr. French pulled into a parking space reserved with her name on it and Garrett pulled in right next to her. When they got out of their vehicles the doctor noticed how apprehensive Blair was acting. He kept peering over his shoulder as if someone was going to jump out and grab him, “There’s no need to look so scared.” She held out her hand for his and they climbed the stairs leading into the hospital together, with Garrett following close behind.

  The first check point was a guard’s station. Behind the protection of a Plexiglas partition, a small black elderly lady sat. Dr. French flashed her badge before giving the woman instructions through the intercom. “I need a packet of admission forms, a hospital gown for the boy and two hospital bracelets.”

  The woman slowly got up from her post. First she shoved a clipboard full of forms at the doctor. Then she searched through a box full of hospital gowns until she found the largest size they had for Blair. Lastly she handed the doctor the bracelets. Dr. French scribbled on each bracelet before securing them to the wrists of Garrett and Blair.

  The next stop was the mandatory security check. The Security guard asked them to remove all contents from their pockets. “Security is very tight around here,” Dr. French explained as she passed through the metal detector. “Cameras are set up in just about every corner of the hospital. There is a twenty-four/seven monitoring system in place. All patients are accounted for at all times.”

  Once they were cleared for entrance into the main hospital, Dr. French escorted them to the wing that was reserved for treatment procedures only. Pristine white walls, gleaming floors and the strong smell of ammonia were clear indications that this place was thoroughly sanitized.

  No one could help but notice how quiet it was. Garrett expected to hear screams from the insane and see people walking around in strait jackets like in the horror films. This hospital was nothing like he envisioned in his mind. The ambience was so relaxing he considered checking in.

  Their journey stopped at a wooden bench. The doctor handed the clipboard to Garrett. “This is for you. I need for you to fill out all this paper work and I’m going to take Blair to change into this hospital gown. We’ll be waiting for you across the hall in that room.” The doctor pointed a couple hundred feet away from them.

  It didn’t take long for Garrett to fill out all the paper work. He left most of the questions blank because Blair’s past medical history was a mystery to him. He didn’t know if the boy had any allergies or if he was up to date on his shots, but he wasn’t worried. The boy looked healthy, so he assumed he wasn’t sick.

  Garrett walked into the examination room; what he saw took his breath away. Blair was strapped down to a hospital gurney. Restraints held down his arms and legs. Two big muscle shirt-wearing orderlies stood at each side like they were his bodyguards.

  “You’re just in time.” Dr. French took off her suit coat and laid it on a nearby chair. Then she motioned for one of the orderlies to slide a tiny machine on wheels closer to her. She attached two straps to each of Blair’s forearms as if she were going to take his blood pressure.

  Dr. French saw the look of distress on Garrett’s face. It had been so long since she had to carry out this kind of procedure on a kid she forgot how upsetting it could be for parents and guardians. “The restraints are just cautionary measures to protect him from hurting himself during the procedure.

  “I understand.” Garrett couldn’t stop staring. Then he started having doubts. He thought about putting a stop to it and taking his son home.

  “Are you sure you want to continue?” The doctor asked one last time. A lot of times once parents saw the restraints they backed out.

  Blair’s eyes pleaded with his father to get him out of there.


  “You’re half way there.” A demon shouted in his ear. “Once you get past this, you’ll have the son you always wanted. Don’t back down now.”


  “No, go ahead.” Garrett told the doctor.

  “Blair, relax.” The doctor turned on the tiny machine. It buzzed loudly. Dr. French turned up the dial on the machine and the buzzing sound got louder.

  Blair couldn’t relax because he was sure whatever was about to happen was going to hurt. He tried to get up. He fought against the restraints to get loose.

  Like a prisoner on death row right before execution, Garrett saw desperation in his son’s eyes.

  “Dad, help!” Blair’s eyes clearly pleaded as he reached out for his father. Garre
tt stared at his son’s outstretched hand. His son needed him. It was painstaking obvious how scared Blair was, yet Garrett did nothing and turned his back to Blair.

  When Blair called Garrett dad, Dr. French looked at Garrett. Garrett didn’t even notice that Blair had called him dad. “Maybe you should step outside.” Dr. French said to Garrett.

  Garrett was glad she asked him to leave. He didn’t want to witness any agony. He turned to leave, but not before glancing at Blair one last time.

  Outside the door Garrett slumped onto that same wooden bench. Doubts flooded his mind. Perhaps he had moved too quickly. He should have considered other alternatives before advancing to such extremes. The sharp jagged sound of electrical shocks pulled Garrett from his thoughts and then the cries of his son begging them to stop tormented Garrett.

  “Stop! Ugghh! Leave me alone!”

  Ten minutes later Dr. French emerged from the room. Garrett sat huddled in the corner covering his ears to shut out his son’s cries. “Councilman Dunn, it’s not too late. We can stop this if you like.” Dr. French didn’t have any children, but she could imagine how painful this must have been to see his son or nephew endure this kind of trauma. “I can tell them to release Blair and you can take him home.”

  Stubborn, Garrett hated to admit when he had made a mistake. He believed that mistakes were made by weak individuals and he was not a weak person. Garrett got up and straightened out his clothes before proceeding towards the exit. His final words were, “I’ll call you in the morning to see how things are going.”

  Chapter 45

  Tears rolled down Kiel’s face, “I couldn’t stand to watch that kid suffer like he did.”

  Garrett was surprised to also see tears roll down the face of God. Garrett felt like his actions had caused so much pain.

  “I too could not bear to look upon that child’s pain.” God admitted. “I turned my back to his cries. In the end his suffering will not have been in vain.”

  “Is that why you didn’t stop me?” Garrett asked. “Why didn’t you stop me?”Garrett’s eyes met God’s eyes. “You could have stopped me. You said you were always with me. If you were there, then any loving father would have put out his hand to stop me?”


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