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Fate's Fools Box Set

Page 78

by Bell, Ophelia

  I turned to face Keagan, straddling his lap once again. “I want you to do whatever it takes to make me forget him.”

  Keagan frowned and darted a glance at Rohan. “By him, you mean the Maestro.”

  I closed my eyes and nodded, grateful that he hadn’t used Ozzie’s name, and even more grateful when he didn’t say another word on the subject.

  He hooked his hand around the back of my neck and hauled me close, slamming his mouth against mine once more. Slinging his other arm around me, he hoisted me up, groaning as his hot, hard length grazed my sodden core.

  I settled onto his cock with a gasp of pleasure at the delicious stretch as he filled me, arching as he dropped his mouth to my neck, then lower to wrap his lips around one nipple. Then Rohan’s golden curls dipped, and my other nipple made its way into his mouth.

  “Behind her,” Keagan said, lifting his gaze to Bodhi. He obeyed, slipping around behind me again and resting his hands on my hips. He pressed soft kisses along the top of my shoulder and nipped up the column of my throat. My eyelids fluttered when he cupped my breasts again.

  Keagan gave me a heated look. “You ready to have that sweet snatch of yours filled by two dicks, princess?”

  “I want all three of you,” I said. “However I can have you.”

  “I promise you won’t be disappointed.” He tilted his chin toward Bodhi. “You ready for this?”

  Bodhi’s hot breath gusted against my ear and I scented the telltale spice of Red dragon smoke. “Beyond ready.” He turned my head toward his, and I twisted enough to kiss him again before following his gentle push and lowering myself onto Keagan’s chest.

  The red smoke floated around us, shimmering as it reflected the dim lights outside. Rohan lifted his head from my breast and his nostrils flared. “Sweet Mother, is that you?” he asked, looking back at Bodhi. “Since when do you have dragon power?”

  “Since last night,” Bodhi said. “I apparently have ursa power too. Which means I’ll have no trouble keeping up with the pair of you anymore.” He grazed his palms down my back in a lazy caress, ending at my ass, which he squeezed and spread open.

  Keagan continued to slowly fuck me and I closed my eyes, surrendering to the sensation of his cock sliding in and out as Bodhi teased me from behind. I whimpered when a distinctly draconic tongue flicked along the crease of my ass and down past my rear opening to where Keagan and I were joined. Then the warmth of Bodhi’s thighs brushed alongside mine and his cock glided along that same path as Rohan’s tongue.

  He rubbed his length between my cheeks for several strokes, the friction throwing me into another level of desire. Now that the promise had been made to have them both fill me, I couldn’t focus on anything but my need to feel them inside me.

  Bodhi moved until he matched Keagan’s slow, steady tempo, and when Keagan’s cock slid out of me until nothing but the very tip remained, Bodhi slipped his cock down to my opening. When Keagan pushed in again, it wasn’t just his cock inside me. Bodhi’s had joined it, and the pair of them let out simultaneous curses as my pussy stretched to accommodate them.

  “Tell us if we’re hurting you, princess,” Keagan murmured against my ear.

  I could only shake my head and whimper, “Please fuck me.”

  Bodhi wrapped both hands around my hips and squeezed as he and Keagan pushed into me together, their cocks filling me even more perfectly than Bodhi’s fist or Llyr’s enormous satyr cock had the day before. The intensity of the pleasure caused the tightly wound control on my feelings to snap, and I let out a stuttering sob. Keagan threaded his fingers into my hair, tangling his hand in the strands and pulling my head away from where I’d buried my face in his neck.

  “Look at me. Are you all right?” he asked, his gaze intense and concerned, though he maintained the slow, excruciatingly wonderful pace he and Bodhi had set as they shoved into me in tandem.

  I merely stared, unable to articulate any of the crazy tangle of emotions through the cloud of pleasure.

  “She’s hurt and confused,” Rohan finally said, reclining on his side next to Keagan with his head propped on one hand. His gaze brimmed with understanding and he reached out and caressed my cheek, grazing his thumb across my lower lip. “But being fucked until she can’t think will help. We can give you more than that if you want, baby.”

  “Can you make me forget I love him?” I asked.

  Rohan leaned in and brushed his lips over mine. Warm breath feathered across my mouth, tingling with power. I inhaled the magical dose he offered and then reached up and grasped him by the back of the neck, clamping my mouth over his and greedily sucking in more. I wanted every last ounce of whatever artificial joy he could fill me with, and he eagerly gave.

  The magic flooded me swiftly, going to my head and mixing with the Red magic Bodhi had already provided. The combination caused the room to swim and my body to tingle all over with a combination of physical pleasure and mental euphoria.

  More intense sensations sparked through my skin, making me hyperaware of every place I touched the three of them. Keagan lifted his head to wrap his lips around one nipple while Rohan continued to minister to my mouth. Bodhi groaned and bent lower, pressing his chest against my back, his arm circling my waist as he sank his teeth into my shoulder.

  The pleasure flared and ebbed like the tide, rising more and more with each thrust, each lick. Rohan filled my lungs again and again with his bliss-inducing magic, and I surrendered to that oblivion, my body nothing but nerve endings absorbing every touch until I was bursting with the fullness of it all.

  I came with a bucking cry, and both Keagan and Bodhi simultaneously cursed, their hips slamming into me and holding tight as they filled me up with a hot flood of their essence.

  “Sweet fuck, I love you,” Bodhi rumbled into my ear.

  Keagan chuckled when I arched and pumped my hips a little more on his cock, drawing out the delicious spasms a moment longer and gazing down at my precious ursa from beneath lowered lashes.

  “I’d keep fucking you, but I think there’s a dragon who needs a little taste,” Keagan said, touching my hip.

  Bodhi slipped out of me with a sigh and collapsed by Keagan’s side. Keagan gripped my hips and lifted me off him, though his cock remained hard. He glanced at Rohan.

  “Now’s your chance to take her the right way, Ro. She’s as ready as she’s ever going to be.”

  Blinking at my golden boy, I couldn’t help but smile at the way his face transformed from simple adoration to pure, raw hunger. It reminded me of how Llyr had looked in the moments just after his shift to his primal form.

  I moved to crawl from Keagan over to Rohan, but Keagan’s grip on my wrist stalled me.

  “I’m going to fuck Rohan now,” I said, giving Keagan a confused look.

  “No, princess. The dragon’s going to fuck you now. This is something I’ve wanted to watch since our first day together. And I guarantee when he’s finished, you’ll have forgotten your own fucking name.”



  My body heated with a fresh wave of desire when I looked at Rohan. Coiling golden horns already sprouted from his temples and he rose onto his knees, swooping in to kiss me. He shifted closer, hooking his arm around my waist and rotating around me, our mouths remaining locked and my head turning until his position forced us apart. He nuzzled my neck from behind, breath heating my already warm skin even hotter, until I realized it wasn’t just breath but actual flames licking over my shoulder, casting a red-orange glow across the pair of men who reclined before me on the bed.

  The texture of Rohan’s mouth changed, along with the pressure of his fingers at my hips, and the entire bed was suddenly blanketed in a huge shadow blotting out most of the colorful lights from the Las Vegas Strip. His dragon-shaped silhouette spanned the wall behind the bed and the mattress dipped with his bulk.

  “Better not break anything, dude,” Keagan warned.

  Rohan let out a guttural laugh about three octaves dee
per than his normal tone. His voice was every bit as clear and coherent as before, only more like a rumbling purr like moss-covered stones tumbling down a mountain.

  “I’m perfectly sane tonight, unlike the last time we had her between us like this,” he said. “But we’d better take care with the furnishings anyway.”

  Abruptly, he hauled me back like a rag doll until my knees rested at the edge of the bed. Keagan and Bodhi repositioned to sit side-by-side against the headboard. Bodhi gave Keagan a questioning glance.

  “Do we just watch?” he asked.

  “It’ll be the most beautiful thing you witness in your entire life. Of course you watch.”

  More flames tickled my shoulder, no more than light caresses over my skin. The urge to shift overwhelmed me unexpectedly, and my skin tingled when my dragon scales emerged.

  Rohan puffed against my ear. “Stay like this. Two of us at full size would definitely be a little too destructive. Unless you don’t think you can take me.”

  A rigid length of flesh grazed across my ass cheeks, searing hot, silken smooth, and roughly the size his forearm had been in his human shape.

  I craned my head to look over my shoulder and met his slitted pupils. They flared wide as he tilted his hips, grazing his enormous cock along the crease of my ass once more.

  The thing may have been beyond huge, but it was perfectly smooth, with a tapered tip that left a hot trail of fragrant fluid between my cheeks. I closed my eyes and inhaled, already in love with the burnt cedar scent and hungry to be completely surrounded in that aroma—covered in it so I could forget the tiny taste of breath Ozzie had shared in that split-second in the elevator.

  My core ached for Rohan, and I knew I could take him. Maybe not easily, but gladly.

  “I’m not afraid of you, if that’s what you’re asking,” I said, shooting a sly look at him. “I’ve taken Bodhi’s fist twice and Llyr’s satyr cock in the past two days.”

  Rohan rumbled with interest and let his cock slide lower until the slightly pointed tip lodged right at my opening. Despite the misleading shape, he was still as thick at the tip as either Keagan or Bodhi, though the rest of him flared wide beyond the head.

  He pushed into me just a tiny bit, fucking just that short length in and out of me with slow, even strokes until my body blazed with the need for more.

  “Don’t fucking tease me,” I demanded, clutching at the bedspread and gasping for breath.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, his forked tongue flicking across my shoulders, more flames dancing past my cheek.

  “You won’t. I promise,” I said. “Please fuck me, Rohan. I want all of you. Give it to me, please!”

  “As you wish.”

  On the last syllable, he plunged into me and pleasure exploded behind my eyes. I’d never been so full, so consumed by ecstasy that it obliterated everything else but the moment. He emitted a hungry growl above my head and gripped my shoulders with his talons as he began to move, thrusting slowly at first, then faster when I encouraged him. Pain was the last thing on my mind amid the glorious stretch of his massive girth spreading me so wide I grasped desperately for something to ground myself. Bodhi crawled down the bed to me, grabbing my hands and holding on, giving me an anchor.

  “More,” I commanded over my shoulder, and Rohan happily obeyed, increasing his tempo.

  “Take his cock in your mouth. Let me feel his power flood through you into me, Deva.”

  Rohan’s command made me shiver with the delicious prospect of being that conduit for magic. It was part of my nature as a Prismatic dragon to channel the magic that way, but I’d only done it the one time for him, and with only Keagan’s magic in a moment of desperation trying to keep Rohan from going feral. Now there were two others, and Rohan’s pleasure would be returned to me, all three mixing within my soul where their gifts resided.

  Bodhi was still hard, his newfound stamina evidenced by his swelling aura as much as his physical state, and I didn’t need hands to help angle him toward my lips. All I had to do was dip my head and he was there. He groaned and threaded fingers into my hair as I began to suck him eagerly.

  “You too,” I heard Rohan say, and was dimly aware of Keagan shifting across the bed. I half expected to be presented with his cock, but instead I caught movement across Bodhi’s chest and glanced up. Keagan’s slipped his arms around Bodhi’s torso from behind, and Bodhi twisted into him, tangling his hand in Keagan’s hair as they kissed.

  My ursa clung to Bodhi, his big body flush with Bodhi’s back, and when Bodhi’s hips jerked against my mouth and he let out a harsh cry, I realized he was being fucked too.

  “Want me to stop, or keep going?” Keagan whispered.

  “Jesus, don’t fucking stop,” Bodhi replied, his grip on my head tightening as I sucked him harder, the flaring power of their merged auras tickling across my skin as palpably as if they’d begun to caress me.

  The pair fucked hard and fast, and at some point, Keagan slipped his hand down Bodhi’s stomach to caress my cheek. A second later, they let out simultaneous grunts and Bodhi’s hot semen flooded my mouth. I swallowed every drop, soaking in the magic of their orgasms through my skin where we touched.

  Behind me, Rohan rumbled his enjoyment as the power flowed through my body and into him. He slammed into me and I clutched at Bodhi, pressing my cheek against his side and holding on while my dragon inflicted even more pleasure on my overstimulated core.

  I felt the orgasm coming like the calm before a storm, and was sure somehow the windows had come open. A hot wind blew through the room, picking up power and swirling around us, tickling my skin and whipping my hair into tangles.

  I needed a better grounding than my arms around a naked body and struggled to rise. Bodhi met me halfway, dipping down and kissing me as if he’d read my mind. He held on as the orgasm took hold, racking my body in harsh spasms made more violent by the roar of the dragon behind me, his cock spilling its flood of hot seed deep into my tender depths.

  My body was nothing but a spent collection of flesh and bones, and I collapsed into Bodhi’s arms. He held me tight and crawled back up the bed to lay me gently against the pillows.

  “Keagan didn’t lie,” he said, lying down beside me and brushing my hair off my forehead. “That was pretty fucking spectacular. Did you know you glow after you come? Like a fucking opal, like you’ve got colorful fire in your veins.”

  “Mmm, I guess it runs in the family. Prismatic blood.”

  I snuggled into him, half-aware of the sound of running water followed by a moist, hot cloth between my legs. I had no strength to help but sighed at the contact. Then that beloved, charred wood aroma settled around me and I snuggled back against Rohan’s warm, man-shaped body. Keagan rejoined us a moment later, slipping into the big bed behind Bodhi.

  “Sleep, princess. We’ve got a big day tomorrow,” he said.

  As I began to drift off, I heard Bodhi’s quiet question. “That mini-hurricane, that wasn’t Ozzie getting pissed about this, was it?”

  “The Maestro’s magic isn’t that undisciplined,” Rohan said. “It had to be Deva.”

  I mentally objected, but was too far from full consciousness to speak. It couldn’t have been me. I couldn’t command the wind that way without a turul soul.



  The beauty of the fountains far below our top floor balcony still put me on edge, but I pushed through the doors into the night air anyway, coming to stand next to Ozzie as stared out at the city. Our blood link gave me a clear impression of his mood, which was just as agitated as mine, though for him it had nothing to do with the watery display below us.

  “I can still hear them,” he said.

  “You can do more than hear them—don’t lie. You’re too closely bound to her not to feel some of what she feels in her soul. And with Bodhi’s gift helping bind the pieces—”

  “I never consummated with her,” he said. I gave him a sidelong look and he scowled. “You know w
hat I mean. We never exchanged breath. The soul gift is still dormant, or it should be. It doesn’t make sense that I feel her goddamn orgasms even though we’re not in contact.”

  “Something tells me you’d have never given her a piece of your soul if part of you didn’t want that bond to be completed someday. Something else tells me it’s not as dormant as you think.”

  I lifted my chin at the hot breeze tangling through my hair. It was April in the desert. The night should not have been as warm as it was. Whatever Deva was doing with her three mates had whipped her magic into a frenzy, and the wind magic within her was going wild the way it had the day I’d arrived at Ozzie’s house in Malibu.

  I envied his link to her, even though he was uncomfortably aroused right now and ignoring it. I considered offering to ease that burden for him, but didn’t think it would be the right gesture at the moment.

  Ozzie exhaled slowly and his shoulders slumped. He rested his elbows on the railing, shaking his head. “No, that’s obvious. She can draw on the power whether she knows it or not, and it’s stronger now with Bodhi involved. I will tell her the truth. I mean it. Just as soon as I know Fate can’t punish us for what I’ve done.”

  “Even if we break the curse the way the Diviner suggested, what’s to stop Fate from taking it out on you anyway?”

  “Rules. Fate may be a dangerous fucker to cross, but it always follows the rules. If the curse is broken, if turul are given a choice, then to obey that new order, it will have to allow us our love for each other.”

  “I doubt it will be that easy,” I said, “so you had better hope that Chase keeps his word. I still don’t trust him.”

  “He didn’t lie,” Ozzie said. “You have to know that as well as I do.” He only sounded slightly bitter, and when I raised an eyebrow and looked at him, he was smiling a little.


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