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Fatal Fiction (Harbour Bay Book 5)

Page 21

by Camille Taylor

  Five minutes later, she wished she hadn’t. Her skin bristled, and panic spread across her belly. Chills raced down her spine and she swallowed hard. Shaking uncontrollably, she found Nick’s number in her recent call log. He answered on the first ring.

  “Hey, I’m still in the middle of a couple of things but hope to be out by five so with any luck we can share—”

  She clutched the phone in a death grip. “Nick, he’s found me. He sent a novella to your house and has rewritten my death scene. I die here, Nick, beside your sofa, so that I’m the first thing you see when you walk through the door.” She paced the small space with jerky movements, a hand resting over her throat. “How does he know what the inside looks like, Nick?”

  “Get out of there! Don’t wait, go across the hall to my neighbour. Jordan Hackett is always home during the day, go there and wait for me and whatever you do don’t leave. I’m coming.”

  Riley moved on rubbery legs to the door, determined to get to Nick’s neighbour but as soon as she opened the door she realised her mistake of not checking the peephole first.

  He came at her hard, knocking her off her feet. Her body bounced off the hardwood floor with a thud. She cried out as pain vibrated up both her arms. He straddled her, his hands going to her neck, squeezing her throat. She struggled to breathe. Darkness swarmed her vision and her body weakened. Nausea rose as he applied more pressure and her throat closed. She fought against him, trying to scratch her attacker with her nails, tried and failed to raise her knee or harm him in any way.

  She was losing the fight, her brain shutting down, protecting itself from injury. Stars burst in her mind, and then she was floating. An angel came to her then, a gorgeous angel with dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. Nick. Her Nick. No! She refused to say goodbye. Not when they had a lifetime in front of them. She would not give up. She may be losing the battle but she would not lose the war. She fought to keep Nick’s image in her head, using him to store up her strength. She would survive. She would see him again. She loved that man and no one was taking him from her. No one.

  The last thing Riley O’Neill saw as she succumbed to the blissful sleep that was so overpowering was her man—Nicholas Doyle.


  Nick’s heart squeezed, an icy chill cooling his blood. Hopeless tears welled in his eyes and blurred his vision. He would never get to Riley in time. He had failed. His hand clenched around his phone but he barely registered the ache.

  How could he live without Riley? She was his reason to keep breathing. The light in his life.

  Pushing away the knowledge he could lose her at any moment, refusing to believe he had already lost her, Nick ran through possibilities. His heartbeat pounded in time with the heavy tread of his footsteps as he raced toward his vehicle.


  With shaking fingers, Nick found the entry he had created just hours ago and dialled Riley’s brother.

  Declan answered his phone on the second ring.

  He cleared his throat. “O’Neill, where are you?”

  “In my car out the front of your building, why?”

  The breath he had been holding suddenly expelled from his lungs. His knees almost buckled.

  “Get up there now. The bastard has found her.” The urgency faded from Nick’s voice and anguish replaced it. “He found her.”

  Declan cursed. A door slammed and horns tooted in tune with angry shouts. Panting filled his ears. Nick peeled out of his car spot. The siren drowned out most of the background noise and he anxiously awaited Declan to speak and tell him what was happening. His stomach twisted and he felt like he could jump out of his skin at any moment.

  “At your floor.” Declan finally reported. “Your door is ajar.”

  Images from the novel filled his vision and he imagined Riley’s body laying on his floor, blood staining his carpet, and her lifeless eyes staring up at him.

  Hold on, Riley.

  “She’s not here.” Declan’s voice brought Nick back to the present. He blinked to clear the picture burned into his brain. Jerking on the steering wheel, he careened over the centre island to zoom through the intersection, narrowly avoiding running up the back of a motorist.

  His hammering heart leapt to his throat. He forced his breath out slowly and tightened his fingers as he pressed the accelerator harder.

  Declan’s voice shook. “Where would he take her? Where is she?”

  A loud crack followed. Despite the fear in Declan’s voice, the man was pissed. Nick didn’t even care what object in his apartment had taken the brunt of that anger.

  If he hadn’t been speeding through busy streets, Nick probably would have reacted in the same way.

  Through the haze of pain, guilt, and murderous rage, Nick heard himself say the two little words that gave him hope. “Her place.”

  Slamming on the brakes, the tyres squealed against the bitumen as he performed a tight U-turn and headed in the direction of Riley’s apartment. God help them if he was wrong.

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  Chapter 34

  Riley’s body ached all over as if she’d been tossed around inside a dryer. Her head pounded, and her throat throbbed. What the hell happened? She fought the daze that kept her immobile. Slowly, she opened her eyes and blinked at the harsh light. She was in her apartment. And the daze wasn’t what was keeping her immobile. Her wrists were bound to the armrests of her desk chair. She fought against them. Her memory returned in a rush. Fear poured over her, its icy fingers grasping at her heart. She was alone with a killer.

  It was hard to believe only a few days ago, she’d stood in this room with Nick, and they’d finally laid down their feelings.

  She choked on an indrawn breath which got trapped in her throat as her gaze darted around her apartment. She couldn’t see anyone. Her heart thumped, so loud she couldn’t hear the sounds of traffic outside. The binds that held her wrists cut into her skin, burning her as she attempted to loosen them. She muffled a cry of pain. Tears blurred her vision.

  A grunt of frustration escaped her lips.

  She gave up struggling. She’d need to conserve her energy.

  Until then…

  Surely, it was only a matter of time before Nick got here? She had to believe that. Or else she’d break down and cry. She swallowed back a traitorous sob.

  Her apartment would be a natural spot after discovering she wasn’t where she should be. The killer wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box, but apparently, he wanted her to die in his first choice not his second. Considering how well he had kept to his word, it was only understandable that he would rather she took her last breath here.

  The hairs on the back of her neck rose as she registered his presence behind her. She froze, not daring to breathe. Her heart too ceased to beat in the time it took for him to move around her chair.

  Riley stared up into the face of such evil and blinked. He certainly didn’t look like a killer. But looks were deceiving and this man had already killed four women—she was about to make five.

  She wasn’t about to make that easy for him. Riley would fight until her last breath whether five minutes from now or an hour. He was going to have to work to add her notch to his belt.

  “You haven’t made this easy on me, Riley, but I appreciate the challenge.” He looked her up and down, his eyes resting on her breasts and then the apex of her thighs. She growled savagely, the sound hurting her bruised throat. Heat rolled beneath her skin. The bastard had strangled her, crushing her windpipe and rendering her unconsciousness. Nausea rose again at the thought of what he’d done to her while she’d been unable to fight back. At least she was still dressed and he hadn’t had a lot of time to move her, so she prayed she was untouched.

  “You’re a real firecracker, aren’t you?” His tone was gleeful, as though she were a new toy for him to play with, not at all worried about her. “I knew you would be. The perfect end to my novel. The prize so to speak.”

  A buried memory tickled the ba
ck of her mind. She’d seen him once before, but the time and place were eluding her. Glaring at him, she refused to take part in his little fantasy. He grinned at her, knowing exactly what she was doing. He moved away to adjust the small digital video recorder she just noticed, standing unobtrusively off to the side to the right of her front door. It was facing her and stood perched on a tripod. Her blood ran cold. He was going to film her murder!

  “Even you can’t be that stupid.” Her voice croaked, her throat erupting in fire from his abuse.

  One side of his mouth curled, but not in a friendly manner. “It’s not stupid. It’s genius.”

  Riley shrugged lazily. “Difference of opinion.”

  “You’re a real bitch, you know that? But then I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re a woman.”

  “Is that what this is all about? Did some woman toss you aside? Break your heart?” She knew she hit the spot when his skin flushed, and a vein in his temple throbbed. Smirking, she taunted him mercilessly. “Did you kill those innocent women because you aren’t man enough to take your rage out on the one person who deserves it?”

  “I’m man enough. I’m just having too much fun.”

  “Not as much as you could. Did they fight back? It must’ve been terribly easy for you to take their lives. I can’t believe I was afraid of you.” She let a bark of laughter. “This town has seen its fair share of serial killers. Now they were scary. You not so much. I mean seriously? My apartment? It’s not going to take the police long to figure it out.”

  “Yeah, but will you still be alive when they get here? Those women were simply warm-ups. They didn’t fight me half as much as you will, Riley. I’m eager for the experience. I find I’ll enjoy it, and when I’m done with you, I’ll find my bitch and put her down.”

  Where the hell are you, Nick?

  A shiver of unease went up Riley’s spine. She shouldn’t underestimate him. He was cruel beyond belief. A man without a conscience. Without a soul. Taunting him was well and good, but the truth was simple. She was tied to a chair and he had four sadistic murders under his belt.

  His cold eyes took pleasure from the shiver she couldn’t hide. “You know we could’ve been partners. All you had to do was play your part.”

  “As in publish you? B&G may like variety but they’re not into snuff books. You’re a very good writer.” The admission hurt her though her words were true. “But it’s your subject that’s lacking.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. But I don’t need you any longer. Everyone should know how it feels to squeeze the life out of someone. To watch the life erase from their eyes. To see the frozen fear and terror as they die. It’s a feeling unlike another.”

  “The world is a sick and deranged place.”

  “Yes, it is. But luckily for you, you won’t be around much longer to enjoy it. I poured everything I am into that novel, and you ignored it—ignored my brilliance. But you won’t be able to ignore me now.”

  “You’re delusional.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I’m the master. You’re in my control. You’re mine.”

  “You think you’re dominating me? Please. You can’t control me. Untie me and we’ll see how you fare.”

  He moved over to the camera and she jumped at the beep. A red light flicked on at the front indicating it had started recording.

  “Smile for the people at home, Riley.”

  Riley blinked. Was this live? She stared into the small viewfinder, unable to breathe.

  He stalked toward her and her gaze wearily watched his every move. “You’re surprised? Yes, well this is sort of out of the norm, but I thought I’d give people a little taste before my book goes online.”

  She jolted when he placed his hands on her thighs. He slid them up toward her waist, stopping when he found the clasp to her jeans. Blood rushed to her ears. Riley kicked out, bucking wildly within her confines. He laughed. “Oh, I’m going to enjoy this more than you’ll know.”

  He popped the button. She raised her knees, struggling ineffectively against him and her restraints. Her legs flayed about in a panic. Joy and lust filled his eyes. She knew she was only fuelling him by fighting back, but she was an O’Neill, and O’Neills didn’t give up.

  In the next instant, he howled in pain as she imbedded a three-inch stiletto heel into his thigh. It hadn’t been the body part she was aiming for, but hell, this might even be better. She twisted her foot, driving the heel into the flesh, inciting new flashes of pain. He staggered back, and she grimaced at the bloody heel. It was one of her favourite pairs too.

  He glared at her with such hatred she instantly prepared herself for the blow. His hand jerked her head back from the force as his palm connected with her cheek. Her face stung like a bitch, but Riley ignored it as much as possible. She took stock of her injuries. Rolling her tongue over her teeth, relief filled her when she found none missing or loose.

  She smirked. “That’s not going to look good for the folks at home.”

  The action hurt but it was well worth it—as long as he didn’t get too pissed and kill her outright. Riley prayed she’d thought her plan through. Pissing him off enough to entice him to give her more pain. More pain meant more time, and more time meant giving Nick a chance to find her alive, if not battered and bruised.

  “Actually, in fact, you’re helping me. Foreplay is just as good as the final act when both parties are involved.”

  He stepped forward again, his intent making the simple action menacing. Riley saw his profile. The sliver of recognition flashed through her mind, and she remembered the long-ago day. She’d been exiting the apartment and interrupted an argument between her neighbour, Mr. Lennox and another man. The man she now knew as her captor AKA the Novel Killer. She hadn’t seen him face on, only the left side of his face as he stormed off toward the internal staircase.

  Mr. Lennox had turned crimson red and spluttered uncomfortably having been caught in an awkward situation. “My grandson,” he’d flustered. “Headstrong young man. Can’t keep him in line.”

  Riley racked her brain for more information. Mr. Lennox had gone on to tell her his grandson had spent time in prison. She hadn’t asked why and realised she hadn’t thought of him as a threat, like all the other women. She’d forgotten about him, and never knew he’d moved in with Mr. Lennox when the elderly man’s health began to fail him.

  No wonder he always left his manuscripts under the door. It was no secret what her profession was; she was always carrying novels in her arms. Why hadn’t she thought of it sooner? She’d lent Mr. Lennox her keys once to let a plumber in. His grandson must’ve already been living with him at the time, and took a copy then. She was so stupid. And he was a patient man, one who bided his time before he struck.

  Raising a leg, Riley pointed her heel at him like a knife, stopping him in his approach. “Is that such a good idea, showing your face to the people watching?”

  He snorted. “They can’t see me. The camera is only on you darlin’. They only get to see my chest.”

  She looked him over. He was in his mid-twenties and was relatively good-looking. She could see why those women went to their deaths so easily. It was hard to believe he’d hurt a woman. It wasn’t until his mask—the one he projected to the world fell from his face that you saw the stark truth—the monster beneath.

  A knife hung from a sheath attached to his leather belt. Her pulse bolted into a gallop. Was the blood of his last victim still on his blade? She quickly turned away as her bravado slipped.

  She tensed. “I know who you are.” Her gaze connected with his. This time she held it despite the need to cower. Her voice shook as she spoke, her throat continuing to burn. “You’re my neighbour, Mr. Lennox’s grandson.”

  He moved quickly across the small space dividing them so fast she had no time to prepare. Her head snapped back as he backhanded her. Her cheek stung, already bruised from his earlier attack. Riley tasted blood this time, her teeth cutting into the soft tissue of her mouth.

  A hand wrapped around her throat and applied force. A second later, cool steel pressed against her skin.

  Chapter 35

  “Okay this is how it’s going to go,” Declan took charge as Nick meet him on the footpath outside Riley’s apartment building. “I’m taking the front, you the back. Riley has a window in her bedroom you can use to gain entry.”

  Nick knew the one he was talking about. Had in fact seen it with his own eyes, but didn’t voice that fact aloud. He didn’t plan on being the dead man tonight. He shook his head. “No man, I can’t let you do that. You know it’ll be suicide going through the front. That’s where he’ll be, and there’s no cover to hide behind.”

  Procedure dictated they wait for back-up. Nick and Declan were busy making their own plans due to a silent agreement. This was something that couldn’t wait. Any minute now, Riley could be taking her last breath.

  Declan’s lips thinned. “Look, we both have things to lose.”

  “I’m not going to let Riley lose either one of us. She needs us both and damn it she is going to have us both.” Nick tried to calm down, barely constraining himself and the need to lash out at anyone. Riley was in danger. Riley could lose her life. He had told her nothing would happen to her. He’d lied. Now any harm coming her way was on his head and his head alone.

  Declan drew his weapon, cleared the chamber and magazine before sliding it back home. “I don’t plan on going anywhere. Besides, I have to stick around to make sure you treat my sister the way she deserves. She’s been hurt before, and this time I plan to make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

  Nick winced. “You knew about that?”

  Blue eyes glittered dangerously in the fading light. “Of course, why do you think Gallagher never went after Riley? I found him and made sure he wished he’d never heard the name, Riley O’Neill. My sister can be scary, but not against a man like that’s ego.”

  He wasn’t surprised. Actually, it made a lot of sense. Declan certainly wasn’t one for meekly standing by while someone hurt a person he loved. Although he hadn’t needed to do much, Riley had taken care of it in her own way, and God love her it was the only way he felt satisfactory.


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