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Mate of the Vampire: A Vampire Romance (Blood Brotherhood Book 4)

Page 26

by ML Guida

  “Here, drink this.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and lifted her off the pillow.

  Angelica grimaced. The slight movement sent sharp pain through her stiff muscles. Everywhere hurt. But at least, she wasn’t in her soiled gown and had on a clean shift.

  He tilted a mug of cool water to her lips. She greedily drank it. “Not so fast, lass, or you’re liable to upset your stomach.” He kissed her on the forehead.

  She nodded. He lowered onto the pillow. “Why—” She struggled to breathe.

  He clutched her hand and rubbed it his cheek. “Shhh, I dinna. Donna you remember? Water spilled down the stairs, and the bloody ship lurched....And I slipped.” Tears actually formed in the corners of his eyes. “I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me?”

  She tried to remember but only received a raging headache for her troubles. Dizziness overtook her, and Ronan’s sad face spun in circles. She closed her eyes to keep her swirling stomach from losing its meager contents. “’Twas not your fault.”

  He kissed her clammy palm. “I love you.”

  She forced a small smile. “I know.” But the corners of her mouth faded slowly. It was quiet, church quiet. “I don’t hear anything.” She thought of Hannah. “Did Kane die?”

  He chuckled. “No, the cap’n’s still barking orders.”

  Confusion added to her already muddled brain. “Am I dying?”

  He kissed her knuckles. “Bloody hell, no.”

  “What happened? How long have I been out?”

  “For four days. Doc says you had a concussion. And—” His voice trailed away, and he avoided her gaze.

  He sounded afraid. Dread stirred inside her stomach. “Ronan, tell me what happened?”

  “We almost lost our babe.” His voice was so tiny she had to strain to hear him.

  She couldn’t look at Ronan. Tears fell down her cheeks. Every muscle tensed. She gasped, and the shame and guilt of putting their babe in danger overwhelmed her, stealing her breath. Dear God! No wonder with swimming the ocean, dealing with the kidnapping, and playing cat and mouse with the treacherous demon. She placed her palm on her lower abdomen. Her son moved, and she sighed with relief. “But I didn’t.”

  “No, you didn’t.” Hannah walked into the cabin with Doc trailing behind her.

  Angelica squeezed Ronan’s hand. “I felt our son move. He’s alive.”

  Her weak smile faded. Something else still had to be wrong, or Ronan wouldn’t be such a mess.

  Hannah rubbed Doc’s arm. “Thanks to Doc and Mariah. Their combined efforts saved your babe.” She looked at Ronan with admiration. “He hasn’t left your side.”

  Doc narrowed his eyes. “Despite da Cap’n’s orders.” His eyes softened when he looked at Angelica. “How ye doin’, lass? You had a nasty bump an’ cut on the side of your head. I done stitched it up. You’ll not even notice da scar.”

  It explained why the side of her head throbbed and itched. She gently touched it and brushed her fingers over a bandage. “Thank you, Doc.”

  His eyes darkened. “But you need to be more careful.”

  “I told you, Doc.” Ronan put his strong fingers on Angelica’s chin and forced her to look at him. “It was not her fault. ’Twas mine.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, inhaling his spicy smell. “Ronan, I’m so sorry.”

  He buried his head into her thick hair, kissing her throat and on her face. “You’re both safe. ’Tis all that matters. I swear I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you and our son remain safe.”

  Apprehension slid down Angelica’s spine. Ronan was a stubborn pirate, and something was veiled in his promise, but she was too tired to pry it out of him.

  Doc tapped Ronan on the shoulder. “Ronan, I need to look at da lass. She needs rest.”

  “Doc, I’m stronger than you think,” Angelica said. “My body can withstand more punishment than a human.”

  He gave her an unsure look as if he waited for her to collapse.

  “I promise. What I’d really like is a bath.”

  Ronan released her slowly, but Angelica held onto his hand, never wanting to let go. She loved her sister, but she couldn’t bear to lose the babe inside her. What if something happened and she lost it? A burst of gas fluttered in her gut. She’d never felt anything like this, but it happened again. ’Twas not in her tummy. ’Twas lower.

  Her eyes widened. “Ronan.”

  He tightened his grip. He, Hannah, and Doc all said in unison. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She smiled, despite her aching muscles and the pain on the side of her head, and she moved his shaking hand underneath the blanket it and put it on her lower abdomen. “Our son has just let his presence be known.”

  The babe fluttered again. Ronan’s tired eyes brightened. “I canna believe it. I felt it. I felt my son move.”

  “You felt the babe move?” Doc frowned. “You shouldn’t be able to for another six weeks.”

  “I’m a mermaid. We feel our baby’s move faster than humans. My son’s alive.” Tears wielded in her eyes. “Thanks to you.”

  Ronan rose from the chair and hugged Doc. “Thank you. I can never repay you.”

  Hannah sat on the bed and clutched Angelica’s hand. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Enough of this.” Doc maneuvered out of Ronan’s bear hug, his brown cheeks turning crimson. “Since your woman is on da mend, Ronan, I think a bath is in order. She needs a bit of food, too. Let Hannah and I tend her.”

  Ronan studied Angelica as if he was afraid she’d shatter into tiny pieces. “Is she well enough for a bath, Doc?”

  “Aye.” Doc grabbed Ronan’s shoulder. “A bath. Nothin’ more.”

  Ronan nodded. “Understood.” He quickly exited.

  Doc bent over Angelica and studied her eyes. “Your pupils are no longer dilated. Do you feel dizzy?”

  “A little. I feel so weak.”

  “I’ll fetch some for you.”

  Hannah patted her hand. “You lost a lot of blood. Mariah used all of her tricks to keep you from losing the baby.”

  As if on cue, Mariah entered the cabin. “I just saw Ronan leave, so I figured you were awake, no?”

  Angelica stretched out her hand. “I can’t...” The words stuck in her throat.

  Mariah took her hand and sat on the other side of the bed. “Il n’y a pas de quoi.” Her voice softened. “May I check you?”

  Doc stood to the side as Mariah and Hannah lifted the comforter.

  “Can you curl up your knees?” Hannah asked.

  Heat warmed Angelica’s cheeks, but she did as her friend requested.

  “Bien,” Mariah said. “She is no longer bleeding.”

  “But she needs rest.” Doc put his hands on Hannah’s shoulders. “Her face is much too pale. I’ll fix her some of hot soup. She needs to eat.”

  “I’ll see to the bath,” Hannah said.

  Fear crept up her spine. Kane didn’t like to spend time away from Hannah. “But the Captain?”

  Hannah laughed. “Don’t mind him. The whole crew was anxious about you. It’s not often there is a babe to worry about on the Soaring Phoenix.”

  “But Charybdis, Zuto, and the Damsel?”

  “Twas not easy.” A shadow fell across the merriment on Hannah’s face. “William attacked the Damsel, burning her sails, giving us time for Mariah and I to raise a wave to push us out to sea.”

  Angelica frowned. “Why didn’t Charybdis follow us? ’Tis not like her.”

  “Je ne sais pas.” Mariah shrugged. “But I suspect Zuto has other plans for her. He will reveal it soon enough.”

  The fogginess dissipated from Angelica’s mind, and she noticed she had something around her neck. She touched a brown, gold, and green stone that lay at the base of her throat. “What is this?”

  “It is a charged agate,” Mariah said. “Agate is a healing stone. It balanced the energies inside you that threatened to dislodge your innocent babe. Do not take it off, comprenez-vous?

  “I won’t. I promise.” Weariness rushed over Angelica. Even lifting the medallion seemed to drain her strength. She released Hannah’s hand and rubbed the crease of her brow. “Where are we headed?”


  She stilled and dropped her hand. None other than Kane O’Brien stood in the doorway. He had such an amazing presence that let everyone know without a doubt he was the captain.

  “Ronan came to me demanding a bath. I’m glad you’re awake.”

  Ronan walked past him, directing two crewmen to carry a large tub in the cabin.

  “I’m not used to my orders not being followed,” he said, his voice hard, but the curve of his lips and the merriment in his eyes betrayed the laughter he fought inside him.

  Hannah stood. “Mariah and I will help Angelica.”

  “No,” Ronan said, his voice sharp.

  Hannah took a step back, and Kane glared.

  “I want to do it,” Ronan said. “She’s my responsibility.”

  “Ronan.” Doc crossed his arms over his chest. “She’s not ready for a man’s attentions.”

  “I’ll only bathe her. Nothin’ else.”

  Hotness spread over Angelica at his harsh words. As much as she wanted to indulge in Ronan’s loving embrace, Doc was right. She was too tired, the tiniest movement sending a shudder of pain through her.

  “Donna you think I know this, Doc? Please, let me care for her.”

  Doc chewed his lip. “All right. I’ll make my healing soup. But when I’m done, you’d better be done with da bath. Or I’ll break down da door.”

  Ronan saluted him. “Aye, aye, Cap’n.”

  Doc glared.

  “I have replaced the lavender oils that were broken during our escape,” Mariah said. “It will help Angelica relax and sleep.”

  Angelica noticed she emphasized the word sleep.

  Ronan walked over to the door and opened it. “If you please—”

  Kane held out his hand, and Hannah took it as they both nodded, smiling to each other. Mariah kissed Angelica’s brow. “I’ll check on you soon.”

  “Don’t test me, Ronan,” Doc said, as he walked out the door with Mariah.

  Ronan shut the door quietly. He took a perfume bottle off the dresser and poured the oil into the bath. Angelica inhaled, filling her lungs with the scent of lavender. Ronan pulled back the covers.

  “Ronan, as much as I want to—”

  He put his finger on her lips. “Say no more. I’ll behave. I promise.”

  True to his word, he slowly undressed her, removing her clean shift. Dark purple and blue bruises covered her right side. It looked like someone had beaten her with bludgeon.

  “Are you in pain?”

  She opened her mouth to answer but her mind turned foggy, erasing his question, and she swayed. He caught her arm and lifted her into his capable arms. She bit back a cry, not wanting him to know how badly she hurt since he wanted to take to care of her so badly. He carried her to the tub and lowered her. Steamy water teased her bruised skin, soaking away the stress of the last several days.

  “Would you like me to wash your hair?”


  He took soap off the dresser and a cloth from inside the drawer. Since he only had the one hand, he was slow in washing and rinsing her hair, and he dropped the soap twice in the tub, but Angelica didn’t care. He twisted her hair slowly, allowing the droplets of water to splash into the tub. He soaked her shoulders first, and streams of soap trickled down her back and breasts. He skimmed the cloth over her skin, washing away the dirt, grime, and horror. He lifted each leg, carefully sudsing and wiping each clean. Normally, he’d have added kisses, but true to his word, he didn’t kiss or suckle her.

  She clasped his hand. “Promise me, when I’m better, you’ll join me in this tub.”

  He kissed her lips. “All you have to do his ask.”

  “Do you blame me?”

  “Never.” He gently wiped the water off her face. “Because of you, I was able to use my selkie ability and we were able to escape.” He lifted the medallion around her neck. “Mariah says this will keep you and our son safe. Promise me, you’ll not take it off.”

  His fingers brushed her skin, sending chills down her side, and she shivered. “I will. Will you kiss me?”

  He frowned, concerned flickering in his dark eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” She needed to know his feelings hadn’t changed.

  He cupped her cheek, his thumb gently rubbing her skin. He tilted his dark head and tenderly kissed her lips as if he was afraid any minute she’d cry out in pain. She threaded her fingers in his hair and tickled his lips with her tongue, teasing them to open. She darted her tongue inside his mouth, wanting to taste her pirate, wanting to know he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  Ronan didn’t disappoint her. He returned her kiss. ’Twas powerful, lusty, desperate. A tremor in his hand and a groan indicated he was fighting to keep his word, but she was tempting him.

  A streak of hot, stabbing pleasure glided from the nape of her neck to her belly, igniting a desire to feel his hand and mouth on her body, taking her to sweet oblivion, but when she leaned closer, a sharp throb pulsed between her legs, warning her to heed Doc’s words. Reluctantly, she broke off his kiss and leaned her forehead on his. “I think we should stop.”

  “Aye,” he said, his voice husky and strained. “Before Doc has me flogged.”

  She leaned her head back and dozed, wishing he could join in her the tub, but the juncture between her legs was tender and taking him inside her would only increase her discomfort, or worse hurt the babe.

  “Time to dry off, love.” He kissed the side of her head.

  “Done already?”

  “Aye,” he said as he carried her out of the tub and put her on her feet. He quickly dried her with another cloth. Somehow he had another shift and pulled the cover over her head. He put her back in bed, pulling the cover over her.

  “You’re not going to join me?” She didn’t want to be alone.

  “As soon as I bathe, lass.”

  Angelica closed her eyes, snuggling into the covers, listening to the swishing of clothes being removed and sloshing of water. A few minutes later, the bed sagged, and Ronan climbed in beside her. She liked how he smelled of lavender. Not many times a tough pirate smelled like a flower rather than the sea and leather, but she liked it.

  He cradled her in his arms and cleared his throat. “I’ve been meaning to ask you a question.” His voice actually shook.

  She opened her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Possession flickered in his eyes and he held her close. His heart beat erratically beneath her palm. “I want you to marry me.”

  ’Twas more of a command rather than a question. “Excuse me?”

  His cheeks turned dark crimson. “That dinna come out right. I never want to lose you again. You’re my life, Angelica. I want to make you and our son happy for the rest of our days.” He lowered his voice. “Will you marry me?”

  She put her finger on his stern mouth. “What took you so long to ask?”

  He kissed her finger. His eyes hooded, he parted her lips with his tongue, sealing her answer with a kiss that spoke of his love. She wanted to do more, but her body ached, and it hurt to move. He slowly stopped kissing her. “You’re tensing.” Horror flashed in his eyes. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No,” she lied. “I want to Ronan, but I’m so weak.”

  “I’m sorry. When I’m around you, I lose all sense of reason. Sleep, love, sleep.”

  Snuggling into his arms, she couldn’t hide her smile. He’d asked her to marry him. They’d come full circle. The man who wanted nothing to do with a sea creature had just commanded that she marry him. Listening to his beating heart and feeling his fingers trace her back, she fell asleep in his protective arms.

  Chapter 27

  Angelica couldn’t wish for a better morning. The Soaring Phoenix had dock
ed in Tortuga last night while she had slept. Today, the sun was shining, gulls crying, and the ocean calm, but instead of being calm, her nerves were tight. Her heart beat wildly. Angelica held onto Doc’s forearm tight. Hannah walked down the deck toward Kane. He waited at the end dressed in his finery and holding a black book in his hand. But it was handsome pirate that brought a curve to her lips. Ronan had dressed in a black shirt and a pair of matching pants. Where his right hand used to be, the shirt was tied at the end, hiding his stump. He refused to wear a hook. His sword was strapped to his side, and his black boots hugged his muscular calves. He would soon utter the words binding them together forever.

  She only wished her sister and father could be here, but her father would refuse to attend. He’d never forgive her for marrying a pirate and Penelope would be too scared to defy him. Angelica had made her choice. It wasn’t easy. She loved her family, but she loved Ronan and wanted to be part of his world.

  Doc bent his head. “Are you all right, lass?”

  “I’m still tired and nervous.” Nervous didn’t describe the feelings swirling inside her. Her stomach swirled, but she didn’t know if it was from excitement or morning sickness. She’d been having a hard time keeping food down. Apparently, her son was tired of fish and wanted something else to eat.

  She was lucky she was even getting married. Doc had wanted her to be married in bed, but Hannah and Mariah were champions and won. They convinced him to allow her this small reprieve, and then she’d return to her bed.

  A sea breeze blew the strands of Hannah’s hair. Pirates standing at attention made the aisle. Ewan had recovered enough to attend but leaned against the bulkhead. The Phoenix’s deck had been scrubbed and washed. Overhead, the sails billowed as if singing a wedding song. Sea gulls chimed in and flew overhead. Angelica couldn’t wish for anything better.

  She glanced down at her green gown that matched the color of her eyes. Unlike Mariah and Hannah, she was taller and the gown clutched to her curvy figure, but she’d never felt more beautiful. Mariah and Hannah had piled her hair up high and sent Kane down to the market for daisies to put in her hair. Ronan had asked her if she wanted to be married in a church, but the Soaring Phoenix was his home, the loyal crew his family, and what better place than have the nuptials out on deck.


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