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Echoes and Entanglements (Remington Carter Book 1)

Page 5

by Emma Cole

  “Better after a shower and the Tylenol. Thanks for leaving that for me.” I feel awkward sitting on the unmade bed and making small talk.

  “Yeah, figured you’d have a headache. So, what happened? I didn’t think you would leave your drink unattended or take one from someone you didn’t know.” He gives his condemnation in an accusatory tone. I try not to get defensive. I was kind of stupid to drink out of the punch bowl.

  “I think the rum punch the girls made must have gotten spiked with something. It was fine earlier in the night. I should have just had a beer out of the tap instead. I feel like a dumb ass about it for sure.” I bite my lip before asking my next question not wanting to bring it up, but needing to know. “What happened with Adam?”, I hold eye contact as I ask. I hoped this wasn’t going to be too uncomfortable, but I wasn’t going to shy away like I did something wrong either.

  “I dropped him off at his place before I brought you back here and got you into bed. I thought you went out with Alex last night?” Again, with the accusing tone, “I didn’t expect to find some guy stuck to you with Alex no where around. Adam wanted to stay with you, but I wasn’t sure what the situation was and frankly I didn’t want to bring him back here. He said you never mentioned that you were dating anyone when I said that I’d stay with you.” He looks half hurt and half pissed giving me a narrow look. This is so not going well. I start working my hair up into a ponytail to give my hands something to do. “He didn’t seem too happy about it either so I told him you were my roommate. What happened to you not being interested in dating right now Remi, isn’t that what you told me?” Eli grits the last out with his jaw tight. He’s pissing me off. I understand him being upset, but I’m not going to sit and take the attitude. I try to calmly gather what I want to say.

  I’m not sure where this conversation is going, but I know I don’t want to alienate Eli further. I really do like him and I’ll eventually, in my own time, get around to showing him that. I just haven’t been ready to take the chance on something serious evolving yet until I was sure that’s what I wanted. After last night I can no longer deny to either of us that I want him. And I’m going to have to get up the courage to say so before he decides he doesn’t want me any longer. I decide to be completely honest and not leave anything out even though I don’t feel I should have to explain myself. “I did go out with Alex, she’s the one that wanted to go to the party, not me. I would have rather been doing what you were and staying in. I met Adam while I was at the party, he rescued me from a jerk with wandering hands and we danced and talked some. We ran into the same guy again a little later while we were getting drinks and he introduced himself that time and asked me out. I turned him down and he left, knocking my drink over, supposedly, on accident on his way out of the room. I think he did it on purpose and he got me another drink.” Eli starts to say something, but I hold my hand up. I’m not finished yet. “I took it, but didn’t drink it. I dumped it out as soon as he left, got a new cup and filled it myself. It had to have already been in the drink at that point. Alex had asked earlier if I was okay with Adam walking me home so she could go with a friend. I actually have a class with Adam, that’s how he knew who I was. I didn’t know his name, but he seems nice. I also hope he doesn’t think bad of me after I passed out on him as I actually like him. As a friend.” I laid it all out as concise and straightforward as possible. I knew I had to be careful or I was going to push him away without much effort. He’d been avoiding me before, now the space between us felt different, strained. I didn’t want him to give up on me I only wanted more time to figure things out. I start to panic at the thought, but Eli’s next words bring me back to reality quickly.

  “Seriously Remi? You practically give yourself a mickey and you’re worried what some douche will think about you?” I don’t think that’s quite fair to Adam, but I’ll keep my mouth shut for the moment. “You could have gotten hurt, what if he wasn’t a good person? You don’t have to worry though,” his tone changes with his words, “he knew you were drugged right away. He said you told him to call me.” The last said with a raised brow, so I answer it.

  “He’s nice and was interesting. We hung out, I’m embarrassed about what happened.” Before I can continue he starts talking again.

  “Why are you worried what he thinks? Again, I thought you weren’t interested in dating or is that only if it pertains to me?” he says venomously obviously not liking that I was interested in another dude. “Why didn’t you go with him instead of coming back here?” he asks with his arms crossed. I don’t think I’m going to get anywhere with him being so confrontational, but I try anyway.

  “Eli, of course I would come back here. I wasn’t going to go stay with some guy I only met a few hours ago.” At that Eli makes a rude noise and gets a dirty look in return. “Just because he was nice to me and shares a class with me doesn’t mean he’s safe. And why would you think I’d take off with someone else when I’m hung up on you? What is wrong with you? Thank you for coming and getting me and taking care of me. I really appreciate it, but I don’t know what I‘ve done to upset you so badly other than hang out with someone with a penis that’s not you. I asked him to call you for fucks sake. I could have had him call Alex or even gone home with him!” Now I’m yelling and blurting out everything that pops into my head. This is going all wrong, but he’s making me so angry I really want to smack him.

  “You think of me when you want to be safe?” He asks quietly. His anger is noticeably absent and he has a hopeful look in his eyes. Me not so much, I’m still furious. With a blooming grin his next question pushes me back to exasperated. “How hung up are you?”

  “Really? That’s the part you focus on? Not the irrational jealousy, well maybe a little rational, but still.” I’d have been pissed about that too if the situation were reversed, but I’m not letting him off that easily. This is getting dealt with now and boundaries defined.

  “Remi, I came out and all but asked you to be my girlfriend and instead of telling me straight up you don’t want me you drag it out. Hanging out with me and my friends, letting me be the only one trying for more. If you only wanted to be friends you should have said so. I wouldn’t have held it against you. I would have been your friend. Then I think that you do want me, but you’re just not ready so I back off. Now it seems the first guy you see at a party you grab onto with both hands. You’re here right now and I have to see you every day and I can’t say anything to you or touch you without it possibly being inappropriate because of this situation of you being my fucking roommate for god’s sake. That would be beyond taking advantage if I came off pushing you into something so you have a place to stay, so I backed off. I need to know where I stand. Friends, not friends..more if that’s possible after this conversation. Just tell me, please.” Eli had started out yelling, now he’s down to a quieter frustrated level. I know whatever I say next will decide how our relationship is from now on and I aim to get it right.

  “Elliot, I never meant to be indecisive. I’m not sure that I’m ready for anything serious, that’s why I wouldn’t go out one on one with you. I enjoy being around you, I like you period. All the likes are really making me feel like I’m in high school by the way. Also there are things that you don’t know, things that I don’t know if I’m ready to share.” I trail off with a sigh.

  “That’s it? That’s your only issue?” he asks, getting closer to me he takes my face in his hands. They’re a little rough, but not as much as you’d think for an athlete.

  “Yes, I-I want to try. If you still do that is.” I whisper. At that he closes the distance and our lips meet. Soft, yet steady. I put my hands on his forearms. He turns his head slightly parting his lips, as I mimic him, he slides his tongue into mouth with a catch in his breath, his hands slide into my hair, his fingers tangling in the strands. It feels electric, I slide my hands up to his shoulders gripping tight. Deciding to flow with the change, I slip my tongue out to meet his. That’s all he needs to increase the dept
h, as one hand down drifts down to my hip pulling me tight to his body. I feel a flutter start in my abdomen where I’m pressed against his lower body and I can feel exactly how this is affecting Eli. A soft noise starts in my throat as I rock my hips against his. Before it can go any further, he pulls back giving me a couple slow pecks on the lips then resting his forehead against mine.

  I can hear the smile in his voice as he says, “This I can work with.” With that cryptic remark he pulls away and backs out of my room.

  I touch my lips stunned at the plethora of emotions running through me. Hot and cold, up and down. I’m slightly exhausted after that emotional roller coaster. Too bad we couldn’t have just jumped straight to the end there. It would have been so much easier than all the hurt feelings and confusion. I feel a lot was left out and I’m a bit unclear on how point A made it to point B of being okay, but I’ll chalk it up to a guy thing. If he’s happy with it I will be too. What I really need is one of those big red EASY buttons you see on commercials. I shake my head clearing my thoughts out and grab my school bag deciding to pull out some assignments to complete for classes next week. I sit down at the desk and get started with the thought that while I don’t know where we’re going I think I just might enjoy the ride.


  Later that afternoon I hear a buzzer ringing and voices coming from down the hallway. I come out of my room to see what’s going on. As I enter the living area I see Adam talking to Eli and hear him asking after me. Eli tries to tell him I’m resting, but right then Adam looks up and sees me. A big smile breaks out on his face and Eli scowls and heads for the couch. I hide my laugh behind my hand turning it into a cough when he shoots me a glare. I don’t think he appreciates me laughing at him at the moment. I turn my attention to Adam as he speaks.

  “Remi, glad to see you’re looking better. I was hoping you were alright after last night. I feel terrible about it. I came by to see how you’re feeling.” Adam comes close and I reroute for the opposite side of the couch that Eli is on leaving Adam to take the chair or the loveseat guessing that he won’t take the middle seat between us. I feel like choosing a seat was a diplomatic exercise and refrain from rolling my eyes.

  “Much better, thank you for calling Eli. I appreciate you taking care of me I’m not sure a lot of the guys at that party would have. Or would have in a much different way.” I’m grateful for his help and try to convey that without giving either of them the wrong impression.

  “Not a problem.” He looks over at Eli then back to me clearly uncomfortable with what he wants to say, but he squares his shoulders and asks, “So, do you think you feel up for a movie tonight? And maybe some dinner?” Should have seen that was coming. Ugh, awkward. Seems like that’s going to be the word for the day.

  I try to glance at Eli to gauge his reaction without making it obvious. “Umm.. I’m not sure. Eli did you have any plans for tonight?” I drop the not so subtle hint. I think that’s mostly clear on both sides without being completely obvious about it.

  “I was thinking about continuing the COD tournament with some friends since I didn’t go back last night, but after this morning I wasn’t sure what I’d be doing.” He give me a look as if challenging me to say something to contradict his allusion. Wisely I keep my mouth shut and he directs the rest to Adam. “Although I’m surprised you’d think Remi was up to going out so soon after getting drugged last night.” Eli turns with a dark look aimed at an indignant Adam. I knew he wouldn’t pass up a chance to make the guy look bad. Adam just ignores him and addresses me.

  “Well, actually I kind of picked a few movies and thought we could order something in. Here or my place, up to you wherever you’d be more comfortable. If you’d like to that is.” He finishes on a fast exhale. I can tell he’s nervous. He had a good answer too. Can’t really see where Eli could fault him for that. Staying on Eli’s turf and being conscientious that I might not be up for much. And…the point goes to Adam. Not that I’m keeping track. Wait, I totally am.

  Adam is still waiting on me to say something. I feel like I’m one wrong step from them both whipping it out marking me like I’m a bitch in heat. Trying to hide my grin I snicker at the visual. Both guys look at me like I might be a little screwy. Oh well, I probably am. I finally come out with a mostly diplomatic answer.

  “Eli, if it’s okay with you I wouldn’t mind staying here and vegging out over a movie and some pizza. You wanna stay in too or are you going out?” I keep my gaze in his direction with my brows raised in question.

  In my peripheral I see Adam shoot me a surprised look, I’m not sure if it’s for the invite to Eli or the fact that I took him up on his movie night. I can see how he might not have expected me to invite Eli, but he can’t really say anything as it’s not his place to regulate my friends or even his actual place we’ll be at, Eli can stay if he wants too. I can tell he’s hoping Eli will say no, but of course Eli says he’d be happy to stay in and offers to grab some pizza menus out of the kitchen calling back to us to ask if either of us have a preference on the pizza place to order from.

  Adam excuses himself to run back downstairs to bring up the bag he brought with him. He says he didn’t know what my preference would be so there are several new releases in the selection, horror, action, sci fi, and romantic comedy. Holy cow he’s really going all out with the sweetheart routine. He couldn’t go wrong with all those choices to choose from.

  “Blood and guts it is,” I proclaim as I snag the horror flick from the pile. “We can do the romantic comedy when we get sleepy,” I say with a laugh. Rom coms are for girls night as far as I’m concerned.

  Eli grabs some throw blankets out of a closet and Adam helps him move the coffee table off to the side, but still leave it close enough to the giant pillows we opted to use as chairs that we’ll be able to reach everything. I put the movie in as Adam goes back downstairs and gets the door when the delivery buzzes and pays for the pizza. Eli comes in with paper plates, napkins, and drinks for us all. We all get settled on the floor with our food as the movie starts. Part way through I’m glued to the screen as victim number four or maybe five gets eaten by the alien, when I feel an arm slide in behind my shoulders. Well crap this isn’t awkward at all. I start to stiffen and instead choose to ignore it for now and enjoy the movie. Thankfully Eli doesn’t notice or if he does, he doesn’t make a fuss about it. After the first movie ends, I tell the boys to pick the next one and jump up to make some popcorn. I put it in two large bowls and put one on either side of me, so no one has to stretch any body parts to get to it. Before I sit back down, I adjust my pillow and blanket in a way that would make it quite obvious if Adam tried putting his arm back around me, hopefully it’s enough to dissuade him. The third popcorn bowl in the middle should help as well for everyone keeping hands in their own bubbles. Eli pushes play on the action film and we all settle in to watch it. Before long Eli stretches out near my feet and starts to play with my socks tracing the lines of the designs on them and of course he can’t keep quiet for duration of Adams visit.

  “By the way Remi, I found one of your fuzzy socks in my room, you must have left it in there or I suppose maybe in the dryer and it accidentally ended up in my basket.” He throws that out there all nonchalantly, the little shit. I freeze. Well, now the points are even and nice one Eli, like that wasn’t meant to make it seem like I took them off in there in the first place, even with your little disclaimer. I’m annoyed enough I give it to him right back with an evil little grin while staring directly at the tv.

  “I’m sure it has nothing to do with your weird little foot fetish and it’s more likely you accidentally didn’t put them back after borrowing them.” Next to me Adam chokes on his popcorn, but wisely keeps quiet. My chest is shaking with my suppressed mirth. I hear Eli mutter “touché” and with that he starts to rub my feet. I let out an involuntary noise at a particular spot that’s still sore from the heels last night and stiffen when I realize it. Normally I wouldn’t worry about any of this wit
h friends or strangers around, but these two have me reconsidering about everything I do so I don’t offend either one of them. I’m getting more and more uncomfortable between the two men. Eli, yes I can admit I am interested in. Adam? Not so much in that way. I really like him, but as friend material only. Now I have to figure out how to box him firmly back into the friend zone without hurting his feelings, and before Eli does anything else to mark his territory. Like a hickey. My boss would kill me. I scrunch up my face at that thought. Just, no. I can’t afford to be benched until it fades. The idea of Eli being that possessive really doesn’t scare me like I thought it would though, which is quite the surprise to me.

  In the middle of the third movie I begin to nod off. The boys must think I’m asleep because I hear them shut it off and move into the kitchen. They quietly begin to talk and I unashamedly eavesdrop.

  “So”, I hear Adam begin, “did I misunderstand the situation last night? Are you two together?” I’m kicking myself for saying Eli and I were just friends. It’s complicated, but I didn’t have to make it seem like I was single and lead Adam on even if that wasn’t my intention.

  “Not so much together, more so seeing where it goes. She says she’s not ready for anything serious and I’m okay with waiting until she is. Is tonight an indication I need to be worried about you?” Well that was straight and to the point. Good for him being all mature after his earlier actions. Adam takes a moment to respond.

  “I like her. She didn’t even know I existed until I introduced myself last night. Was dumb luck some idiot frat boy decided to get handsy and I got the chance to step in. Not that I was happy someone being a dick was an opportunity for me, that came out wrong. She’s been in several of my classes for almost two months, but never even noticed me.” He’s makes a sad kind of huffing sound, like he’s calling himself and idiot. I sort of feel bad. “I only brought up the one class since I didn’t want to feel like a complete fool, but she did at least say I looked familiar. I’m not sure if that was to spare my feelings or not. I also can’t say I don’t want to try for more. I won’t push her about it though or infringe if she’s already spoken for that’s not my style. I would like to at least be her friend and I do intend on doing that just so that you’re aware.” He says it almost as a challenge and when Eli doesn’t take the bait he continues. “I’ve been interested since I first saw her.”


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