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The Demon Accords Compendium, Volume 2: Stories from the Demons Accords Universe

Page 9

by John Conroe

  “So we have to get the twins ready?” I asked.

  “Please. I spoke to the spiky-haired terror and they’re all packed.”

  “You assumed I would go?” I asked, arching one brow.

  “I knew you would want to go once you heard our working theory.”

  “Which is?” I played along.

  “I sent a photo of my drawing to Declan, him being our portal expert and all. He came back with a question. Have we all ever wondered where Walt Disney got the idea for his little fairy in Peter Pan?”

  It must have been all the numbers because I was lost for a moment. He waited. “Wait. You think the world of Fairie is involved?”

  “That’s an incarnate demon,” he said, pointing to the hand ripping the ground. “They aren’t supposed to have direct paths here. Declan has always wondered about the Disney connection.”

  “And thinks what? That this is some old Fairie doorway?” He nodded. “And Fairie just let them use it?”

  “He says that we all left the Summer Queen badly beaten. He’s been looking over his shoulder ever since. He says it’s hard to tell despite the detail, but he thinks that portal looks elven. I also happen to think it doesn’t look like the Hell portals we’ve seen.”

  “You’re implying that at least one queen is in league with Hell?” I asked.

  “We helped Declan pound her forces on that little island. Declan says the queens are older than Senka and really only suffer defeat at each other’s hands. He thinks he should have thought of this sooner.”

  “Father is not used to thinking about the forces of Hell, but he has had a crash course in the psychology of the queens. Zinnia will be unlikely to let this go. She will escalate. As she is down on forces, it makes sense she would cooperate with Hell.”

  “And how do we feel about our wiz kid these days?” I asked, ignoring the fact that Omega was listening in. Always listening in.

  “We’re okay, I think. I asked the aunties for an update, because, you know, they’re kinda of the team gossips,” he said with a grin.

  “They only gossip with each other, you ass,” I said. “What did they say?”

  “He’s changed a bit. On the outside he’s very easygoing, accommodating, helpful, but not quite as he was. Lydia says it takes way more verbal abuse to get him to snipe back at her. Nika said he blocks her more often than he used to and that he feels like a steel ball on the inside.”

  “What’s that mean? A steel ball?” I asked.

  “It means he’s got this core of determination,” Nika said suddenly from the doorway, Cora in her arms.

  “What’s he determined about?” I asked, noticing Lydia coming up behind Nika with Wulf.

  “I only get glimpses, but it’s a number of things. First, he’s determined not to lose control. Second, he’s determined to keep his friends and family safe, and last, and this one is the core, he’s not going to back down from doing what he needs to,” Nika said.

  “Doing what he needs to? What’s that mean?” I asked, frowning.

  “The phrase that keeps repeating in his head is whatever it takes,” Nika said.

  “Whatever what takes?”

  “Father has always held back, never let himself go, not really,” the ceiling speaker said. “He has resolved that he will protect his girl, his family, his friends, his country, and this world from any and all threats to the utmost of his abilities. He will use all of his power and all of his Craft to do so. He will not hesitate.”

  I was going to ask about when he had ever held back, but then something occurred to me. “Omega, did Declan cause that earthquake in North Korea?”

  Lydia snorted. “Please? Ya think?”

  I looked at her and she shrugged. “Pretty obvious, T. They attacked Toni and the babies. Suddenly the North Korean government buildings all get crushed in an earthquake. Coincidence?”

  “But there would have been innocent people working in those buildings?” I protested.

  “The earthquake in question occurred during early morning hours. The only personnel in those buildings were intelligence and defense personnel. The spymasters and military command and control. The damage was concentrated on those areas. Many civilian support areas weren’t damaged at all.”

  I didn’t miss the fact that Omega hadn’t answered my question. “He has that much control?”

  “He’s attended graduate school in ass kicking at the foreign university of Fairie,” Lydia said.

  “Miss Chapman is correct. Father’s time on Fairie has greatly expanded his repertoire of magic skills, honed his response time, and taught him to plan and anticipate.”

  “What about the wolf girl?” I asked. Nika gave me a blank stare and Lydia gave me a raised eyebrow Really? look. “Stacia,” I added.

  “She’s back living in Vermont, so they see each other even more. They include Holly in things almost like a mini pack. Nika says that girl has temper issues,” Lydia said.

  I glanced at our telepath.

  “She has a lot of anger from Las Vegas, a lot of anger at her fiancé, or ex-fiancée I should say, and something more,” Nika said, frowning. “Something that might have to do with the demon wolf that bit her.”

  “She’s demonic?” I asked.

  “Conflicted. Almost like she always has the devil and the angel on her shoulders, all day every day. Works in Bennington for a law firm, as she is, apparently, a paralegal. Stacia keeps a close eye on her, and Declan visits them as much as he can. One other thing, though… Holly is fascinated with Declan. Like, fascinated with his power.”

  I looked at Chris, eyebrows raised.

  “She has demon blood in her. So do I. Makes for volatility. Also might be the source of her interest in Declan. Demons have always sought out witches to turn to their schemes. They have their own language with them, remember?” he said.

  “And so you want to pack us all up and head to Florida?” I asked, incredulous. “Where it’s ridiculously sunny?”

  “Yeah, should be fun,” he said with a smirk. “Plus we gotta get a handle on this open gateway. What do you think?”

  I looked at him, then the aunties, my babies in their arms. “Aw, what the hell. Kid is like the Eagle Scout of witches. Should be fine.”

  “Plus he’s damned handy to have around. Like having a walking Swiss Army knife that does magic,” Lydia said, “but if any of you tell him I said that, I’ll deny it and then haunt your asses.”

  Six hours later found us all in the air, aboard the Demidova jet, flight plan loaded for Orlando. Hold the sunshine and give all the oranges to my Chosen, thank you very much.

  Our plane was met at the Orlando airport hanger by three Orange County Sheriff’s cruisers, whose flashing emergency lights gave me reason to raise an eyebrow at Deckert.

  “I know a guy,” he said with a twitch of his lips that might have been a smirk passing through. “They’re here to escort us to the hotel. This plane isn’t exactly inconspicuous. I’m told reporters from the local stations are already on their way.”

  “Seems a bit… flashy?” I asked.

  “Just for now. They’ll kill the lights as we move across town. I have two private-contract armored SUVs inbound from a very solid local firm,” he said.

  “Another guy?” I asked.

  This time his smile was real fast—but real.

  “Okay, tell us when we can mount up. I’d like to avoid the reporters,” I said.

  “All three news teams have been held up by a successive string of red lights. We have approximately six minutes to clear the field,” Omega reported. “The SUVs you ordered, Mr. Deckert, are entering the field now.”

  Moving fast was one thing our group was particularly good at, and we all were loaded into the vehicles and actually passed the first news van as we left the airport.

  “They will catch up,” Arkady rumbled from the front seat. Deckert was in the second SUV with Stacia, Declan, Holly, and ‘Sos. Our vehicle carried myself, Chris, Lydia, and Nika, along with th
e twins.

  “We can throw the our white wolf at them, along with her boyfriend, if they catch up,” Lydia said, tapping her lip with a purple fingernail.

  “Currently, two of the news teams are trying to get answers from airport administration, but at this hour of the night, there are almost no personnel senior enough to talk with them. The third team is attempting to bribe hangar personnel and is meeting with some success. A flight mechanic mentioned the police escort and now the field reporter is attempting to call contacts within the sheriff’s department.”

  “Any delaying tactics that can be deployed?” Chris asked.

  “I have been misdirecting cell texts, turning off receiving phones, sending calls directly to voicemail. The reporter is close to deciding to drive directly to the Sheriff’s headquarters.”

  I had some misgivings about our AI disrupting people who were just trying to do their jobs, but we did need some time to investigate without news cameras and crowds of people.

  “What about hangar and maintenance personnel? Anyone alerting paparazzi?” I asked.

  “Blocking three simultaneous attempts at this time.”

  “You do a lot of that? Blocking calls?” I asked.

  “Yes,” was the only answer. I opened my mouth to press the matter but Chris patted my knee and shook his head. When I raised eyebrows at him, he tilted his head toward the window on his side.

  A dim and dirty lit-up road sign announced that we had arrived at the Pines Palace Inn.

  I’ll confess. I may be, possibly, a little spoiled. I’ve only known wealth, almost always been treated with respect and, many times, outright reverence. My heart’s Chosen teases me about it, quietly and privately, and I’ve always just laughed it off. I believe in giving back, and Demidova Incorporated donates massive amounts of money to carefully vetted charities, and my very special clinic treats devastatingly ill children across the planet, which I think helps make me not a horrible person. So I’ll ask you to excuse my reaction to the Palace.

  “This place is a total shithole! I don’t want the twins anywhere near it!” I said, the thoughts erupting from my mouth before I could stop myself. That trait was pure Christian, not me.

  “We aren’t actually staying here, zayka,” my normally spontaneous husband said with a smirk. “We have rooms inside Animal Kingdom. We’re only here to investigate and shut down any errant portals.”

  “You made reservations? Inside Disney?” I asked.

  “I planned this trip, remember?” he said like he did it every day. I glanced at Nika and Lydia. My oldest and smallest friend was eyeing him sideways with suspicion etched into her face. Nika was smiling a satisfied little smile as she, in turn, watched Lydia.

  “I win,” our mind reader said.

  “Not till I see the rooms,” Lydia answered, narrowed eyes still watching my Chosen. “In fact, not until we land back in New York.”

  “Whatever,” Nika said, now inspecting one sky blue fingernail. Nika likes to shatter Darkkin stereotypes whenever possible.

  My Chosen ignored their discussion and exited the armored SUV from his position just behind the driver, sliding out with the Darkkin grace that still astonishes vampires who haven’t met him before. Arkady exited the front passenger side, putting a warrior on each side of the vehicle. Normally, I’d follow right after or even ahead of the men, but since the babies, well, we’ve modified our procedures.

  Stacia was standing outside the other vehicle on the driver’s side while Deckert had copied Arkady’s example. Unlike our car, the rest of them flowed out almost as fast. The result was a watchful security force of two werewolves, one warrior vampire, a teenage witch, a giant were-bear-wolf, a Marine security expert, and a God Hammer. I felt the all clear through my link with Chris. “Okay, let’s check it out,” I told the aunties. Lydia and Nika each strapped on a baby, using a Kevlar and Spectra fiber Snuggie that cradle the twins on the front of each aunt. Me, I strapped on my tungsten swords. Mama makes a better guard than either of the aunts. We all have to play to our strengths.

  Stacia was now standing on the running board of the second vehicle, stretching to reach the seven-and-a-half-foot steel monstrosity of a weapon her witch had made her. The vehicle’s driver was watching, eyes more glued to her butt than anything else.

  I immediately sought out Declan, who was squatting down, hand to the ground but head tilted just ever so slightly in his wolf’s direction. I waited to see if he would get angry.

  “Hey, maybe you could stop staring at her ass and lend a hand?” Holly said, arms crossed and eyes narrowed at the guy. Oh. Unexpected.

  Busted, the perv just gave Holly an amused smile, a short snarky salute, and stepped over in time to take the steel sword breaker from Stacia. Which he promptly dropped on his foot because he had no idea that the thing weighed over thirty-five pounds. His next outburst prompted a sharp “Language!” from a glaring Lydia. The sword breaker rose by itself and floated like a feather over to Stacia’s waiting hand. Declan might have had a brief smile but otherwise looked to be all business.

  “Sorry about that, ma’am,” the driver of our vehicle said, which was all he got out before Deckert had him and the hopping, swearing second driver off to the side for a through, low-volume verbal ass ripping.

  Overhead I heard a slight hum, a glance upward showing me ten blackened drones hovering in a circle around us, lasers pointed outward.

  Amusement flowed through my link. A glance at Chris showed a poker face, but I knew better. Our team dynamics were strange and sometimes strained, but on whole worked really pretty well. But enough with all that. We had work to do.

  I opened my senses and took in the night. My initial impression of the Palace wasn’t entirely accurate. It wasn’t a dump… It was a complete and utter abomination, the bastard love child of a dump and a cesspool.

  The lighted sign was missing a few bulbs, notably the N in pine and the second A in palace. So it read the PI E PAL CE. The parking lot was filthy, littered with coffee cups, empty fast food bags, donut boxes, and expired tickets to Mouse Land and Universal, along with stuff I didn’t want to study too closely. There were three buildings, set in a squared-off horseshoe pattern, all two-stories tall with open walkways and room doors facing the parking lot in the middle.

  Every surface needed painting or patching or tearing down and rebuilding. There were three cars in the entire lot, not counting our own, but the No Vacancy sign blinked on and off in harsh neon red in the office window. Speaking of the office, the door was opening and a short, paunchy white guy came out, stopping abruptly to squint at us and scratch his stomach.

  After a moment, he headed our way.

  “We got no openings,” he said, raising his voice when he was halfway. “WE GOT NO OPENINGS!” he yelled. “Stupid tourists,” he said under his breath.

  “We’re not tourists, we already have reservations and we’re not stupid, stupid,” Lydia said. We all looked at her. “What? He already set the tone, I’m just singing along.”

  Now he was close enough to see us and his eyes widened, his mouth opened, and his whole body leaned back like he wanted to get away, yet his feet kept him coming like they never got the message.

  “Ahhh, what… you’re… how… them,” he stuttered.

  “Well said,”Lydia said, her eyes shooting my way with a very clear see what I mean.

  “Gordon party,” Chris said. “We rented a block of six rooms.”

  The man just stood there, mouth gaping, eyes blinking at us like we might just disappear if he cleared them fast enough.

  “He’s blocked. External addition,” Nika said, her voice sharp.

  Declan moved right up to the guy, smiling a smile that didn’t include his eyes. “Hi,” he said, grabbing the man’s hand and shaking it while tilting his head and studying something. Then his other hand shot out and grabbed something behind the man’s right ear.

  He jumped back, shaking his hand and flinging whatever it was onto the ground, where
he promptly and violently stomped the bejeepers out of it. “Try now,” he said.

  “He’s confused. Like he just woke up. And worried… worried we’ll find out,” Nika said.

  The man turned and ran away, making it five steps before running into Arkady’s massive bulk. “Hiding what, pathetic man?” our giant security chief asked. “Think thoughts about secret, dah?”

  “We’ll find the hole and one of them will kill him,” Nika said. Stacia was next to her witch, bending over to sniff the squished thing that was partly on the ground and partly on Declan’s boot.

  “Smells like Summer,” she said.

  “We’re in Florida, blondie, it always smells like summer,” Lydia said.


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