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The Room - A Sensuous Experience

Page 2

by Vasser, LaShawn

  Quick on her feet, Eva flashed a brilliant fake smile. As soon as Robyn took the picture and lowered her camera, Eva’s smile disappeared. She started to speak as if nothing had just happened. “Because I’m the Party Planner Extraordinaire, I’ve got a million and one other things to do. So, I better get going. Have I covered everything? Do you have any questions for me?”

  Robyn shook her head. “No, for the most part, I’m all set. I’ll need to take a few more pictures before I leave. I should ask you the same thing. Do you have any questions?”

  Eva finally cracked a real smile. The woman had been acting jittery like she’d drank two or three red bulls. “No, I’m good . . . I think. Just know I’m only a quick text away if you need me.” Before she turned to leave, Eva hugged Robyn one last time. Slowly, she pulled back. “It’s so good to have you home. Everyone missed you terribly, especially me.”

  Robyn’s doe-shaped eyes, the color of chestnut, stared into Eva’s. “It is good to be back.” There really was no place like home.

  Eva smirked and looked doubtful. “Riiiiight. We’re not fancy like the people of New York and all those other exotic places you’ve been. The folks of Romona are always in your business. I guess that’s part of the charm of living in a small town.”

  Robyn couldn’t help but laugh. “They do tend to know every damn thing that’s going on, but it’s because the people around here actually care.”

  “I’ll grant you that, but they are a nosey bunch too.”

  “That’s a fact. I’m sure five minutes after I drove into my parent’s driveway, the entire town knew I had arrived.”

  Eva wrinkled up her nose. “Not even five minutes because your mother called mine in less time than that. To be really honest, I knew you were coming a couple of months ago even before you called to tell me, but I was sworn to secrecy by my mother—so don’t tell her that I told you.” Eva laughed, an honest-to-goodness, hearty laugh. “Our mothers have never been able to keep a secret from one another.”

  Robyn laughed too. “I should have known.”

  “Anyway, I’m hoping this isn’t just a pit stop. I want you to put down some serious roots now that you’re here. Your god-daughter would like to do more than FaceTime with you.”

  “I know. It feels like only yesterday that she was born, but then I blinked and the girl is three years old!”

  “Since we were supposed to raise our kids together, hopefully, you’ll meet someone soon and start your own family.”

  “Meet someone . . . HA! And, here? In Romona? Girl, please. I’m not holding my breath.”

  Eva shrugged. “You never know. There have been a couple of nice guys who blew in and out of town since you left. If we’re really desperate, there’s always Larry Johnston. He’s still single.”

  Robyn made a face. “Mmm . . . he’ll forever be single. I’ll pass.”

  “Oh, come on. He’s nice and has been into you since high school. Not that you would have even glanced his way back then.”

  Robyn thought back wistfully. “No. I wouldn’t have. Anyway, Larry used to eat paste.”

  Eva rolled her eyes. “He’s an adult, Robyn. You can’t hold his paste eating days against him. We were in third grade. He’s grown up quite a bit since then.”

  “I know. It’s not like I haven’t been back to visit in nine years. But he’s still as awkward as ever.” She snickered. “I’ve seen him grow up and out a lot during that time.” Robyn tried to hold back her laughter and then it slowly died on her lips. “Bottom line . . . I made choices.” Robyn had wondered over the past several months if she’d made the right ones. Regardless, Robyn wouldn’t get any do-overs and would have to live with the consequences. They weren’t all bad. “I’m at peace with them.” Was she? No. But she would fake it until it became her truth.

  “You’re too young and attractive to believe that. A woman with your brains and curves should be able to attract a great guy. I mean c’mon, I’d kill for your dark, honey roasted skin, those full lips, and high cheekbones. Do you know what I’d have to pay to look like you?”

  “Stop it. You’re so dramatic. Anyway, you’re gorgeous, and you know it. You’re the blonde haired, blue-eyed bombshell of Romona, Ms. Jubilee. The woman who captured Jesse’s heart in high school and never let it go.”

  “If I remember, you captured a heart or—”

  Robyn rolled her eyes and cut Eva off. “Oh, don’t start.”

  Eva winked and thought back to that time. “You and I, we did make quite a pair in school didn’t we—ebony and ivory.”

  Robyn wrinkled up her nose. “Ebony and ivory? Did you really say that?”

  Eva’s smile widened. “If we had gone to the same college, we would have been known as Frick and Frack.”

  Robyn frowned. “God, no.”

  “Well, regardless, I feel blessed that my best friend, the famous Robyn Levy, and prodigal daughter of Romona has finally come home.”

  Robyn toyed with the camera. “That’s a bit much don’t you think?”

  “Nope. Not. At. All. You know that headline wrote itself. Tessa Jones didn’t even have to think hard about it when she printed it in the local paper.”

  Robyn was never completely comfortable receiving compliments. She looked down at the floor and pushed several strands of wavy dark hair behind her ear.

  Eva kept going. “It wasn’t just your mom and dad who plastered the city with newspaper articles and magazine spreads about you. We’re all proud. And now I can add that I’ve worked with the Robyn Levy on my resume.”

  Robyn smirked. “If you think it’ll help.”

  “I’ll be in high demand after Saturday. I’m sure of it.” Eva paused, and her voice softened. “I do have one more question. You mixed it up with the rich and famous a lot. Of all the places you could have settled down, why did you come back here?”

  Robyn answered without any hesitation. “Truth? The stars in my eyes crashed and burned. Years ago I didn’t think Romona had anything to offer me. But then, one morning, I woke up and realized everything I ever wanted was right here—well almost.” Robyn shrugged. “It was a no-brainer. It was time to come home.”

  “What about that one guy? What was his name, the famous movie director . . . Chet Andersen? You were so excited about him. You dated him for a long time, almost a year, which is so unlike you. I thought for sure he was the one and would keep you tied to New York forever.”

  Robyn’s face soured. “Me too, until I came home and found his leading lady and an extra from one of his films in our bed.”

  Eva’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh. My. Gawwwd! You never told me that!”

  “Nope. I kind of kept that one to myself.”

  “The few times I met him, I knew something was off. Dirtbag! You should have told me. We could have burned all of his clothing, broke the windows out of his car, ate ice-cream, and watched Waiting to Exhale!”

  Robyn’s lips lifted as she tilted her head from side to side. “The best thing about what you said . . . is I know you meant it. That means everything. Anyway, it was over a year ago and kind of embarrassing. To be honest, he really wasn’t worth the calories.”

  “I’m ALWAYS your girl. What a bastard! I promise I won’t spend another damn dime on any of his horrible movies. I only supported him because you two were dating.” Eva’s eyes were filled concern. “Are you really okay? I know you, and sometimes it’s difficult to tell.”

  Robyn waved her hand back and forth. “I’m fine. I promise I was more embarrassed than hurt. That’s what really got me to thinking about superficial relationships, and I’d had plenty of those. I had to ask myself some hard truths. I don’t know when but life stopped being fulfilling. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the work, but even it lost some of its luster. Once I came to that conclusion, everything else fell into place. My staff in New York is more than capable of handling my business affairs. So I tied up some loose ends, packed up the car, and drove home.”

  “Well . . . as long
as you’re good, then I’m good.” Eva stared long and hard into Robyn’s eyes just to be sure. Once she was confident Robyn was telling the truth, she changed the subject. “Knowing you’re handling all of this stuff for my party does give me a sense of relief. And we do make an excellent team. Me, the party-planner Queen, and you, bringing your touch of citified décor, are going to do amazing things!”

  “Citified? Oh, Lord.” Robyn did have to admit; she had a renewed sense of excitement being here in this house. It was an energy she hadn’t felt in quite some time. The slow burn in her belly was back, and it felt good. That’s all that mattered.

  Robyn clapped her hands together with excitement. “Okay, this heart-to-heart is great, but we’ve got a lot to do in less than a week. We’d better get to it.”

  “Right.” Eva wanted to hug Robyn again just so that she knew how much she cared but realized she’d embraced her twice already. She nodded instead. “I’ll call you this evening to make sure everything is running smoothly on your end and to see if you need anything.” She turned to leave. The sound of her heels bounced off of the walls within the empty room. Just as Eva made it to the door, she whirled around, as did all of her long silky blonde hair did. She put up her index finger. “One more thing, you may have given up on men, but I surely haven’t. Jesse and I are going to find you a husband. Someone who is worthy of your time.”

  Robyn rolled her eyes. “I know your husband almost better than you. I’m sure Jesse wants no part of your matchmaking. Both of you would make better use of your time trying to find Noah’s Ark.”

  Eva’s smile was devilish. “We’ll see.” She winked then pranced out of the room.

  Chapter 3

  Robyn rolled her car up to the front entrance of the massive estate. Usually, the security gates were closed, but for the party, they had kept them open.

  Several men were standing next to the gatehouse in little red jackets. One of them waved Robyn through, and she greeted them as she drove past. For the umpteenth time this week, she’d driven up and down this winding road but never in this kind of weather. The snow had arrived, and the fluffy white flakes were coming down just as predicted. It didn’t seem to stop the guests from coming.

  The headlights from her car cast a long, freaky shadow, spooking her, but the rhythmic sound of the windshield wipers moving from side to side was oddly soothing. Unlike driving in town, this road had very few street lights and traveling on it during a mild snow storm was a little scary. Despite driving in this weather and up a hill, Robyn was confident she could make her way to the house blindfolded. Her immediate concern was how the hell was she supposed to get out of the car in her heels and not fall on her ass? Not slipping in front of everyone was going to be more treacherous than the drive itself, Robyn chided herself. She should have worn the boots. The pair she’d managed to unpack weren’t as sexy, but they made more sense.

  It was another half a mile from the gate to the main house. Robyn knew she was late and that the party would be in full swing by the time she arrived. The small airstrip in the town just over from Romona was full of private planes. Most of the passengers, according to her mother, were headed this way. Robyn had meant to bring her things with her earlier and dress at the house, but Eva had informed her the owners would be arriving. So she decided against the practical and left the property only a few short hours ago—exhausted.

  Getting the house together was like a scene from a HGTV show where the owners came in just as the renovations were being finished. Like the show, her team was still putting the finishing touches on both the living room and the kitchen when the caterers arrived to start preparing the food.

  Overall, Robyn was more than satisfied with how everything turned out and hoped Eva would be too. They didn’t have a chance for a final walk-through before Robyn had to leave to get ready. As much as she wanted to lay her head on her pillow, crawl underneath the warm confines of her comforter, and sink deeply into the softness of the mattress, Robyn had to be there for Eva. This event was going to be her grand coming-out party.

  Robyn smiled inwardly. She’d never seen Eva in action but watching her this week; it was apparent that event planning was not just her calling but her passion. “Speaking of the devil,” Robyn said to no one in particular. Eva was blowing up her phone. Robyn answered through the Bluetooth. “I figured you’d be calling soon. I just arrived, and I’m coming through the gates now.”

  Eva yelled above all the background noise. “Good. Hurry up. I swear everyone from Romona and a few towns over have come here tonight. All of our high school friends who haven’t seen you around town are asking about you.”

  Unexcitedly, Robyn murmured. “Great.”

  Eva didn’t hear her and kept talking. “By the way, this house is gorgeous! It looks like something out of a magazine. I don’t know how you did it, but . . . wow!”

  Hearing the excitement in Eva’s voice made all of her hard work and lack of sleep worth it. “Glad to know you like it. So as long as you and the client are happy, I’ve done my job. Have they arrived?”

  “Yes. Well, no, their attorney is here. They are on their way. Their private plane was held up in Chicago, but they should be here soon. The attorney, Michael, he seems to love it and said his clients are just thrilled that the place is finally finished! He also said that instead of this being their vacation home, it could turn into a permanent residence.”

  “That’s good?”

  “Yes! I mean, Romona is a great place to live and raise a family, but apparently, the Claymonts have a lot of properties and businesses. I’d like to be on their short list of contacts. Speaking of, I noticed Michael is not wearing a wedding ring.”

  Robyn rolled her eyes. “No, we weren’t speaking of anything. Please don’t start.”

  “Hurry up and get your butt up here. It’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, mingle, and if not Michael, maybe even meet someone else special. By the way . . .” Giggles started to bubble up from Eva. “Larry Johnston is in the house too—just in case.” Eva burst out in full-fledged laughter before hanging up.

  Robyn was not in the mood to mingle or do anything else, but she would pretend for a little while. Her plan was simple:

  Have a glass or two of champagne;

  Eat some of those funny looking sandwiches they were making in the kitchen;

  Smile when appropriate; and

  Make a quiet exit after spending the appropriate amount of time at the party.

  Come hell or high water; she was sticking to it.


  Maxwell Bryant locked in on the raven-haired beauty the moment she walked through the front door. Robyn Levy was virtually a rock star here. It didn’t matter that the biggest movers and shakers in the technology sector were all gathered under one roof to celebrate the housewarming, but also, the launch of a brand new billion dollar IPO. It seemed the locals only wanted to talk to her. If he were honest, so did he. He stared. It had been a long time since a woman had caused such a primitive reaction in him without saying a single word.

  Maxwell did his best to stay focused on the conversation in front of him. It was difficult when watching her was much more interesting. It was clear, Robyn didn’t want to be seen. If he had to guess, she would have rather been any place else. That was a drastic change from what he was used to. Businessmen had groupies too. Women usually followed the money.

  Speaking of . . . he turned at the sound of someone calling out to him. “Maxwell?”

  Joanna Christianson. Damn. He was very familiar with the sultry voice of the woman singing his name and saddling up next to him. She tossed her platinum blonde hair over her exposed, porcelain-white shoulder and pressed her enhanced double Ds into his side.

  “Joanna.” He did his best to keep his voice monotone. He didn’t want to say or do anything that might encourage her.

  She picked an invisible piece of lint from his shoulder as she leaned in closer. “I had no idea you were going to be here tonight.”
  Liar. Maxwell had to figure out how Joanna always knew where he was going to be. It was borderline stalking, and he wasn’t impressed.

  “I’m so glad I forced myself to come to this little country soiree now that I know you’re here. Between the two of us, I’m sure we can figure out a way to have some real fun.”

  Maxwell could only assume some men would consider Joanna beautiful, but he didn’t. He preferred the natural curves of a woman. That’s what made them special. Not the hardened rocks she called breasts pushed up against him.

  He remained silent.

  Joanna ran her hands across his shoulders. “Maybe you and I can sneak out of here and find some trouble to get into.”

  As she spoke, Max’s attention was drawn to her lips. Something was different about them since the last time he’d seen her. Were they supposed to look pouty? He wasn’t sure, but they appeared swollen and painful.

  Maxwell didn’t crack a smile. “Not interested in that, Joanna.” He smoothly removed her hands from his body and stepped back to create some space between them.

  “Aww . . . c’mon, Maxwell,” Joanna cooed. She apparently didn’t get the message. Instead, she inched closer doing her best to eliminate the distance he’d recently placed in between their bodies.

  He had never given Joanna the time of day and didn’t plan to start now. They met years ago at a tech conference before he understood how it all worked. In the beginning, he’d been polite but nothing more. As his mother used to say . . . give an inch, and they take a mile. Since that time, Maxwell had made it abundantly clear that he was not interested. Still, Joanna would seemingly appear out of nowhere. There was only one woman who’d captured his attention and fascinated him tonight, and that was Robyn Levy. There was no way in hell was he going to allow Joanna to mess up his plans.

  His voice took on a sharper edge. “You need to go, Joanna.”

  “But, Max . . .” she whined.


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