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Echoes and Entanglements (Remington Carter Book 1)

Page 10

by Emma Cole

  I hear Adam making sizzling noises next to me. I start laughing again. He adds his own commentary, “Just to be clear that means Eli isn’t interested in your nasty ass. Most of us aren’t by the way, just in case you were wondering. We seem to have better taste.” He imparts this with a quick wink to me. I just smile and shrug, what else can I do?

  I unhook my legs from around Eli’s waist and start to slide them down. I can feel his arms tense as he doesn’t seem to want to let go, but we’re causing a scene I would rather avoid. “Let’s go get a drink.” I say as my feet hit the ground. As we turn to go, I ask Alex and Adam if they would like anything. We get to the kitchen area and I head for the tubs of ice with closed drinks. I pull out several and make sure the seals are intact.

  “Looking for drugs Remi? I don’t think the bottles are spiked or the kegs. The mixed drinks are another matter.” I turn and see Christian leaning against the wall.

  “So, you knew they were spiked at the last party? You’re a dick.” I walk past him without looking at him and return to Alex. As I hand her drink and Adam his I realize I’ve lost Eli. I see a small crowd gathering around the kitchen. Crap that’s not good. I make a beeline for the kitchen and have to push my way through. An arm tries to reach around me to pull me back, but I twist out to the side and slip through. Eli has Christian by the throat against the wall. I can’t hear what he’s saying, it must be bad as Christian is red faced and holding his hands up in surrender. I reach out and put my hand on Eli’s bicep. “Hey, leave him be, he’s not worth getting into trouble. We’ll tell the guys that live here about the drinks and they can take care of it from there.” Eli looks at me for a moment then finally releases Christian who slides down the wall a ways coughing. With a nasty look promising retribution he takes off into the crowd.

  “Anyone know where Brandon is?” Eli asks. “The open drinks are spiked with who knows what this time. They need to be dumped out.” A guy comes into the kitchen from another entrance a few minutes later and comes up to Eli. I realize this must be Brandon. He’s older than most of the people here. He talks to Eli briefly, looks at me and then gestures to a few other guys that head for the drinks. They start inspecting everything making sure the seals are intact or throwing it out if it’s been broken. I hear Brandon tell Eli thanks and we head back to my friends.

  “Remi, I can’t take you anywhere woman, you seem to be a trouble magnet.” I turn to Alex outraged, only to see that she’s teasing me. “Let’s go dance, I have a feeling you’re going to get kidnapped eventually.”

  “I want a dance too sugar plum, don’t forget me.” This from Adam. I give a grimace at the ‘sugar plum’. “Hey,” he jerks a thumb to indicate Eli, “he doesn’t get to be the only one giving you endearments. I think sugar actually suits you. I love sweet things.” His voice drops as he leans in, “I’d love to find out exactly how sweet that is. Don’t forget about me Remi.” With that he steps a few feet away to talk to others. I see him glancing back and forth. He’s not taking his eyes off me for long. I feel flushed. Whether or not I consider him as just a friend or not that was hot. Undeniably hot. I can see Alex giving me her devilish look. I shake my head. I don’t need a fight. I just want to have fun. Eli looks perturbed, but loses the look as I hook my arm through his.

  “Remi, I don’t believe we’ve ever danced together.” I grin and motion to indicate that we have not. He leads me into the next room where the music is louder and the floor has been cleared to make a large dance floor. There’s already quite a few people out dancing on it. The song has a medium paced tempo going on and I slide effortlessly into Eli’s embrace. He holds one of my hands and puts the other on my hip. I put my free hand on his shoulder. He starts moving hips in a smooth rocking motion as he steps forward guiding me around a small area. Holy hip wiggles batgirl he’s good at this. The surprise must show on my face. “Bet you thought I couldn’t dance. Just so you know. I have every intention of having that begging happening tonight.” I swallow hard. Eli is doing something with the rhythm that brings first our hips then chests into contact. All I can do is follow. I butterflies are starting to rise up in my stomach. He’s so hard all over. Football training is rigorous and it shows. Even through his clothes you can see the muscle definition. From everywhere we touch I feel the ridges on me. He’s so much larger than me and everything combined is really turning me on. I lick my lips and I see his gaze dart down to them and stay there. Suddenly the song turns quicker and so do his moves. I’m dipped and twirled until I’m breathless. I realize we’ve gathered an audience. I’ve been so in my own world with Eli I didn’t even notice. As I come back up pulled in close from a dip I dart my tongue out and swipe at the hollow of his neck tasting his slightly salty skin. I feel his inhalation of breath and he grinds our hips together briefly making me gasp in turn. This is going to turn inappropriate shortly if it keeps up. Right then I feel a hand tap my shoulder. It’s Adam.

  “May I cut in? I think someone needs some cool down time unless you want a video of one of our star players getting it on in the middle of a party. The coaches don’t care about what goes on behind closed doors, but I think they might frown upon something like that getting around.” Eli reluctantly lets go of my hand after surreptitiously looking around at the attention. After he moves into the area without dancers Adam speaks. “I never really had a chance did I?” He sounds sad. I look up at him.

  “Adam, I’m sorry. I didn’t try to pursue anything with anyone. It’s just sort of happened. I do like you. You’ve been so nice to me. Not that you’re just nice, I know guys hate that term. You’re extremely attractive. I have feelings, serious ones, for Eli. Maybe if I hadn’t met him. I’ve been trying not to get into a relationship, but again it sort of just happened anyway.” I hold his stare, he’s hurt I can tell. He really has been great though. “Please don’t take your friendship away from me. I don’t have many friends and I don’t want to lose this one.” I lean in and hug him. The song has switched to an actual slow one and we sway to it. He holds on tightly for a moment then pulls back.

  “I might have to take some time, but I won’t leave you. I like you too much. If he messes with you though I’m going to kick his ass, star football player or not, and I’m still calling you sugar plum!” With that Adam smiles and spins me out. We dance to a few more songs before Alex joins us. Eventually we’re all hot and sweaty. I think my makeup is beginning to run and excuse myself from the dancing.

  “Alex, I need a drink, as in water, and I think I’m ready to head home.” I pull my phone out of my pocket and see that it’s after one in the morning. “That would explain why I’m tired. You care if I head out? I’m sure Adam would make sure you make it home.” Adam nods his head in the affirmative. Eli appears like he was summoned, he must have still been watching me.

  “Ready to go toots?”

  “Is that name going to stick? If so I’m calling you puddin’.” I laugh and poke him in the chest. Doing more damage to my poor finger than his hard pecs.

  “Yes, I’m pretty sure it is. I want a daily reminder of the first time you publicly claimed me.” He smiles devilishly at me. It really suits him, that naughty look.

  I realize with a start that yes, I did claim him. In front of everyone. He continues, “It’s about time if you ask me. I’ve been chasing you for over two months. Good thing I don’t give up easily.” He leans down to nuzzle my neck. “Let’s go home. I want you. Badly.” He presses his front to my hip and I can feel exactly how much he wants me.

  “Yes, I do think we’re having the same thoughts,” I say, not even pretending to not understand. We start walking as it’s not that far from campus and the night isn’t terribly cold. We go most of the way in silence and make it into the hallway of our building where he starts kissing me. He lets up for a moment to swing me up into his arms and take the steps two at a time getting us into the apartment while barely letting up for air. He drops us down on one of the large sofas. Our hands are all over each other. His to
ngue is moving to the same rhythm against mine as his hips are nestled against the juncture between my legs. I feel my blood thumping low in my body. I want him so much, I know I’m already wet.

  He pulls back just enough to speak. “Are you sure?” With my affirmative head nod he pulls us both up and continues to his room. “Let’s shower first. Actually, you shower first in here, I’ll go to the hall shower. I don’t think I’ll wait if we’re in there together and I want it to be special. Not hurried against a wall.” I’d be down with a wall. Maybe later.

  I feel my heart melt. He’s such a great guy. I lean in to give him a simple sweet kiss. Just a brush of lips against each other. “Eli-“, “Remi-“ We both go to speak at the same time. “You go first.”

  “Remi, I think- No, I know, I’m in---” I put my hand over his mouth. I know where this is going and I definitely need to be showered first, because if he says what I think he’s going to I’m not waiting to jump his bones. “Go, shower I’ll be right back.”

  I head for my bathroom and strip, turning on the water to warm up. I quickly wash my body of the sweat from dancing, it takes three shampoos before my hair stops running colors. I get out and towel off, brush my hair and throw on a long tank top, fuzzy socks (bright orange this time) and some undies. With a deep breath I make for Eli’s room.


  He's already showered and is bare in his bed other than a pair of boxers that hug him showing him off everywhere. I take him in, I’m finally going to touch all that. Every bit of it. I’m claiming him as my own. I take another deep breath. I know I have one more thing to do before we do this.

  “You look nervous. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to you know?” There’s no anger just concern that I might not be ready for this step in our relationship even though I was obviously so ready earlier.

  I take another breath. “It’s not that, I just want to be clear before we go any further. This means me and you. Period. I’m not into casual dating.” There that’s plain enough.

  “Agreed. You’re it for me Remi. I love you.” I freeze, knowing he’s waiting on me to reciprocate his declaration. I do, but I’ve been in love before. Was still in love from before.

  “I-,” I’m not sure how to say it.

  “You don’t have to say it back. I just wanted you to know how I feel. It’s okay if you don’t feel it yet.” He’s so freaking patient and understanding. How the heck am I going to tell him.

  “I do Eli. I do love you. I just… also love someone else.” I say in almost a whisper. I dare to look up from my hands that I’ve squeezed together so hard that they’re white around the edges.

  Eli sits up. “What do you mean you love someone else? Are you cheating on someone with me Remi? Because from what you just said a minute ago I can’t believe you’d do that, I feel the same way, I don’t share.” For the first time tonight I hear anger in his voice. Anger that I would cheat on someone and him too essentially.

  “I’m not with anyone else Eli. It’s not exactly like that.” I see him visibly relax, but he’s still wary.

  “Explain it then, because what I’m imagining isn’t good in any way right now.” Some of the anger is back.

  “It’s a really long story. The short explanation is that I’ve thought I’ve been in love more than once and due to the situations at the time we weren’t able to stay together. Frankly Eli my life has been kinda screwed up for a while. That’s why I didn’t want to get close to you.” I want to reach out and touch him, but I need to let him decide what he wants now, without any type of coercion from me. I just hope he chooses me. I can’t say I would do the same if roles were reversed.

  “More than one? So, you’re in love with multiple men? How does that happen?”

  “Hey now, it could be women!” He just gives me a dry look. So maybe I’m trying to deflect this conversation. Really who wouldn’t be in my shoes? “I don’t know that I’m still in love with them. Or even that it actually was more than really caring about them. It felt a lot like I do about you right now though. The fact that I was and then was never able to have any kind of closure when we were separated is why I’m bringing this up. Feelings don’t just go away for no reason Eli. I was trying to be honest. I’m not explaining this right.” I rub my face in frustration. I should have just kept my mouth shut. As if he can sense what I was thinking Eli replies.

  “I’m glad you told me. It doesn’t change how I feel about you. I’m upset about it. I think anyone would be really.” He reaches out and grabs my hand. We stare at each other for a few minutes. I blow out a breath and my pale hair flutters up with it. Partially dry now. One more thing. I get up the courage to spit it out.

  “There’s more I’m-“ Eli raises his eyebrows waiting.

  “More what? You still see them? You have a secret love child? A closet drinker? What else could there be after that?” Eli’s words are light, but his tone is frustrated.

  “No, I don’t see them. Haven’t spoken to any of them in years. It’s that, umm, I’ve not actually…well…had sex.” The last part is fast and quiet. I’m looking down blushing badly now. What twenty year old is actually still a virgin anymore? Well, maybe not technically a virgin, just not actual intercourse. And it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying.

  “Did I hear that right? Are you telling me you’re a virgin?” If his eyebrows go any higher they’re going to crawl off his head. I scowl at him and snap.

  “It’s not like I tried to keep it that way. I’m very good at getting interrupted and then all that stuff happened with my dad. I didn’t really have time or the inclination for a boyfriend and I didn’t just want to do it with the first guy I came across. I would at least want to be in like with him, if not love.” I’m annoyed now. It’s definitely a joke with Alex and I don’t run around advertising it. I mean really who tries to lose it twice and doesn’t. Maybe third times the charm? Although with the way this is shaping up it really might not be. I groan and bury my face in my hands. “This is so, so not how I imagined this going. Again. What is wrong with me?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you Remi. I was just surprised. And now I feel a bit like an ass. I can’t just jump you now. It should be special. Come here.” He pulls me down so we’re cuddling.

  “What if I told you I didn’t want anything special?” I turn to face him and put my hand on his cheek. Looking into his eyes, “What if I just want to do it now?”

  Eli’s eyes heat turning dark. “Are you sure? Like really sure? I can stop, just say the word. I won’t want to, but I will.” In answer I grab his hair and pull him down to me, sealing our lips together. Eli reaches out and cups my face in his large hands. I can feel the callouses on them. The difference in textures from his skin to mine is amazing. I wrap a leg over his bringing the heated space between my legs against the hardness jutting up from between his. I rotate my hips bringing a moan from the both of us.

  “Let me grab a condom, I don’t want to have to stop to get one later.” As he goes to move I grab his arm.

  “I have an implant. If you’re clean I’m alright with not using one.”

  “Why would you have a birth control implant if you’re not having sex?” He’s paused now curious.

  “It’s part of my modeling contract. They don’t want models under contract getting accidentally pregnant and ruining their schedules. They plan them out pretty far in advance for consecutive advertising spreads.” I’m a little annoyed at having to explain my reasons, but I guess he’s entitled if we’re going to be having sex.

  “Oh, that makes sense. I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone since before training started this summer and I always use protection. The whole team gets tested at the beginning of training every year along with any vaccinations needed and drug tests.” Eli sits up looking down at me.

  “Sorry if I’ve killed the mood, this is a little awkward for me.” He reaches out and trails his fingertips down my cheek to my throat. I tip my head back as he continues down
my chest to my breasts. He swirls his fingers over one hard tip causing an ache to bloom as he leans to kiss me. I part my lips and he takes full advantage slipping his tongue into my mouth to duel with mine. He switches to my other breast as he tugs my lower lip between his teeth. His touch becoming firmer he rolls my nipple and pinches down pulling my tongue into his mouth sucking on it. He’s over me again and I feel his hardness twitch against my hip as I arch up and moan. God he’s going to make me come before we get far at all. I’m so worked up from the starting and stopping and now this I just want him in me. “I want you in me. Now.”

  He pulls back to look at me as he slides his hand down my side, over the little strip of hair on my pussy, gliding the back of one finger down the slit of my folds. His finger sinks in easily though I’m so wet. He gets another surprised look at the amount of slick moisture and pulls his finger back up directly under the hood to my clit and starts rubbing gentle circles. He’s being too careful, and I want more. I trail my hands over his broad defined shoulders and down his bicep until I get to his wrist. I put pressure on it as I raise my hips. From the look on his face, I think he gets a clue of what I want. He twists his hand so his thumb is on my nub and sinks a finger in me all the way to the knuckle on his palm. He pumps a few times making me hotter, then adds a second one. I gasp as he scissors his fingers stretching me. As he presses a third in I clutch his arms and tense up. It’s getting a little too snug in there. He pauses partway in and explains, “I need to make sure you’re stretched and able to accommodate me, I don’t want to hurt you I’m a little larger than average.” He continues to push his third finger into me and his fingers aren’t small. Eli is a big boy.


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