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Savage: The Awakening of Lizzie Danton

Page 25

by L. A. Fiore

  “He’s not, but his ravings are memories of the past that he’s twisted around. And the shit he was going on about today, he cheated on her. He was pissed that she got pregnant, so he punished her by fucking someone else.”

  That was surprising to hear since Brochan had said that from all accounts he was deeply devoted to Abigail.

  He pulled a hand through his hair and moved away from me. “He didn’t love her. A man doesn’t love a woman then step out on her. Even angry that she deceived him, that wouldn’t send him off to another woman. I don’t know what he felt for her, but it wasn’t love.” He turned to me and his next words were so softly spoken. “If he felt what I do for you, he never would have walked out of the room let alone out of the house and into the arms of another woman.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I always thought his hatred of me turned him mad, but I think it was because he was mad that he treated me the way he did. I wasn’t the cause of it, I was the outlet for it.”

  “That doesn’t make what he put you through okay.”

  “No, but it explains it.”

  “And you needed that?”

  “Logically I understood, but the little boy in me always thought it was me, something about me. It wasn’t me.”

  Closing the distance, I touched his face because I knew how it felt to feel that way. “It looks like we both have dropped the weight of our pasts.”

  “Fucking finally,” he said with a smile, but that faded when he touched my cheek. “There’s a beast inside me. It’s part of who I am…the savage part of my nature that allows me to do all the things I’ve done. Being with you has calmed those impulses, but it will come out from time to time. It’s inevitable.”

  I knew who he was, loved who he was including the more savage part of him, so I teased him, “On the full moon most likely.”

  The smile was unexpected and really beautiful.

  “So I’ve tamed the beast. I should put that on my resume.”

  He tossed me over his shoulder. I asked through my laughter, “Where are you taking me?”

  “The lodge. The beast, he wants out.”

  “I swear, everywhere you look it is prettier than the last.” I shared Cait’s thoughts. We were at the pub having lunch.

  “Brochan knows some places that are even more spectacular. If you can believe it.”

  “I can’t, so I need to see these places.”

  “After lunch there are two last stops, one of which is Brianna’s cottage.”

  “I was hoping her cottage was on the tour.”

  “And now that I officially own it, you can see the inside too.”

  My attention was pulled when the door opened. I was hoping Brochan would join us, but he was working on something. He wouldn’t say what he was working on. It was a surprise. I both loved and hated surprises. It wasn’t Brochan; it was Tomas. It had been a couple months; I wondered if he was over whatever it was that made him so creepy. He scanned the pub until he saw me. He looked smug.

  Ethan started to stand. “Who is that asshole?”

  I reached for Ethan’s hand. “It’s okay. Dude’s a creep.”

  “I don’t like the way he’s looking at you.”

  “He’s an asshole, but he’s not worth it.”

  He settled back in his chair, but he didn’t take his eyes off Tomas.

  I braced because he’d be walking over here any second. I was sure he heard about Brochan and me, he was probably curious why I was back. But he never came over. He glared at the table, and then grinned before strolling out of the pub.

  “That was weird.”

  “What?” Cait asked.

  “He usually likes to gloat, odd that he didn’t take the opportunity to rip into me about Brochan.”

  “Maybe he heard you’re back together and it took away some of his fun.”

  I didn’t think so. It was unnatural for him to pass on an opportunity to be a dick. I’d mention it to Brochan later. “Are you ready to see Brianna’s place?”

  Twenty minutes later, Ethan stood on Brianna’s drive. Cait and I looked at each other a few times before looking back at him. “I’ve never seen that expression on his face,” I said.

  “Me either. Ethan, babe?” Cait inquired softly.

  “This is perfection.”


  He turned to her. “You don’t like this?”

  “I love it. I didn’t think you would. All the open space and grass and nature.”

  “I hate the city.”

  My jaw dropped along with Cait’s. “Seriously? I thought you loved it.”


  “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “Because you love it.”

  Cait laughed, “I hate the city.”

  Ethan looked adorable now because he was totally confused. “You do?”

  Cait’s attention shifted to me. “We are months away from getting married and we didn’t know we hated the city.”

  “That is a pretty big thing to miss. Have you discussed children?” I teased.

  “Yes,” Ethan said on a chuckle. He looked back at Brianna’s cottage. “I could live here.”

  “What about your job?”

  “There are always jobs, but a place like this. I’m really glad she didn’t take this from you, Lizzie.” Envious eyes looked back at me. “You’ve got a little piece of heaven here.”

  After spending an hour at Brianna’s we went to the ruins of the McIntyre estate. “What happened here?” Cait asked as we stood among the debris.

  “This was where Brochan grew up.”

  They both knew enough about Brochan to know it wasn’t a happy place. It still bothered me that Brochan kept it like this; I loved ruins, we’d toured through enough of them in Edinburgh, but this wasn’t just ruins. It was a reminder. He was letting the past go, I hoped one day he could let this part of it go too.

  Ethan moved around the remains as Cait joined me. She took my hand, but her focus was on the castle when she spoke. “Did you think when you met with Mr. Masters that him sending you here you would find the one person who understood your past because he shared a similar one?” She looked at me. “Do you think she knew? Aunt Brianna? Do you think she knew you two would end up together?”

  A chill moved through me. In this place, this country, I could believe she did. “Her dying wish was for Brochan to show me kindness. She even wrote him a letter, one he didn’t get until I returned to New York. She knew he would turn me away.”

  “I just got a chill. That’s uncanny.”

  “Brochan calls her a witch.”

  “I got to tell ya, Lizzie, I think Brochan is right.”

  We were waiting on the drive when Brochan stepped from the house. He was dressed in his kilt, that whole beautifully sexy ensemble. That was definitely a sight I wanted to see more of. We were heading to a festival. I had dressed before Brochan so I could discuss paint colors for the nursery with Fenella and Cait.

  “Holy shit,” Cait whispered at my side.

  “Magnificent, isn’t it?”

  “I want one.”

  I chuckled, “Ethan is right next to you.”

  She glanced over. “Not a Brochan, I want a kilt.”

  “For yourself?”

  “No, for Ethan. Hey, Brochan, can you make this guy an honorary member of your clan so he can dress like that.”

  “I don’t think it works that way.”

  “It should. Damn. I didn’t think a kilt could be sexy but I stand corrected.” She glanced over at me. “Does he wear anything under that?”

  He did, but I thought it would be fun to fuck with her. “No.”

  Her jaw dropped as her eyes flew back to Brochan.

  “You’re wishing you had x-ray vision right about now, aren’t you?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  The festival was in a town not far from ours. It wasn’t so much a festival as it was an enchanted light show in the woods.

p; “I’d like to see the forest in the daylight. The trees are magnificent. I’d love to paint a few.” Big and gnarly, a little scary with how the lights and shadows danced over them, but beautiful.

  “It’s an easy enough ride,” Brochan said. His agreement brought a smile because a month ago he wouldn’t have been so agreeable.

  The men had been in front of us, but now they were trailing behind us. I took the opportunity to propose an idea to Cait. I wanted to discuss it with Brochan, but it might be moot based on Cait’s reaction.

  “With your wedding coming up I wanted to offer something to you and Ethan for your consideration.”

  “Oh, that sounds intriguing.”

  “I want to offer you Brianna’s cottage.”

  Cait stopped walking. “What?”

  “I know you have more clients than me, but with technology you can support them from anywhere. Ethan loved it and I love the idea that you are so close. I want my baby to have you in his life, Auntie Cait and Uncle Ethan, remember? I want to be a part of your children’s lives. I’m sure there are legal things you’d have to do to live here, but we can work all that out. Think about it.”

  She hugged me so hard I had trouble breathing. “I don’t have to. We would love that. Both of us.”


  “Yes! We were talking about it just last night. How amazing it would be to live here, hell, to get married here.”

  “But what about New York, Ethan’s job and the arrangements you’ve already made for your wedding?”

  “What about it? We have no family there. Ethan can always find a new job. We’ll lose the deposit on the restaurant we settled on for the reception, but I don’t care. My clients want to see me get married they can come here. I don’t think I’d have to twist too many arms.”

  There had been one dark mark on the happiness I had found with Brochan, the idea that me moving on meant leaving Cait behind. I had thought it would be a long shot that she’d want to make a life here too. I wasn’t sure I completely believed this was happening.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. Ethan!”

  “You don’t have to holler I’m right here.”

  “Lizzie offered us the cottage.”

  His reaction wasn’t feigned; they really did want this.



  He had me off the ground and in a bear hug before I knew what was happening.

  Brochan was a distance behind us. Cait took my arm as we continued on; I peered back to see Brochan was following but still keeping a distance. What was up with him?

  “I hate to be greedy, but what are the chances we could have the reception at Brochan’s?”

  “I’ll ask him, but I think he’ll be fine with it.”

  I glanced at her and she was crying. “Hey, why the tears.”

  “I was so worried about losing you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She smiled. “Now neither am I.”

  We continued on for a short distance when Cait tensed then looked behind us. She was probably wondering about Brochan’s odd behavior too. “Is it just me, or do you have the sensation like we’re being followed.”

  I thought she was teasing because Brochan, and now Ethan, were so far behind us.

  “Seriously, the sixth sense I picked up living in New York is stirring something fierce.”

  I stopped moving. “You’re serious.”


  I looked back at Brochan. Was he sensing it too?

  That was answered seconds later when two people jumped from the shadows. Ethan hauled ass toward us, I was guessing in case there were others, but I couldn’t pull my eyes from Brochan. He moved with speed and precision. I’d never seen anything like it except in the movies. He throat punched one guy and he went down for the count. The other one, he toyed with, getting punches in here and there and then he did this round kick thing that sent the dude sailing into a tree. They were out, he walked to us, caught my hand. “I think it’s time we go,” he said, but he was already dragging me from the woods.

  “Muggers even here…unbelievable. You’re more than a man of leisure, aren’t you Brochan?” Cait sounded both awed and stunned.

  I was stunned too, but for a different reason. I glanced up at him; his jaw was tight. “I recognized them, Brochan.”

  “Aye. So did I.”

  “Can you teach me how to do that kick thing?” Cait called. “That was fucking awesome.”

  I felt some of the tension drain from Brochan, but that was Cait.

  “Aye, I’ll teach you both.”



  Finnegan was driving Cait and Ethan to the airport. They were heading home. They had arrangements to make for their move. When we returned from the forest the other night, Lizzie shared what she and Cait had discussed. I was happy for her that her family would be in walking distance. I wasn’t as happy about the prospect of people milling around my home for Cait’s wedding, but Lizzie wanted it and I was discovering there was little I would say no to when it came to her.

  Cait had peppered me with questions for the rest of the night about what I did prior to being a man of leisure. I didn’t share. She didn’t need to know.

  Lizzie had recognized the fuckers that had attacked us. She was an artist, an observer, so she paid attention to the details. They were Tomas’ friends. Why the fuck were they following us?

  When I reached his house, he was outside smoking.

  “Look what the cat dragged in.”

  I climbed from my car and moved right up into his face. “Why the fuck are you following us?”

  He tried to act coy and as much as I wanted to beat it out of him, I tried a more civilized approach.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I cracked my knuckles; fuck civilized. “I’m not asking again. Answer me, either the easy way or the hard way. I don’t give a fuck which.”

  He saw what he needed to when the smirk fell off his face. “I don’t have control over them, but if they took it upon themselves to knock the mighty Brochan from his pedestal, good for them.”

  Jealous. He was nothing but jealous. Of what?

  “And that day in Edinburgh with Ashley?”

  His expression gave it away. He didn’t remember her.

  “Why the fuck were you there?” I demanded.

  He didn’t answer, I moved closer. “I followed Lizzie.”

  My muscles hummed with fury. “Say again?”

  “I followed her. I’m guessing you’d been to that pub before because Ashley was there, glaring at you like I was.”

  I hissed through my teeth, “Why the fuck follow Lizzie?”

  “Because she picked you too. What the fuck is so great about you?”

  Picked me too? What the fuck was he talking about?

  “Even those who claim to care, they fucking lie. I’m done with it, all of it.”

  I was done with it too. I stepped even closer, he stepped back. “You don’t have the balls to face me? Of course you don’t. I handed you your ass with little effort when were just kids and we both know how I’ve spent my life. Kicking your ass would be unfair since you are at such a severe disadvantage.”

  Hate stared back at me.

  “Stay away from me and mine. I’ll ask only once.” I turned and walked back to my car.

  “She’s tamed you. I don’t fucking believe it. Brochan McIntyre using words instead of his fists.”

  I reached my car. “Come at me or mine and you’ll see how fucking tame I am.”

  “Why are we doing this?”

  Lizzie and I were in the front yard working on target practice.”

  “Because you need to know how to protect yourself.”

  “Why a gun? Why not karate or something?”

  “Jiujitsu, that’s a good idea. You still need to know how to fire a gun.”

  She seemed to sense it was importa
nt to me, so let it go.

  “You’re tense. You need to loosen up.” I wrapped my arm around her waist and pressed into her thinking to distract her from her aversion to guns enough to get her to actually fire the thing.

  “Keep touching me like that and I’m going to get really tense in an entirely different way.”

  I leaned in, brushed my lips over her ear then took a little bite. “I’ll make you a deal. You give me an hour and I’ll give you an hour.” My hand moved down to her ass where I squeezed.

  She was breathless when she replied, “Two hours and you’ve got a deal.”

  “Greedy little minx.” I was already hard. It was a win-win for me, she’d learn to fire a gun and I’d get my hands on her body. “You’ve got a deal. Now let’s try it again.”



  Brochan and I were on the lane, walking the dogs. He was leaving for a few days. His project, the surprise, was well underway and still he wouldn’t tell me what he was up to. And I had tried to get it from him, but the man could keep a secret. I tried again.

  “Tell me about this project?”


  “A hint?”


  “And there is nothing I can do to persuade you to share?”

  He looked wicked. “You can try, I’d enjoy your efforts.” He pulled me up against him. “I’ll be gone for three days. Fenella and Finnegan will be here, as will Champ and Boomer.”

  They had defected, following me wherever I went. Brochan preferred that, liked that I had our furbabies watching my back. Why he thought I needed that here, I didn’t know.

  “When you get back we’ll start planning the nursery.” Remembering Cait and Ethan’s conversation and how they had missed some of the big stuff, I asked, “How many kids do you want?”

  He didn’t even hesitate. “Eight.”

  Eight? Was he…“No.”

  He laughed, “Five”


  “Okay, we’ll start with three.”

  He checked his watch. “I’ve got to go.”

  It was only three days, but it was three days and two nights. We walked to the drive. Finnegan was closing up the trunk. Brochan shook his hand. “Thank you.”

  “Safe journey.”


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