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Fate's Fools Box Set

Page 104

by Bell, Ophelia

  A hot tear tickled my cheek and my hand shook when I lifted it to wipe my eyes. I was hanging on by a thread.

  My spine tingled with awareness of someone approaching, and I knew it was him a second before he appeared beside me, leaning one hip against the railing.

  “For the record, the old me was a fucking fool not to follow through. It sounds like a lot of bullshit could have been avoided if we’d sealed the deal from the get-go. Hell, you didn’t even remember you could have a soul once you left the realm of the gods.”

  I swallowed back my tears and looked at him, my heart aching at the familiar sight. He was the same scruffy, overly worried man I remembered, but missing that pink flare in his aura and tenderness in his gaze that I’d always hoped meant he loved me. And it had, but now it was gone.

  “We can’t change the past,” I whispered, turning away—it hurt too much to see what was missing.

  I stared at the fountain in the courtyard below. There had been an orgy going on there just the day before, but there were no nymphs in sight now, only lush greenery, moss-bordered flagstones, and vine-tangled arbors.

  The emptiness within me ached to be filled, and my skin heated with the warning signs of my fading control.

  “You should go . . .” I said, voice strained. I clutched harder at the railing, pushing back from it and lowering my head. I gritted my teeth to try to hold onto sanity for a little longer, but the world grew fuzzy as the aching heat swelled between my thighs and my nipples pricked.

  “What is it?” Ozzie asked, touching my arm. His fingertips seared me and I jerked away, turning on him.

  “No. Get out, please! I want you too much. It isn’t safe.”

  His blue eyes widened, but he didn’t retreat. I doubled over, forcing back the unbearable need to reach for him, to claim him. But he wasn’t the same Ozzie who had loved me before. I wasn’t sure if I could bear letting myself get that close if he couldn’t make love to me.

  A keening wail broke from my throat, and a moment later a pair of strong arms swept around my waist and tore me away from the railing. Ozzie stared in shock as one of my mates carried me off. My mind was hazy with need, but I thought I heard Llyr shouting a command for the others to clear the room.

  Through vision tunneled by my desire, I saw Ozzie cast one backward glance filled with concern before Nyx and Neph ushered him out the door and shut it behind them.



  “We’ve got you, princess,” Keagan said, his voice rough against my ear. I was being lowered onto a mound of cushions, but was too focused on hanging on to what little thread of control I had to respond.

  “Deva, look at me,” Llyr said, touching my cheek. I shook my head. I knew if I looked at him, I’d see his bond to Ozzie and it would break me.

  “Get behind her so she can’t see you,” Rohan told him. His handsome, golden-eyed face filled my field of view, and I latched onto it.

  I reached for him and he took my hands, slipping them to the back of his neck as he bent down, reclining against the pillows on his side. He swept a hand down over my hip and back up, exhaling a golden cloud that I eagerly inhaled, desperate for anything to help shore up my will against this encroaching madness.

  The smoke didn’t just filter into my lungs; it clung to my body, dissolving the sheer sarong I’d been wearing and baring me to Llyr’s big, gentle hand slipping around my middle from behind.

  “You can let go,” he said into my ear, his naked warmth pressing against my back. “We can handle the nymph until you’re sated.”

  “No,” I whined. “I don’t want to hurt you.” The pressure in my skull was already overwhelming. The antlers that appeared in my primal form wanted out. I’d already gouged Rohan in the neck once with them. I hated the idea of hurting either of them again.

  “We’re adaptable,” Keagan said, hovering over me, naked and aroused. The sight of his thick erection caused a spike of pure need to shoot from my core all the way up my spine. He had his arms lifted, and several vines that hadn’t been there before were creeping their way across the ceiling to dangle into his outstretched hands.

  He glanced down at me with a suggestive smile. “We’ve learned how to adjust to the surprises. Give me your hands.”

  Before I could obey, Llyr gripped my hips and rolled until I was on his lap. I resisted the urge to look over my shoulder at him. He’d positioned himself behind me for a reason I was all too conscious of.

  He cupped the backs of my upper arms, sliding his hands up to my wrists and lifting them over both our heads for Keagan to bind. The vines slipped around them automatically and my nipples hardened at the friction and snug hold. Llyr rumbled his approval.

  “Somehow I thought you’d be the one to bind me first, sweetness. But this is definitely becoming a preference of mine.”

  A pleasant shiver raced down my spine at the hot gust of his breath against my neck. He grazed his fingertips up my sides and inward, teasing over the tips of my breasts once before covering both mounds with his palms.

  I arched into his touch with a sigh, surrendering to the gentle tug of the vines as Keagan secured them and stepped around in front of me again.

  “Let’s see the nymph again, princess. Llyr seems to think if you let her out, she’ll exhaust herself and leave you alone longer. I didn’t get a taste of her before.”

  Llyr had begun making torturous circles around my nipples with his fingertips as he pressed his lips to my throat. “She is such a pretty little nymph. Show her to us. Give in to your primal nature. We can handle it.”

  He shifted beneath me, bending both knees with my thighs draped across his. Spreading his legs forced mine apart too, and I sighed at the cool air that hit my hot, swollen pussy.

  To Keagan’s left, Bodhi stood, tugging at the knot securing his short sarong around his hips. His cock was already tenting the fabric and his nostrils flared as though he could pick up my scent. The designs that covered his skin all seemed to be in constant motion.

  He was naked a moment later, hand gripping his shaft, but he glanced at Keagan as if waiting for the ursa to make a move.

  Keagan took two steps closer and fell to his knees atop a big pillow in front of me. “Show her to me, princess. If you want me, let me see her.”

  He rested both palms against my inner thighs, sliding them up until his thumbs bracketed my aching core. I gasped and threw my head back as he used one to caress my wet slit, then arched up into Llyr’s touch and let go completely.

  It felt as if a cool waterfall flooded over my skin, washing away the confines of the human body I knew as the real me. Only pure, raw need was left behind, my core and head both throbbing at the same tempo.

  When I opened my eyes and looked at my ursa mate, seeing nothing but fertile power. He exuded the promise of pleasure on which I thrived and I yanked at my bonds, arching my hips toward him.

  “There she is,” he said, smiling at me as he aligned his hips with mine. “Gaia’s fucking tears, you’re beautiful like this. Are you ready to get fucked?”

  Despite my mind screaming “yes!” I couldn’t make my mouth form the word, but the twist of my hips and my straining arms must have told him my answer. He mercifully didn’t tease, but pressed the tip of his cock at my opening and drove home in a hard thrust. He slammed deep with each push, forcing my hips back against Llyr’s increasingly hard cock at my back.

  “Get inside her with me,” Keagan said, slowing and pulling out. “There’s no sense torturing yourself, dude. She needs us all, and you know it.”

  Keagan dropped his hands beneath my ass and lifted me. I braced my heels on the pillows and tilted my hips up, eager to enact his suggestion.

  “I can’t fucking hold back like this,” Llyr said. “You want two desperate nymphaea on your hands?”

  Keagan chuckled. “You know I can take you, but I have faith you can focus on her even when you’re like that. You managed just fine yesterday. Have at it, and if I need to tie you up too, I

  Llyr squeezed my breasts and began to shift, his already sizeable body enlarging until my head rested not on his shoulder, but on the wide expanse of his chest. His hands covered my entire torso and his legs sprouted a coating of soft, black fleece that tickled luxuriously at my backside.

  He dipped his fingers between my legs, slicking them through the lake of my wetness and teasing over my clit long enough to make me moan in frustration. He rumbled low in response, the vibration making my entire body buzz with the satisfaction of having pleased him.

  Then he gripped himself in one fist and aimed his cock at my opening. I gasped as he lifted his hips and slowly pushed his enormous satyr cock into me.

  Keagan’s gaze remained fixed between my thighs as he stroked his cock. When the satyr was fully seated, Keagan closed the distance again and pressed his tip against my clit, rubbing in a slow circle until I squirmed. But there was nowhere for me to go, and despite the wild need raging within me, my instincts told me that this was precisely where I needed to be. These four men having their way with me was the only way to satisfy my nymph, and she was more than happy to let them tame her for a night.

  Keagan slid his cockhead down to where Llyr penetrated me, and when Llyr slid most of the way out, Keagan slipped in alongside the satyr’s thick shaft.

  They pushed in together with harmonized grunts, punctuated by my own harsh cry in response to the intense fullness and pressure against my sensitive inner walls. Pleasure blasted through my entire body and I grasped hold of the vines, holding on tight as the pair of them fucked me in tandem.

  They brought me to the edge of climax quickly, but I only hovered there, stretched to the point of breaking, yet unable to go any further.

  “More! I need more!” I cried.

  “Fucking hell,” Keagan said, panting and squeezing my hips as he rammed deep. He snarled, and a second later his cock spasmed and filled me with his hot essence. His head fell and his gaze met mine, shame flashing deep.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t hold on the way you were squeezing us.”

  “I’ve got her,” Llyr said. “Do you still need us to stretch your sweet little cunt, Deva, or is my dick enough?”

  He shoved deep and I gasped again, eyelids falling closed to savor the rush of bliss the sensation caused. But it faded too fast and I whimpered.

  “More,” was all I could say; more articulate language just wasn’t possible.

  I opened my eyes and sent Rohan a pleading look, hoping he of all people could grasp what I really needed. He was still lounging beside me, casually stroking his cock while he watched the other two fuck me.

  Rising, he crawled around Llyr’s bent knees and between the satyr’s dangerous hooves. While he positioned himself, Bodhi settled down on the other side of me, dipping his head to my breast and capturing my nipple between his lips.

  “Is this enough for you, or do you want more?” Rohan asked, bracing himself above me with his hands on Llyr’s shoulders. On Llyr’s exit, Rohan sank in, meeting the other cock easily and matching Llyr’s pace.

  “More,” I groaned.

  Rohan chuckled. “You got it, baby.”

  A sense of relief came over me as he began to transform. His body grew the way Llyr’s did when he shifted, but he kept his human shape despite his skin taking on a golden sheen and erupting in shimmering scales. His cock swelled to match the rest of his size, filling me even more.

  My mouth fell open and my head dropped back at the absolutely decadent pleasure that filled me when they began thrusting deep and hard together, stretching me to the very edge of pain. But it was what I needed to push the nymph back down and subdue the madness.

  Keagan appeared at my other breast, taking my nipple the way Bodhi had. The pair of them licked and sucked while I let go, my body finally filled to the brim with the pleasure I needed. It wasn’t until Rohan dipped his head and nuzzled my jaw, murmuring softly to me, that the coiling ecstasy snapped.

  “I fucking love you, Deva,” he said, and I cried out, consumed in rapture.

  My spasms took both him and Llyr with me, and a second later hot spatters of fluid hit my belly as Bodhi and Keagan stroked themselves to completion.

  The nymph retreated and my body shrank. With a quick breath of flame, Rohan severed the vines from my wrists, and Llyr caught me and cradled me in his arms.

  “Better?” he asked.

  Finding the courage to finally meet his gaze, I smiled up at him and nodded sleepily. “Yeah, much.”

  “Good,” he said, reaching for a throw and tugging it over us both.

  “Don’t let it get so bad next time,” Keagan said, leaning over me with a frown. “We can fend it off if you tell us sooner, you know.”

  “Not sure if you noticed half my parents were in the room,” I said. “Not to mention Ozzie. I’d rather not spook him with the crazy nymph thing—not after what he told us of his memories of the other world. The one where Meri won.”

  I buried my face in Llyr’s chest. He was still satyr-sized, but didn’t seem inclined to shift, as if he wanted to remain ready in the very likely event I needed another round. The others snuggled close with Rohan just behind me, his breath on my shoulder.

  “You know what he recalls as reality isn’t the truth, Deva,” he said. “We’ll figure out how to restore his memories.”

  “Shouldn’t I be enough?” I asked, turning to look at him. He grimaced, his eyes reflecting my own torment. I knew it was a ridiculous question the moment I’d asked it; Ozzie hadn’t been enough to break through my own locked up memories. Why should I be enough for him, especially without a soul bond to tie us together?

  “Get some rest, sweetness. You know once is never enough for you when you’re like this,” Llyr said, touching my chin and urging my head back down to his chest.

  I obeyed, resting my ear against his sternum and focusing on the rhythm of his heartbeat until it lulled me to sleep.



  It was impossible to sleep in this place. Maybe it was the latent fear that I’d be set upon by hungry nymphs at any moment, despite all assurances that the real residents of the Haven were perfectly sane and that the nymph responsible for my painful reality had been dead more than a year. The truth was being here was the most comfortable and peaceful I’d felt in ages, the sounds of a verdant forest filled with waterfalls outside the balcony of my room lulling me into a sense of security.

  As I lay there in the warm light of the lanterns around me, the sounds of sex emanated from somewhere above, along with the raspy, needy voice of the woman I’d just met, whose face I couldn’t get out of my head.

  I was supposed to love her in this world, and based on the details she and the others kept skirting around, I’d deduced that not loving her was probably a bad thing. I wasn’t sure why, though, only that my turul senses kept screaming at me that they were all being less than truthful about how dire the situation was.

  All I knew was that they’d made a promise to Fate, and that they needed Deva at full power to follow through on that promise. And apparently, a soul gift from me was a requirement to get her there.

  On the surface, everything they’d said pointed to the idea that she’d be happy just powering up without adding a fifth lover to what already looked like a crowd. But I didn’t believe for a second all she wanted was to keep that promise to Fate.

  The way she looked at me with such open expectation . . . and then such sadness . . .

  Fucking hell, how badly had I hurt her before? Was it even possible for me to make amends without reclaiming these so-called lost memories?

  I only knew I wanted to try, and I told myself that it had nothing to do with how fucking hard my cock was just listening to the sounds carrying through the night. Deva crying, “More!” with such desperation had me considering offering myself to her, if it would help.

  I doubted it would. I’d already offered, and she’d turned me down flat because I didn’t love her. And if she was a
s powerful as they all said, she had ways of knowing that was true as much as I did. The Blue-fucking-Beast certainly would know the truth.

  But as easy as it was for my kind to hear the difference between a truth and a lie when other people spoke, we weren’t very good at catching our lies to ourselves.

  I wanted her, true, but I didn’t love her, and that was the roadblock here. The worst part was that I was pretty damn positive whatever part of a person was responsible for feeling love just didn’t exist within me, curse or no curse. And if that was the case, returning my memories probably wouldn’t work.

  I was too broken for her now. The only things I was any good at were music and drinking, and neither would help her cause.

  I gave up trying to sleep and got up to wander around the lamplit room, marveling at the luxuries and trying to tune out the sounds of sex. Every piece of furniture seemed designed with the possibility someone might wind up fucking on it; that was the only logical interpretation I could come up with for the variety of curves and handholds.

  I’d just discovered a set of carved wooden grips embedded into the wall behind the bed when a knock sounded at the door.

  “Uh, come in,” I said, staring at the green glass door etched with elaborate vines. Outside, a shadow hesitated before turning the handle.

  A lithe, dark-haired nymph stood at the threshold. “Sir, I am Clio. The Dionarchs wished me to see to your needs.”

  She was like the other nymphs I’d seen since arriving—a little wild and unkempt, but exotically beautiful, clad in a tiny scrap of a gauze dress that barely covered her most intimate parts.

  “My needs, huh?” I lifted an eyebrow at her and crossed my arms.

  Clio smiled and batted her long eyelashes. “Do you hunger or thirst? Or do you wish for something else?”

  Pondering for a moment, I tilted my head up and pointed at the ceiling where the sex noises emanated from. “Is she all right?”


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