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Ironside & Aegis- Origins

Page 25

by David Bruno

  Max gazed at Benny with eyes as black as coal and face set like flint. Benny had little doubt about his seriousness. To make matters worse, it was no empty threat. If anyone could kill Benny, it was Max. He knew how. “I get it, Max. We’ll stay together. I promise.”

  Vanessa looked at her dad, her face turning red. She was surprised at his tone and frankly a little embarrassed. She was a full-grown adult and knew they were depending on each other. Her safety was as much her responsibility as it was Benny’s. Nonetheless, a part of her realized that her father had said what he did because he actually cared.

  “Good. Let’s write this down, read and repeat it, memorize it, and relax the rest of the day before the mission.”

  Max documented a thirteen-step mission plan. It read:

  1. Eat a large meal

  2. Pack weapons—shot, arrows, jelly beans, loaded magazines

  3. Drive the scooters to the site at early dusk

  4. Cut a hole in the fence and sneak in

  5. Destroy the water tank

  6. Take out the guards and let Benny get shot

  7. Enter the side door

  8. Drop one jelly bean in as many labs as possible

  9. Kill Dr. Doe

  10. Destroy the helicopters

  11. Retrieve meteoric alloy


  13. Don’t get killed

  Just as Max instructed, they read it and re-read it over and over. It became boringly routine. They knew what to do. Each knew that plans were only good up to the time when the first shot was fired, and the rest would be improvisation. But they needed something on which to focus.

  “Max, one more thing. We know the plan but we decided before you arrived that we aren’t killing anyone. When I’m armored and Vanessa has her shield, they can’t hurt us. You said it yourself, many don’t even know what they’re doing anymore. It would be wrong to kill them. But we can burn the place down and stop the helicopters. Maybe we can even recover the alloy. Let’s let the authorities take care of the people.” Benny clasped his hands in front of his chest and stared at Max.

  Max froze. He put his hand on Benny’s shoulder. “I know you want to do what’s right. You both do. Trust me, you will have no choice.”

  The team tried to relax. They were full of nervous energy. Max sensed Vanessa and Benny needed some alone time, but he intended to circle back to spend time with his daughter before the mission—it might be the last night he could do so. “I have something to do in town. I’ll be back in an hour or two.” He put the back of his hand on Vanessa’s cheek. “I couldn’t be prouder of you. No father should ever have to ask so much from his little girl. I wish your mother could see the woman you’ve become.”

  Vanessa’s throat tightened. “No other father has a little girl who can do what I can do, and no other daughter has a dad like you.” She hugged her father, putting her head on his chest with the knowledge that in spite of the improbable set of circumstances leading to the events of the coming evening, he had equipped her to know the difference between good and evil and the spirit to do something about it.

  After Max departed, Vanessa turned to Benny and asked, “Should we go for a run?”

  “No, I don’t want to run,” whispered Benny. He put his hands on the sides of her pretty face and said, “These may be our last hours on Earth. I’d rather spend them with you.” Benny leaned in, closed his eyes and gently kissed Vanessa’s lips.

  “Well, we have an hour.”


  Max picked up his mobile phone. He dreaded the call he was about to make. But there was no way around it. “Jeff?”

  “Well, Max. It’s good to hear from you. What of your team? Will they be joining us this evening?

  “Yes, they will. They’ll be the inspiration you need.”

  “Wonderful. I knew you would come around. This really is the right thing to do, Max.”

  “Alright. Just take care of them.” Max hung up the phone and sat over a warming glass of water. He felt like Judas Iscariot and wondered if the world would have been better had he never been born. Perhaps it would. Then again, there would be no Aegis. Maybe no Ironside either.

  But he was not Judas. He had a plan and a team. For the second time in his adult life, he prayed. Rather than asking for divine favors, he was thankful for Vanessa and Benny—grateful for a chance to stop the Agency.


  The time had come to prepare. Inside Benny’s RV, the heroes collected their weapons for the mission. Benny reached into a drawer in his bedroom and pulled out the pistol that he’d used in his attempt to end his life. It was a virtually new Smith & Wesson with six fifteen-round magazines and hollow-point ammunition. While Benny had fired a few dozen rounds through it, all but one had been at a range. He had no real formal training, just range experience. As he held the gun, a cold chill came over him. He tried his best to bury that deep down. There was no sense in worrying Vanessa or Max. He would do what needed to be done and hoped that his natural skill would be sufficient. “I might need this. For good this time… and only if necessary.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Vanessa.

  “I’m surprised Max didn’t tell you. He seems to know everything about me. I’m alone in this world, Vanessa. I wasn’t always okay with that. I thought it was my fault that my family’s gone. They were good people, honest and patriotic. They loved me. Only recently did I fully realize the sacrifices my dad made for me. I couldn’t handle being without them and tried to end it, just a couple weeks ago. As you may have guessed, I couldn’t. I should have known.” He turned to Vanessa, his eyes low and lips pinched shut, embarrassed to say another word.

  “You aren’t alone anymore. You have me.” She smiled and embraced him. Then she touched her head to his and said in a low tone, “Let’s take care of the Agency and make sure they can’t do this ever again to anyone else.”


  7:30 P.M.

  It was time. Vanessa suited up by changing into the uniform that Benny found so alluring. It was also functional. She could move freely and had easy access to her weapons. Her favorite wrist-mounted slingshot was strapped to her left forearm. Steel shot was loaded into the pouches on her utility belt. Her backup sling was also tied around her waist. The ensemble was completed with her special goggles. Vanessa had become Aegis.

  Benny, too, changed into his new uniform. The more he looked at himself in it, the more he liked it, especially with his sidearm attached to his thigh and magazines attached to his belt. They covered part of the chrome belt, making it less noticeable. His uniform was completed with goggles, like Aegis’s. Benny had become Ironside.

  The heroes exited the RV to find Max behind his propane grill flipping hamburgers. His apron read My Superpower is Grilling. “I thought you should eat a little before you leave. Remember step one of our plan? Your powers require a lot of energy.” The pair knew he was right. “The ride should only take about twenty minutes or so. You should arrive a little after 8:00 p.m. The only light will be from the poles around the perimeter and on the side of the lab. The choppers could take off at any time after that.”


  The team prepared the scooters for the ride. “Did you check out our helmets, Aegis?”

  “Umm, no. I’m trying to ignore this part of the mission.”

  “Seriously, they have mics so we can communicate. They also have Bluetooth so I can share an inspirational playlist along the way. You know, something to pump us up.”

  “Alright. I guess that’s kind of cool,” she admitted. She placed her helmet over her head, allowing her ponytail to extend below it. Aegis grimaced as she mounted her steed. She hoped this would be the one and only time she would have to ride such a machine. She didn’t exactly have a license for one. Maybe the police would pull her over and that would be the end of it all. She loaded her weapons into the trunk. California wasn’t exactly fond of open carry—or concealed carry for that matter.

  Ironside grinned
as he revved his mighty 150-cc engine. “Ready, Vanessa?” Ironside asked Aegis.

  She nodded. “Let’s go. Remember, we’re to call each other by our code names when in uniform. You need to call me Aegis, okay? You’re Ironside.” She frowned as she corrected him. It was serious business to maintain one’s anonymity.

  The team departed toward the laboratory. The playlist started, pumping tunes into the helmets.

  “Really, KISS?”

  “Yeah. I figure if my uniform is good enough for the KISS Army, their tunes are good enough to get our juices going for the mission.” He flashed a grin at his partner.

  It was nearly 8:00 p.m., a bit later than they had hoped. Their scooters buzzed down the streets in the otherwise silent evening. The sky was darkening and the warm, dry air was gradually cooling down. There were no clouds in the sky, and there was very little wind. It seemed like a good day for justice.

  It was also a good day for the Agency to carry out their plan.

  Partway to the lab, Ironside’s stomach churned. “I need to stop.” He pointed to his stomach and then to the fast-food restaurant just ahead.

  “Good Lord,” mumbled Aegis as they pulled their mini-hogs into the parking lot. “We’re on a mission and you need to poop.” With a sigh, she figured he’d better go now, because there wouldn’t be time when they were throwing jelly beans. As she formulated that thought, she caught herself midway. She smiled as she realized her feelings for Ironside were more like family than partner. There was no denying that in such a short time, he had become an indispensable part of her life.

  “Badly. I gotta go.” Ironside sprinted to the restaurant at double speed, unarmed but in full gear. Aegis sat on her bike for what seemed like ages. Maybe he was nervous. That was understandable. Maybe her Dad wasn’t a great cook. That was equally likely. Eventually, Ironside strutted from the establishment with a chocolate shake in one hand and the other picking a wedgie from his backside.

  “You bought a shake?” He’s picking his butt!

  “Of course. You have to buy something. It would be rude not to.” He placed the shake in the cup holder, put the helmet over his head, and nodded to Aegis. He pointed forward, and said, “Let’s ride.”

  “You’re disgusting.” Aegis rolled her eyes. The next inspirational tune was pumped into their helmets.

  “Don’t be afraid, Aegis. We’ve paid a heavy price our whole lives because if them. It’s our chance now.” Oh, my God, my knees are shaking.

  “Sorry, but I am afraid. Let’s make it worth the price.” She put her visor down, leaned forward and twisted the throttle. Once again, the team was heading toward the laboratory.


  8:17 P.M.

  The sky was almost completely dark, and the area was wide open except for the occasional tree planted alongside the road. They chose to park their machines a good distance away to reduce the chance of detection. They strapped on their armaments, donned their goggles, and crept toward the laboratory under cover of near darkness. As they approached the lab, the pair looked for cameras. They didn’t see any but assumed they would be spotted anyway.

  “Okay, Aegis. Last chance to turn back.” I’m scared.

  She shook her head. “Not on your life. Like you said, we win or die together. For the first time in our lives, we have a chance to surpass the circumstances of our birth and be what we need to be.” I’ve been practicing that in my head for a while. I wonder if he’s convinced? I’m scared.

  “You’re amazing, you know that? You know, I… I… I love you.”

  Aegis put her finger up to his lips. “I know.” She smirked momentarily and looked away. Ironside froze, expecting a reciprocation of affection. Two very long seconds later she turned to face him and smiled. “Okay. Okay. I love you too. No more delays. Let’s go.” Ironside smiled.

  Just as Max had instructed, they approached the perimeter fence, lined at the top with razor wire. Through the fence and off toward the front door, they saw an American flag proudly flying on a pole, illuminated by a floodlight. Ironside took the wire cutters and opened up a portion of the fence large enough for the team to crawl through. Stealthily, they crept through the opening, careful not to touch the metal, and found themselves on the inside perimeter of the complex. The laboratory stood a short distance away. The water tower was off to the right side of the building, perhaps a hundred feet from it.

  “Aegis, the water tower. Let’s go.” They sprinted toward the tower, trying to remain undetected. “Power up that shield. Get ready to throw it.”

  “Already on it.” They stopped with their backs against the tank. At the speed of a synapse, a weak blue glow formed around her entire body. A moment later, she turned around, reached out with her arms, and threw a shield at the tank. The shield bounced off, generating only a deep bass tone. The tank stood undamaged.

  “What’s the matter, Aegis? Hurry up and get this done!” he shouted.

  “I’m trying. This isn’t easy.” She stared at her hands, trying to work up another shield. Oh, my God, it’s not working!

  “Alright then, hit me and I’ll punch a hole in it.”

  Aegis glared. “You think I can’t do this? What, because I’m a girl?” She continued to work on generating a shield, frustrated at her lack of progress. “Ahhhh!”

  “I didn’t say that. If you’re going to do it, get it done! We don’t have time here!” Ironside scanned the area, looking for any sign of guards coming their way.

  Aegis screamed as her powers finally responded and generated a massive, bright blue shield. With a mighty thrust, she threw it against the tank. With a thunderous bang, the steel buckled, and a wide fracture ripped open along the side. A quarter million gallons of water rushed out toward the heroes, lifting them from the desert floor washing them away with the flow.

  “AHHHH!” screamed Aegis. The rapid torrent of water soon slowed, placing the soaked heroes in the mud. Seconds later as they stood up from the muck, two canisters appeared on the ground in front of them. Pressurized gas shot out, creating a fog around them.

  A voice came out of nowhere. “Halt!” Just like that, the team was surrounded by eight Agency guards. Each wore a gas mask and had what looked like some kind of energy weapon pointed at them, choosing to leave their firearms holstered. “Benny! Vanessa! We know who you are, your abilities, and your weaknesses. Surrender your weapons and come with us.”

  “And if we don’t?” Ironside growled.

  “You will be put down. Now!” The gas began to take effect. Ironside and Aegis tingled from head to toe. Their vision tunneled. A moment later, they fell to the wet ground, incapacitated.

  “Pitiful,” muttered the guard. They were stripped of their weapons.

  The muddy heroes were carried on stretchers past Old Glory and through the front door into the laboratory. Ironside’s and Aegis’s limp bodies were pulled from the stretchers and tied to heavy steel chairs—safely restrained. Their eyes remained closed and their bodies slouched, pulling on their bindings.

  All but two of the guards left the room. Soon after, Ironside jolted, still restrained by the rope. Moments later, Aegis stirred. The pair slowly awakened to find themselves in an office. There was nothing especially unusual about this office. It wasn’t even fancy, decorated only with midgrade furniture. The only thing suspicious about the place was the lack of anything personal. It was cold and sterile.

  “Ohhh, they gassed us, Aegis,” he groaned. This was one thing the team had not anticipated. The advantage was with the Agency. They knew the strengths and weaknesses of the heroes. Just then a tall older man in a suit entered the room, a lit cigarette hanging from his lips.

  “Just relax, Benny and Vanessa,” ordered the man. “That was just a little gas to calm you down. You’ll be fine in a minute. All your questions will be answered. My name is Dr. Jeffrey Doe, and you are our guests. Vanessa knows me well. But you, Benny, we have not officially met. I’ve heard a great deal about you though. You both are family—our
children. Now is a time to rejoice. The prodigal son and daughter have returned—although I wish you hadn’t destroyed our water tank. That was clever and unexpected.” Directing an order to one of the guards, Dr. Doe commanded him to get refreshments.

  “That won’t be necessary,” responded a confused Ironside. “You’re the man who was outside the RV the other day.”

  “Indeed. I knew you were listening. But I was listening too. Have been for some time. I know your plans, and that you two make such a cute couple. I know Max’s scheme to destroy us, but it won’t work.” He motioned to their eyes. “Those glasses won’t be necessary here. Can you remove them for us?” Guards ripped the goggles from their faces and threw them to the floor.

  Nodding to the guard, Dr. Doe continued. “Wonderful. I’m so glad Max sent you to me, even under these circumstances. He can be difficult at times. But he does the right things, at least when his life is on the line.” Ironside and Aegis looked at each other. Surely, Max wouldn’t do all of this just to save his own skin. “Do you know who we are and what we do here?”

  Aegis replied, “You are the Agency. I always knew that. What I know now is that you are an out-of-control government entity, like many. But you’re very extreme. You’re tasked with creating ‘superheroes’ with ultimate loyalty to your cause.”

  “Yes, in part,” responded Dr. Doe. “Continue.”

  “You’re monsters. You killed our mothers and who knows how many others. Babies. Families. I also know you’re being funded not just by our taxes, but by global fascist forces, billionaires intent on a one-world government run by the U.N. It would be of your design, not based on freedom or individualism. Am I right?”

  “Hmm, did Max tell you all of this? Your information is incomplete. First, we won’t be led by the U.N. Those guys are far too disorganized and petty. You don’t know why we exist. The Agency works with global and national interests with the objective of eliminating nation-states and spreading equality to all. We are noble philanthropists. How could it be bad for the whole world to be equal and have the same things in life?” asked Dr. Doe.


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